


Design #1572

Use noexcept

Added by John Abbott over 3 years ago. Updated 2 months ago.

Target version:
Start date:
29 Jan 2021
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
Spent time:


Scott Meyers recommends using noexcept where it fits naturally.

Check to see where we can use it.

Related issues

Related to CoCoALib - Design #1225: Move to C++14 (skipping C++11)In Progress2018-09-06

Related to CoCoALib - Design #1787: Iterator design: compatible with C++STL? Advancing beyond end?In Progress2024-03-07


#1 Updated by John Abbott over 3 years ago

  • Related to Design #1225: Move to C++14 (skipping C++11) added

#2 Updated by John Abbott over 3 years ago

Maybe not many functions are applicable e.g.
  • the fn must not call a fn which is not noexcept (with args which could cause an exception to be thrown),
  • the fn must not alloc heap memory (even indirectly), e.g. I/O (of CoCoA objects) could throw an exception
  • the fn must not do arg checking which can throw an exception (via CoCoA_THROW_ERROR, see next entry)
  • SPECIAL CASE a fn which could throw only via CoCoA_ASSERT), may be declared noexcept
Here is a list of the files which have already been checked: (update when new files are done)
  • bool3.H
  • BigInt.H
  • BigIntOps.H and .C
  • MachineInt
  • combinatorics
  • convert (some are not noexcept because of poor impl)
  • degree (many are not because of arg checks)
  • DivMask
  • error
  • exception
  • VerificationLevel
  • NumTheory-XYZ (all files done)
  • SignalWatcher
  • SmallFp (hardly any since they are inline)
  • time
  • ULong2Long
  • utils
  • VectorOps
  • end-of-list
These files are (probably) not applicable:
  • interrupt
  • utils-gmp
  • essentially all the rest
  • end-of-list

#3 Updated by John Abbott over 3 years ago

  • Status changed from New to In Progress
  • % Done changed from 0 to 50

I am not sure whether a function which has a local static variable can be noexcept.
I suppose, so long as the local static object does not require any heap storage, it can be noexcept.
One problem is that it would be quite hard to test this... (i.e. I have no idea how to do it).

A quick search on internet produced nothing clearly helpful.
Advice is welcome.

#4 Updated by John Abbott over 3 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
  • Assignee set to John Abbott
  • % Done changed from 50 to 70

I have checked all files which I think might benefit from noexcept, and have changed most functions which can be changed.

  • I have decided that it probably makes no sense to declare inline functions (which call no other functions) noexcept, since surely the compiler can see that no exceptions can emanate from the code
  • I have not been consistent about skipping inline functions (since I had already changed some before thinking that it was probably pointless)
  • I am also uncertain about functions which contain local static variables (so have no declared them as noexcept)
  • strictly I cannot declare noexcept any function containing CoCoA_ASSERT... this is inconvenient!

Not really sure where to obtain advice about the above.

#5 Updated by John Abbott over 3 years ago

After discussion with Anna:
  • (A) a fn which could throw (but only via CoCoA_ASSERT) may be declared noexcept
  • (B) it is probably still useful to declare inline fns as noexcept, because noexcept is part of the public interface (and gives info to the caller without having to search to see whether the defn is inline).

What happens if a noexcept fn throws an exception via CoCoA_ASSERT?
According to the C++ doc this will trigger a call to std::terminate, which is reasonable after an assertion has failed.
The usual debugging approach of putting a breakpoint in CoCoA::JustBeforeThrowing will still work because no exception
has yet been thrown, so terminate won't be called until later.

One caveat: if you use CoCoA-5 which has been compiled with CoCoA_DEBUG set then an assertion failure will cause
termination (whereas without noexcept CoCoA-5 should capture the exception and survive). Anyway, CoCoA-5 with debugging
active is normally only for testing/debugging.

It is possible to declare a fn noexcept(CoCoA_DEBUGGING_IS_INACTIVE), with a fairly obvious meaning.
I have decided not to implement this (for the moment, anyway) because it complicates the source code without bringing any real benefit.

#6 Updated by John Abbott over 1 year ago

I have just modified configure so that it defines the CPP macro CoCoA_DEBUG_MODE.
This new macro is either true or false. It could be used inside a noexcept declaration.

#7 Updated by John Abbott over 1 year ago

Point 1
As in the previous comment: for fns which use CoCoA_ASSERT we can now write something like

long MyFunc(...)  noexcept(!CoCoA_DEBUG_MODE) {...}

I must go through all the source again to see where this could be added... sigh!

Point 2
When a function is called with a "bad input argument" it can throw an exception, or it can return an "obviously impossible result".
An advantage of the "obviously impossible" return value is that the fn could then be declared noexcept... (maybe, if nothing else inside can throw).

Example what about IsPrime? If its parameter were unsigned then we could make it noexcept by returning false for 0 and 1.
Mmmm, what to do?

#8 Updated by John Abbott over 1 year ago

  • Target version changed from CoCoALib-0.99850 to CoCoALib-0.99880

Postponing to have more time to discuss & think; also there is not enough time to make the checks implied by the last 2 comments.

#9 Updated by John Abbott 2 months ago

Another question is about operator* for iterators: if an error is thrown when "beyond the end" then it cannot be noexcept.
Does this matter?

#10 Updated by John Abbott 2 months ago

  • Related to Design #1787: Iterator design: compatible with C++STL? Advancing beyond end? added

#11 Updated by Nico Mexis 2 months ago

According to the C++ standard, a function is either not-throwing or potentially-throwing. The noexcept specifier may only be used on a function that is not-throwing.
After a short search, I also found this question on StackOverflow, which basically asked about the same matter:
So, I think no, the noexcept specifier cannot be used on the operator* of the iterators.

#12 Updated by John Abbott 2 months ago

What I meant to say in comment 9 above is: if we choose a design for iterators where operator* never throws then we could mark it as noexcept.
Morally operator* is "noexcept" with correct use, but the fn specification also has to cater for incorrect use. Well, I suppose the same applies to many functions which perform arg checking...

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