


Feature #222

Printing polynomials - spaces between terms

Added by John Abbott almost 12 years ago. Updated over 1 year ago.

In Progress
Target version:
Start date:
08 Aug 2012
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
10.50 h
Spent time:


Bruns points out that spaces are inserted in an asymmetrical manner between terms when printing a polynomial. For instance x+1 is currently printed as x +1 which is ugly.

CoCoA-4 prints out x+1 as x + 1 (i.e. a space before and a space after the + sign).

We should also consider what happens when the coeffs are themselves polynomials. How should (x-1)*y+(x+1)*z be printed? As an element of QQ[x,y,z]? As an element of QQ[x][y,z]?

Related issues

Related to CoCoALib - Bug #74: printing polynomialsNew2011-12-22

Related to CoCoALib - Feature #253: W.Bruns's wish listClosed2012-10-04

Related to CoCoA-5 - Support #242: CoCoA-5 Projects for students (e.g. crediti F and tesi)In Progress2012-09-28

Related to CoCoALib - Design #432: Semantics of IsPrintedWithMinusIn Progress2014-01-31

Related to CoCoALib - Feature #1117: Better printing of negative coeffsIn Progress2017-11-07

Related to CoCoALib - Design #1156: Printing for RingElemNew2018-02-12


#1 Updated by John Abbott almost 12 years ago

  • Estimated time set to 5.00 h

Bruns suggests inserting no spaces.

This is the easiest solution. We should try it, and decide how readable polynomials look with this convention (perhaps comparing with CoCoA-4).

We should assemble a small database of polynomials (and their rings!) to use as test cases for assessing how "nice" the printed form is.

#2 Updated by John Abbott almost 12 years ago

We could introduce a flag to say whether to print spaces between summands in polynomials.

The flag could be compile time or run-time. Since great speed is not crucial, there is no real advantage to using a compile-time flag. A run-time flag could even be user settable (perhaps belonging to the GlobalManager?).

Addendum removing the space before the + or - sign is very simple (just disable line 529 in SparsePolyRing.C); adding a space after the + sign is simple too (change lines 530 and 552), but adding a space after the - sign is more tricky because the - sign is printed as part of the coefficient. Unfortunately the documentation for IsPrintedWithMinus (in the doc for RingElem) is not as clear as I would like.

#3 Updated by Anna Maria Bigatti almost 12 years ago

John Abbott wrote:

The flag could be compile time or run-time. Since great speed is not crucial, there is no real advantage to using a compile-time flag. A run-time flag could even be user settable (perhaps belonging to the GlobalManager?).

I agree

Addendum removing the space before the + or - sign is very simple (just disable line 529 in SparsePolyRing.C); adding a space after the + sign is simple too (change lines 530 and 552), but adding a space after the - sign is more tricky because the - sign is printed as part of the coefficient. Unfortunately the documentation for IsPrintedWithMinus (in the doc for RingElem) is not as clear as I would like.

If my memory works well the reason why there is no space after the sign came originally from the fact that "-2" (int) is printed like that.
Then I saw (and I'm still convinced) that it's more compact, while nicely separating the summands in a polynomial).

To add the space after "-" we would probably only need to intercept the printing of negative machine integers and print "- " and the absolute value.

CoCoA-4 printed like this (no space for the first term).
What to do?

-3x - 1

#4 Updated by John Abbott over 11 years ago

Christof and John looked at various possible printed forms of (3-2*x)^5

[a]  -32*x^5+240*x^4-720*x^3+1080*x^2-810*x+243
[b]  -32*x^5 +240*x^4 -720*x^3 +1080*x^2 -810*x +243
[c]  -32*x^5 + 240*x^4 - 720*x^3 + 1080*x^2 - 810*x + 243
[d]  - 32*x^5 + 240*x^4 - 720*x^3 + 1080*x^2 - 810*x + 243

We both felt that [a] is the hardest to read -- it is too uniform, your eye gets "lost" and does not comprehend the structure.
We both felt that [b] is acceptable, but not as pleasant as [c].
We both felt that [c] looks nicest.
Format [d] is confusing when used to print a list of polynomials such as [x,-y,z].

We also looked at the polynomial (2*a-x)^5 in the ring QQ[a][x]

[aa]  -x^5 +(10*a)*x^4 +(-40*a^2)*x^3 +(80*a^3)*x^2 +(-80*a^4)*x +32*a^5
[bb]  -x^5 + (10*a)*x^4 + (-40*a^2)*x^3 + (80*a^3)*x^2 + (-80*a^4)*x + 32*a^5
[cc]  -x^5 + (10*a)*x^4 - (40*a^2)*x^3 + (80*a^3)*x^2 - (80*a^4)*x + 32*a^5
[dd]  -x^5 + 10*a*x^4 - 40*a^2*x^3 + 80*a^3*x^2 - 80*a^4*x + 32*a^5

We thought that [aa] is just acceptable.
Format [bb] was the one we liked most.
Format [cc] seems less clear than [bb].
Format [dd] is the "lightest" but disguises the structure.

ADDENDUM JAA notices that the final term 32*a^5 was not printed in brackets. Why not?

#5 Updated by John Abbott over 11 years ago

  • Status changed from New to In Progress
  • % Done changed from 0 to 10

#6 Updated by John Abbott over 11 years ago

JAA proposes the following guideline:

a coefficient is printed between brackets except when:
  • the coefficients +1 and -1 are handled specially, or
  • the coefficient is an integer (i.e. IsInteger gives true), or
  • the power product is 1 and the coefficient is rational (i.e. IsRational gives true)
  • negative integer/rational coefficients are handled specially (i.e. not ...+(-c)*x^k)

Here are some examples:

[A] x^2 - 1   // any ring
[B] x^2 - 1/4 // any ring, special handling for negative rational
[C] x^2 + (-1/4) // any ring
[D] x^2 - a          // element of QQ[a,x]
[E] x^2 - (1/4)*a    // element of QQ[a,x], special handling for negative rational
[F] x^2 + (-1/4)*a   // element of QQ[a,x]
[G] x^2 + (-a)       // element of QQ[a][x]
[H] x^2 + ((-1/4)*a) // element of QQ[a][x]
[I] x^2 + (-(1/4)*a) // element of QQ[a][x], special handling for negative rational
[J] x^2 - (1/2)*x + 1/16  // any ring, no brackets around 1/16, special handling for -1/2
[K] x^2 + (-1/2)*x + 1/16
[L] x^2 + (-1/2)*x + (1/16)

Opinions about [B] versus [C]?
Opinions about [E] versus [F]?
Opinions about [J] versus [K] versus [L]?
Any other opinions/suggestions/examples?

2013-02-18 JAA thinks [C] is ugly. JAA mildly prefers [E] to [F], but incompatibly also thinks that [H] is nicer than [I]. Aesthetically [K] looks nicer than [L], but [L] is more uniform.

#7 Updated by John Abbott over 10 years ago

  • Category set to Various

This issue has been sitting idle for a year. We should decide, and then implement!

Addendum: JAA thinks that a leading "minus sign" should probably be handled differently from one between two terms. Here are the examples to consider: -x + 2 and - x + 2 and x^2 - x + 2.

Addendum2: the special handling for "leading minus" would be important for printing out a polynomial whose value happens to be an integer (e.g. -1)

#8 Updated by Winfried Bruns over 10 years ago

I would prefer a symmetric appearance, either no space around the + sign or a blank on bothsides.

But it is a matter of taste and adaptation --- if one has seen the asymmetric apperance long enough one gets used to it.

#9 Updated by John Abbott over 10 years ago

  • % Done changed from 10 to 20

In note 6 I unwittingly overlooked some (important?) points: for instance I did not consider compound coefficients in the coeff ring. Here are some more cases to consider.

[AA] x^2 + (-a+1)*x + (-a-1)  in QQ[a][x]   --> the coeffs are "compact" 
[BB] x^2 + (-a + 1)*x + (-a - 1)  in QQ[a][x]  -->  coeffs have spaces
[CC] x^2 + (a)*x + (a)         in QQ[a][x]
[DD] x^2 + (a)*x + a           in QQ[a][x]
[EE] x^2 + a*x + a             in QQ[a][x] but looks like it is in QQ[a,x]
[FF] x^2 + (-a)*x + (-a)       in QQ[a][x]
[GG] x^2 - (a)*x - (a)         in QQ[a][x]
[HH] x^2 - a*x - a             in QQ[a][x] but looks like it is in QQ[a,x]
[II] a                 in QQ[a][x] but does not look like deg = 0
[JJ] (a)               in QQ[a][x]
[KK] ((a))             in QQ[a][b][x]
[LL] x^2 - x + ((-a))  in QQ[a][b][x]
[ZZ] x^2 - ((1/4)*a)           in QQ[a][x]

It now seems to me that "good aesthetics" and "clear structure" do not always go together. I think that the "clear structure" approach is likely to be easier to implement.

#10 Updated by John Abbott over 10 years ago

I notice in SparsePolyRing.C:551 that there is a check via IsPrintAtom. The documentation says true iff arg does not need brackets when a num or denom of a fraction

So how should x^2 - x/a - 1/a (elem of QQ(a)[x]) be printed?

[aaa] x^2 + (-1/a)*x + (-1/a)
[bbb] x^2 - (1/a)*x - (1/a)
[ccc] x^2 - (1/a)*x - 1/a

I think [bbb] is "nicest", and probably [aaa] is ugliest (though possibly the easiest to understand "at a glance").

#11 Updated by Anna Maria Bigatti over 10 years ago

  • Target version set to CoCoALib-0.99533 Easter14

#12 Updated by John Abbott about 10 years ago

  • Target version changed from CoCoALib-0.99533 Easter14 to CoCoALib-0.99534 Seoul14

#13 Updated by John Abbott almost 10 years ago

  • Target version changed from CoCoALib-0.99534 Seoul14 to CoCoALib-1.0

#14 Updated by John Abbott about 9 years ago

  • Estimated time changed from 5.00 h to 10.50 h

This issue has been idle for another year.

#15 Updated by John Abbott over 6 years ago

  • Related to Feature #1117: Better printing of negative coeffs added

#16 Updated by John Abbott over 6 years ago

#17 Updated by John Abbott over 3 years ago

Idle for more than 6 years: perhaps because there is no clear answer, and implementation might be tricky :-/

#18 Updated by John Abbott over 1 year ago

SOURCE CODE has moved: now near SparsePolyOps-RingElem.C:480

#19 Updated by John Abbott over 1 year ago

  • % Done changed from 20 to 30
I am tempted to make the following change (which I hope is not too difficult):
  • the coefficient of the PP 1 is printed out the same way as for any other term in the poly

Currently we try to be "clever" and avoid putting brackets around the coefficient (sometimes).
Several example above illustrate what I mean. In contrast the following shows that we do
sometimes use brackets:

/**/ use FF7a ::= ZZ/(7)[a];
/**/ I := ideal(a^2-3);
/**/ K := FF7a/I;
/**/ use P ::= K[x];
/**/ (x-2)^3;
x^3 +x^2 +(-2)*x +(-1)

Any objections?

#20 Updated by John Abbott over 1 year ago

  • Target version changed from CoCoALib-1.0 to CoCoALib-0.99880

#21 Updated by Anna Maria Bigatti over 1 year ago

On my computer I get

/**/ FF7a ::= ZZ/(7)[a];
/**/ use P ::= FF7a[x];
/**/ (x-2)^3;
x^3 +x^2 -2*x -1

and I much prefer that (without the parentheses).

I think I am missing something in your proposal.
I believe we should close this issue (originated for deciding spaces around signs) and make new ones, more specific.

#22 Updated by John Abbott over 1 year ago

Sorry I typed in the example wrongly: there should have been a quotient (now corrected -- see comment 19)

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