


All CoCoA Closed Issues

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Bug #141: Memory leak using Elim in C5
Feature #247: Use gmp default location if possible
Bug #402: Problem with 64-bit BOOST on Linux (Werner)
Support #425: Osnabrueck 2014-01
Bug #53: MSVC10 compilation
Bug #54: MSVC10 - #include <iterator>
Bug #55: MSVC10 - static member fields
Bug #56: MSVC10 - unistd.h
Bug #58: MSVC10 - more things and overhead
Bug #60: MSVC10 - shared_ptr
Feature #214: gmp header location assumption in configure script
Support #266: Compilation on M$Windows: cygwin
Bug #238: Cleaner CVS?
Bug #1341: Test: redmine problem
Bug #118: unistd and call to access in Main.C
Bug #197: ./C5.bin: fork: Resource temporarily unavailable
Bug #170: CoCoAManual HTML: page for "Try"
Feature #243: Normaliz tests for CoCoA5
Slug #405: ReducedGBasis not memorized in an ideal
Design #478: Use of dollar-dot ($.) in packages
Support #521: Manual: automatically check all examples
Support #851: Release: CoCoA-5.2.0
Feature #708: ExternalLib Normaliz: verbose flag?
Feature #711: External Libs: print credits?
Feature #734: Primary Decomposition in CoCoA-5: zero dimensional, zero characteristic
Feature #845: Primary Decomposition in CoCoA-5.1.6: zero dimensional, finite characteristic
Feature #744: Handle interrupts more helpfully
Bug #748: Emacs UI: return inside a block of output sends several lines (not just the one I'm on)
Bug #757: readline: fix script for finding libreadline
Bug #852: fix OnlineManual.C so that version number may be removed from CoCoAHelp.xml
Support #863: CoCoA-5 manual: IsInteger and IsRational are missing?
Design #868: Der, Bin: why the capital letter?
Bug #870: GBasis of product of ideals is wrong (Vadim Tropashko) --> I.myReset()
Feature #877: Easier syntax to make a PRINCIPAL ideal?
Bug #878: RingElem applied to a symbol (repr as a string)
Bug #880: subst should check that indet is in same ring as 1st arg, but does not.
Feature #883: gin: return/print a suitable change of variables
Feature #903: New function CallOnGroebnerFanIdeals: call function on GFan ideals
Feature #909: ReadExpr: decimal point
Bug #918: UniversalGBasis: sometimes gives error
Feature #927: Add "exit" in addition to "ciao"
Feature #954: New function: StdBasis (standard basis)
Feature #959: New function: SymmetricPolys
Bug #963: Manual: XML problem with html doc
Feature #965: New function: multigraded BettiNumbers
Support #973: GroebnerFanIdeals: verbosity and output style
Bug #994: SEGV: Toric example from Kazuki Maeda
Bug #995: LaTeX(x^10) should use curly brackets
Feature #996: New function: IdealOfGBasis
Design #998: Emacs UI: sending empty input from cocoa5 buffer
Bug #1002: Emacs UI: cocoa5-send-line skips too many chars
Feature #1017: New function: SetGBasisAsGens [--> NO: use IdealOfGBasis]
Design #1018: Interpreter: limit range for ".." operator
Bug #1028: Readline: cursor moves wrongly when at start of line with a prompt
Feature #1038: Emacs: sent interrupt to CoCoA
Support #1040: CoCoAManual: entry for SetVerbosityLevel/VerbosityLevel
Feature #1043: New function: IsCoprime
Feature #1044: New function: SectionalMatrix, PrintSectionalMatrix
Feature #1045: Error message from cocoalib to cocoa-5
Bug #1046: CoCoA-5 no longer lists the external libs present
Slug #1047: NewPolyRing with user defined ordering is slower than CoCoALib
Design #1051: ReadExpr(P, string) and RingElem(P, string)
Design #168: Type info in CoCoA-5 manual
Support #240: GUI compilation: GMP is not naturally thread-safe
Bug #458: CoCoA5 GUI; failed build "wrong architecture"
Bug #519: GUI: fix DEFINES in makefile
Bug #672: Emacs UI: strange string literal causes crash
Feature #673: Error message: I was expecting...
Bug #755: Find out how to compile statically on linux
Feature #781: Option to "fold" long lines?
Support #890: ImportByRef and ImportByValue behave in an unexpected manner (i.e. fail when I think they should succeed)
Bug #945: Emacs UI: comint buffer silently truncates(?) long lines when sending
Design #990: CoCoA-5 distribution: tidying
Slug #991: make htmldoc always recreates everything (even if no change was made)
Design #997: Using protected variable names for "bound variables" (e.g. for, try...endtry)
Feature #1012: Chebyshev polynomials
Support #1024: CoCoA Manual: consistent spacing in VarName: TYPE
Support #1027: CoCoAManual: add a page with some emacs hints?
Design #1120: Web site
Support #1217: CoCoA-5 tests directory: cleaning
Support #1220: NewRingFp obsolescent; superseded by NewZZmod
Support #1222: Release CoCoA-5.3.0
Bug #1224: Lexer: unclosed multi-line comment
Bug #1226: ExternalLibs return empty list
Bug #1230: PrimaryDecomposition with lex ordering
Feature #1231: system command
Feature #1236: Add "socket" devices
Bug #1239: CartesianProductList: case of just 1 entry in list
Support #1240: John's visit Feb 2019
Feature #1243: New function: Read a string into a list (of RingElem) -- CoCoA-5
Feature #1247: sleep function
Support #1258: Manual page for CantStop
Bug #1261: ASCII function
Bug #1273: NewPolyRing and SymbolRange together make a crash
Bug #1274: SortBy and SortedBy sometimes give wrong result
Slug #1284: CartesianProductList: too slow
Bug #1286: Website: trouble with the world map
Bug #1288: len for RINGELEM ?!?
Feature #1289: assert-function for cocoa5
Feature #1290: NewPolyRing: allow symbols with just head and no indices?
Bug #1303: Manual looking for "?"
Bug #1307: Linking problem
Support #1311: THINGS TO DO IN GENOVA September 2019
Support #1312: Wrong links on page about COCOA School in Sapporo
Support #1315: Manual entry about reporting bugs?
Feature #1316: Matrix row reduction (rref)
Support #1318: Clean CoCoA-5/tests directory
Bug #1321: RealRoots fails on -x^2
Bug #1322: SEGV when debugging is active
Bug #1325: Emacs UI: emacs does not recognize "until" as marking the end of a "repeat" block
Design #1327: Inconvenient PolyRingHom, PolyAlgebraHom
Support #1333: Typevectors
Design #1334: sylvester or SylvesterMat?
Bug #1335: ManExamples: some problems
Support #1344: Clean out OBSOLESCENT
Design #1352: cocoa5 (launch) script: sleep time
Feature #1358: Emacs UI: should active input line be cleared before sending line from CoCoA-5 file?
Feature #1364: Emacs UI: start cocoa5 with system command enabled
Feature #1367: CoCoA-5.3.0: release linked with more recent version of normaliz
Support #1368: Improve manual for mod
Feature #1374: Add function power to CoCoA-5
Bug #1382: SEGV: should have been harmless
Bug #1383: NewPolyRing on MS Windows
Bug #1384: NewPolyRing and SymbolRange
Bug #1385: valgrind: reports 456byte leak
Support #1386: IsIndetPosPower: behaviour and manual page
Support #1387: John's visit Feb 2020
Slug #1390: CoCoA-5 test: radical too slow
Feature #1399: CoCoA-5 interpreter: idle/busy indicator
Support #1400: Title of manual entry: tutorial on operations on polynomials
Feature #1401: Parolacce e basi border
Support #1404: Which commands should "terms" be a keyword for?
Bug #1408: CoCoAManual - tex: error if syntax is missing
Feature #1410: IsDivisible also for INT
Bug #1420: IdealOfProjectivePoints and MinGens: problem with CoCoA_ASSERT
Bug #1421: SEGV: error("")
Bug #1424: 'UNCAUGHT UNKNOWN EXCEPTION' when aborting 'isin' computation
Bug #1438: ABORT for unterminated string literal
Feature #1439: New function: LinearForm
Bug #1442: CoCoAInterpreter: executable size
Feature #12: Add "syntax" to online manual
Bug #27: CoCoA-5 Manual
Bug #33: Modify the packages so that -w3 produces no warnings during start-up
Feature #77: Porting package "primary.cpkg" to cocoa-5
Bug #79: Sort entries in CoCoAHelp.xml and write code on OnlineHelp.C to check sorting
Feature #80: "<=" for ideals
Bug #88: Makefile problem with GUI on linux
Bug #108: Unhandled division by zero in FFp
Bug #109: SmoothFactor should allow large first arg
Bug #115: PP ordering bug
Feature #8: source region
Feature #19: How to get the version number of CoCoA-5?
Bug #52: GUI: problem with "--" comment
Bug #98: RealRoots should use IsRational
Bug #102: Packages: should exported functions be automatically "Protect"ed?
Bug #103: Bad error mesg using operator ":"
Bug #110: Surprise return type for GCD of a list of ints
Feature #128: wordlist.txt generation
Feature #131: Conversion from bool to INT
Bug #137: JAA does not like the name IndetInd
Bug #158: May AsRAT produce an INT?
Bug #159: Multiplicity sometimes wrong
Bug #162: RegularityIndex <= 0
Bug #163: RealRootsApprox bombs
Bug #166: Dim/Multiplicity with Lex ordering -- NYI
Feature #172: add customization for --fullCoCoALibError in EmacsUI
Feature #184: MAT/INT ? MAT/RINGELEM ?
Feature #185: Banner for CoCoA-5
Bug #186: LCM(0,x)
Bug #189: malloc ERROR
Slug #191: Slow lex gbasis
Bug #192: indent prints strings without quotes
Bug #194: Unhandled CoCoALib error: mixed rings with IsIn operator (for ideal membership)
Bug #201: segmentation fault with function defined in package ("PrintHGIndices"): First and Last
Bug #207: BuiltIn Normaliz functions not available in C5 gui
Feature #212: NBM: add to CoCoA-5
Bug #217: Makedependencies of CoCoA-5 fails if BOOST is absent
Bug #220: Trouble on Linux: many CoCoA-5 tests fail (0.9952)
Bug #249: BuiltIn Normaliz functions not available in CoCoA5Interpreter
Bug #267: Cyclotomic(106743) fails
Bug #271: test lecture-HF4
Bug #280: EmacsUI: indentation is wrong with parentheses
Design #292: Rename IndetsCalled to indets
Support #293: Add CpuTime to C5 manual
Feature #309: (Multi)BlockMatrix
Support #333: manual entry for "indent"
Feature #336: Mat(Module) should give error
Bug #343: Interpreter SEGV
Bug #344: basic_string::erase error in interpreter
Feature #347: C5 cannot compute derivative of a ratfn
Support #348: CoCoA website: CoCoA-5.0.3 pages
Bug #32: Elim(t, I)
Feature #90: Make the new fn CoefficientsWRT available in C5
Feature #93: Hilbert series: global output rings for non-standard gradings
Feature #105: Add I*f and f*I (RINGELEM and IDEAL)
Feature #193: BuiltinFunctions.C getting too long (2000 lines)
Bug #226: HilbertBasis segv
Feature #237: port homog/homogenized for ideal to cocoa-5
Feature #306: Function for accessing the pointed value
Feature #318: implement "indent" for modules
Support #325: CoCoAManual: display syntax first
Feature #331: Is it possible to have R^3 for NewFreeModule(R,3)?
Support #503: CoCoA website: CoCoA-5.0.9 pages
Design #364: Incr command/function
Feature #365: add function to compute minimal generators (like Minimalize)
Support #370: OnlineHelp: Problem with "><" in syntax of CartesianProduct
Feature #371: Resurrect LinearSimplify
Feature #372: add IsFactorClosed
Feature #380: Add Frobby functions to cocoa-5
Feature #392: add Value::from(factorization<..>)
Feature #393: add Value::from(HPSeries)
Bug #394: problem with ContentFreeFactor (and missing manual entry)
Bug #418: What does interreduce do?
Bug #423: Emacs UI: semicolon does not work in emacs-24.3
Bug #443: lambda keyword
Bug #444: Not keyword/operator
Bug #445: EmacsUI: indentation is wrong sometimes (e.g. if Lambda1 is on previous line)
Bug #446: intersection fails with zero ideal
Design #449: Emacs UI: names of emacs fns
Support #450: CoCoA-5.0.9 release (admin, overheads, etc)
Feature #18: Printing matrices: I/O unified style for CoCoA-5?
Bug #94: Default reason for protected variables
Support #176: CoCoAManual: Doc for new commands
Support #179: TeX documentation for CoCoA-5
Feature #188: CoCoAManual: entries for operators
Feature #200: add modules and module operations
Support #208: describe $package
Support #225: HilbertBasis: cocoa vs normaliz
Bug #239: Normaliz functions not available in C5 GUI (again!)
Feature #284: BuiltInFunctions: more flexible typing in one-line function declaration
Design #301: How to obtain an integer from a finite field element? AsINT?
Support #334: CoCoAManual: entry for "and", "or", "not" operators
Support #341: Remove/replace the word "vector" in the manual
Feature #362: New function: IsZeroDivisor
Feature #367: implement LF/DF for an ideal
Support #369: write documentation for TgCone and other function from the "primary" package
Feature #381: Emacs User Interface: Easier binding for sending a line to cocoa-5
Feature #384: IsZero for matrix
Support #395: Naming conventions: upper or lower case?
Support #398: Resurrect Relnotes()
Feature #414: New fn to increase max recursion depth
Feature #419: FloatStr
Bug #441: Emacs UI: C-c C-e does not ignore keywords inside strings
Bug #447: CoCoA-5.0.3 Microsoft std::bad_alloc
Bug #460: Emacs UI: updating abbrev-table
Bug #462: Emacs UI: semicolon problems
Support #463: Make man page for "It" easier to read
Bug #470: Emacs UI: cocoa5-close-block should beep when there is no block to close
Bug #471: Nested multiline comments
Design #472: Record keyword
Design #473: Multiline string literals - useful or obsolescent?
Design #475: Eliminate package approx
Design #481: Multiline comments -- obsolescent?
Support #489: CoCoAManual: Doc for strings
Support #494: Emacs UI: installation on Mac OS 10.8.5
Support #495: CoCoAManual: add page about creating lists
Feature #502: New fn/object type: timer
Feature #514: submodule: minimalize, minimalized
Bug #509: SyzOfGens (CoCoA-5) does not have correct shifts
Feature #523: EmacsUI: lower case keywords
Feature #529: Naive version of resolution and Betti numbers
Design #532: New package: OBSOLESCENT
Design #534: Remove float.cpkg5
Support #542: CoCoAManual: improve part on data-types
Bug #544: sorted gives wrong answer sometimes
Support #555: CoCoAManual: improve part on language
Support #558: CoCoAManual: semi-automatic check of all input
Support #559: Release: CoCoA-5.1.0
Feature #20: How to get the compilation flags of CoCoA-5?
Feature #25: Function "Call"
Bug #34: CoCoAManual: obsolete entries in the manual
Slug #99: Function "insert": obsolescent
Bug #104: Misprints suggestions: Z --> ZZ
Bug #132: BringIn should allow reduction modulo p
Feature #173: Anonymous symbols: should they be available in CoCoA-5?
Bug #182: Unescaped double quote inside superstring
Feature #204: NmzComputation: the powerful NormalizComputation function in CoCoA-5
Feature #245: Meaningful error for functions defined in "missing" external library
Feature #270: Distribution for linux
Feature #273: Package for Polynomial Algebra Homomorphisms
Bug #279: Bug in Radical (actually a RingHom problem)
Support #286: How to test (automatically) a user defined CoCoA function
Design #294: BuiltInFunctions: General "OneLiner" for arguments of different type
Design #307: Value::from makes BigIntValue::fromInt obsolete?
Bug #321: interpreter proposes no near misses for "bin"
Support #324: Correct font for variable references in description
Feature #330: Syzygy for modules: homogeneous module
Support #338: MacOS version with static gcc libraries
Bug #378: Ungraceful behaviour: Source inside For loop
Bug #382: Subtle bug with CoeffEmbeddingHom
Bug #397: EMACS UI: fix windows splitting
Design #403: Misuse of dot-dot operator
Bug #433: EMACS UI: trouble with sending a long line
Support #456: CoCoAManual: New structure for manual?
Feature #464: Emacs UI: split horizontally instead of vertically?
Feature #484: Evaluate in other ring (was called :: in CoCoA-4)
Support #488: CoCoAManual: Help page for porting old C4 code to C5
Design #493: Cleanup Hilbert package hp.cpkg5
Feature #518: incr/decr functions: to be used in packages
Bug #524: BuiltInFunctions: remove calls to WrongTypeException
Design #525: BuiltInFunctions: evalArgAsT1OrT2, evalArgAsT1OrT2OrT3, ... last argument
Support #541: Unify releases for Linux 32 and Linux 64
Bug #543: Interpreter: problem when calling the manual with trailing spaces and comments
Design #546: ideal wants LIST of RINGELEM
Design #549: Automatic conversion from RINGELEM to INT or RAT
Bug #552: C5 BuiltinFunctions.c fn RingElem
Feature #553: Port function MantissaAndExponent2
Support #556: CoCoAManual: improve part on tagging
Feature #561: Emacs UI: unrecognized keywords (ImportByValue...)
Design #563: Remove ZMOD type from CoCoAInterpreter
Bug #566: Online help: problem with "<>"
Design #567: Emacs UI: coloured syntax in output buffer has problems if error message shows a single double-quote
Design #576: Disallow juxtaposition for string literals?
Feature #588: Resume code for "gin" (generic initial ideal)
Bug #594: CharPoly(MAT) and MinPoly(MAT) work in different settings: unify behaviaour
Design #595: rename BigIntValue, IdealValue --> INTValue, IDEALValue? or even INT, IDEAL?
Feature #596: function "packages"
Feature #603: Resume CheckArgTypes
Support #605: Release: CoCoA-5.1.1
Design #607: Emacs UI; remove send-buffer?
Feature #608: Emacs UI: C-return for send-line and send-region
Support #609: Package "empty.cpkg5"
Feature #615: Resume MayerVietorisTreeN1
Bug #164: CoCoA-5 emacs interface bug (minor): Source & SourceRegion with troublesome filenames
Support #251: How to add a test for CoCoA-5 (CoCoAInterpreter)
Feature #317: BuiltInFunctions: evalArgAsLong
Design #332: Approx pts preprocessing fns
Feature #352: Should SourceRegion echo the "region"?
Feature #359: RingOf for list
Feature #466: CoCoAManual: add entry summarising syntax of all CoCoA-5 commands
Feature #485: Initialization for CoCoA-5: file init.cocoa5
Design #490: Duplicate fns: valuation and FactorMultiplicity
Support #522: Manual: duplication in "see also" and "All other matches"
Support #548: Printing rings with ID
Feature #590: package for subalgebras
Support #616: Release: CoCoA-5.1.2
Feature #622: New function: RandomSubset
Design #634: Symbol in the coeff ring
Bug #643: GenRepr fails if there are zero generators
Feature #652: Flag to enable/disable printing of list of loaded packages
Support #654: Rename adjoint to adjugate???
Design #668: Remove keyword "weights"?
Bug #684: Emacs UI: wrong name after auto-inserting enddefine
Bug #699: Emacs UI: set back "cocoa5-executable" to "CoCoAInterpreter"?
Feature #704: rename MinGensGeneral?
Support #706: meaningful error for IDEAL <= IDEAL
Support #717: CoCoAManual: improve part on RINGHOM
Feature #719: Readline: consider creating a textual interpreter with readline
Bug #726: TopLevel cannot "import" a package variable
Feature #732: Primary Decomposition in CoCoA-5: port Luis Garcia's package(cocoa-4)
Feature #733: Primary Decomposition in CoCoA-5.1.2: zero dimensional, finite characteristic
Bug #745: Readline: avoid printing out READLINE twice
Bug #117: Added 3 times defn of isblank fn
Support #314: odd and even numbers for snapshots/official versions?
Bug #345: Interpreter interrupt delayed confusingly
Support #843: Release: CoCoA-5.1.3 and CoCoA-5.1.4
Support #632: MacOSX: many warnings with compiler CLANG/LLVM when compiling BOOST code.
Bug #650: CoCoA-5 test (SourceAnna); problem in HilbertPoly
Bug #698: Emacs UI: problems with packages on windows
Feature #700: Which external libs are present?
Feature #760: Primary Decomposition in CoCoA-5.1.3: zero dimensional, finite characteristic
Feature #751: description of a RING
Feature #761: Evaluating a QuasiPol
Design #766: CoCoA version number: copy CoCoALib
Support #767: Rename Log to exponents
Support #768: Rename LogToTerm to MakeTerm
Feature #771: New fns: MaxBy and MinBy to find minimum/maximum of a list wrt a given order
Design #782: BuiltinFunctions -- getting too long again!
Feature #844: IsMaximal, IsPrimary for IDEAL (in cocoa language)
Support #187: CoCoA-5 (partial) releases: make the process simpler
Support #265: Linking problems in CoCoA-5 GUI
Support #439: CoCoA website: download pages and installing instructions
Bug #545: Compiler g++ 4.2.1 (clang-503.0.40) on MacOSX 10.9: warnings and errors
Support #1061: Release: CoCoA-5.2.2
Bug #670: Error column indicator misaligned with non-printing (unprintable) characters
Bug #697: Interpreter: Avoid outputting an empty line after each line of input
Slug #741: C5 GUI: slow to close
Slug #798: use poly ring with many variables is too slow
Design #939: Rename Fact to factorial?
Support #940: Check all fns in packages work even without BackwardCompatible.cpkg5
Bug #981: SqFreeFactor: small (or big) bug?
Feature #988: Makefile: install target for cocoa5
Support #1000: CoCoAManual for "all cocoa commands"
Feature #1011: Random seed fn
Design #1020: Rename minimalized(I) into IdealOfMinGens(I)?
Feature #1021: CoCoA Manual: search should ignore multiple spaces
Support #1023: CoCoAManual for verbosity: how to find which levels? how to find which functions?
Bug #1032: IsInRadical: fragile code
Bug #1055: CoCoAManual: duplication (2 pages for operators)
Bug #1060: describe ring: add final newline
Bug #1062: IsRadical bug?
Design #1067: "Randomize" and "Randomized" obsolete?
Feature #1073: RelNotes: current version or all previous versions?
Support #1074: CoCoAManual: entry for radical
Bug #1080: intersect: problem with zero generators
Feature #1084: New function: PrevPrime
Bug #1087: EmacsUI: get error "wrong-type-argument processp nil" when doing M-x cocoa5 when executable does not exist
Design #1091: ExternaLib-MathSAT: (first) prototype CoCoA-5 interface for MathSAT
Design #1092: Design issues for discussion in July 2017
Bug #1095: TimeOut not working as hoped/expected
Bug #1100: PrimaryDecomposition0: says not 0-dim but IsZeroDim says ideal is zero-dim!
Slug #1109: Emacs UI can be slow in M$ Windows
Feature #1119: Mailing list for CoCoAUsers
Design #1123: Should "minimalize" be obsolescent?
Design #1127: subalgebra package obsolete?
Design #1128: HomomorphismFns.cpkg5 no longer needed?
Bug #1133: Radical bug
Design #1137: Latex: ideal
Bug #1139: Radical problems
Bug #1140: ImplicitModular: too many bad primes
Feature #1142: NewZZmod: port to CoCoA-5
Bug #275: Unhelpful error messages when SmallExponent_t is unsigned char.
Slug #907: ApproxSolve very slow on this example
Feature #978: CommonDenom: for polys and lists?
Feature #1007: (makefile) New "clean" target which does not clean documentation
Slug #1114: Some other examples for 0-dim radical
Feature #1122: New fn: RandomLinearForm
Support #1148: Release CoCoA-5.2.4
Bug #1152: Release: problems with sed
Bug #1157: FactorAlgExt
Design #1164: Manual: loading manual entries written by users
Bug #1172: MinSubsetOfGens: problem with generators = 0
Support #1188: Product of empty list: manual and code disagree
Bug #1189: HilbertBasisKer: unhelpful error with some inputs
Bug #1190: HilbertBasisKer: SEGV (again)
Bug #1191: ApproxSolve: log(0) on some examples
Feature #1201: New package: poset
Feature #1202: New package: arrangements
Design #1348: cocoa5 script for releases
Bug #1448: EmacsUI: sending line with "7" calls SourceRegion (!?!?!)
Support #1450: Release CoCoA-5.3.2
Support #169: Font for parameters in manual
Feature #250: CoCoALib BuildInfo vs CoCoA-5 VersionInfo
Feature #346: Describe should indicate package name
Support #406: Manual for CoCoAManual/CoCoAHelp.xml
Feature #606: Evaluate in ring operator (was called :: in CoCoA-4)
Feature #500: Interpreter: is it possible to avoid useless prompts?
Support #530: Interpreter error message: "for" with missing "do"
Feature #531: Package protected variables should know which package protected them
Design #636: Distinguish indets from symbols in coeffring in Use command
Design #637: Undesirable consequence of automatic mapping of RingElems?
Feature #674: Ring constructor: allow empty range for indices?
Slug #687: Builtin fn makes unnecessary copy of arg
Support #692: Local variables hiding out ones at top level
Bug #713: External libs: interrupting not easy
Bug #724: RationalSolve: wrongly complains about non zero-dim even in finite char
Support #911: CoCoA-5 prompt for incomplete input
Bug #922: Release for MacOS: compilation on 10.11 incompatible with 10.6.8
Bug #1029: Readline: does not recognize interrupts
Support #1111: CoCoAManual: searching for ?? mat and for ?? matrix give different results
Design #1151: ConcatList or ConcatLists
Feature #1174: package of a function --> of an identifier!
Design #1194: Rename HilbertBasisKer into LinKerHilbertBasis?
Bug #1200: Package exported function: wrong package name
Support #1214: CoCoAManual: ensure that LaTeX compilation is "clean"
Bug #1215: RationalSolve: gives "Error: must be non-zero"
Bug #1216: RationalSolve: gives wrong answer
Support #1268: Documentation for how to write a CoCoA package
Slug #1270: RationalSolve: use MinPolyQuot instead of elim
Feature #1272: Groebner Bases over ZZ
Support #1287: Better err mesg for easy typo in ring definition
Bug #1294: CoCoA-5 tests may fail even if executed correctly
Support #1298: How can user find the indent command?
Bug #1356: CoCoA-5 header files: should use a common prefix for CPP variables which enforce read-once
Slug #1392: ApproxSolve: another slow example
Bug #1396: Website: download page for CoCoA-4 burns CPU
Bug #1397: Crashes if CoCoAHelp.xml is missing
Support #1398: Website: hide/delete all the CoCoA-4 stuff?
Design #1407: Tagged values (Hilbert Series)
Bug #1412: Emacs UI: font size
Feature #1431: Juxtaposition of string literals
Bug #1443: Illegal instruction
Support #1447: Manual entry for RandomLinearForm
Support #1451: CoCoA Manual: make search keys public
Support #1455: In a release: which files inside the CoCoAManual
Support #1459: Manual entries for mod and div
Feature #1461: Automatic mapping for multiplication?
Support #1471: Release CoCoA-5.4.0
Support #1478: HilbertBasis: clarify
CoCoA-5 -CoCoA-5.2.0 spring 2017 100%
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