


Slug #725

Example database: Slow ideal equality test

Added by John Abbott about 9 years ago. Updated about 9 years ago.

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06 Jun 2015
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This is probably not important, but I wanted to record this example which seems to be unexpectedly slow -- it might be useful for future testing/tuning.

The example comes from a study of symplectic matrix groups (JAA+Eick). I just wanted to verify that the set of generators I have is minimal (i.e. non of the generators is redundant). There are 12 generators to test for redundancy; the 10th leads to a much slower computation than the rest (more time than all the rest put together, I believe).

Ideally I want to do the computation over QQ, but I actually did it over ZZ/(3) hoping it would be faster.

n := 3; // almost instant with parameter n=2

use P ::= QQ[x[1..2*n, 1..2*n]];
use P ::= ZZ/(3)[x[1..2*n, 1..2*n]];

M := mat([[x[i,j] | i in 1..2*n ] | j in 1..2*n]);

Id := IdentityMat(P,n);
Z := mat(P,[[0 | i in 1..n] | j in 1..n]);
omega := BlockMat([[Z,Id],[-Id,Z]]);
CondMat := transposed(M)*omega*M - omega;

G := [];
for i:=1 to 2*n do
  for j:=i+1 to 2*n do
    append(ref G, CondMat[i,j]);
I := ideal(G);

-- This loop is very slow when j=10
for j:=1 to len(G) do
  t0 := CpuTime();
  test := ideal(WithoutNth(G,j)) = I;
  println "test for j=",j,"  result=",test,"  time=",TimeFrom(t0);

Related issues

Related to CoCoALib - Feature #1267: Ideal equalityIn Progress2019-03-28


#1 Updated by John Abbott about 9 years ago

Re-running the program (over QQ) I get the following output (still incomplete):

test for j=1  result=false  time=10.481
test for j=2  result=false  time=48.799
test for j=3  result=false  time=23.532
test for j=4  result=false  time=6.957
test for j=5  result=false  time=1.681
test for j=6  result=false  time=45.491

So it is clear that there is considerable variability in time even among the "fast" cases. The case j=7 is quite slow, but j=10 seemed to be much slower...

I suppose the main cost is computing a G-basis for the ideal with one generator removed.

#2 Updated by John Abbott about 9 years ago


test for j=7  result=false  time=1805.911
test for j=8  result=false  time=18.879
test for j=9  result=false  time=5.747

Note: j=10 took 8400s over ZZ/(3) -- now my computer's rather warm :-/

#3 Updated by John Abbott about 9 years ago

It has finally finished:

test for j=10  result=false  time=19217.141
test for j=11  result=false  time=4650.939
test for j=12  result=false  time=31.482
test for j=13  result=false  time=30.232
test for j=14  result=false  time=14.689
test for j=15  result=false  time=59.276

These times are for computation over QQ.

#4 Updated by Anna Maria Bigatti about 9 years ago

Instead of checking equality you should just check whether g_j is in the ideal generated by the others. However, this will not make a big difference in speed. The input is not homogeneous, is it?

#5 Updated by John Abbott about 9 years ago

Anna, you are right (in principle). In practice, I think almost the whole time is spent computing a G-basis (rather than using the G-basis for computing NFs).

The input is "not quite homogeneous"; several generators are homogeneous (deg=2), but some are 1+homog(deg=2).

I think my main point is to note this example as a test case for future improvements to the GBMill.

#6 Updated by John Abbott about 9 years ago

For completeness here is the list of generators in QQ[x[1..6,1..6]]

  -x[1,4]*x[2,1] -x[1,5]*x[2,2] -x[1,6]*x[2,3] +x[1,1]*x[2,4] +x[1,2]*x[2,5] +x[1,3]*x[2,6],
  -x[1,4]*x[3,1] -x[1,5]*x[3,2] -x[1,6]*x[3,3] +x[1,1]*x[3,4] +x[1,2]*x[3,5] +x[1,3]*x[3,6],
  -x[1,4]*x[4,1] -x[1,5]*x[4,2] -x[1,6]*x[4,3] +x[1,1]*x[4,4] +x[1,2]*x[4,5] +x[1,3]*x[4,6] -1,
  -x[1,4]*x[5,1] -x[1,5]*x[5,2] -x[1,6]*x[5,3] +x[1,1]*x[5,4] +x[1,2]*x[5,5] +x[1,3]*x[5,6],
  -x[1,4]*x[6,1] -x[1,5]*x[6,2] -x[1,6]*x[6,3] +x[1,1]*x[6,4] +x[1,2]*x[6,5] +x[1,3]*x[6,6],
  -x[2,4]*x[3,1] -x[2,5]*x[3,2] -x[2,6]*x[3,3] +x[2,1]*x[3,4] +x[2,2]*x[3,5] +x[2,3]*x[3,6],
  -x[2,4]*x[4,1] -x[2,5]*x[4,2] -x[2,6]*x[4,3] +x[2,1]*x[4,4] +x[2,2]*x[4,5] +x[2,3]*x[4,6],
  -x[2,4]*x[5,1] -x[2,5]*x[5,2] -x[2,6]*x[5,3] +x[2,1]*x[5,4] +x[2,2]*x[5,5] +x[2,3]*x[5,6] -1,
  -x[2,4]*x[6,1] -x[2,5]*x[6,2] -x[2,6]*x[6,3] +x[2,1]*x[6,4] +x[2,2]*x[6,5] +x[2,3]*x[6,6],
  -x[3,4]*x[4,1] -x[3,5]*x[4,2] -x[3,6]*x[4,3] +x[3,1]*x[4,4] +x[3,2]*x[4,5] +x[3,3]*x[4,6],
  -x[3,4]*x[5,1] -x[3,5]*x[5,2] -x[3,6]*x[5,3] +x[3,1]*x[5,4] +x[3,2]*x[5,5] +x[3,3]*x[5,6],
  -x[3,4]*x[6,1] -x[3,5]*x[6,2] -x[3,6]*x[6,3] +x[3,1]*x[6,4] +x[3,2]*x[6,5] +x[3,3]*x[6,6] -1,
  -x[4,4]*x[5,1] -x[4,5]*x[5,2] -x[4,6]*x[5,3] +x[4,1]*x[5,4] +x[4,2]*x[5,5] +x[4,3]*x[5,6],
  -x[4,4]*x[6,1] -x[4,5]*x[6,2] -x[4,6]*x[6,3] +x[4,1]*x[6,4] +x[4,2]*x[6,5] +x[4,3]*x[6,6],
  -x[5,4]*x[6,1] -x[5,5]*x[6,2] -x[5,6]*x[6,3] +x[5,1]*x[6,4] +x[5,2]*x[6,5] +x[5,3]*x[6,6]

#7 Updated by John Abbott about 9 years ago

In the specific example of this issue there are 36 indets (all used), 15 polynomials, and dim(P/I) gives 21. Isn't this enough to prove that there are no redundant generators?

If so, perhaps this could be added to MinimalSubsetOfGens?

Note that it is important to know how many indets are actualy being used (see issue #658).

#8 Updated by Anna Maria Bigatti about 9 years ago

John Abbott wrote:

In the specific example of this issue there are 36 indets (all used), 15 polynomials, and dim(P/I) gives 21. Isn't this enough to prove that there are no redundant generators?


If so, perhaps this could be added to MinimalSubsetOfGens?

hmm, true

#9 Updated by John Abbott 7 months ago

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