


CoCoALib-1.0 (Oct 24)

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Bug #6: Sort out RingElem, RefRingElem, ConstRefRingElem mess
Support #59: List of all functions in CoCoALib
Bug #74: printing polynomials
Support #76: keywords in documentation
Support #87: Cleanup header for ring classes (so that they are e-diff-able)
Feature #92: Error Codes: BadIndex
Support #112: automatic creation of all function signatures
Feature #113: Introduce PartialHom
Bug #114: Ideals of polynomials
Slug #120: LT over QQ: surprisingly slow
Feature #123: IdealOfPoints with generic coeffs
Feature #126: New datastructures directory
Feature #127: Convert DUPFF code to C++
Slug #129: Better GCD
Bug #130: Design problem in ideals
Feature #134: Convenience ring ctors and homs
Feature #143: Buchberger-Moeller (parent task)
Feature #145: Buchberger-Moeller: fast modular impl
Feature #147: Buchberger-Moeller: impl via modular reduction
Feature #146: Buchberger-Moeller: input conversions
Bug #149: Makefile dependencies
Feature #150: RingOf rather than owner? (and than AmbientRing, ...)
Feature #151: Iterated CanonicalHom
Bug #154: GCD normalization (e.g. monic)
Support #161: Convert old "task table" into redmine
Feature #174: IsStdGraded: add for PPOrdering, PPMonoid, (Sparse)PolyRing..
Bug #196: PPWithMask needs checking
Support #205: Example for change of coordinates with coeffs in a matrix
Feature #227: HilbertBasis from Normaliz: full-lattice or not?
Feature #229: Generator for random ring elements
Support #231: Documentation for QBGenerator needs to be improved.
Bug #232: No test for QBGenerator
Feature #246: Approx QIR
Feature #257: Transcribe C4 code for GCD in QQ[x]
Feature #258: Multivariate lifting
Design #263: Move the various <matrix>::mySetEntry procedures into MatrixBase
Design #272: Forward declarations
Bug #277: Eliminate class RefPPMonoidElem?
Feature #281: Store unique copy of FF(p) in GlobalManager
Feature #282: Global setting: to use IsProbPrime in place of IsPrime
Feature #289: PrimeField -- new fn?
Design #297: Modules design: brainstorming
Support #302: Compilation on M$Windows: Visual Studio
Design #305: FreeModule: unique copy?
Feature #315: Add doc for ApproxPts2
Design #316: submodule constructor different from ideal
Bug #326: C++ nasty surprises
Slug #329: Why is DMPI slower than DMPClean?
Feature #337: Module homs
Support #353: Missing documentation and tests for myRecvTwinFloat
Design #360: CoCoAServer: what future, what issues?
Feature #383: Resolution/morse: integrate Mario Albert's code into CoCoALib
Feature #386: add resolution data type
Feature #387: implement algorithm(s) for resolutions
Design #396: PPMonoidElemAlias: redesign PPMonoidElem the same way as RingElem?
Feature #399: add myHilbertSeries member field to ideal and (sub)module
Feature #400: add myJBMill member field to ideal
Bug #401: NewFreeModule of dimension 0
Feature #409: Minimal syzygies (optimized implementation)
Feature #420: Allow user to give a name to a ring
Design #427: Error names and error messages (current design)
Design #432: Semantics of IsPrintedWithMinus
Feature #436: Improve UPoly eval at BigRat for binary rational
Feature #437: MemPool: order free blocks?
Support #438: Polynomial multiplication (product of RingElem)
Feature #440: Port RealRoots to C++
Feature #442: Eigenvectors
Design #455: Which sets of generators in an ideal?
Feature #459: LinearSimplify: port to CoCoALib
Feature #482: Unique copies of rings -- smart ctor
Support #497: Clang: automatic bug finding
Support #505: Documentation: write doc for RingDenseUPolyClean
Design #513: Quick/correct flag for bool3 fns
Feature #515: Fn to "flatten" muliple polynomial extns
Feature #516: Make squarefreefactor work in multiple polynomial extns
Slug #537: FloatStr uses too much memory
Feature #539: Functions to clean up a factorization
Bug #547: elim using RingTwinFloat triggers error "SERIOUS"
Design #550: add myResolution member field to ideal and (sub)module
Design #551: Reconsider overloaded virtual mem fns
Feature #562: Subrings
Feature #564: Temporary file for experimentation
Feature #565: FloatApprox for TwinFloat values?
Support #569: Documentation for ReductionCog
Feature #570: Allow use of RingElem instead of ring in some functions (e.g. PPM, CoeffRing)
Design #572: Split SparsePolyRing.H into two files? Problem with circular includes.
Feature #575: Investigate using cmake for configuration
Feature #583: New function for printing with extra information
Feature #589: Implement gin (generic initial ideal) in cocoalib
Bug #591: Problem with template instantiation and order of include directives
Feature #617: configure: check all libraries for compatibility
Design #620: Redesign CRTMill
Support #624: Wikipedia
Feature #627: Gaussian integer and rationals ZZi, QQi
Feature #628: Complex twin-floats
Feature #639: Shadow CoCoA namespace to help guarantee portability (without ambiguity)
Bug #640: What is test-Dynamic1.C
Feature #644: Buchberger-Moeller: add option to stop as soon as 1 poly has been found
Design #647: Unique copies of free modules?
Feature #651: Optimized algorithms for implicitization (slicing algorithm, elim, subalgebra..)
Feature #661: Laurent polynomials
Feature #665: Integrate Janet/Pommaret basis code
Feature #667: factor: multivariate + finite characteristic
Slug #675: Matrix determinant over multivariate poly ring
Support #676: Credits to CoCoALib contributors
Feature #678: Accumulator (like a geobucket)
Feature #681: MemPool: make it easier to get just stats
Feature #682: PPMonoid: add fn to check for overflow in products
Feature #685: Use DivMask inside QBGenerator
Design #686: myAddMul in poly rings
Slug #688: PolyAlgebraHom (PolyRingHom) evaluate multivariate polynomials
Feature #690: Fault tolerant rational reconstruction: implement simultaneous version
Support #695: Remove cruft from test files
Design #703: Add more operations between modules (CoCoALib)
Slug #725: Example database: Slow ideal equality test
Feature #728: Noncommutative algebra "of solvable type"
Feature #729: Betti numbers, betti diagram
Feature #738: Extend homomorphism to polynomial ring
Feature #740: Addition of sparse (multivariate) polynomials
Slug #742: View PP exponent vector (and order vector?) as an array of long?
Bug #746: Problem with GBasis in tower of alg extns
Design #752: Investigate using instead of make
Feature #758: configure: have option to say to look for external libs
Design #763: GlobalManager: initialization compatible with initialization of external libs
Feature #765: ExternalLib-CDD: (needed by GFan)
Design #769: CoCoALib cone
Feature #775: PPMonoid with 1 extra "exponent"?
Design #778: CRTMill::myAddInfo accept modulus 1 or not?
Bug #779: Makefile: problem not seeing when files in TmpFactorDir need to be rebuilt
Feature #780: GroebnerFan/ExternalLib-GFan: improve package
Bug #784: threadsafety: Scott Meyers's advice about cached values
Design #785: finite fields: global register of fields already created?
Design #787: Remove refcounts from RingElem?
Support #788: No doc for DistrMPolyInlFpPP
Support #791: Clean code for DistrMPolyClean
Feature #797: SmallFpImpl: make it faster
Slug #799: vector of "indets" in each PPMonoid?
Feature #803: PPOrdering: use it to compute WDeg?
Bug #808: Alg Extn by non-zero dim ideal
Design #809: FastCmp for degree -- useful?
Feature #812: PPMonoid pseudo-ctor without explicit ordering
Feature #817: GenRepr in CoCoALib?
Bug #818: F5 with 3 args?
Feature #826: Sparse matrices
Feature #828: MachineInt: function for checking that value is greater than some lower limit (and below MAXLONG)
Design #832: Generalize grading matrix
Bug #833: UIBC: need include file in RingWeyl.C
Feature #835: Make Mario's new code threadsafe
Slug #837: factor is very slow on some simple input polynomials
Feature #838: Differential algebra
Feature #839: SparsePolyIter: make more compatible with STL
Feature #840: GINV: alex basis
Design #841: NewPolyRing: tidy up the many different versions
Slug #842: PPMonoidSparse: comparisons are VERY SLOW
Design #846: IsIrred: correct design?
Feature #869: SmallFpImpl: different repr for computation and for storage?
Feature #873: bool3: add some logical operations?
Slug #874: factor: too slow on largish multivariate poly
Slug #882: Impl faster multiplication for DUP (dense univariate polys)
Slug #884: DistrMPolyInlPP::myPushFront and DistrMPolyInlPP::myPushBack inefficient if arg is a PP
Feature #885: IsIrred3: fast 3-way irred test (returning bool3)
Feature #896: myIsEqual, myCmp: direct comparisons between RingElem and MachineInt, BigInt and BigRat?
Feature #904: SmallFpDouble: which impl of InvMod to use?
Design #906: External libraries: keep copy of compatible versions?
Feature #913: Read input from SymbolicData database
Feature #914: New function: quorem for univariate polynomials?
Feature #919: Hilbert Driven GBasis
Design #921: Design GBMill
Feature #923: Fn to read symbol range (SymbolRange)
Support #926: Documentation: check layout of history at end of generated HTML files (from the txt files)
Bug #930: Printing TwinFloat as (rational) coeff without brackets
Slug #968: Slow NF example
Design #970: Weights in ElimMat?
Support #972: ex-PolyIterator
Feature #974: QIR/RealRootRefine: improve behaviour if input interval has "nasty" endpoints
Bug #986: GFan: require version newer than 0.6
Feature #987: GCD: add special case if args are monomials
Feature #992: Poly ring homomorphism to change ordering
Feature #1010: C++11: Mario's Hilbert scheme code
Support #1013: GlobalManager: name of object in examples (and tests)
Bug #1014: RowMat, ColMat with arg an empty list/vector
Feature #1022: New "LF" function which is based on StdDeg
Bug #1026: JanetBasis gives error indet index out of range
Slug #1049: GroebnerFan: slow examples
Design #1059: Printing ring for ideals (or just for ideals 0 and 1)
Bug #1069: GroebnerFan: ERROR: Matrix must be invertible
Slug #1070: Slug: MakeTermOrd (rk calls in RemoveRedundantRows)
Bug #1089: invalid pointer in "free"
Support #1096: WEB SITE: HTML is not clean!
Design #1098: Ctors for exceptions/errors
Feature #1103: Pseudo-zero-dim ideals
Feature #1117: Better printing of negative coeffs
Bug #1130: SqFreeFactor: should it work over ZZ?
Support #1134: Organize better the documentation for CoCoALib
Design #1147: mySquare and myPowerSmallExp
Feature #1150: New fn: transform ideal with ring hom
Design #1156: Printing for RingElem
Support #1160: Clean up revised RatReconstructByContFrac code
Feature #1173: Upper bound for value of poly in an interval
Slug #1187: Matrix rank is slow (over QQ)
Feature #1198: Non-standard DegRevLex (NonStdDegRevLex, WDegRevLex)
Bug #1208: New function: Threadsafe RandomLinearForm (CoCoALib)
Feature #1227: exgcd; solve Bezout equation
Design #1266: Make a poly ring QQ[x,y,z] also contain a ZZ[x,y,z]
Feature #1267: Ideal equality
Feature #1269: Ideal Ops: sort-cuts for trivial args?
Feature #1278: Port old "clever" code for matrix determinant over ZZ to CoCoALib
Feature #1323: Improve RealRoots: compute sqfr decomp
Slug #1324: Improve RootBound
Feature #1339: All PPs of given wdeg
Slug #1359: gcd: low degree but big coeffs can be slow
Slug #1369: RandomUnimodularMat is slow with many iters
Bug #1371: French students' example with GFan
Design #1378: Create two separate radical fns (for 0-dim ideals)
Feature #1419: DynamicBitset::IamAll1s
Design #1491: Unified Gaussian reduction impl
Support #1584: Benchmarks?
Design #1632: C++17: notes about updating
Feature #1706: slimgb: Brickenstein, singular
Design #1799: Clean out OLD CODE?
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