


Support #1338

Release CoCoALib-0.99700

Added by Anna Maria Bigatti over 4 years ago. Updated about 4 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
15 Oct 2019
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
2.66 h
Spent time:


Everything related to making a CoCoALib release:

  • Redmine Roadmap: close or postpone issue
  • Redmine Release issues: check percentages, check timings
  • Finalize
  • make veryclean; make (full make, with all tests and examples and CoCoA-5..)
  • cd src/tests/; make valgrind
  • cd src/CoCoA-5; make ManExamples
  • ~/shell-scripts/cocoalib-cvs-snapshot
  • upload examples
  • upload manual
  • update webpage
  • publish manual (arXiv? ResearchGate?)
  • close release on Redmine

--> send message to facebook page

Related issues

Related to CoCoALib - Support #1276: Release 0.99650Closed2019-04-29

Related to CoCoALib - Support #1149: Release: CoCoALib-0.99600 (together with CoCoA-5.2.4)Closed2018-01-172018-08-06

Related to CoCoALib - Bug #1449: Bivariate factor bug: sometimes a factor is reducibleClosed2020-04-20


#1 Updated by Anna Maria Bigatti over 4 years ago

  • Description updated (diff)

#2 Updated by Anna Maria Bigatti over 4 years ago

#3 Updated by Anna Maria Bigatti over 4 years ago

  • Related to Support #1149: Release: CoCoALib-0.99600 (together with CoCoA-5.2.4) added

#4 Updated by Anna Maria Bigatti over 4 years ago

  • Description updated (diff)

Add to this list as we do things (or remember things we have already done)

List of principal changes made:

Bug fix:
  • factor could occasionally return a reducible factor (this bug is old, but only recently reported)
New functions
  • GetCol, GetCols, GetRow, GetRows
  • SylvesterMat (#1334)
  • LawrenceMat (#1427)
  • IndetsIn and IndetsProd (redmine #658)
  • IsZeroDet (impl is still just a prototype)
  • CoeffVecWRTSupport (for Vietnam school)
  • DicksonPoly(x, N, alpha)
  • FixedDivisor(f)
  • HomogCompt(f,d)
  • IsSquare(N)
  • IsEvenPoly(f), IsOddPoly(f)
  • HasPositiveGrading(Kxyz)
  • RandomPermutation(L)
  • LawrenceMat(M)
Changed functions
  • new API for CpuTimeLimit object
  • renamed jacobian to JacobianMat (see redmine #1334)
  • fn IsZeroDim has been improved (was buggy)
  • fn RowReducedForm replaced by rref
New/renamed files
  • SparsePolyOps-RingElem-homog.C

#5 Updated by John Abbott over 4 years ago

  • Category set to Various
  • Status changed from New to In Progress
  • % Done changed from 0 to 50

#7 Updated by John Abbott over 4 years ago

  • % Done changed from 50 to 80

#8 Updated by John Abbott over 4 years ago

  • Assignee set to Anna Maria Bigatti

The section in the web page with "Notes" looks a bit strange: e.g. "New and renamed files" seems to have two empty entries (why?)

#9 Updated by John Abbott about 4 years ago

  • Related to Bug #1449: Bivariate factor bug: sometimes a factor is reducible added

#10 Updated by John Abbott about 4 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Closed
  • % Done changed from 80 to 100
  • Estimated time set to 2.66 h

We never officially released 0.99700 because issue #1449 came up just as we were about to announce.
So officially 0.99700 does not exist; it is replaced by 0.99710.


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