


Bug #1585


Added by John Abbott over 3 years ago. Updated almost 3 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
22 Mar 2021
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
6.66 h
Spent time:


The following causes an abort:


Problem originally reported by Julian Danner (via email). Placed under CoCoALib since the problem surely exists in CoCoALib.

How to handle neatly all possible cases of GMP overflow?


#1 Updated by John Abbott over 3 years ago

I have given this high priority because an abort is a nasty failure... everything is lost.

How to handle all possible cases of overflow in GMP? I hope there is some mechanism built in; otherwise it will be quite tedious having to code special checks before each GMP call.

Quite why Julian wanted to compute 3^(3^(3^3)) he did not say.

#2 Updated by John Abbott over 3 years ago

I have written to the GMP people asking whether there is some way to specify an alternative way to handle overflow.
An old post on StackOverflow suggests that there was none 8 years ago.

#3 Updated by John Abbott over 3 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Resolved
  • % Done changed from 0 to 60

No reply from the GMP people. I looked at the code, and it seems that the error is actually signalled inside a memory allocator. It could be that GMP is "crash-only code" (see Wikipedia).

Anyway, I have now implemented an overflow check before actually asking GMP to compute a power. This involved choosing an arbitrary overflow bound (not sure how portable that really is).
Implementing the check turned out to be more tedious than I had imagined. As a side effect, large powers of -1,0,1 are now allowed.

This is what CoCoA now gives:

/**/ 3^(3^(3^3));
--> ERROR: Exponent is too large
--> [CoCoALib] power(BigInt, BigInt)
--> 3^(3^(3^3));
-->  ^

Presumably an overflow check should also be made for multiplication of BigInt values... (sigh)
In which case the arbitrary overflow bound must be made more global.

#4 Updated by John Abbott over 3 years ago

Here is a "torture test" using multiplication (on my machine):

/**/ N := 3^500000000;
/**/ N := N*N;
/**/ N := N*N;
/**/ N := N*N;
/**/ N := N*N;
/**/ FloatStr(N);
--> ERROR: Exponent is too large
--> [CoCoALib] power
--> FloatStr(N);
--> ^^^^^^^^^^^
/**/ N := N*N;
/**/ N := N*N;
/**/ FloorLog2(N);
/**/ FloatStr(It/2^30);
/**/ t0 := CpuTime(); FloorLog2(N); TimeFrom(t0);
/**/ N := N*N;

Process cocoa5 killed

The arbitrary limit on size in power caused FloatStr to fail; not sure how to work around that without introducing unnecessary complication.
I was surprised to see that FloorLog2 took so long... I wonder why?
Don't know what actually caused the process to die: top reported that the process was using 41Gbyte virtual memory, but it still seemed to be running (until suddenly it wasn't any more).

#5 Updated by John Abbott over 3 years ago

  • Assignee set to John Abbott

I have increased the arbitrary limit so that the example in comment 4 above now runs without hiccups (except for the final "killed").

I now think that the KISS approach is indeed to impose an arbitrary limit (on bitlength of BigInt values), and then modify also multiplication.
A quick grep showed that mpz_mul (or variants) are called in many places; the neatest solution would be to have a new function mpz_mul_with_overflow_check.
Should the bitlength limit be an arg or a global? ... globals are ugly (esp. in multithreaded settings)

I'll try suggesting to the GMP people that some new functions which check for overflow be added... probably much easier said than done :-/

#6 Updated by John Abbott over 3 years ago

Which functions should test for overflow?
power and multiplication certainly. Which others?

factorial(10^12); --> BOOM
factorial(10^11); --> takes a long time, and cannot be interrupted (presumably will eventually crash)

fibonacci and binomial are also like "power" functions.

fibonacci(2*10^11); --> BOOM
fibonacci(10^11); --> takes a long time, and cannot be interrupted (presumably will eventually crash);

binomial is probably harder to handle: the 1st arg can be very large, and the computation will finish if the 2nd arg is small. What to do? Estimate the log?

#7 Updated by John Abbott over 3 years ago

I have put a first version of mpz_mul with overflow check in utils-gmp.
A quick suggests that it is working as expected.

We need also an overflow check for mpq... sigh.

Still plenty more work to be done before it is ready to be released.

#8 Updated by John Abbott over 3 years ago

How to test if the overflow detection mechanism is working properly (i.e. throws an exception instead of causing a crash)?

Here is an idea:

ZZx ::= ZZ[x];
QQx ::= QQ[x];
N := 2^K; // K so large that N*N causes overflow
N1 := N+1; // odd number
// The following should trigger overflow
(1/RingElem(QQx,N))^2; // "underflow" 
1/RingElem(QQx,N) + 1/RingElem(QQx,N1); // denom is N*N1
RingElem(QQx,N) + 1/RingElem(QQx,N); // numer is N^2+1

Here are some cases where overflow should not occur (but a naive impl might cause overflow):

N3 := 2^K; // K such that N^3 causes overflow but N^2 does not
N3odd := N3-1;
// and similar operations in ZZx

#9 Updated by John Abbott over 3 years ago

There are very many cases to consider, esp. if we want to cover all (or almost all) possibilities.

Now I am more inclined to cover just those cases where a "typo" could lead to a crash.
This could include powering (already fixed), maybe binomials and fibonacci nums?

Anna thinks that operations such as multiplication will probably be slow enough that they act as a warning...

#10 Updated by John Abbott about 3 years ago

I have put in ad hoc protections for factorial and binomial.
Still need to decide how high to set the overflow trigger; can the user change it?

#11 Updated by John Abbott almost 3 years ago

I have discussed this with Anna; and had also written to the GMP people some time ago.

Overall conclusion: it is very hard (imposs) to protect against all possible forms of overflow (and could be costly).

So we shall "protect" just a few functions where a simple mistake could trigger GMP overflow (and a dead CoCoA/CoCoALib program).
Which functions? Probably just power and factorial initially (maybe also binomial?).

#12 Updated by John Abbott almost 3 years ago

  • % Done changed from 60 to 80

I have put a new constant called OVERFLOW_BITS in config.H, and modified the impls so that they use this constant (I also reworked the impls for power).

There remains the problem for FloatStr... mmm

#13 Updated by John Abbott almost 3 years ago

I have worked around the FloatStr problem (actually in FloorLogBase) mentioned in comment 4 above.
I just call the GMP power function directly, rather than check that the args are sane and do not cause overflow.

Might there be other cases where someone wants to compute a large power knowing that it cannot be too large?
Should there be an option to turn off overflow checking for power? Or perhaps for all checked functions?
I could make the overflow limit settable at run time (with a sane default initial value).
Better KISS? Try what we have, and see if that causes trouble.

#14 Updated by John Abbott almost 3 years ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to Closed
  • % Done changed from 80 to 100
  • Estimated time set to 6.66 h

As observed in comment 11, it would be very hard to try to prevent overflow in all cases.
It thus seems reasonable to limit to a few "likely" cases initially, and potentially extend
the set of cases covered if that seems necessary.

KISS and close.

NOTE I have increased the overflow limit to 4G bits (previously was 1G bit. No real reason, just 1G bits seemed perhaps a bit low.

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