


Slug #948

radical is slow (compared to singular) on these examples

Added by John Abbott over 7 years ago. Updated 6 months ago.

Target version:
Start date:
18 Oct 2016
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
16.00 h
Spent time:


Mario gave me two examples where Singular computes the radical much faster than CoCoA does.
I'll put the examples in two separate comments.

Can we improve CoCoA implementation so that it is at least comparable to Singular's execution time?

Related issues

Related to CoCoALib - Feature #947: IsRadical for ideal?In Progress2016-10-18

Related to CoCoALib - Slug #967: Improve saturateResolved2016-11-10

Related to CoCoA-5 - Slug #1114: Some other examples for 0-dim radicalClosed2017-10-31

Related to CoCoALib - Slug #1375: Radical 0-dim: varied timingsClosed2019-12-09

Related to CoCoA-5 - Slug #1581: Slow sqfr: rad(f)New2021-03-02


#1 Updated by John Abbott over 7 years ago

#2 Updated by John Abbott over 7 years ago

Here is Mario's first example: I have used coeffs in ZZ/(101) but the original was over QQ

use ZZ/(101)[c[0..23]];
NumVars := 24;
L := [
c[0] +c[1]*c[11] -c[1]*c[21] -c[2]*c[17] -c[3]*c[9] +c[5]*c[10] +c[9]^2,
-c[1]*c[22] +c[2]*c[11] -c[2]*c[18] -c[3]*c[10] +c[6]*c[10] +c[9]*c[10],
-c[1]*c[23] -c[2]*c[19] +c[7]*c[10] -c[8] +c[9]*c[11],
c[0]*c[11] -c[1]*c[20] -c[2]*c[16] -c[3]*c[8] +c[4]*c[10] +c[8]*c[9],
c[1]*c[7] -c[1]*c[17] -c[2]*c[13] -c[3]*c[5] +c[5]*c[6] +c[5]*c[9],
c[0] -c[1]*c[18] +c[2]*c[7] -c[2]*c[14] -c[3]*c[6] +c[5]*c[10] +c[6]^2,
-c[1]*c[19] -c[2]*c[15] -c[4] +c[5]*c[11] +c[6]*c[7],
c[0]*c[7] -c[1]*c[16] -c[2]*c[12] -c[3]*c[4] +c[4]*c[6] +c[5]*c[8],
c[1]*c[19] +c[4] +c[5]*c[18] -c[5]*c[21] -c[6]*c[17] -c[7]*c[9] +c[9]*c[17],
c[2]*c[19] -c[5]*c[22] -c[7]*c[10] +c[10]*c[17],
c[3]*c[19] -c[5]*c[23] -c[6]*c[19] -c[7]*c[11] +c[7]*c[18] +c[11]*c[17] -c[16],
c[0]*c[19] +c[4]*c[18] -c[5]*c[20] -c[6]*c[16] -c[7]*c[8] +c[8]*c[17],
c[1]*c[15] -c[5]*c[7] +c[5]*c[14] -c[5]*c[17] -c[6]*c[13] +c[9]*c[13],
c[2]*c[15] +c[4] -c[5]*c[18] -c[6]*c[7] +c[10]*c[13],
c[3]*c[15] -c[5]*c[19] -c[6]*c[15] -c[7]^2 +c[7]*c[14] +c[11]*c[13] -c[12],
c[0]*c[15] -c[4]*c[7] +c[4]*c[14] -c[5]*c[16] -c[6]*c[12] +c[8]*c[13],
c[1]*c[23] +c[5]*c[22] +c[8] -c[9]*c[11] -c[10]*c[17],
c[2]*c[23] +c[6]*c[22] -c[9]*c[22] -c[10]*c[11] -c[10]*c[18] +c[10]*c[21],
c[3]*c[23] +c[7]*c[22] -c[9]*c[23] -c[10]*c[19] -c[11]^2 +c[11]*c[21] -c[20],
c[0]*c[23] +c[4]*c[22] -c[8]*c[11] +c[8]*c[21] -c[9]*c[20] -c[10]*c[16],
c[1]*c[19] -c[5]*c[11] +c[5]*c[18] -c[10]*c[13],
c[2]*c[19] -c[6]*c[11] +c[6]*c[18] +c[8] -c[9]*c[18] -c[10]*c[14] +c[10]*c[17],
c[3]*c[19] -c[7]*c[11] +c[7]*c[18] -c[9]*c[19] -c[10]*c[15] +c[11]*c[17] -c[16],
c[0]*c[19] -c[4]*c[11] +c[4]*c[18] +c[8]*c[17] -c[9]*c[16] -c[10]*c[12],
c[5]*c[19] -c[9]*c[15] +c[12] +c[13]*c[18] -c[13]*c[21] -c[14]*c[17] +c[17]^2,
c[6]*c[19] -c[10]*c[15] -c[13]*c[22] -c[16] +c[17]*c[18],
c[7]*c[19] -c[11]*c[15] -c[13]*c[23] -c[14]*c[19] +c[15]*c[18] +c[17]*c[19],
c[4]*c[19] -c[8]*c[15] +c[12]*c[18] -c[13]*c[20] -c[14]*c[16] +c[16]*c[17],
c[5]*c[23] -c[9]*c[19] +c[13]*c[22] +c[16] -c[17]*c[18],
c[6]*c[23] -c[10]*c[19] +c[14]*c[22] -c[17]*c[22] -c[18]^2 +c[18]*c[21] -c[20],
c[7]*c[23] -c[11]*c[19] +c[15]*c[22] -c[17]*c[23] -c[18]*c[19] +c[19]*c[21],
c[4]*c[23] -c[8]*c[19] +c[12]*c[22] -c[16]*c[18] +c[16]*c[21] -c[17]*c[20]
I := ideal(L);

t0 := CpuTime();
J := radical(I);
println "radical time: ", TimeFrom(t0);

NOTE: computing GBasis over ZZ/(101) took about 3.9s on Kassel Linux box; over QQ it took about 7.8s

#3 Updated by John Abbott over 7 years ago

Here is Mario's second example: I have chosen ZZ/(101) for the coeffs, but the original was over QQ

use ZZ/(101)[c[0..15]];
NumVars := 16;
L := [
-c[1]*c[5]*c[7]^2 +c[1]*c[5]*c[11] +2*c[1]*c[6]*c[7] -c[1]*c[7]^2*c[15] -c[1]*c[7]*c[9] +c[1]*c[10] -c[1]*c[11]*c[15],
-c[1]*c[4] -c[1]*c[5]^2*c[7] +c[1]*c[5]*c[6] -c[1]*c[7]^2*c[13] -c[1]*c[11]*c[13],
c[1]*c[4]*c[7] -c[1]*c[5]*c[6]*c[7] +c[1]*c[5]*c[10] +c[1]*c[6]^2 -c[1]*c[6]*c[9] -c[1]*c[7]^2*c[14] +c[1]*c[8] -c[1]*c[11]*c[14],
-c[1]*c[4]*c[5]*c[7] +c[1]*c[4]*c[6] -c[1]*c[4]*c[9] +c[1]*c[5]*c[8] -c[1]*c[7]^2*c[12] -c[1]*c[11]*c[12],
c[5]*c[7]^2 -c[5]*c[11] -2*c[6]*c[7] +c[7]^2*c[15] +c[7]*c[9] -c[10] +c[11]*c[15],
c[4] +c[5]^2*c[7] -c[5]*c[6] +c[7]^2*c[13] +c[11]*c[13],
-c[4]*c[7] +c[5]*c[6]*c[7] -c[5]*c[10] -c[6]^2 +c[6]*c[9] +c[7]^2*c[14] -c[8] +c[11]*c[14],
c[4]*c[5]*c[7] -c[4]*c[6] +c[4]*c[9] -c[5]*c[8] +c[7]^2*c[12] +c[11]*c[12],
c[1]*c[4] +c[1]*c[5]^2*c[7] -c[1]*c[5]*c[6] +c[1]*c[7]^2*c[13] +c[1]*c[11]*c[13],
c[1]*c[5]^3 -c[1]*c[5]^2*c[15] +2*c[1]*c[5]*c[7]*c[13] +c[1]*c[5]*c[14] -c[1]*c[6]*c[13] +c[1]*c[9]*c[13] -c[1]*c[12],
-c[1]*c[4]*c[5] +c[1]*c[4]*c[15] +c[1]*c[5]^2*c[6] -c[1]*c[5]*c[6]*c[15] +c[1]*c[5]*c[7]*c[14] +c[1]*c[6]*c[7]*c[13] -c[1]*c[7]*c[12] +c[1]*c[10]*c[13],
c[1]*c[4]*c[5]^2 -c[1]*c[4]*c[5]*c[15] +c[1]*c[4]*c[7]*c[13] +c[1]*c[4]*c[14] +c[1]*c[5]*c[7]*c[12] -c[1]*c[6]*c[12] +c[1]*c[8]*c[13],
-c[4] -c[5]^2*c[7] +c[5]*c[6] -c[7]^2*c[13] -c[11]*c[13],
-c[5]^3 +c[5]^2*c[15] -2*c[5]*c[7]*c[13] -c[5]*c[14] +c[6]*c[13] -c[9]*c[13] +c[12],
c[4]*c[5] -c[4]*c[15] -c[5]^2*c[6] +c[5]*c[6]*c[15] -c[5]*c[7]*c[14] -c[6]*c[7]*c[13] +c[7]*c[12] -c[10]*c[13],
-c[4]*c[5]^2 +c[4]*c[5]*c[15] -c[4]*c[7]*c[13] -c[4]*c[14] -c[5]*c[7]*c[12] +c[6]*c[12] -c[8]*c[13]];
I := ideal(L);
t0 := CpuTime();
J := radical(I);
println "radical time: ", TimeFrom(t0);

Note: GBasis(I) took about 0.86s on my fixed Linux box; GBasis over QQ took about 1.9s, printed GBasis is about 1.3Mbyte

#4 Updated by Anna Maria Bigatti over 7 years ago

I've just added a first check if the ideal is zero-dimensional.
Thanks to our new MinPoly that is much faster.
This can probably be applied in the recursion (when the ideal gets 0-dimensional wrt the indets involved)... but, er, ehm, touching that code requires courage.

#5 Updated by John Abbott over 7 years ago

The first example (with 24 indets) was consuming over 7Gbytes of RAM after 15 hours of CPU, so I killed the process (my computer was practically unusuable this morning).

Mario reports that Singular managed to compute the answer in about 15 hours without consuming too much memory.

#6 Updated by John Abbott over 7 years ago

Here is another example: CoCoA-5 took about 760s, while Singular took about 0.6s (more than 1000 times faster).

use QQ[c[0..19]];
L :=[
c[1]*c[6]*c[13] +c[1]*c[8]*c[11] -c[1]*c[8]*c[13]*c[18] -c[1]*c[9]*c[13]^2 -c[1]*c[12] -c[1]*c[13]*c[19] +c[1]*c[14]*c[18] +c[1]*c[16] -c[1]*c[18]^2 +c[3]*c[6]*c[11] -c[3]*c[6]*c[13]*c[18] -c[3]*c[7]*c[13]^2 -c[3]*c[8]*c[11]*c[18] +c[3]*c[8]*c[13]^2*c[19] -c[3]*c[8]*c[13]*c[16] +c[3]*c[8]*c[13]*c[18]^2 -2*c[3]*c[9]*c[11]*c[13] +c[3]*c[9]*c[13]^2*c[14] +c[3]*c[9]*c[13]^2*c[18] -c[3]*c[10] -c[3]*c[11]*c[19] +c[3]*c[12]*c[18] -c[3]*c[13]*c[17] +2*c[3]*c[13]*c[18]*c[19] +c[3]*c[14]*c[16] -c[3]*c[14]*c[18]^2 -2*c[3]*c[16]*c[18] +c[3]*c[18]^3,
c[1]*c[7]*c[13] -c[1]*c[8]*c[13]*c[19] +c[1]*c[9]*c[11] -c[1]*c[9]*c[13]*c[14] +c[1]*c[17] -c[1]*c[18]*c[19] +c[3]*c[5]*c[13] -c[3]*c[6]*c[13]*c[19] +c[3]*c[7]*c[11] -c[3]*c[7]*c[13]*c[14] -c[3]*c[8]*c[11]*c[19] +c[3]*c[8]*c[13]*c[14]*c[19] -c[3]*c[8]*c[13]*c[17] +c[3]*c[8]*c[13]*c[18]*c[19] -c[3]*c[9]*c[11]*c[14] -c[3]*c[9]*c[12]*c[13] +c[3]*c[9]*c[13]^2*c[19] +c[3]*c[9]*c[13]*c[14]^2 +c[3]*c[13]*c[19]^2 +c[3]*c[15] -c[3]*c[16]*c[19] -c[3]*c[17]*c[18] +c[3]*c[18]^2*c[19],
c[1]*c[6]*c[11] -c[1]*c[8]*c[13]*c[16] -c[1]*c[9]*c[11]*c[13] -c[1]*c[10] -c[1]*c[11]*c[19] +c[1]*c[14]*c[16] -c[1]*c[16]*c[18] -c[3]*c[6]*c[13]*c[16] -c[3]*c[7]*c[11]*c[13] +c[3]*c[8]*c[11]*c[13]*c[19] -c[3]*c[8]*c[11]*c[16] +c[3]*c[8]*c[13]*c[16]*c[18] -c[3]*c[9]*c[11]^2 +c[3]*c[9]*c[11]*c[13]*c[14] +c[3]*c[9]*c[13]^2*c[16] -c[3]*c[11]*c[17] +c[3]*c[11]*c[18]*c[19] +c[3]*c[12]*c[16] +c[3]*c[13]*c[16]*c[19] -c[3]*c[14]*c[16]*c[18] -c[3]*c[16]^2 +c[3]*c[16]*c[18]^2,
c[1]*c[5]*c[13] +c[1]*c[7]*c[11] -c[1]*c[8]*c[13]*c[17] -c[1]*c[9]*c[12]*c[13] -c[1]*c[12]*c[19] +c[1]*c[14]*c[17] +c[1]*c[15] -c[1]*c[17]*c[18] +c[3]*c[5]*c[11] -c[3]*c[6]*c[13]*c[17] -c[3]*c[7]*c[12]*c[13] -c[3]*c[8]*c[11]*c[17] +c[3]*c[8]*c[12]*c[13]*c[19] -c[3]*c[8]*c[13]*c[15] +c[3]*c[8]*c[13]*c[17]*c[18] -c[3]*c[9]*c[10]*c[13] -c[3]*c[9]*c[11]*c[12] +c[3]*c[9]*c[12]*c[13]*c[14] +c[3]*c[9]*c[13]^2*c[17] -c[3]*c[10]*c[19] +c[3]*c[12]*c[18]*c[19] +c[3]*c[13]*c[17]*c[19] +c[3]*c[14]*c[15] -c[3]*c[14]*c[17]*c[18] -c[3]*c[15]*c[18] -c[3]*c[16]*c[17] +c[3]*c[17]*c[18]^2,
c[1]*c[5]*c[11] -c[1]*c[8]*c[13]*c[15] -c[1]*c[9]*c[10]*c[13] -c[1]*c[10]*c[19] +c[1]*c[14]*c[15] -c[1]*c[15]*c[18] -c[3]*c[6]*c[13]*c[15] -c[3]*c[7]*c[10]*c[13] +c[3]*c[8]*c[10]*c[13]*c[19] -c[3]*c[8]*c[11]*c[15] +c[3]*c[8]*c[13]*c[15]*c[18] -c[3]*c[9]*c[10]*c[11] +c[3]*c[9]*c[10]*c[13]*c[14] +c[3]*c[9]*c[13]^2*c[15] -c[3]*c[10]*c[17] +c[3]*c[10]*c[18]*c[19] +c[3]*c[12]*c[15] +c[3]*c[13]*c[15]*c[19] -c[3]*c[14]*c[15]*c[18] -c[3]*c[15]*c[16] +c[3]*c[15]*c[18]^2,
-c[6]*c[13] -c[8]*c[11] +c[8]*c[13]*c[18] +c[9]*c[13]^2 +c[12] +c[13]*c[19] -c[14]*c[18] -c[16] +c[18]^2,
-c[7]*c[13] +c[8]*c[13]*c[19] -c[9]*c[11] +c[9]*c[13]*c[14] -c[17] +c[18]*c[19],
-c[6]*c[11] +c[8]*c[13]*c[16] +c[9]*c[11]*c[13] +c[10] +c[11]*c[19] -c[14]*c[16] +c[16]*c[18],
-c[5]*c[13] -c[7]*c[11] +c[8]*c[13]*c[17] +c[9]*c[12]*c[13] +c[12]*c[19] -c[14]*c[17] -c[15] +c[17]*c[18],
-c[5]*c[11] +c[8]*c[13]*c[15] +c[9]*c[10]*c[13] +c[10]*c[19] -c[14]*c[15] +c[15]*c[18],
-c[1]*c[7]*c[13] +c[1]*c[8]*c[13]*c[19] -c[1]*c[9]*c[11] +c[1]*c[9]*c[13]*c[14] -c[1]*c[17] +c[1]*c[18]*c[19] -c[3]*c[5]*c[13] +c[3]*c[6]*c[13]*c[19] -c[3]*c[7]*c[11] +c[3]*c[7]*c[13]*c[14] +c[3]*c[8]*c[11]*c[19] -c[3]*c[8]*c[13]*c[14]*c[19] +c[3]*c[8]*c[13]*c[17] -c[3]*c[8]*c[13]*c[18]*c[19] +c[3]*c[9]*c[11]*c[14] +c[3]*c[9]*c[12]*c[13] -c[3]*c[9]*c[13]^2*c[19] -c[3]*c[9]*c[13]*c[14]^2 -c[3]*c[13]*c[19]^2 -c[3]*c[15] +c[3]*c[16]*c[19] +c[3]*c[17]*c[18] -c[3]*c[18]^2*c[19],
c[1]*c[5] -c[1]*c[6]*c[19] -c[1]*c[7]*c[14] +c[1]*c[7]*c[18] +c[1]*c[8]*c[14]*c[19] -c[1]*c[8]*c[17] -c[1]*c[9]*c[12] +c[1]*c[9]*c[13]*c[19] +c[1]*c[9]*c[14]^2 -c[1]*c[9]*c[14]*c[18] +c[1]*c[9]*c[16] +c[1]*c[19]^2 -c[3]*c[5]*c[14] +c[3]*c[5]*c[18] +c[3]*c[6]*c[14]*c[19] -c[3]*c[6]*c[17] -c[3]*c[7]*c[12] +c[3]*c[7]*c[13]*c[19] +c[3]*c[7]*c[14]^2 -c[3]*c[7]*c[14]*c[18] +c[3]*c[7]*c[16] +c[3]*c[8]*c[12]*c[19] -c[3]*c[8]*c[13]*c[19]^2 -c[3]*c[8]*c[14]^2*c[19] +c[3]*c[8]*c[14]*c[17] -c[3]*c[8]*c[15] -c[3]*c[9]*c[10] +c[3]*c[9]*c[11]*c[19] +2*c[3]*c[9]*c[12]*c[14] -c[3]*c[9]*c[12]*c[18] -2*c[3]*c[9]*c[13]*c[14]*c[19] +c[3]*c[9]*c[13]*c[17] -c[3]*c[9]*c[14]^3 +c[3]*c[9]*c[14]^2*c[18] -c[3]*c[9]*c[14]*c[16] -c[3]*c[14]*c[19]^2 +2*c[3]*c[17]*c[19] -c[3]*c[18]*c[19]^2,
-c[1]*c[7]*c[11] +c[1]*c[8]*c[11]*c[19] +c[1]*c[9]*c[11]*c[14] -c[1]*c[9]*c[11]*c[18] +c[1]*c[9]*c[13]*c[16] -c[1]*c[15] +c[1]*c[16]*c[19] -c[3]*c[5]*c[11] +c[3]*c[6]*c[11]*c[19] +c[3]*c[7]*c[11]*c[14] -c[3]*c[7]*c[11]*c[18] +c[3]*c[7]*c[13]*c[16] -c[3]*c[8]*c[11]*c[14]*c[19] +c[3]*c[8]*c[11]*c[17] -c[3]*c[8]*c[13]*c[16]*c[19] +c[3]*c[9]*c[11]*c[12] -c[3]*c[9]*c[11]*c[13]*c[19] -c[3]*c[9]*c[11]*c[14]^2 +c[3]*c[9]*c[11]*c[14]*c[18] -c[3]*c[9]*c[13]*c[14]*c[16] -c[3]*c[11]*c[19]^2 +c[3]*c[16]*c[17] -c[3]*c[16]*c[18]*c[19],
c[1]*c[5]*c[18] -c[1]*c[6]*c[17] -c[1]*c[7]*c[12] +c[1]*c[7]*c[16] +c[1]*c[8]*c[12]*c[19] -c[1]*c[8]*c[15] -c[1]*c[9]*c[10] +c[1]*c[9]*c[12]*c[14] -c[1]*c[9]*c[12]*c[18] +c[1]*c[9]*c[13]*c[17] +c[1]*c[17]*c[19] -c[3]*c[5]*c[12] +c[3]*c[5]*c[16] +c[3]*c[6]*c[12]*c[19] -c[3]*c[6]*c[15] -c[3]*c[7]*c[10] +c[3]*c[7]*c[12]*c[14] -c[3]*c[7]*c[12]*c[18] +c[3]*c[7]*c[13]*c[17] +c[3]*c[8]*c[10]*c[19] -c[3]*c[8]*c[12]*c[14]*c[19] +c[3]*c[8]*c[12]*c[17] -c[3]*c[8]*c[13]*c[17]*c[19] +c[3]*c[9]*c[10]*c[14] -c[3]*c[9]*c[10]*c[18] +c[3]*c[9]*c[11]*c[17] +c[3]*c[9]*c[12]^2 -c[3]*c[9]*c[12]*c[13]*c[19] -c[3]*c[9]*c[12]*c[14]^2 +c[3]*c[9]*c[12]*c[14]*c[18] -c[3]*c[9]*c[12]*c[16] -c[3]*c[9]*c[13]*c[14]*c[17] +c[3]*c[9]*c[13]*c[15] -c[3]*c[12]*c[19]^2 +c[3]*c[15]*c[19] +c[3]*c[17]^2 -c[3]*c[17]*c[18]*c[19],
c[1]*c[5]*c[16] -c[1]*c[6]*c[15] -c[1]*c[7]*c[10] +c[1]*c[8]*c[10]*c[19] +c[1]*c[9]*c[10]*c[14] -c[1]*c[9]*c[10]*c[18] +c[1]*c[9]*c[13]*c[15] +c[1]*c[15]*c[19] -c[3]*c[5]*c[10] +c[3]*c[6]*c[10]*c[19] +c[3]*c[7]*c[10]*c[14] -c[3]*c[7]*c[10]*c[18] +c[3]*c[7]*c[13]*c[15] -c[3]*c[8]*c[10]*c[14]*c[19] +c[3]*c[8]*c[10]*c[17] -c[3]*c[8]*c[13]*c[15]*c[19] +c[3]*c[9]*c[10]*c[12] -c[3]*c[9]*c[10]*c[13]*c[19] -c[3]*c[9]*c[10]*c[14]^2 +c[3]*c[9]*c[10]*c[14]*c[18] -c[3]*c[9]*c[10]*c[16] +c[3]*c[9]*c[11]*c[15] -c[3]*c[9]*c[13]*c[14]*c[15] -c[3]*c[10]*c[19]^2 +c[3]*c[15]*c[17] -c[3]*c[15]*c[18]*c[19],
c[7]*c[13] -c[8]*c[13]*c[19] +c[9]*c[11] -c[9]*c[13]*c[14] +c[17] -c[18]*c[19],
-c[5] +c[6]*c[19] +c[7]*c[14] -c[7]*c[18] -c[8]*c[14]*c[19] +c[8]*c[17] +c[9]*c[12] -c[9]*c[13]*c[19] -c[9]*c[14]^2 +c[9]*c[14]*c[18] -c[9]*c[16] -c[19]^2,
c[7]*c[11] -c[8]*c[11]*c[19] -c[9]*c[11]*c[14] +c[9]*c[11]*c[18] -c[9]*c[13]*c[16] +c[15] -c[16]*c[19],
-c[5]*c[18] +c[6]*c[17] +c[7]*c[12] -c[7]*c[16] -c[8]*c[12]*c[19] +c[8]*c[15] +c[9]*c[10] -c[9]*c[12]*c[14] +c[9]*c[12]*c[18] -c[9]*c[13]*c[17] -c[17]*c[19],
     -c[5]*c[16] +c[6]*c[15] +c[7]*c[10] -c[8]*c[10]*c[19] -c[9]*c[10]*c[14] +c[9]*c[10]*c[18] -c[9]*c[13]*c[15] -c[15]*c[19]];

I := ideal(L);
t0 := CpuTime();
GB := GBasis(I);
println "GBasis time: ", TimeFrom(t0);

t0 := CpuTime();
$radical.RADICAL_OUT:=true; // activate some VERBOSE logs
radI := radical(I);
println "radical time: ", TimeFrom(t0);

#7 Updated by Anna Maria Bigatti over 7 years ago

I have found the (a?) slow step: there is a call to saturate(I, ideal(RingElem(RingOf(G),G1))) taking a long time.

#8 Updated by Anna Maria Bigatti over 7 years ago

  • % Done changed from 0 to 10

#9 Updated by Anna Maria Bigatti over 7 years ago

  • Related to Slug #967: Improve saturate added

#10 Updated by Anna Maria Bigatti over 7 years ago

  • Project changed from CoCoALib to CoCoA-5
  • Category changed from Improving to enhancing/improving
  • Target version changed from CoCoALib-1.0 to CoCoA-5.?.?

#11 Updated by John Abbott almost 7 years ago

  • Status changed from New to In Progress

Here are some examples of zero-dim ideals where radical is slow:

I := ideal(-y^5 -x^3*y -2*y^3*z,  x*y^2*z^2 +z^5 -2*x*y^3 +2*x^2*z,  2*x^5 -2*x^2*y^3 +x*y^3*z);
LT(radI) = ideal(x*y^2,  y^4,  z^5,  y^2*z^3,  x*y*z^3,  x^2*z^3,  y^3*z^2,  x^2*y*z^2,  y*z^4,  x^3)
time = 396.48
size = 149

I := ideal(-2*x*y*z^3 +2*y^2*z^3 -x^4 -2*y*z^3,  2*x^5 -2*x*y^3*z +y*z^3 +2*z^4,  -y^5 +x*y^2*z^2 -2*z^5);
LT(radI) = ideal(x*y*z^3,  x^3*z^2,  y^5,  x*y^4,  x^2*y^3,  x^3*y^2,  x^4*y,  x^5,  x*y^3*z^2,  y^4*z^2,  y^3*z^3,  x^2*z^4,  z^6,  y*z^5,  x*z^5,  y^2*z^4,  x^4*z,  x^2*y*z^2)
time = 504.61
size = 627

I := ideal(x^5 +x*y^2*z^2 -x^2*y*z -2*y^2*z^2,  -y^5 -x^3*y*z +2*x*y^2*z^2 +2*z^5,  -x*y*z^3 -2*z^5 +2*x^3*y +2*x*y^2*z);
LT(radI) = ideal(y^4,  x*y*z^3,  x^2*y^2*z,  x^3*y*z,  x^4*z,  x^2*y^3,  x^3*y^2,  x^4*y,  x^5,  y^3*z^3,  x^2*z^4,  y^2*z^4,  x*z^5,  y*z^5,  z^6,  x*y^3*z,  x^3*z^2,  x^2*y*z^2)
time = 562.66
size = 622

I := ideal(-x^5 +2*x^2*z^3 -y^2*z^2 -x*z^2,  -x*y^4 -z^5 +2*x*y^2*z,  2*y^5 +2*x^2*z^3 -z^4);
LT(radI) = ideal(x^3*z^2,  x*y^3*z,  x^2*y^2*z,  x^3*y*z,  x^4*z,  y^5,  x*y^4,  x^2*y^3,  x^3*y^2,  x^4*y,  x^5,  x^2*y*z^3,  y^3*z^3,  x*y*z^4,  x*z^5,  y*z^5,  y^4*z,  x^2*z^4,  z^6,  y^2*z^4,  x*y^2*z^2)
time = 916.92
size = 496

I have not (yet) tried Singular on these examples, but it is probably much faster than CoCoA.

#12 Updated by John Abbott almost 7 years ago

I have just tried the last example (916s) from the comment above modulo 32003 and modulo 29641. The computation was almost instant. Can't we just compute the whole radical modulo p (and then lift to QQ)? How to detect/handle bad primes?

#13 Updated by John Abbott almost 7 years ago

Here is another slow example: (about 450s on my computer)

I := ideal(x^5 +y^5 +x*y^2*z^2 +x*y^2,  x^3*y^2 +y^4*z +x^2*y*z^2 +y^4,  z^5 +x^2*y^2 +y^2*z^2 +x*y^2);

And the one below took almost 1800s on my computer:

I = ideal(z^5 +x^3*z +x^2*y*z,  x^5 +x^2*y*z^2 +y^4,  x^5 +y^5 +y^4*z)
LT(radI) = ideal(y^3*z,  x^2*y*z,  x^3*z,  y^4,  x*y^3,  x^2*y^2,  x^3*y,  y^2*z^3,  x*z^4,  y*z^4,  z^5,  x*y^2*z,  x^5,  x^2*z^2,  x*y*z^2)
time = 1786.6
size = 285

#14 Updated by John Abbott almost 7 years ago

I have noticed that when I interrupt the very long radical computations the interpreter indicates that it was computing the multiplicity (which involves computing a GBasis). A quick check suggests that this happens for all these examples.

This may help us design a (practically) faster algorithm.

>>>  CoCoA-5 interrupted  <<<

--> WHERE: at line 191 (column 26) of maximal.cpkg5
-->       d := multiplicity(P/J);
-->                          ^

#15 Updated by John Abbott almost 7 years ago

Singular appears not to compute a GBasis for the radical.

For instance, in the first example in comment 11, Singular gives an answer in about 0.15s: it adjoins two generators to the ideal. Asking Singular to compute the GBasis of that ideal (using the command groebner) took about 11mins. CoCoA obtains the GBasis for the radical in about 7mins; so if you want a GBasis for the radical CoCoA is actually faster.

#16 Updated by John Abbott over 6 years ago

  • Related to Slug #1114: Some other examples for 0-dim radical added

#17 Updated by Anna Maria Bigatti over 6 years ago

(just to know, when testing)
All these examples in "c" have positive dimension.
All these examples in "x" are 0-dimensional.

#18 Updated by Anna Maria Bigatti over 6 years ago

  • Assignee set to Anna Maria Bigatti
  • Target version changed from CoCoA-5.?.? to CoCoA-5.2.4
  • % Done changed from 10 to 50

All 0-dimensional ideals (i.e. those in x,y,..), now take less than 1 second.
I have added (as John suggested) a timeout for the internal GBasis computations.
The timeout I set is the time used for computing the minimal polynomial.

I'm impressed with the cost of the computation of the GBasis of the radical for seemingly innocent ideals: 2 seconds for computing GBasis and computing the radical, and 20min for the GBasis OF the radical.

#19 Updated by John Abbott almost 6 years ago

  • Target version changed from CoCoA-5.2.4 to CoCoA-5.3.0

#20 Updated by John Abbott over 4 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
  • % Done changed from 50 to 70

I have just tried a few examples, and they seems to be much quicker (but perhaps not as fast as Singular).
Should we close this issue?

#21 Updated by Anna Maria Bigatti over 4 years ago

We have another funny problem: MinPoly is too fast ;-)
The timeout for GBasis depends only on the time spent in MinPoly, so this superquick example

/**/  use R ::= QQ[x,y];
/**/  I := ideal(x-1, y)^3;
/**/  radical(I);
ideal(x^3 -3*x^2 +3*x -1,  x^2*y -2*x*y +y,  x^2*y -2*x*y +y,  x*y^2 -y^2,  x^2*y -2*x*y +y,  x*y^2 -y^2,  x*y^2 -y^2,  y^3,  y,  x -1)

does not have the time for computing the GBasis and give the easy solution.
Make some good guess on a minimum timeout, and/or explain this behaviour in the manual.

#22 Updated by John Abbott over 4 years ago

I have just tried modifying the code, but it does not work as expected.

In SparsePolyOps-Ideal0Dim.C around line 367, there is if (i==0) break; // Seidenberg
This seems to prevent computation of the final GBasis, even if I set large (0.1s) timeout.

The formula for timeout_GB on line looks far too complicated (KISS?)
My simple idea was just to add say 0.1 to the actual measured time: if minpoly is fast,
this gives a small amount of time for GB to finish; if minpoly is not fast, then it makes
little difference.

ADDENDUM I tried commenting out the "Seidenberg" line, but it made no difference (even with timeout of 10s). There must be a bug!

#23 Updated by Anna Maria Bigatti over 4 years ago

John Abbott wrote:

My simple idea was just to add say 0.1 to the actual measured time: if minpoly is fast,
this gives a small amount of time for GB to finish; if minpoly is not fast, then it makes
little difference.

Done it, added 0.1s.
I also modified the code so that the generators are taken for the GBases effectively computed.
Last one (the one in x) is not computed because adding x-1 guarantees the output to be radical.

ideal(y,  x^3 -3*x^2 +3*x -1,  x -1)

#24 Updated by Anna Maria Bigatti over 4 years ago

  • Related to Slug #1375: Radical 0-dim: varied timings added

#25 Updated by Anna Maria Bigatti over 4 years ago

Anna Maria Bigatti wrote:

John Abbott wrote:

My simple idea was just to add say 0.1 to the actual measured time: if minpoly is fast,
this gives a small amount of time for GB to finish; if minpoly is not fast, then it makes
little difference.

Done it, added 0.1s.
I also modified the code so that the generators are taken for the GBases effectively computed.
Last one (the one in x) is not computed because adding x-1 guarantees the output to be radical.

Now the value is 0.5s, 0.1 was too little (see Slug #1375)

#26 Updated by John Abbott over 4 years ago

After the change mentioned in issue #1375, the examples in comment 13 are now satisfactorily quick. The example in comment 21 is fine now.

The examples in comment 11:
  • (1) is still slow: radical is fast-ish, but ReducedGBasis slow. Gets slower: I stopped RGB computation after 575s :-(
  • (2) now reasonably fast
  • (3) now reasonably fast
  • (4) now reasonably fast

#27 Updated by John Abbott over 4 years ago

As reported in the previous comment, example 1 was still a problem. I increased the extra time (to 2.5s), then the computation became fast: radical (0.8s) and RGB (instant). Presumably increasing to just 0.8s would have been sufficient.

What is the correct way to handle this situation?

#28 Updated by John Abbott over 4 years ago

  • Target version changed from CoCoA-5.3.0 to CoCoA-5.4.0

This is almost resolved: we add some extra time when computing the RGB in the main loop.
This works well, but the question is how much extra time to add.
Since I do not believe we have a good answer yet, I am postponing this issue to the next version.

#29 Updated by John Abbott over 3 years ago

The examples in comment 13 are now reasonably quick.
The one in comment 2 is still slow -- cause is trouble with multivariate GCD over finite field (see issue #1581).

When I interrupt the computation after about a minute this is what I get:

>>>  CoCoA-5 interrupted  <<<

--> WHERE: at line 152 (column 48) of radical.cpkg5
--> ... ideal([rad(K) | K In gens(I)]) + ideal([rad(K) | K In GBasis(I)]);
-->                                             ^^^^^^

Yet, it seems to me that rad(K) ought to be fast... oh, it computes GCD via GBases... oh :-(

#30 Updated by John Abbott over 3 years ago

#31 Updated by John Abbott over 2 years ago

  • Target version changed from CoCoA-5.4.0 to CoCoA-5.4.2

#32 Updated by John Abbott over 1 year ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to Feedback
  • % Done changed from 70 to 90

#33 Updated by John Abbott 6 months ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Closed
  • % Done changed from 90 to 100
  • Estimated time set to 16.00 h

The current state is good enough; it necessary, we could improve it at some future point.
Good enough to close (after 10 months in feedback).

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