


Slug #1518

SLUG: Printing PPs with many indets

Added by John Abbott over 3 years ago. Updated 5 months ago.

In Progress
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Start date:
23 Oct 2020
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It seems that printing polys in polyrings with many indets is slower than I would like: the example from issue #1514 involves printing out many polys from a ring with 1000 indets, and printing takes surprisingly long (longer than re-reading the same polys!)

Investigate and improve (if poss).

Related issues

Related to CoCoALib - Design #1538: RingElem from string (ReadExpr)Closed2020-11-13


#1 Updated by John Abbott over 3 years ago

According to the profiler: printing 250 polys each with about 500 terms (RandomLinearForm from polyring with 1000 indets) calls

                0.21    9.65  124871/124871      CoCoA::operator<<(std::ostream&, CoCoA::ConstRefPPMonoidElem) [24]
[25]    20.1    0.21    9.65  124871         CoCoA::PPMonoidBase::myOutput(std::ostream&, CoCoA::PPMonoidElemConstRawPtr) const [25]
                0.52    8.71 124871000/124871000     CoCoA::PPMonoidOvImpl::myBigExponent(CoCoA::BigInt&, CoCoA::PPMonoidElemConstRawPtr, long) const [26]
                0.11    0.27 124871000/124871026     CoCoA::IsZero(CoCoA::BigInt const&) [40]

There are two points here:
  1. why is it calling myBigExponent instead of myExponent (which should return a long)?
  2. why is myBigExponent being called so many times? Isn't there a myBigExponentVec or similar?

#2 Updated by John Abbott over 3 years ago

  • Status changed from New to In Progress
  • % Done changed from 0 to 10
I propose the following revision to the design:
  • (A) each PPMonoid has a fn which says whether it can handle only "small" exponents (or whether big ones are possible); we can then have 2 print fns one which works only for small exps, and one which works for larger exps
  • (B) the print fn should anyway use expvs (since computing one expv is surely no more expensive than computing each exp individually).
  • (C) (not so sure about this) the "small" expv fn could return a boolean saying whether it succeeded -- this would allow using "small" expvs where possible (even if the PPMonoid could represent larger exps)

If we implement (C) then (A) may not longer be that useful.

#3 Updated by John Abbott over 3 years ago

Here is a reference test:

N := 4*1024;
use P ::= ZZ/(2)[x[1..N]];
f := sum(indets(P));
StartTime := CpuTime();
for i := 1 to 10 do
  str := sprint(f);
println "sprint time: ", TimeFrom(StartTime);

On my machine the loop took about 5.4s; altogether it took about 47s.

#4 Updated by John Abbott over 3 years ago

I have just tried modifying the impl (PPMonoid.C around lines 215--230, PPMonoidBase::myOutput).
The modified version calls myBigExponents and then runs through this vector. It takes 9.4s instead of 5.4.

Time for a break!

#5 Updated by John Abbott over 3 years ago

I have just repeated the experiment, but in CoCoALib. This is the test program:

    ring P = NewPolyRing(NewZZmod(2), SymbolRange("x",1,4096));
    RingElem f = sum(indets(P));
    double t0 = CpuTime();
    ostringstream out;
    out << f;
    double t1 = CpuTime();
    cout << "len(out) = " << out.str().size() << endl;    
    cout << "Print time: " << t1-t0 << endl;

With myBigExponents printing took about 0.72s.
With myBigExponent called several times, printing took about 0.56s

I tried running with profiling; then the times were reversed (i.e. myBigExponents was decidedly faster).

At the moment I cannot explain these results: they are contrary to my expectations. :-(

#6 Updated by John Abbott over 3 years ago

  • % Done changed from 10 to 20

I have just tried again but with SmallExponent_t being unsigned short (previously it was unsigned int).
Printing times remain almost unchanged: 0.71s and 0.55s.
For information: Total time was considerably lower: about 3.3s against 6.3s.

#7 Updated by John Abbott over 3 years ago

Here is a guess as to why the observed times are as they are:
with myBigExponents the ctor for BigInt is called NumIndets times, whereas with myBigExponent in a loop the ctor for BigInt is called just once.

As a test I could try replacing myBigExponents by myExponents (which is safe in the test I used)...

#8 Updated by John Abbott over 3 years ago

Anna suggest using a virtual fn for printing which is specialized in PPMs which can have big exps.

JAA will think about it.

#9 Updated by John Abbott over 2 years ago

  • Target version changed from CoCoALib-0.99800 to CoCoALib-0.99850

#10 Updated by Anna Maria Bigatti about 1 year ago

  • Related to Design #1538: RingElem from string (ReadExpr) added

#11 Updated by John Abbott 5 months ago

  • Target version changed from CoCoALib-0.99850 to CoCoALib-0.99900

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