


Bug #1710

IsSqFree, IsIrred bugs in ZZ[x] and QQ[x]

Added by John Abbott over 1 year ago. Updated over 1 year ago.

Maths Bugs
Target version:
Start date:
16 Nov 2022
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
3.90 h
Spent time:


Nico Mexis reported by email:

use ZZ[x];
f := -10*x^2 -20*x -20;
println [IsSqFree(f), gcd(f, deriv(f,x))];
/**/ [false, 10]

use QQ[x];
f := -10*x^2 -20*x -20;
println [IsSqFree(f), gcd(f, deriv(f,x))];
/**/ [true, 1]

As far as I can tell, it could suffice to replace the IsCoprime calls in PolyRing.C (lines 82 and 97) by IsConstant calls.
However, I do not know which side effects that could have or if that is completely bogus.

Also, the same applies to IsIrred (and most likely many more functions).
It seems rather odd that IsIrred on -10*x^2 -20*x -20 returns false in QQ[x], but true in ZZ[x] ;)

Related issues

Related to CoCoALib - Feature #1108: New fn: IsCoprime (whenever gcd makes sense)Closed2017-10-17


#1 Updated by John Abbott over 1 year ago

  • % Done changed from 0 to 10

Nico also send the following by email:

use ZZ[x];
gcd(10, 10*x);
/**/ 10

use QQ[x];
gcd(10, 10*x);
/**/ 1

Returning 10 is a reasonable thing to do in ZZ[x], but then it should be the same in QQ[x], I think.
However, this obviously affects IsCoprime since it checks if the gcd is invertible (if I remember correctly).

#2 Updated by John Abbott over 1 year ago

  • Status changed from New to In Progress

In response to note-1:

Without doubt, in ZZ[x] we must have gcd(10, 10*x) = 10; conceivably it could also be -10, but JAA prefers a positive LC.

In QQ[x] the result is defined only up to an invertible factor (same as in ZZ[x], but the only invertibles there are 1 and -1).
JAA would find it surprising if, in the ring QQ[x], the computation gcd(10, 10*x) gave any value other than 1.

#3 Updated by John Abbott over 1 year ago

Here are some simple test cases:

use ZZ[x];
f := 2*x+2;
IsSqFree(f); // expect true
IsIrred(f);  // expect true (if we ignore non-invertible coeffs)

2022-11-16: both tests produce false

Must also clarify doc!

#4 Updated by John Abbott over 1 year ago

  • % Done changed from 10 to 20

Here is a test case where I am unsure what the correct result should be:

use ZZ[x];
f := -(2*x+2);
-->  record[RemainingFactor := -2, factors := [x +1], multiplicities := [1]]
-->  record[RemainingFactor := 2, factors := [-x -1], multiplicities := [1]]

Right now I have a preference for making leading coeffs positive (in this case).
What do you think?

#5 Updated by John Abbott over 1 year ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
  • % Done changed from 20 to 80

I have modified the source code (following Nico's suggestions, more or less)
I have added a caution to the doc. I have added a new exbug test for CoCoALib.
Will check in shortly!

#6 Updated by John Abbott over 1 year ago

Since IsCoprime can behave "unexpectedly" in ZZ[x]...
Should we limit the applicability of IsCoprime?

For example, it could give an error if the ring is not ZZ or a polynomial ring over a field...

Removing IsCoprime completely seems too drastic.

#7 Updated by John Abbott over 1 year ago

Anna will think about this.

#8 Updated by Anna Maria Bigatti over 1 year ago

John Abbott wrote:

Since IsCoprime can behave "unexpectedly" in ZZ[x]...
Should we limit the applicability of IsCoprime?

I think that it is right to give an error because it might be ambiguous: IsCoprime(2*x, 2*(x-1)). In the manual we could suggest to run either IsConstant(gcd(2*x, 2*(x-1))); or IsInvertible(gcd(2*x, 2*(x-1)));

#9 Updated by John Abbott over 1 year ago

  • Related to Feature #1108: New fn: IsCoprime (whenever gcd makes sense) added

#10 Updated by John Abbott over 1 year ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to Feedback
  • % Done changed from 80 to 90

I have added a new "exbug" test. I have updated the code in CoCoALibSupplement.C.
I have revised the CoCoA-5 manual.

One small doubt: as it currently stands one can do IsCoprime(M,N) if M and N are
elements of the ring ZZ, but it does not work if they are of type INT. There are
two obvious ways to solve this inconsistency:
  • disable IsCoprime for the ring ZZ
  • enable IsCoprime for INT values

What do you think?

PS for integers we can always do gcd(M,N)=1
PPS CoCoALib does have IsCoprime for BigInt... that probably dictates the answer here!

#11 Updated by Nico Mexis over 1 year ago

If all else fails, the issue in CoCoA 5 could be fixed in the same manner as factor by providing an extra IsCoprimeINT function.
However, I would agree that this is not an optimal solution.

#12 Updated by John Abbott over 1 year ago

I have now extended IsCoprime so that it covers integers and ring elems,and a mixture of the two.
Added tests, and doc.
Will check in shortly.

#13 Updated by John Abbott over 1 year ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Closed
  • % Done changed from 90 to 100
  • Estimated time set to 3.90 h

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