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Feature #125: Matrix equation solving; linear system solving
Feature #142: Improve threadsafety
Feature #206: Matrix equation solving: LinKer
Feature #222: Printing polynomials - spaces between terms
Support #262: Play with GIT
Design #308: Error: ERR::NotNonZero instead of ERR::ZeroRingElem?
Feature #313: Elim(vector<long>) as PPOrderingCtor
Feature #598: Syzygy for modules: non-homogeneous module
Design #582: Error codes: use same code for "not poly ring" and "not elem poly ring"
Design #601: LongRange: in which file should it be declared/defined?
Feature #664: Impl small non-prime finite fields (using logs)
Bug #680: DistrMPolyClean does not use MemPool for summands?
Design #707: MatrixOrderingMod32749Impl: test and write documentation!
Design #710: Update normaliz interface?
Feature #743: Better errors: give supplementary info about the error
Slug #777: SLUG: elimination
Feature #801: Test whether a symbol is in a ring
Feature #802: DivMask: extend interface?
Feature #813: Implement "elim" in CoCoALib
Design #849: Cleanup MinPoly code
Slug #866: implicit, ImplicitHypersurface: improve output verification
Design #871: Redesign ideals
Feature #872: LinSolve for matrices over FFp
Design #894: strict enum types: C++11 extension
Feature #898: New function: cardinality of finite field?
Design #924: FlagManager for bool/bool3 flags
Design #925: MachineInt or long for args which are indices (yet again)
Design #933: Separate configure scripts for CoCoALib and CoCoA-5
Design #934: MachineInt: change semantics?
Feature #947: IsRadical for ideal?
Feature #958: New function: multiplicity and dim
Slug #967: Improve saturate
Slug #1057: Slug: Polynomial ring contructor slow with (big) matrix ordering
Feature #1094: Revive code for SelfSaturating GBasis
Slug #1118: SLUG: factorization of x^9999
Design #1125: Separate install script for CoCoALib?
Feature #1132: Canonical homomorphism for (some) polynomial rings?
Feature #1176: interval arithmetic
Design #1179: Clean up SparsePolyOps-MonomialIdeals
Support #1193: Naming convention mistakes
Feature #1197: IsZeroDet: new fn
Feature #1207: New function: SubmoduleOfGBasis
Feature #1219: Frobby version number
Bug #1233: factor SEGV -- too large characteristic
Design #1242: C++14: Use type auto where appropriate
Feature #1254: New function: MinPoly for pseudo-zero-dimensional ideals
Design #1255: Ideals with trivial GBasis
Support #1263: Tidy CoCoALib test directory
Bug #1280: Determinant & Inverse of matrix over non integral domain
Bug #1281: Factor of multivariate sometimes prints ERROR
Feature #1306: exgcd over integers (ZZ)
Slug #1337: PrimaryDecomposition: a interesting/pathological example
Design #1346: C++14: use the new for loop syntax where appropriate (like cocoa's foreach)
Feature #1349: ideal ctor where given gens are a gbasis
Design #1355: TmpLDP uses srand and time
Design #1370: RingID counter increased inside some functions
Feature #1381: Type ideal for ZZ[x[1..n]]
Feature #1388: GlobalManager: create SignalWatcher internally?
Slug #1394: Oddly slow GBasis computation (slow final cleanup)
Design #1414: Make class RingElemVector?
Feature #1417: RadicalZeroDim with extra parameter for GBasis timeout
Design #1422: Remove flag IhaveGBasisValue?
Design #1428: DenseMatrix: use template impl for ctors from vec-vec?
Feature #1444: HNF: Hermite Normal Form
Design #1446: Start using C++14 "move" capability
Design #1464: What is the difference between InterruptReceived and InterruptedBySignal
Design #1465: mul(MAT,MAT,MAT)
Feature #1485: Simple syntax for making a quotient ring?
Support #1497: Doc for normaliz fns
Support #1510: Documentation for SparsePolyOps?
Feature #1513: Better test for univariate-ness (and better conversion)
Slug #1521: Unexpectedly slow example with larger types for SmallExponent_t
Bug #1542: gfan does not "deinitialize"
Feature #1559: Default ctor for rings
Support #1561: Doc for module term orderings
Design #1562: matrix.H and MatrixView.H
Bug #1571: ker_H needs care
Design #1572: Use noexcept
Bug #1575: DynamicBitset missing arg checks
Design #1576: cmp for machine integers
Bug #1600: Detect updated versions of external libs
Support #1609: Clean time.C
Support #1611: Documentation for PrimaryDecomposition
Design #1628: Unused variables, params, data members
Feature #1635: NR for polys with coeffs in PID
Design #1642: interreduce: make monic if over finite field?
Slug #1643: rref slower than expected (maybe) [[reduced row echelon form]]
Feature #1657: Improve CertifyNotPower
Bug #1662: txt2tags: problem with filenames containing "_" or "-"
Support #1664: geobucket: documentation
Support #1665: Compilation on Windows: problems for normaliz
Feature #1667: GBasis over ZZ: port to CoCoALib
Feature #1668: Generalize prim
Design #1669: Review File subtree hierarchy
Feature #1670: Build also dynamic/shared library for CoCoALib?
Support #1673: Review examples
Design #1677: release-source script: use shell globbing?
Design #1678: Unsigned long for indexes (& sizes?)
Bug #1683: IsIrred in ZZ[x,y]
Design #1685: RingBase::mySwap needed?
Design #1699: Shell scripts: Shebang line, etc
Design #1703: Threadsafety, multithreading: optional fn arg (or separate fn)
Design #1704: Symlink directory for external files needed by CoCoA-5
Bug #1705: ProgressReporter: prepare for new loop?
Support #1711: Development releases?
Feature #1715: ProductBigInt (also ProductBigRat???)
Design #1720: DivAlg in CoCoALib
Design #1727: Cruft in ExtLibs-Normaliz.C
Bug #1730: ApplySPRCodomain: relax power/exponent check
Bug #1733: FactorINT: funny order
Design #1736: Clean TmpGOperations, and remove Tmp prefix
Slug #1737: Homogenization of an ideal with ZZ^1-grading
Design #1738: Suggestion about Graded polynomial rings
Feature #1743: Implement Truncated GBases for homogeneous input
Design #1744: Implement GBMill (aka Groebner Framework)
Feature #1748: July 2023
Design #1750: IdealOfPoints: allow duplicate points?
Slug #1756: deg(f) is slow if f is long
Slug #1757: gcd(f,f) is slow
Bug #1764: Verbosity messages: avoid printing BIG values
Design #1777: VerificationLevel: just 3? Low, high, guaranteed?
Feature #1778: Homogenizer
Support #1782: Make CoCoALib test file for radical
Design #1787: Iterator design: compatible with C++STL? Advancing beyond end?
Design #1792: CpuTimeOut: arg of type ErrorContext?
Feature #1793: Use ErrorContext instead of string FnName
Slug #1796: myFinalizeGBasis ("Final clean up") should be more flexible
Design #1798: Computing in sub polyring
Design #1800: Conversion from SmallPrime to UNSIGNED long?
Design #1801: BuildInfo
Design #1807: Error codes: "Not..." for "blah must be ..." -- change prefix
Feature #1808: New constructor for PolyRing with elimination ordering
Feature #1809: Make ex-syz.C
Bug #1811: Check include guards
Bug #1812: Documentation: indexXX.html should be recompiled if version has changed
Feature #1817: OSCAR/MaRDI JSON interface
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