

Anna Maria Bigatti

  • Registered on: 17 Oct 2011
  • Last connection: 01 Jul 2024



  • CoCoA (Manager, 17 Oct 2011)
  • CoCoA-5 (Manager, 17 Oct 2011)
  • CoCoALib (Manager, 17 Oct 2011)
  • ApCoCoA (Manager, Developer, Reporter, 07 Oct 2019)


02 Jul 2024

17:10 CoCoALib 3.00 hours (Design #427 (In Progress): Error names and error messages (current design))
17:08 CoCoALib Design #427: Error names and error messages (current design)
Changed Not... into
ReqNonNegative, ReqNonNegativeGrading, ReqPositive, ReqPositiveGrading
and quite a few
17:07 CoCoALib Design #308: Error: ERR::NotNonZero instead of ERR::ZeroRingElem? [--> ReqNonZero]
> > JAA thinks that @LogZero@ should be merged with @NotNonZero@.
11:33 CoCoALib 1.00 hour (Design #308 (In Progress): Error: ERR::NotNonZero instead of ERR::ZeroRingElem? [--> ReqNonZero])
11:33 CoCoALib Design #308: Error: ERR::NotNonZero instead of ERR::ZeroRingElem? [--> ReqNonZero]
John Abbott wrote:
> All CoCoALib errors which refer to zero are:
> *@BadPwrZero, DivByZero, LogZero, MemPoolZero, ...
11:01 CoCoALib Design #308: Error: ERR::NotNonZero instead of ERR::ZeroRingElem? [--> ReqNonZero]
The current decision is for *ReqNonZero*.
Moreover, similarly as *BadIndex*, I suggest grouping the similar errors a...
10:38 CoCoALib Feature #92: Error Codes: BadIndex
Now I'm less inclined to rename "BadIndex".
However, I've just noticed that we have some relatives: e.g. "BadIndetIn...
10:30 CoCoA-5 Bug #1823 (Feedback): function "insert" should allow appending

01 Jul 2024

19:00 CoCoA-5 0.50 hour (Bug #1823 (Feedback): function "insert" should allow appending)
19:00 CoCoA-5 Bug #1823: function "insert" should allow appending
The function actually implementing this calls @insertValue@ which calls @insert@ (in @Interpreter.C@).
So I just had...

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