


Design #1500

IsDivisible in a field?

Added by John Abbott almost 4 years ago. Updated over 3 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
05 Oct 2020
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
3.99 h
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What should IsDivisible(a,b) do with arguments in a field?

Currently it returns the same as not(b = 0).
This is mathematically correct, but I have just seen an example of writing a function where IsDivisible was called on elements of QQ... the programmer knew that the value was an integer but had overlooked that it was actually represented as a rational.

So... should IsDivisible give an error if handed elements of a field? If the user really wants to test not(b=0) then it is surely better to write it explicitly...?

Related issues

Related to CoCoALib - Design #377: IsDivisible -- exact semantics?Closed2013-06-19

Related to CoCoALib - Design #1085: Fns with "OUT" args: should they give ERR::MixedRings?Closed2017-06-30


#1 Updated by John Abbott almost 4 years ago

This might be a bit like computing gcd: strictly we can define it for a field, but we opted instead to give an error.

The idea is to help the programmer avoid mistakes. What actually happened was that the discriminant of a polynomial in QQ[x] which has integer coeffs
is itself an integer, and then the program had to look for a special non-divisor of this integer... but instead the program entered an infinite loop (even though the code "looked correct").

#2 Updated by John Abbott almost 4 years ago

  • Related to Design #377: IsDivisible -- exact semantics? added

#3 Updated by John Abbott almost 4 years ago

  • Status changed from New to In Progress
  • % Done changed from 0 to 10

I am becoming increasingly convinced that it is better to throw an error if the args are in a field (since it makes little sense to test for divisibility in a field).

Another related matter is whether IsDivisible should allow automatic ring conversion... perhaps that should be another issue?

#4 Updated by John Abbott almost 4 years ago

  • Description updated (diff)

This is a bit less clear than I had previously thought. In the file ring.C the function IsDivisible (with 3 args) is used fairly widely: here is an example (around ring.C:700)

    RingElem div_SameRing(ConstRefRingElem x, ConstRefRingElem y)
      const ring& Rx = owner(x);
      CoCoA_ASSERT(Rx == owner(y));
      if (IsZeroDivisor(y)) CoCoA_THROW_ERROR(ERR::DivByZero, "RingElem / RingElem");
      RingElem ans(Rx);
      if (!Rx->myIsDivisible(raw(ans), raw(x), raw(y)))
        CoCoA_THROW_ERROR(ERR::BadQuot, "RingElem / RingElem");
      return ans;

This would become annoyingly messy if we had to handle fields in a special way.

Perhaps the solution is that myIsDivisible with 3 args should have another name?

#5 Updated by John Abbott almost 4 years ago

I have tried implementing the change (i.e. IsDivisibile throws if given args in field).
Two tests fail: test-IsInteger1 and test-OrderedDomain1.

Mmmm. What to do?

#6 Updated by John Abbott almost 4 years ago

  • Assignee set to John Abbott
  • % Done changed from 10 to 20

A comment about the code excerpt in comment 4. The call to IsZeroDivisor is superfluous; perhaps it was put there to give a more informative error mesg?
Anyway, it would make more sense to call IsZeroDivisor after having established that division fails; certainly for arithmetic in ZZ/(N) attempting to divide.and testing for being a zero-divisor are largely the same computation, so testing IsZeroDivisor may almost double the computational cost in ZZ/(N).

For much the same reason, it is not worth having a non-virtual myIsDivisible which calls IsZeroDivisor, and if not then calls a virtual fn to do the actual work.

A possible solution is to give IsDivisible an optional 3rd param e.g. PermitFieldElems. In other words we offer two versions of IsDivisible: one which gives error when handed field elems, and one which does not. The default would be the version which does signal an error (to protect the unwary user).

#7 Updated by John Abbott almost 4 years ago

Also ex-RingElem1 fails...

#8 Updated by John Abbott almost 4 years ago

I still like the idea of a 3rd param (or perhaps two fns with similar names).
My preference is that a call like IsDivisible(x,y) gives error if the div-test is in a field; to permit testing also in a field the call should look "a bit more complicated" (but not too much).

An advantage of two different fns is that we do not need to define a new type to use as the 3rd param -- yes, it is effectively a boolean, but a new and specific type would make the code more readable.

If we opt for a 3rd param, there are two possible impls:
  • (A) there are 2 poss values for the 3rd param (e.g. DisallowFields and AllowFields)
  • (B) there is 1 poss value for the 3rd param (e.g. AllowFields)

Option (B) is perhaps marginally simpler to implement, but might make it slightly trickier if one wants to call a fn passing param saying which sort of div-test to perform [TBH I cannot imagine when one might want to do this]. With option (A) one could simply pass whichever of the two values is the desired one. If there are two distinct div-test fns, then the fn to use could be passed as param.

UPDATE: a possible alternative name could be IsDivisible_AllowFields; the name is long (probably a good thing), it is also clear (good!).

#9 Updated by John Abbott almost 4 years ago

Today my preference is for IsDivisible and IsDivisible_AllowFields.
I think these names are fairly clear, and would also be clear if they needed to be passed as a parameter.

Internal impl would probably use a fn IsDiv(a,b,bool) where bool indicates whether fields are allowed -- this design should maximise code sharing.

#10 Updated by John Abbott almost 4 years ago

  • % Done changed from 20 to 50

Oh wow! There are a lot more IsDivisible finctions than I thought... :-(

What should the following call to IsDivisible do?

// Assume R1, R2, R3 are different rings: R3 can be promoted to R2 (not a field)
RingElem a(R1);
RingElem b = one(R2);
RingElem c = one(R3);
IsDivisible(a,b,c); // error or not?

The point is that a is in the wrong ring. Note that a = b/c; will succeed (and automatically change the ring of a to be R2).

#11 Updated by John Abbott almost 4 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Feedback
  • % Done changed from 50 to 90

There are now 20 different IsDivisible functions (half of them are actually IsDivisible_AllowFields).

I have modified test-IsInteger1, test-OrderedDomain1 and ex-RingElem1 to call IsDivisible_AllowFields instead of IsDivisible. They all work now.

Regarding the question in comment 10: I have opted to make IsDivisible(a,b,c) behave like a = b/c if the division succeeds (otherwise a should remain unchanged, but I am not sure I want to guarantee that in the doc).

#12 Updated by John Abbott over 3 years ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Closed
  • % Done changed from 90 to 100
  • Estimated time set to 3.99 h

#13 Updated by John Abbott over 3 years ago

  • Related to Design #1085: Fns with "OUT" args: should they give ERR::MixedRings? added

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