



From 06 Feb 2023 to 07 Mar 2023

07 Mar 2023

21:00 Feature #1360 (Closed): configure script: add flags for "only cocoalib" or "both cocoalib and cocoa5" (for boost)
I'm closing this issue -- I think it has become too long (20 comments).
The current @configure@ script is definitely...
John Abbott
20:55 Bug #1710 (Closed): IsSqFree, IsIrred bugs in ZZ[x] and QQ[x]
John Abbott
20:54 Feature #1694: New expv/exponents function?
Let's discuss this issue. I hope we can close it this week!
John Abbott
20:51 Support #1265: Unregistered TXT files in doc
Let's discuss this issue. I hope we can resolve it this week.
John Abbott
20:49 Support #1263: Tidy CoCoALib test directory
It would be nice to close this issue... I have decided to postpone it, since it likely requires some discussion.
John Abbott
20:38 Design #1572: Use noexcept
Postponing to have more time to discuss & think; also there is not enough time to make the checks implied by the last... John Abbott
20:36 Design #1572: Use noexcept
*Point 1*
As in the previous comment: for fns which use @CoCoA_ASSERT@ we can now write something like...
John Abbott
20:27 Feature #1723 (Closed): New fn CoprimePart, OddPart: naming question
John Abbott

06 Mar 2023

22:41 Bug #1710: IsSqFree, IsIrred bugs in ZZ[x] and QQ[x]
I have now extended *@IsCoprime@* so that it covers integers and ring elems,and a mixture of the two.
Added tests, a...
John Abbott
20:56 Feature #1723: New fn CoprimePart, OddPart: naming question
I have added _b-free part_ as a keyword (or similar).
The fn name I have kept as @CoprimePart@, as it seems a reason...
John Abbott
20:54 Bug #1725: resultant: gives wrong answer when should be 0
Now I think I have really fixed it!
Also added an exbugs test.
Will check in shortly.
John Abbott

05 Mar 2023

20:15 Bug #1725 (Resolved): resultant: gives wrong answer when should be 0
I have now fixed it. Will add a new exbugs test, and check in.
John Abbott
20:14 Bug #1725 (Closed): resultant: gives wrong answer when should be 0
Here is a smaple input (in CoCoA-5):... John Abbott
18:52 Design #1572: Use noexcept
I have just modified @configure@ so that it defines the CPP macro *@CoCoA_DEBUG_MODE@*.
This new macro is either *@t...
John Abbott

28 Feb 2023

15:19 Feature #1723: New fn CoprimePart, OddPart: naming question
After looking a bit further into this, if ... Nico Mexis

27 Feb 2023

20:48 Feature #1723: New fn CoprimePart, OddPart: naming question
A quick thought I had about that: Two separate functions (or at least a ... Nico Mexis
20:17 Feature #1723: New fn CoprimePart, OddPart: naming question
Oops! I had meant to include Nico Mexis as a watcher for this issue.
I have just added him. Let's see if he has an...
John Abbott
20:15 Feature #1723: New fn CoprimePart, OddPart: naming question
Thanks for the feedback!
I must agree that it is probably easier to guess what the fn does if it is called *@Coprime...
John Abbott
12:09 Feature #1723: New fn CoprimePart, OddPart: naming question
John Abbott wrote:
> Since I need the fn for something else, I'll proceed with *@CoprimePart@*.
> But I still hope ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
20:12 Design #1721 (In Progress): Verbose messages: print level?
I wonder whether the format you propose is too terse, but then making it longer perhaps produces too much output?
John Abbott
12:31 Design #1721: Verbose messages: print level?
Proposed look (invented numbers) @[depth:level] space space@... Anna Maria Bigatti
12:15 Design #1721: Verbose messages: print level?
Yes!!! That's a great idea!
It would be impossibile to keep the documentation up to date... and tedious to read.
Anna Maria Bigatti

20 Feb 2023

21:54 Feature #1723 (In Progress): New fn CoprimePart, OddPart: naming question
Since I need the fn for something else, I'll proceed with *@CoprimePart@*.
But I still hope to get feedback, and per...
John Abbott

14 Feb 2023

21:20 Design #1721: Verbose messages: print level?
Does anyone have any comments? Better ideas?
John Abbott
21:18 Feature #1723: New fn CoprimePart, OddPart: naming question
I thought of @OddPart@ first (because I needed it somewhere).
Then I found I wanted the more general version, but ha...
John Abbott
21:11 Feature #1723 (Closed): New fn CoprimePart, OddPart: naming question
I am considering adding two new functions:
* *@OddPart(N)@* or maybe *@OddFactor(N)@* which returns @N/2^k@ where @...
John Abbott

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