


Slug #967

Improve saturate

Added by Anna Maria Bigatti over 7 years ago. Updated 3 months ago.

Target version:
Start date:
10 Nov 2016
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
5.00 h
Spent time:


saturate is slow (naive algorithm: repeated colon).
Improve it.

Related issues

Related to CoCoA-5 - Slug #948: radical is slow (compared to singular) on these examplesClosed2016-10-18

Related to CoCoALib - Feature #1619: Make saturate available in CoCoALibClosed2021-10-15

Related to CoCoALib - Bug #1790: saturate with zero idealsClosed2024-03-13


#1 Updated by Anna Maria Bigatti over 7 years ago

  • Related to Slug #948: radical is slow (compared to singular) on these examples added

#2 Updated by Anna Maria Bigatti over 7 years ago

  • Related to Support #942: Which names to use? Intersection/saturation vs intersect/saturate added

#3 Updated by Anna Maria Bigatti over 7 years ago

  • Description updated (diff)

I implemented another naive algorithm (elim(h, I+(f*h-1))), but seems even worse.

#4 Updated by Anna Maria Bigatti over 7 years ago

  • % Done changed from 0 to 20

#5 Updated by Anna Maria Bigatti over 7 years ago

  • % Done changed from 20 to 30

I have modified ComputeSaturation using the factorization (repeats saturation on the factors).
I don't know if that's generally better or not, it also depends on the cost of the factorization.
I worked on this example coming from radical: here the polynomial is actually a product of linear forms and the computation goes from 1600 to <10 seconds

use QQ[c[0..19]];
L :=[
c[1]*c[6]*c[13] +c[1]*c[8]*c[11] -c[1]*c[8]*c[13]*c[18] -c[1]*c[9]*c[13]^2 -c[1]*c[12] -c[1]*c[13]*c[19] +c[1]*c[14]*c[18] +c[1]*c[16] -c[1]*c[18]^2 +c[3]*c[6]*c[11] -c[3]*c[6]*c[13]*c[18] -c[3]*c[7]*c[13]^2 -c[3]*c[8]*c[11]*c[18] +c[3]*c[8]*c[13]^2*c[19] -c[3]*c[8]*c[13]*c[16] +c[3]*c[8]*c[13]*c[18]^2 -2*c[3]*c[9]*c[11]*c[13] +c[3]*c[9]*c[13]^2*c[14] +c[3]*c[9]*c[13]^2*c[18] -c[3]*c[10] -c[3]*c[11]*c[19] +c[3]*c[12]*c[18] -c[3]*c[13]*c[17] +2*c[3]*c[13]*c[18]*c[19] +c[3]*c[14]*c[16] -c[3]*c[14]*c[18]^2 -2*c[3]*c[16]*c[18] +c[3]*c[18]^3,
c[1]*c[7]*c[13] -c[1]*c[8]*c[13]*c[19] +c[1]*c[9]*c[11] -c[1]*c[9]*c[13]*c[14] +c[1]*c[17] -c[1]*c[18]*c[19] +c[3]*c[5]*c[13] -c[3]*c[6]*c[13]*c[19] +c[3]*c[7]*c[11] -c[3]*c[7]*c[13]*c[14] -c[3]*c[8]*c[11]*c[19] +c[3]*c[8]*c[13]*c[14]*c[19] -c[3]*c[8]*c[13]*c[17] +c[3]*c[8]*c[13]*c[18]*c[19] -c[3]*c[9]*c[11]*c[14] -c[3]*c[9]*c[12]*c[13] +c[3]*c[9]*c[13]^2*c[19] +c[3]*c[9]*c[13]*c[14]^2 +c[3]*c[13]*c[19]^2 +c[3]*c[15] -c[3]*c[16]*c[19] -c[3]*c[17]*c[18] +c[3]*c[18]^2*c[19],
c[1]*c[6]*c[11] -c[1]*c[8]*c[13]*c[16] -c[1]*c[9]*c[11]*c[13] -c[1]*c[10] -c[1]*c[11]*c[19] +c[1]*c[14]*c[16] -c[1]*c[16]*c[18] -c[3]*c[6]*c[13]*c[16] -c[3]*c[7]*c[11]*c[13] +c[3]*c[8]*c[11]*c[13]*c[19] -c[3]*c[8]*c[11]*c[16] +c[3]*c[8]*c[13]*c[16]*c[18] -c[3]*c[9]*c[11]^2 +c[3]*c[9]*c[11]*c[13]*c[14] +c[3]*c[9]*c[13]^2*c[16] -c[3]*c[11]*c[17] +c[3]*c[11]*c[18]*c[19] +c[3]*c[12]*c[16] +c[3]*c[13]*c[16]*c[19] -c[3]*c[14]*c[16]*c[18] -c[3]*c[16]^2 +c[3]*c[16]*c[18]^2,
c[1]*c[5]*c[13] +c[1]*c[7]*c[11] -c[1]*c[8]*c[13]*c[17] -c[1]*c[9]*c[12]*c[13] -c[1]*c[12]*c[19] +c[1]*c[14]*c[17] +c[1]*c[15] -c[1]*c[17]*c[18] +c[3]*c[5]*c[11] -c[3]*c[6]*c[13]*c[17] -c[3]*c[7]*c[12]*c[13] -c[3]*c[8]*c[11]*c[17] +c[3]*c[8]*c[12]*c[13]*c[19] -c[3]*c[8]*c[13]*c[15] +c[3]*c[8]*c[13]*c[17]*c[18] -c[3]*c[9]*c[10]*c[13] -c[3]*c[9]*c[11]*c[12] +c[3]*c[9]*c[12]*c[13]*c[14] +c[3]*c[9]*c[13]^2*c[17] -c[3]*c[10]*c[19] +c[3]*c[12]*c[18]*c[19] +c[3]*c[13]*c[17]*c[19] +c[3]*c[14]*c[15] -c[3]*c[14]*c[17]*c[18] -c[3]*c[15]*c[18] -c[3]*c[16]*c[17] +c[3]*c[17]*c[18]^2,
c[1]*c[5]*c[11] -c[1]*c[8]*c[13]*c[15] -c[1]*c[9]*c[10]*c[13] -c[1]*c[10]*c[19] +c[1]*c[14]*c[15] -c[1]*c[15]*c[18] -c[3]*c[6]*c[13]*c[15] -c[3]*c[7]*c[10]*c[13] +c[3]*c[8]*c[10]*c[13]*c[19] -c[3]*c[8]*c[11]*c[15] +c[3]*c[8]*c[13]*c[15]*c[18] -c[3]*c[9]*c[10]*c[11] +c[3]*c[9]*c[10]*c[13]*c[14] +c[3]*c[9]*c[13]^2*c[15] -c[3]*c[10]*c[17] +c[3]*c[10]*c[18]*c[19] +c[3]*c[12]*c[15] +c[3]*c[13]*c[15]*c[19] -c[3]*c[14]*c[15]*c[18] -c[3]*c[15]*c[16] +c[3]*c[15]*c[18]^2,
-c[6]*c[13] -c[8]*c[11] +c[8]*c[13]*c[18] +c[9]*c[13]^2 +c[12] +c[13]*c[19] -c[14]*c[18] -c[16] +c[18]^2,
-c[7]*c[13] +c[8]*c[13]*c[19] -c[9]*c[11] +c[9]*c[13]*c[14] -c[17] +c[18]*c[19],
-c[6]*c[11] +c[8]*c[13]*c[16] +c[9]*c[11]*c[13] +c[10] +c[11]*c[19] -c[14]*c[16] +c[16]*c[18],
-c[5]*c[13] -c[7]*c[11] +c[8]*c[13]*c[17] +c[9]*c[12]*c[13] +c[12]*c[19] -c[14]*c[17] -c[15] +c[17]*c[18],
-c[5]*c[11] +c[8]*c[13]*c[15] +c[9]*c[10]*c[13] +c[10]*c[19] -c[14]*c[15] +c[15]*c[18],
-c[1]*c[7]*c[13] +c[1]*c[8]*c[13]*c[19] -c[1]*c[9]*c[11] +c[1]*c[9]*c[13]*c[14] -c[1]*c[17] +c[1]*c[18]*c[19] -c[3]*c[5]*c[13] +c[3]*c[6]*c[13]*c[19] -c[3]*c[7]*c[11] +c[3]*c[7]*c[13]*c[14] +c[3]*c[8]*c[11]*c[19] -c[3]*c[8]*c[13]*c[14]*c[19] +c[3]*c[8]*c[13]*c[17] -c[3]*c[8]*c[13]*c[18]*c[19] +c[3]*c[9]*c[11]*c[14] +c[3]*c[9]*c[12]*c[13] -c[3]*c[9]*c[13]^2*c[19] -c[3]*c[9]*c[13]*c[14]^2 -c[3]*c[13]*c[19]^2 -c[3]*c[15] +c[3]*c[16]*c[19] +c[3]*c[17]*c[18] -c[3]*c[18]^2*c[19],
c[1]*c[5] -c[1]*c[6]*c[19] -c[1]*c[7]*c[14] +c[1]*c[7]*c[18] +c[1]*c[8]*c[14]*c[19] -c[1]*c[8]*c[17] -c[1]*c[9]*c[12] +c[1]*c[9]*c[13]*c[19] +c[1]*c[9]*c[14]^2 -c[1]*c[9]*c[14]*c[18] +c[1]*c[9]*c[16] +c[1]*c[19]^2 -c[3]*c[5]*c[14] +c[3]*c[5]*c[18] +c[3]*c[6]*c[14]*c[19] -c[3]*c[6]*c[17] -c[3]*c[7]*c[12] +c[3]*c[7]*c[13]*c[19] +c[3]*c[7]*c[14]^2 -c[3]*c[7]*c[14]*c[18] +c[3]*c[7]*c[16] +c[3]*c[8]*c[12]*c[19] -c[3]*c[8]*c[13]*c[19]^2 -c[3]*c[8]*c[14]^2*c[19] +c[3]*c[8]*c[14]*c[17] -c[3]*c[8]*c[15] -c[3]*c[9]*c[10] +c[3]*c[9]*c[11]*c[19] +2*c[3]*c[9]*c[12]*c[14] -c[3]*c[9]*c[12]*c[18] -2*c[3]*c[9]*c[13]*c[14]*c[19] +c[3]*c[9]*c[13]*c[17] -c[3]*c[9]*c[14]^3 +c[3]*c[9]*c[14]^2*c[18] -c[3]*c[9]*c[14]*c[16] -c[3]*c[14]*c[19]^2 +2*c[3]*c[17]*c[19] -c[3]*c[18]*c[19]^2,
-c[1]*c[7]*c[11] +c[1]*c[8]*c[11]*c[19] +c[1]*c[9]*c[11]*c[14] -c[1]*c[9]*c[11]*c[18] +c[1]*c[9]*c[13]*c[16] -c[1]*c[15] +c[1]*c[16]*c[19] -c[3]*c[5]*c[11] +c[3]*c[6]*c[11]*c[19] +c[3]*c[7]*c[11]*c[14] -c[3]*c[7]*c[11]*c[18] +c[3]*c[7]*c[13]*c[16] -c[3]*c[8]*c[11]*c[14]*c[19] +c[3]*c[8]*c[11]*c[17] -c[3]*c[8]*c[13]*c[16]*c[19] +c[3]*c[9]*c[11]*c[12] -c[3]*c[9]*c[11]*c[13]*c[19] -c[3]*c[9]*c[11]*c[14]^2 +c[3]*c[9]*c[11]*c[14]*c[18] -c[3]*c[9]*c[13]*c[14]*c[16] -c[3]*c[11]*c[19]^2 +c[3]*c[16]*c[17] -c[3]*c[16]*c[18]*c[19],
c[1]*c[5]*c[18] -c[1]*c[6]*c[17] -c[1]*c[7]*c[12] +c[1]*c[7]*c[16] +c[1]*c[8]*c[12]*c[19] -c[1]*c[8]*c[15] -c[1]*c[9]*c[10] +c[1]*c[9]*c[12]*c[14] -c[1]*c[9]*c[12]*c[18] +c[1]*c[9]*c[13]*c[17] +c[1]*c[17]*c[19] -c[3]*c[5]*c[12] +c[3]*c[5]*c[16] +c[3]*c[6]*c[12]*c[19] -c[3]*c[6]*c[15] -c[3]*c[7]*c[10] +c[3]*c[7]*c[12]*c[14] -c[3]*c[7]*c[12]*c[18] +c[3]*c[7]*c[13]*c[17] +c[3]*c[8]*c[10]*c[19] -c[3]*c[8]*c[12]*c[14]*c[19] +c[3]*c[8]*c[12]*c[17] -c[3]*c[8]*c[13]*c[17]*c[19] +c[3]*c[9]*c[10]*c[14] -c[3]*c[9]*c[10]*c[18] +c[3]*c[9]*c[11]*c[17] +c[3]*c[9]*c[12]^2 -c[3]*c[9]*c[12]*c[13]*c[19] -c[3]*c[9]*c[12]*c[14]^2 +c[3]*c[9]*c[12]*c[14]*c[18] -c[3]*c[9]*c[12]*c[16] -c[3]*c[9]*c[13]*c[14]*c[17] +c[3]*c[9]*c[13]*c[15] -c[3]*c[12]*c[19]^2 +c[3]*c[15]*c[19] +c[3]*c[17]^2 -c[3]*c[17]*c[18]*c[19],
c[1]*c[5]*c[16] -c[1]*c[6]*c[15] -c[1]*c[7]*c[10] +c[1]*c[8]*c[10]*c[19] +c[1]*c[9]*c[10]*c[14] -c[1]*c[9]*c[10]*c[18] +c[1]*c[9]*c[13]*c[15] +c[1]*c[15]*c[19] -c[3]*c[5]*c[10] +c[3]*c[6]*c[10]*c[19] +c[3]*c[7]*c[10]*c[14] -c[3]*c[7]*c[10]*c[18] +c[3]*c[7]*c[13]*c[15] -c[3]*c[8]*c[10]*c[14]*c[19] +c[3]*c[8]*c[10]*c[17] -c[3]*c[8]*c[13]*c[15]*c[19] +c[3]*c[9]*c[10]*c[12] -c[3]*c[9]*c[10]*c[13]*c[19] -c[3]*c[9]*c[10]*c[14]^2 +c[3]*c[9]*c[10]*c[14]*c[18] -c[3]*c[9]*c[10]*c[16] +c[3]*c[9]*c[11]*c[15] -c[3]*c[9]*c[13]*c[14]*c[15] -c[3]*c[10]*c[19]^2 +c[3]*c[15]*c[17] -c[3]*c[15]*c[18]*c[19],
c[7]*c[13] -c[8]*c[13]*c[19] +c[9]*c[11] -c[9]*c[13]*c[14] +c[17] -c[18]*c[19],
-c[5] +c[6]*c[19] +c[7]*c[14] -c[7]*c[18] -c[8]*c[14]*c[19] +c[8]*c[17] +c[9]*c[12] -c[9]*c[13]*c[19] -c[9]*c[14]^2 +c[9]*c[14]*c[18] -c[9]*c[16] -c[19]^2,
c[7]*c[11] -c[8]*c[11]*c[19] -c[9]*c[11]*c[14] +c[9]*c[11]*c[18] -c[9]*c[13]*c[16] +c[15] -c[16]*c[19],
-c[5]*c[18] +c[6]*c[17] +c[7]*c[12] -c[7]*c[16] -c[8]*c[12]*c[19] +c[8]*c[15] +c[9]*c[10] -c[9]*c[12]*c[14] +c[9]*c[12]*c[18] -c[9]*c[13]*c[17] -c[17]*c[19],
    -c[5]*c[16] +c[6]*c[15] +c[7]*c[10] -c[8]*c[10]*c[19] -c[9]*c[10]*c[14] +c[9]*c[10]*c[18] -c[9]*c[13]*c[15] -c[15]*c[19]];

/**/ G := c[11]*c[14]*c[16]^2*c[17]^2*c[18]^2*c[19]^2 -c[11]*c[14]*c[15]*c[16]*c[17]*c[18]^3*c[19]^2 -c[11]*c[14]*c[16]^3*c[17]*c[18]*c[19]^3 -c[11]*c[14]*c[16]^2*c[17]^3*c[18]*c[19] +c[11]*c[14]*c[15]*c[16]*c[17]^2*c[18]^2*c[19] +2*c[11]*c[14]*c[15]*c[16]^2*c[17]*c[18]*c[19]^2 -c[11]*c[14]*c[15]^2*c[16]*c[17]*c[18]*c[19];

I := ideal(L);
t := CpuTime(); S := saturate(I, ideal(G)); TimeFrom(t);

#6 Updated by Anna Maria Bigatti over 7 years ago

I see that there is an involutive saturation.
How does that work in general? should we use that instead of GBases?

#7 Updated by John Abbott over 7 years ago

  • Target version changed from CoCoALib-0.99550 spring 2017 to CoCoALib-0.99560

#8 Updated by John Abbott over 6 years ago

  • Target version changed from CoCoALib-0.99560 to CoCoALib-0.99600

#9 Updated by Anna Maria Bigatti almost 6 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Resolved
  • Target version changed from CoCoALib-0.99600 to CoCoALib-0.99650 November 2019

The fix I did is not bad for that class of examples, and to say it is slow we should make proper comparisons....
postponing again.

#10 Updated by John Abbott almost 5 years ago

  • Target version changed from CoCoALib-0.99650 November 2019 to CoCoALib-0.99700

#11 Updated by John Abbott over 4 years ago

  • Target version changed from CoCoALib-0.99700 to CoCoALib-0.99800

#12 Updated by John Abbott over 2 years ago

  • Target version changed from CoCoALib-0.99800 to CoCoALib-0.99850

#13 Updated by John Abbott about 1 year ago

Let P be a poly ring with indets x[1]..x[n] and y[1]..y[m].
Suppose the gens of ideal I involve only x indets. If I want to saturate w.r.t. an irred poly which involves some y indets,
is there a short cut?
In particular, if I saturate w.r.t. y[1] then there is nothing to compute. Presumably the same if I saturate w.r.t. an ideal J which has gens involving only y indets [!I'm guessing here!].
Are there theoretical results about this? If not, can we prove something.

Orig context: to homogenize an ideal, we can homogenize the gens then saturate w.r.t. the homogenizing indets. Now if the orig polys are already homogeneous then we will be in the situation described above. Of course, we could also just do IsHomog on each gen... (or compute a RGB then IsHomog on its elems).

#14 Updated by John Abbott about 1 year ago

My suggestion above is not quite right.
The poly which I am saturating with respect to must be reduced modulo I.

I also note that CoCoALib has a function ContentFreeFactor (or similar name) which computes a factorization based on which indets appear; the factorization is obtained by repeatedly computing the content (essentially GCD computations).

Anyway, the particular case I had in mind was that the poly "underneath" in the saturation is just a product of indets.
So any indets which do not appear in the gens of I can just be skipped.

#15 Updated by John Abbott 4 months ago

  • Related to Feature #1619: Make saturate available in CoCoALib added

#16 Updated by John Abbott 4 months ago

  • Related to Bug #1790: saturate with zero ideals added

#17 Updated by John Abbott 4 months ago

  • % Done changed from 30 to 70

I have just tried the example from #note-5, and it took just less than 1s on my computer (with v0.99823).
I have increased the %done to 70, since the status is "resolved".

#18 Updated by Anna Maria Bigatti 3 months ago

  • Related to deleted (Support #942: Which names to use? Intersection/saturation vs intersect/saturate)

#19 Updated by Anna Maria Bigatti 3 months ago

  • Target version changed from CoCoALib-0.99850 to CoCoALib-0.99880

I also added the factorization in the case of a monomial (similar test as in #967-5, now in test0saturate.cocoa5).

Yet to do: saturation for homog ideal: I think I had some code by John I needed to integrate into cocoalib (find it! and its examples).
That will take some work (and will be worth it!). Postponing to next version.

#20 Updated by Anna Maria Bigatti 3 months ago

Different situations to consider (from #1619-8)
  • monomial
  • homog
  • principal
  • univariate
  • general

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