


CoCoALib Closed Issues

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Support #75: Documentation review by Caleo
Feature #213: test-Normaliz1.C
Bug #327: C++ integer shift operators
Bug #228: libcocoa sometimes built without its index
Design #311: XelMat, StdDegRevLexMat, ... should be MatrixView
Support #944: Release: CoCoALib-0.99550 (together with CoCoA-5.2.0)
Feature #573: Use symbolic links for external libraries
Design #592: Review design of ConstMatrixView
Support #694: In test files: when is assert.H needed?
Support #696: test-OrderedRing: activate or eliminate?
Support #774: Rename file PPMonoidEvZZ
Bug #790: RingDistrMPolyInlFpPPImpl::mySummandPool frees ZERO PTR many times
Design #805: New type for "constant" matrices?
Bug #807: DiagMat: mySetEntry checks the entry is writable only if debugging active
Bug #814: PPOrdering: matrix ordering, what rings are allowed.
Design #815: GlobalManager: Imminent disaster should be a proper error
Design #822: Should ElimMat return a ConstMatrix
Design #827: NewPositiveMat also for matrices over QQ? Also NewIntegerOrdMat. (now called MakeTermOrd)
Bug #853: NearestInt can needlessly throw InsufficientPrecision
Feature #856: MantissaAndExponent2 for twin-float
Bug #858: floor for TwinFloat can produce ERR::SERIOUS
Design #859: Twin-float: comparisons and equality test
Bug #860: Check impl of RingTwinFloatImpl::myIsRational
Bug #864: Assignment of rings (esp. derived rings such as PolyRing)
Bug #867: Compilation Error: C++11 and old GMP-Version
Feature #889: configure script: give summary of warnings at end
Bug #895: NumDigits: sometimes gives wrong answer
Feature #899: IsMaximal, IsPrimary for IDEAL (in cocoalib)
Feature #902: New function: FrobeniusMat
Feature #910: BigRat: read from a string in "decimal" format?
Feature #931: GBasis verbose mode
Bug #936: ReadExpr: cannot handle exponent which is not integer literal
Bug #938: ReadExpr: misreads 2/3^4
Feature #951: New function: IsSqFree
Support #953: new file for old functions: obsolescent.C
Feature #955: RandomUnimodularMat - random unimodular matrix (of integers)
Bug #956: determinant: fails for 0x0 matrix (SEGV)
Feature #957: New function: HasGBasis
Feature #961: New function: ReducedGBasis
Bug #971: CheckForInterrupt does not work in the expected way
Design #983: Which ostream for verbose/obsolescent log mesgs?
Bug #1004: In scripts: use portable test for absolute paths
Feature #1008: square function
Bug #1015: Bruns SEGV: SparsePolyIter/DMPI problem
Feature #1016: ReducedGBasis for RingWeyl (and other non-commutative rings)
Design #1019: CPP flags in installed library
Feature #1036: LogStream: stream for log output
Bug #1048: Several tests fail when threadsafe-hack is active
Feature #1050: ExternalLibs: function for getting info
Bug #1: MachineInteger --> MachineInt
Bug #21: Rename NumTheory and NumTheoryQQ
Feature #28: rename RingQ, RingZ --> RingQQ, RingZZ
Bug #36: Saturation
Slug #81: DMPI vs DMPII is slower than expected
Support #86: Clean up DivMask and doc
Feature #116: ordering matrices with rational coefficients
Feature #30: SwapRows, Cols
Bug #63: Add links to examples in documentation
Support #65: matrix - MatrixView
Support #70: Index page for html documentation
Bug #85: QuotientRing problem
Feature #153: Shorter simpler names for some bool3 values and functions
Bug #155: gcd: multivariate over non-prime finite field
Feature #156: Brand new symbol(s)
Feature #157: Separate ThreadsafeCounter from symbol.C
Support #160: Cleanup doc for rings
Feature #167: Integer operations
Feature #69: p-th root
Bug #199: CFApprox: division by zero
Feature #210: Normaliz: "double" cone for speed and safety
Feature #211: NBM: add SparsePolyRing as argument for ordering
Feature #221: Better RingElems
Feature #224: Leading form
Feature #241: AreMonomials
Feature #244: Rings: default ctor & assignment
Feature #261: Review the utility of RefRingElem
Feature #51: polynomial coefficient extraction w.r.t. variable
Feature #3: implement creation of a PPMonoidElement from vector<BigInt>
Bug #22: Rename PPMonoidEvZZ?
Feature #50: Polynomial content
Feature #84: Names for random streams
Bug #89: MachineInt or long as fn arg type for indices
Bug #119: CoCoA4io
Feature #121: Porting "IdealOfPoints"
Feature #124: change long args in matrices into MachineInt (?)
Bug #135: Revise interface to SmallFpImpl & friends
Support #140: Doc & example for convert
Bug #178: IsHomog: should it throw an error when there is no grading?
Feature #236: Add homog (homogenized) for ideal
Design #268: Exponent range (in power products)
Feature #269: PPMonoids: check for exponent overflow in power function
Feature #283: Rational approximation
Feature #300: Add fault tolerant rational reconstruction to library
Feature #320: PPMonoid pseudo-ctors without symbol names
Bug #335: Equality of (sub)modules
Design #339: DenseUPolyClean uses size_t
Feature #340: "configure" does not set BOOST if there are multiple copies in "standard" location
Bug #349: IdealOfPoints: gens are actually a GBasis
Feature #354: New function BinRepr (was BinExp, also known as Macaulay representation)
Feature #390: Store unique copy of QQ[t_1..t_n] (RingQQt) in GlobalManager
Feature #40: Squarefree factorization - Alessio d'Ali`
Feature #41: Squarefree factorization - overhead
Feature #42: Squarefree factorization - generic case
Feature #43: Squarefree factorization - for polynomials
Feature #44: Squarefree factorization - univariate polynomials
Feature #45: Squarefree factorization - univariate polynomials, char 0
Feature #46: Squarefree factorization - univariate polynomials, char p > 0
Feature #48: Squarefree factorization - multivariate polynomials, char 0
Feature #49: Squarefree factorization - multivariate polynomials, char p > 0
Feature #144: Buchberger-Moeller: generic impl
Feature #278: add CoeffVecWRT to cocoalib
Bug #355: Colon of zero ideal fails (zero-divisors)
Bug #389: problem loading library.H (parallel make -j4)
Support #29: CoCoA website: update web page for CoCoALib-0.9950
Feature #39: Squarefree factorization
Feature #47: Squarefree factorization - multivariate polynomials
Feature #61: Conversion functions -- documentation
Support #195: OrdvArith documentation needs rewriting
Feature #203: Function to get the Hilbert Polynomial ring from GlobalManager
Feature #209: ReadExpr: input polynomials in CoCoALib
Feature #219: myDeriv for RingDenseUPolyClean still missing
Feature #233: AsINT and AsRAT -- ConvertTo<BigInt> and ConvertTo<BigRat>
Support #234: Update/Improve geobucket documentation
Feature #248: IsDivisible for RingElem with nice interface
Design #291: NewZZmod and NewRingFp: improve manual, clarify implementation
Feature #312: LongRange(a,b) returning vector of long a..b (included)
Feature #366: function (CoCoALib) for minimal generators (like old Minimalize)
Support #391: Check consistency of template class factorization
Feature #407: RingElem ctor from mpz_t (from Bruns)
Design #411: design of factorization template class
Bug #413: OrdvArith: use of a single buffer is NOT THREADSAFE
Feature #416: New fn: NumPartitions
Slug #417: too long & too much memory
Feature #426: ConvertTo with optional arg to give more helpful error message
Feature #457: Zero to the power zero, 0^0
Feature #496: ideal: minimalize or minimalized?
Support #507: CoCoA website: CoCoALib-0.99532
Feature #5: Coefficient extraction
Feature #17: implement "binomial" (coefficient) for RingElem
Support #66: BigInt - NumTheory
Bug #67: Rename MatrixViews
Feature #71: ZeroMat & FilledMat
Feature #107: Recognizing finite fields
Feature #138: Automatic conversion from bool3 to bool?
Design #254: How to return a Hilbert Series in CoCoALib
Support #285: Notes for adding/removing files from documentation
Support #288: DynamicBitset example using LPP
Feature #298: Valgrind: keep CoCoALib at 0 memory leaks
Feature #342: Remove denominators: QQ[x] -> ZZ[x] (and PushBack(coeff, PP))
Bug #351: Problems with DenseMatImpl::myResize
Feature #356: IsZeroDivisor
Feature #373: add DeleteCol, DeleteRow
Design #377: IsDivisible -- exact semantics?
Design #404: deg(F,X) instead of MaxExponent(F,X) ?
Design #408: Rename MatrixArith to MatrixOperations
Bug #428: PPMonoidOv is not threadsafe
Design #429: factorization: public data fields, or mem fns allowing the fields to be updated.
Feature #430: Use -fopenmp flag when compiling CoCoALib with libnormaliz
Feature #431: NewPolyRing_DMPI has no constructor with a predefined PPM
Slug #479: make check in examples/ directory is far too slow
Design #498: IsIntegralDomain, IamIntegralDomain3
Support #508: Renaming: SqfreeFactor to SqFreeFactor
Bug #510: SyzOfGens (CoCoALib): fix shifts
Design #511: Rename file TmpFactor to factor
Bug #517: MaxSquarableInteger gives wrong ans for unsigned long
Feature #526: Fn to test if an integer is a power of 2
Support #528: Release: CoCoALib-0.99533
Feature #533: Convert BigInt/BigRat to string
Design #535: IO: move GlobalInput etc to CoCoA server!
Bug #538: Compilation problem in TmpMorsePaths.C
Feature #540: Progress reporter
Design #560: CoCoALib/io.H
Feature #62: polynomial coefficient extraction w.r.t. single variable -- dense output
Feature #68: cleanup doc for matrix, MatrixViews, *Matrix*,....
Feature #72: MatByRows, MatByCols
Bug #73: Repeated rows/cols in submat
Feature #139: Usefulness of ring casting fns (remove AsPolyRing, etc.)
Feature #165: FractionField -- only of TrueGCDDomain?
Feature #218: CoCoALib normaliz interface
Feature #223: Automatic mapping of RingElems
Support #252: Documentation for tmp.H (utils on vectors and other containers)
Bug #264: Compilation problem with "degree.H" (inline fn defns)
Feature #304: Module ordering and grading (and shifts)
Feature #310: ordering and grading (weights) matrix
Design #415: Remove AsPolyRing etc?
Support #452: Documentation for adding functions to CoCoA-5 (BuiltInFunctions and BuiltInOneLiners)
Support #599: Release: CoCoALib-0.99534
Feature #554: CoCoALib-Normaliz interface: cannot print a cone
Feature #568: Valid symbol heads
Feature #571: CmpAbs for RingElem
Bug #577: Hilbert crashes with > 100 indeterminates
Feature #580: Example for PPVector: ex-PPVector
Design #584: BaseRing for all rings
Feature #585: (Hilbert-) quasi-polynomials
Bug #190: Subtle ref count bug for poly rings (via CoeffEmbeddingHom)
Bug #350: problem with "matrix" argument in functions
Support #604: Release: CoCoALib-0.99535
Feature #520: Compute inverse in quotient ring (i.e. division in algebraic extn)
Support #621: Release: CoCoALib-0.99536
Design #619: Modulus (for CRTMill) ambiguous
Feature #623: Inverse of a matrix over ZZ
Feature #625: NumTheory: sieve of Eratosthenes
Bug #631: Ambiguous: rank for matrix (in ex-matrix1.C)
Design #641: Clean test-FreeModule1
Design #642: Move code in test file into namespace CoCoA
Bug #648: QBGenerator crashes
Bug #666: RatReconstructByLattice fails in some simple cases
Slug #679: power for PPs is too slow
Feature #689: Fault tolerant rational reconstruction: make bad factor publicly accessible
Bug #705: DetDirect calls myAddMul with 0 argument -- funny compilation problem??
Feature #714: Interrupt mechanism
Feature #721: CheckForInterrupt: string arg to specify where it was called?
Support #739: Move code in examples into namespace CoCoA
Support #754: Release: CoCoALib-0.99538 (together with CoCoA-5.1.2)
Feature #715: RandomSubsetIndices, RandomTupleIndices?
Feature #747: New function for making list of symbols (indeterminate names)
Feature #215: Janet Bases: check and include code in CoCoALib (first prototype)
Feature #586: BigInt ctor from a machine integer
Design #602: OrdMat: should it be a reference to a MatrixView in all PPOrderings?
Design #649: Make SmallFpImpl safer to use
Feature #735: Convert a PPMonoidElem to RingElem with coefficient one
Feature #762: ExternalLib-GFan: first prototype
Slug #773: DMPZmerge: make non-recursive
Bug #776: FloatStr prints a NUL character
Bug #783: abs for MachineInt
Feature #795: Add new fn InvModNoCheck
Bug #804: ZeroMat and IdentityMat should produce a matrix not a ConstMatrixView
Design #806: AssignZero for matrix
Support #810: ILogBase: change name?
Feature #811: Add new fn SimplestBinaryRatBetween
Design #816: Rename isqrt to FloorSqrt (following ilog renaming to FloorLog)
Design #819: GradingMat: does anyone need it?
Bug #820: NewMatMinimize, NewMatCompleteOrd - a godforsaken mess!
Bug #821: IsTermOrdering
Design #824: Fn names: LexMat or MatLex; StdDegRevLexMat or MatStdDegRevLex etc
Bug #830: Use MachineInt instead of long for params to ZeroMat, IdentityMat, MatByCols, MatByRows
Bug #831: primary.cocoa5
Bug #834: Fix test failures (after revising MatrixForOrdering)
Feature #836: SmallFpImpl: export fns for a fixed convention
Feature #848: Implement MinPoly in CoCoALib
Feature #37: matrix constructors
Feature #180: GlobalManager: registration of global variables
Feature #255: Use BOOST lib default location if possible
Feature #319: BOOST -- how it could help in CoCoALib
Feature #361: implement IsPrime3, IsMaximal3
Support #1056: Release: CoCoALib-0.99560 (together with CoCoA-5.2.2)
Support #574: Tidy CoCoA root directory
Bug #593: Temporary directories used during configuration
Feature #630: Add graeffe function?
Feature #638: Time limit: let user specify time limit for a computation
Design #683: Module index component in internal compressed representation
Bug #693: Makefile_dependencies in src/tests/
Feature #730: Stats in GBMill (GReductor)
Bug #756: frobby (v0.9.0) does not compile with g++-4.8
Feature #759: Configuration: where to keep source for test compilations?
Design #789: NumTheory: behaviour of InvMod when inverse does not exist
Bug #793: compilation on fedora 23: some worrying "error messages"
Feature #796: CoCoALib function for radical (or SqFree) of a polynomial
Design #829: PPOrderingCtor: name of mem fn which actually constructs?
Slug #881: ReadExpr is too slow on large polys
Support #887: My first compilations with clang
Feature #962: General verbose mode?
Bug #975: configure: possibly ignore GMP compilation flags
Feature #979: SmallestNonDivisor -- new fn
Design #999: configuration: include -std=c++03 by default?
Feature #1030: IsInRadical: case of homog ideal
Feature #1033: Split poly into homog parts
Feature #1035: Improvement: how to sort QuotientBasis?
Slug #1042: LF curiously slow (breaking a poly into homog pieces)
Feature #1052: ReadExpr(P, string) and RingElem(P, string) in CoCoALib
Feature #1053: New function: IdealOfGBasis, IdealOfMinGens in CoCoALib
Support #1058: CoCoALib version in Documentation and Examples
Design #1063: Catching an (expected) error
Bug #1064: Bug in MinPolyModular (ugly prime)
Design #1065: Design: should we allow an ideal to change ring?
Bug #1078: makefile: ungraceful when interrupted
Bug #1081: ideal() * RingElem gives error
Bug #1082: factor in ZZ[x] gives errors
Bug #1083: MinPolyQuot: check input (was: MinPolyQuot gives "bad characteristic" error)
Design #1086: New design for interrupt mechanism
Bug #1088: MinPolyQuot: runs out of primes
Feature #1090: ExternaLib-MathSAT: first prototype
Support #1097: Rename ERR::SERIOUS to ERR::ShouldNeverGetHere
Bug #1101: Bug in MinPolyModular (insufficient rational reconstruction)
Feature #1102: Implement RootBound
Feature #1108: New fn: IsCoprime (whenever gcd makes sense)
Bug #1135: Compilaton with --debug configuration option gives errors
Bug #1143: Polynomial multiplication wrong for non integral rings
Design #1144: File names, coding conventions: Fns, Ops, Operations? part 1
Feature #374: Porting "IdealOfProjectivePoints"
Design #410: New file: BigRatOps
Feature #587: port to CoCoALib: Homomorphism pkg (ker, IsInjective, IsSurjective..)
Design #764: ExternalLib: simplify configuration
Design #825: IsPositiveGrading -- really need 2 signatures?
Support #847: Doc for BigInt, BigIntOps, BigRat -- should there be BigRatOps?
Feature #900: New function: MinPoly of RingElem in quotient ring
Feature #901: New function: PrimaryDecomposition0 in CoCoALib
Feature #1005: Makefile: install target for CoCoALib
Slug #1009: coefficients for MinPoly e Frobenius
Support #1099: MinPolyQuot: missing doc
Slug #1110: Determinant of matrix over QQ (whose entries are actually integers)
Bug #1121: PrevPrime and NextPrime anomalies
Design #1124: Move examples directory into doc -- or just change makefile?
Feature #1126: New function: SubmoduleOfMinGens
Feature #1131: Sturm sequence
Design #1145: File names, coding conventions: Fns, Ops, Operations? part 2
Support #1149: Release: CoCoALib-0.99600 (together with CoCoA-5.2.4)
Feature #1154: SmallFpImpl: new ctor arg to say do-not-check-that-arg-is-prime
Feature #1155: Create a new "prime source" iterator
Feature #1158: New function: MinPolyQuotHeuristic --> MinPolyQuot with VerificationLevel
Design #1159: Add global enum "verify/DontVerify"
Design #1162: Check semantics of NoSmallFactorSeq
Design #1163: Split SparsePolyRing.C in smaller files
Slug #1165: MinPoly over QQ: verification may be very slow
Feature #1167: New class VerificationLevel
Feature #1169: New function: RandomLinearForm (CoCoALib)
Design #1177: File names: use "SparsePolyOps" prefix for pertinent files
Feature #1178: New function: myPrimaryDecomposition_0dim
Design #1180: BigRat(0) unexpectedly compiles! (calls ctor with mpq_t arg)
Slug #1181: CpuTime is costly!
Design #1182: "mod" for BigInt
Bug #1185: factor: multivariate, wrong RemainingFactor (sign wrong)
Support #1195: Release: CoCoALib-0.99580 (together with CoCoA-5.2.4)
Bug #1199: GCD bug with high degree arg
Feature #1203: factor over algebraic extensions
Bug #1205: SyzOfGens: bug with zero generators
Feature #11: Bareiss algorithm
Slug #691: Matrix determinant over ZZ
Design #891: Replace auto_ptr in preparation for C++11?
Bug #905: txt2tags: double quotes wrong in LaTeX
Slug #952: GCD very slow
Support #1039: Rename iroot?
Slug #1105: Primary Decompositon (zero-dim) slow cases
Bug #1113: gcd crashes (Floating point exception)
Feature #1209: New function: HasPositiveGrading
Bug #1211: HilbertSeries should check grading
Design #1223: NewPolyRing default indet names
Design #1232: IsPrime(0)
Bug #1248: MinPolyQuot: guaranteed and ideal without GBasis
Feature #1249: principal ideal has a Gbasis
Bug #1250: SEGV: CoCoALib with Normaliz in multithreading
Feature #1251: New function: radical for monomial ideal
Bug #1256: RingID: different values in test-output on different platforms
Design #1257: C++14: use nullptr
Design #1259: ThreadsafeCounter is now obsolete?
Support #1276: Release 0.99650
Feature #1283: Printing for (prime) finite fields
Design #1295: Never use "using namespace .." in header files
Feature #1297: New fn: FixedDivisor (formerly IntrinsicContent)
Bug #1300: CoprimeFactorBasis: mishandles negative args
Feature #1301: New function primorial
Slug #1302: Factorization mod p
Design #1309: SmoothFactor: allow limit = 1?
Bug #1310: RealRoots: gives odd number of roots for deg 6 irred poly
Bug #1317: txt2tags: LaTeX/PDF section numbers over 99 in TOC
Feature #1329: New syntax for creating homomorphisms (PolyAlgebraHom)
Feature #1330: New syntax for NewQuotientRing
Feature #1332: New function: vector of RingElem from string -- in CoCoALib
Design #1336: Rename SparsePolyOps-MonomialIdeal into SparsePolyOps-IdealMonomial?
Bug #1345: Problem with linking the library
Feature #1347: New function: ctor of PPVector with vector<RingElem>
Bug #2: Makefile problem in ROOT and/or src/AlgebraicCore
Feature #4: Squarefree GCD-free basis
Feature #91: Return type & name for "indets" of a PP
Feature #259: Squarefree(?) GCD-free basis
Feature #303: Rows and Columns of a matrix
Feature #357: Constructor for vectors? CoCoAVector
Feature #658: Indets actually in a poly (or vector or matrix)
Bug #736: QuotientRing: is it correct to prohibit quotient by ideal(1)?
Slug #792: configure: search for libgmp too slow
Design #932: CoCoALib configuration: BOOST dependency
Bug #935: ElimMat, ElimHomogMat: complain about zero or negative weights
Feature #966: New function or explain: first and last for a vector?
Slug #969: Output to bad stream (operator<< and myOutput): just return immediately
Support #976: configure: auxiliary scripts should be consistent about error messages
Design #982: Catching interrupts in example progs?
Slug #1136: IsInRadical: sometimes a bit slow
Support #1161: Split NumTheory.C into several smaller files
Design #1184: should BeginIter(RingElem) be in SparsePolyIter or in SparsePolyOps-RingElem?
Slug #1238: ReadExpr is too slow on long lists of monomial with many indets: ---> use RingElems instead
Bug #1260: Fix file permissions after using CVS
Bug #1264: Remove unnecessary files before making CoCoALib release TGZ files
Feature #1277: Gaussian row reduction
Bug #1308: test-GFan1 fails
Bug #1319: Problem rebuilding dependencies when file PREPROCESSOR_DEFNS.H does not exist
Support #1338: Release CoCoALib-0.99700
Support #1353: configure script help
Bug #1362: GBasis verbose mode: some output is on cerr/clog
Design #1366: Should configure remove the file ERR_MESGS if it’s empty?
Design #1377: CpuTimeLimit: limit "intervals" between full checks
Bug #1379: Fails to recognize zero-dim ideal
Bug #1380: Make IsZeroDim more robust
Design #1389: myZeroPtr and myOnePtr
Bug #1402: gfan: installation problem: configure reports cdd.h present but cannot be compiled
Bug #1411: IsPrimary sometimes wrong
Design #1413: configure script: MODE option obsolete?
Bug #1416: IdealOfProjectivePoints and MinGens
Bug #1426: Main Makefile: does not rebuild dependencies
Feature #1427: New function: LawrenceMat
Feature #1434: GBasisByHomog for DegLex
Feature #1299: New fn ConstantTerm?
Design #1409: myTestIsPrimary & Co. : fix design
Bug #1449: Bivariate factor bug: sometimes a factor is reducible
Support #1452: Release CoCoALib-0.99710
Bug #15: Adjoint of a non-invertible matrix
Feature #24: object files collected in one directory
Feature #122: Porting "LinKer"
Feature #152: Replace bool3 by tribool
Support #467: Keep CoCoALib web page up to date! All pages!
Design #581: C++14: MachineInt
Support #618: Instructions for compiling libnormaliz
Slug #722: valuation slow for large inputs
Design #786: MemPool: review min and max loaf sizes
Design #794: ar gives warnings on fedora 23
Design #854: Function MakeTermOrd should be renamed MakeTermOrdMat?
Support #861: Janet basis code: TmpJB files give some problems with C++11 (using CLANG/LLVM)
Slug #897: SimplestBigRatBetween: why is it so slow?
Slug #1170: SmoothFactor: slow when a factor is found
Support #1196: Split MatrixOps
Design #1221: Reconsider design for accessing headers and libs of external libraries
Feature #1235: FreeModule: get canonical basis
Design #1279: Tidy up code for matrix determinant
Bug #1331: adj: for matrices 7x7 and bigger
Slug #1375: Radical 0-dim: varied timings
Bug #1376: GBasisTimeout: not working as expected
Design #1391: RingElems: syntax with [ and ] ?
Feature #1395: SHA checksum for released code
Feature #1405: New fn: interreduction
Bug #1423: Radical 0-dim NYI? missing case for GBasisByHomog
Feature #1436: Flatten for a matrix
Feature #1457: Make SmoothFactor interruptible
Bug #1458: Redesign interrupt mechanism?
Design #1460: Name of TensorMat; change to KroneckerProd?
Design #1462: Change CoCoA_ERROR into CoCoA_THROW_ERROR
Design #1463: SmoothFactor: use FactorMultiplicity
Design #1467: Change syntax apply(phi,M) into phi(M)?
Bug #1473: isystem not working as expected
Support #1481: Release CoCoALib 0.99800
Feature #1483: IsPowerOf2 for rationals
Bug #1484: ker bug (quotientinghom for R/ideal())
Feature #1490: New function: MinusOneToPower
Support #1494: Normaliz 3.8.9
Support #1499: factorization: allow zero as exponent?
Design #1500: IsDivisible in a field?
Design #1515: Indets in coeffring are ringelems in coeffring?
Slug #1517: RandomLinearForm
Design #1523: Input fns: action when when istream is in bad state?
Design #1528: MacOS compilation with clang
Design #1529: INPUT questions
Design #1538: RingElem from string (ReadExpr)
Design #1547: Require decimal mode for ostream?
Support #1555: Software licence
Design #1558: CpuTimeLimit: more frequent clock checks
Design #1563: BigRat: ctor from machine int
Bug #1565: IsInRadical: gives "weird" error
Bug #1570: FloatStr sometimes produces NUL chars
Feature #1580: New fn prim for polys
Bug #1585: CRASH/ABORT: GMP overflow
Feature #1589: IdealOfPoints: allow matrix of points to be defined over "wrong" ring
Bug #1590: CRASH: LinKerZZ
Support #1591: Compilation of Normaliz
Support #1592: Normaliz 3.8.10
Feature #1598: RingHom: implement phi(X) as apply(phi, X) also for X vector and matrix
Bug #1601: Compilation ambiguity
Bug #1605: binomial: domain of defn?
Design #64: submat takes only vector<long>
Feature #82: C++11 compatibility questions
Bug #111: Mod fn for computing remainder
Feature #202: MatrixView/function for viewing a single row or column (RowMat, ColMat)
Feature #253: W.Bruns's wish list
Support #256: Improve doc about ordering/grading for poly rings
Feature #379: Iter for subsets/tuples
Bug #536: Make RingBase::myCharacteristic a fn rather than a proc
Support #613: Which ubuntu / debian packages are needed to compile CoCoA
Feature #645: Automatic mapping of RingElem: user selectable at run-time (GlobalManager?)
Slug #701: Makefile; limit dependencies on external libs
Feature #800: PPMonoidSparse: impl of sparse PPs
CoCoALib-0.99550 spring 2017 100%
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