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months from Apply Clear

Feature #247: Use gmp default location if possible
Feature #214: gmp header location assumption in configure script
Feature #243: Normaliz tests for CoCoA5
Feature #708: ExternalLib Normaliz: verbose flag?
Feature #711: External Libs: print credits?
Feature #734: Primary Decomposition in CoCoA-5: zero dimensional, zero characteristic
Feature #845: Primary Decomposition in CoCoA-5.1.6: zero dimensional, finite characteristic
Feature #744: Handle interrupts more helpfully
Feature #877: Easier syntax to make a PRINCIPAL ideal?
Feature #883: gin: return/print a suitable change of variables
Feature #903: New function CallOnGroebnerFanIdeals: call function on GFan ideals
Feature #909: ReadExpr: decimal point
Feature #927: Add "exit" in addition to "ciao"
Feature #954: New function: StdBasis (standard basis)
Feature #959: New function: SymmetricPolys
Feature #965: New function: multigraded BettiNumbers
Feature #996: New function: IdealOfGBasis
Feature #1017: New function: SetGBasisAsGens [--> NO: use IdealOfGBasis]
Feature #1038: Emacs: sent interrupt to CoCoA
Feature #1043: New function: IsCoprime
Feature #1044: New function: SectionalMatrix, PrintSectionalMatrix
Feature #1045: Error message from cocoalib to cocoa-5
Feature #673: Error message: I was expecting...
Feature #781: Option to "fold" long lines?
Feature #1012: Chebyshev polynomials
Feature #1231: system command
Feature #1236: Add "socket" devices
Feature #1243: New function: Read a string into a list (of RingElem) -- CoCoA-5
Feature #1247: sleep function
Feature #1289: assert-function for cocoa5
Feature #1290: NewPolyRing: allow symbols with just head and no indices?
Feature #1316: Matrix row reduction (rref)
Feature #1358: Emacs UI: should active input line be cleared before sending line from CoCoA-5 file?
Feature #1364: Emacs UI: start cocoa5 with system command enabled
Feature #1367: CoCoA-5.3.0: release linked with more recent version of normaliz
Feature #1374: Add function power to CoCoA-5
Feature #1399: CoCoA-5 interpreter: idle/busy indicator
Feature #1401: Parolacce e basi border
Feature #1410: IsDivisible also for INT
Feature #1439: New function: LinearForm
Feature #12: Add "syntax" to online manual
Feature #77: Porting package "primary.cpkg" to cocoa-5
Feature #80: "<=" for ideals
Feature #8: source region
Feature #19: How to get the version number of CoCoA-5?
Feature #128: wordlist.txt generation
Feature #131: Conversion from bool to INT
Feature #172: add customization for --fullCoCoALibError in EmacsUI
Feature #184: MAT/INT ? MAT/RINGELEM ?
Feature #185: Banner for CoCoA-5
Feature #212: NBM: add to CoCoA-5
Feature #309: (Multi)BlockMatrix
Feature #336: Mat(Module) should give error
Feature #347: C5 cannot compute derivative of a ratfn
Feature #90: Make the new fn CoefficientsWRT available in C5
Feature #93: Hilbert series: global output rings for non-standard gradings
Feature #105: Add I*f and f*I (RINGELEM and IDEAL)
Feature #193: BuiltinFunctions.C getting too long (2000 lines)
Feature #237: port homog/homogenized for ideal to cocoa-5
Feature #306: Function for accessing the pointed value
Feature #318: implement "indent" for modules
Feature #331: Is it possible to have R^3 for NewFreeModule(R,3)?
Feature #365: add function to compute minimal generators (like Minimalize)
Feature #371: Resurrect LinearSimplify
Feature #372: add IsFactorClosed
Feature #380: Add Frobby functions to cocoa-5
Feature #392: add Value::from(factorization<..>)
Feature #393: add Value::from(HPSeries)
Feature #18: Printing matrices: I/O unified style for CoCoA-5?
Feature #188: CoCoAManual: entries for operators
Feature #200: add modules and module operations
Feature #284: BuiltInFunctions: more flexible typing in one-line function declaration
Feature #362: New function: IsZeroDivisor
Feature #367: implement LF/DF for an ideal
Feature #381: Emacs User Interface: Easier binding for sending a line to cocoa-5
Feature #384: IsZero for matrix
Feature #414: New fn to increase max recursion depth
Feature #419: FloatStr
Feature #502: New fn/object type: timer
Feature #514: submodule: minimalize, minimalized
Feature #523: EmacsUI: lower case keywords
Feature #529: Naive version of resolution and Betti numbers
Feature #20: How to get the compilation flags of CoCoA-5?
Feature #25: Function "Call"
Feature #173: Anonymous symbols: should they be available in CoCoA-5?
Feature #204: NmzComputation: the powerful NormalizComputation function in CoCoA-5
Feature #245: Meaningful error for functions defined in "missing" external library
Feature #270: Distribution for linux
Feature #273: Package for Polynomial Algebra Homomorphisms
Feature #330: Syzygy for modules: homogeneous module
Feature #464: Emacs UI: split horizontally instead of vertically?
Feature #484: Evaluate in other ring (was called :: in CoCoA-4)
Feature #518: incr/decr functions: to be used in packages
Feature #553: Port function MantissaAndExponent2
Feature #561: Emacs UI: unrecognized keywords (ImportByValue...)
Feature #588: Resume code for "gin" (generic initial ideal)
Feature #596: function "packages"
Feature #603: Resume CheckArgTypes
Feature #608: Emacs UI: C-return for send-line and send-region
Feature #615: Resume MayerVietorisTreeN1
Feature #317: BuiltInFunctions: evalArgAsLong
Feature #352: Should SourceRegion echo the "region"?
Feature #359: RingOf for list
Feature #466: CoCoAManual: add entry summarising syntax of all CoCoA-5 commands
Feature #485: Initialization for CoCoA-5: file init.cocoa5
Feature #590: package for subalgebras
Feature #622: New function: RandomSubset
Feature #652: Flag to enable/disable printing of list of loaded packages
Feature #704: rename MinGensGeneral?
Feature #719: Readline: consider creating a textual interpreter with readline
Feature #732: Primary Decomposition in CoCoA-5: port Luis Garcia's package(cocoa-4)
Feature #733: Primary Decomposition in CoCoA-5.1.2: zero dimensional, finite characteristic
Feature #700: Which external libs are present?
Feature #760: Primary Decomposition in CoCoA-5.1.3: zero dimensional, finite characteristic
Feature #751: description of a RING
Feature #761: Evaluating a QuasiPol
Feature #771: New fns: MaxBy and MinBy to find minimum/maximum of a list wrt a given order
Feature #844: IsMaximal, IsPrimary for IDEAL (in cocoa language)
Feature #988: Makefile: install target for cocoa5
Feature #1011: Random seed fn
Feature #1021: CoCoA Manual: search should ignore multiple spaces
Feature #1073: RelNotes: current version or all previous versions?
Feature #1084: New function: PrevPrime
Feature #1119: Mailing list for CoCoAUsers
Feature #1142: NewZZmod: port to CoCoA-5
Feature #978: CommonDenom: for polys and lists?
Feature #1007: (makefile) New "clean" target which does not clean documentation
Feature #1122: New fn: RandomLinearForm
Feature #1201: New package: poset
Feature #1202: New package: arrangements
Feature #250: CoCoALib BuildInfo vs CoCoA-5 VersionInfo
Feature #346: Describe should indicate package name
Feature #606: Evaluate in ring operator (was called :: in CoCoA-4)
Feature #500: Interpreter: is it possible to avoid useless prompts?
Feature #531: Package protected variables should know which package protected them
Feature #674: Ring constructor: allow empty range for indices?
Feature #1174: package of a function --> of an identifier!
Feature #1272: Groebner Bases over ZZ
Feature #1431: Juxtaposition of string literals
Feature #1461: Automatic mapping for multiplication?
Feature #1479: CoCoA release for linux: CoCoAInterpreter: with and without libreadline?
Feature #1487: EOF for OpenIFile
Feature #1509: RingElems with empty input
Feature #1516: substring function
Feature #1526: EmacsUI: help/manual for selected string -- or just for word with cursor on?
Feature #1536: Implement xel?
Feature #1543: Default path for packages
Feature #1599: ConcatStr
Feature #461: New keyword "|->"? (same as "return")
Feature #823: NewPolyRing with weights -- better interface?
Feature #1072: syz: apply to ModuleElem?
Feature #1112: New function: IsEmpty
Feature #1587: Multiline string literals (again)
Feature #1616: UnivariateIndetIndex: remove cocoa-5 implementation and use CoCoALib's
Feature #1718: FactorINT with time-out
Feature #1724: New function: AdjacentMinors
Feature #35: Optional warnings for fn-proc arity
Feature #213: test-Normaliz1.C
Feature #573: Use symbolic links for external libraries
Feature #856: MantissaAndExponent2 for twin-float
Feature #889: configure script: give summary of warnings at end
Feature #899: IsMaximal, IsPrimary for IDEAL (in cocoalib)
Feature #902: New function: FrobeniusMat
Feature #910: BigRat: read from a string in "decimal" format?
Feature #931: GBasis verbose mode
Feature #951: New function: IsSqFree
Feature #955: RandomUnimodularMat - random unimodular matrix (of integers)
Feature #957: New function: HasGBasis
Feature #961: New function: ReducedGBasis
Feature #1008: square function
Feature #1016: ReducedGBasis for RingWeyl (and other non-commutative rings)
Feature #1036: LogStream: stream for log output
Feature #1050: ExternalLibs: function for getting info
Feature #28: rename RingQ, RingZ --> RingQQ, RingZZ
Feature #116: ordering matrices with rational coefficients
Feature #30: SwapRows, Cols
Feature #153: Shorter simpler names for some bool3 values and functions
Feature #156: Brand new symbol(s)
Feature #157: Separate ThreadsafeCounter from symbol.C
Feature #167: Integer operations
Feature #69: p-th root
Feature #210: Normaliz: "double" cone for speed and safety
Feature #211: NBM: add SparsePolyRing as argument for ordering
Feature #221: Better RingElems
Feature #224: Leading form
Feature #241: AreMonomials
Feature #244: Rings: default ctor & assignment
Feature #261: Review the utility of RefRingElem
Feature #51: polynomial coefficient extraction w.r.t. variable
Feature #3: implement creation of a PPMonoidElement from vector<BigInt>
Feature #50: Polynomial content
Feature #84: Names for random streams
Feature #121: Porting "IdealOfPoints"
Feature #124: change long args in matrices into MachineInt (?)
Feature #236: Add homog (homogenized) for ideal
Feature #269: PPMonoids: check for exponent overflow in power function
Feature #283: Rational approximation
Feature #300: Add fault tolerant rational reconstruction to library
Feature #320: PPMonoid pseudo-ctors without symbol names
Feature #340: "configure" does not set BOOST if there are multiple copies in "standard" location
Feature #354: New function BinRepr (was BinExp, also known as Macaulay representation)
Feature #390: Store unique copy of QQ[t_1..t_n] (RingQQt) in GlobalManager
Feature #40: Squarefree factorization - Alessio d'Ali`
Feature #41: Squarefree factorization - overhead
Feature #42: Squarefree factorization - generic case
Feature #43: Squarefree factorization - for polynomials
Feature #44: Squarefree factorization - univariate polynomials
Feature #45: Squarefree factorization - univariate polynomials, char 0
Feature #46: Squarefree factorization - univariate polynomials, char p > 0
Feature #48: Squarefree factorization - multivariate polynomials, char 0
Feature #49: Squarefree factorization - multivariate polynomials, char p > 0
Feature #144: Buchberger-Moeller: generic impl
Feature #278: add CoeffVecWRT to cocoalib
Feature #39: Squarefree factorization
Feature #47: Squarefree factorization - multivariate polynomials
Feature #61: Conversion functions -- documentation
Feature #203: Function to get the Hilbert Polynomial ring from GlobalManager
Feature #209: ReadExpr: input polynomials in CoCoALib
Feature #219: myDeriv for RingDenseUPolyClean still missing
Feature #233: AsINT and AsRAT -- ConvertTo<BigInt> and ConvertTo<BigRat>
Feature #248: IsDivisible for RingElem with nice interface
Feature #312: LongRange(a,b) returning vector of long a..b (included)
Feature #366: function (CoCoALib) for minimal generators (like old Minimalize)
Feature #407: RingElem ctor from mpz_t (from Bruns)
Feature #416: New fn: NumPartitions
Feature #426: ConvertTo with optional arg to give more helpful error message
Feature #457: Zero to the power zero, 0^0
Feature #496: ideal: minimalize or minimalized?
Feature #5: Coefficient extraction
Feature #17: implement "binomial" (coefficient) for RingElem
Feature #71: ZeroMat & FilledMat
Feature #107: Recognizing finite fields
Feature #138: Automatic conversion from bool3 to bool?
Feature #298: Valgrind: keep CoCoALib at 0 memory leaks
Feature #342: Remove denominators: QQ[x] -> ZZ[x] (and PushBack(coeff, PP))
Feature #356: IsZeroDivisor
Feature #373: add DeleteCol, DeleteRow
Feature #430: Use -fopenmp flag when compiling CoCoALib with libnormaliz
Feature #431: NewPolyRing_DMPI has no constructor with a predefined PPM
Feature #526: Fn to test if an integer is a power of 2
Feature #533: Convert BigInt/BigRat to string
Feature #540: Progress reporter
Feature #62: polynomial coefficient extraction w.r.t. single variable -- dense output
Feature #68: cleanup doc for matrix, MatrixViews, *Matrix*,....
Feature #72: MatByRows, MatByCols
Feature #139: Usefulness of ring casting fns (remove AsPolyRing, etc.)
Feature #165: FractionField -- only of TrueGCDDomain?
Feature #218: CoCoALib normaliz interface
Feature #223: Automatic mapping of RingElems
Feature #304: Module ordering and grading (and shifts)
Feature #310: ordering and grading (weights) matrix
Feature #554: CoCoALib-Normaliz interface: cannot print a cone
Feature #568: Valid symbol heads
Feature #571: CmpAbs for RingElem
Feature #580: Example for PPVector: ex-PPVector
Feature #585: (Hilbert-) quasi-polynomials
Feature #520: Compute inverse in quotient ring (i.e. division in algebraic extn)
Feature #623: Inverse of a matrix over ZZ
Feature #625: NumTheory: sieve of Eratosthenes
Feature #689: Fault tolerant rational reconstruction: make bad factor publicly accessible
Feature #714: Interrupt mechanism
Feature #721: CheckForInterrupt: string arg to specify where it was called?
Feature #715: RandomSubsetIndices, RandomTupleIndices?
Feature #747: New function for making list of symbols (indeterminate names)
Feature #215: Janet Bases: check and include code in CoCoALib (first prototype)
Feature #586: BigInt ctor from a machine integer
Feature #735: Convert a PPMonoidElem to RingElem with coefficient one
Feature #762: ExternalLib-GFan: first prototype
Feature #795: Add new fn InvModNoCheck
Feature #811: Add new fn SimplestBinaryRatBetween
Feature #836: SmallFpImpl: export fns for a fixed convention
Feature #848: Implement MinPoly in CoCoALib
Feature #37: matrix constructors
Feature #180: GlobalManager: registration of global variables
Feature #255: Use BOOST lib default location if possible
Feature #319: BOOST -- how it could help in CoCoALib
Feature #361: implement IsPrime3, IsMaximal3
Feature #630: Add graeffe function?
Feature #638: Time limit: let user specify time limit for a computation
Feature #730: Stats in GBMill (GReductor)
Feature #759: Configuration: where to keep source for test compilations?
Feature #796: CoCoALib function for radical (or SqFree) of a polynomial
Feature #962: General verbose mode?
Feature #979: SmallestNonDivisor -- new fn
Feature #1030: IsInRadical: case of homog ideal
Feature #1033: Split poly into homog parts
Feature #1035: Improvement: how to sort QuotientBasis?
Feature #1052: ReadExpr(P, string) and RingElem(P, string) in CoCoALib
Feature #1053: New function: IdealOfGBasis, IdealOfMinGens in CoCoALib
Feature #1090: ExternaLib-MathSAT: first prototype
Feature #1102: Implement RootBound
Feature #1108: New fn: IsCoprime (whenever gcd makes sense)
Feature #374: Porting "IdealOfProjectivePoints"
Feature #587: port to CoCoALib: Homomorphism pkg (ker, IsInjective, IsSurjective..)
Feature #900: New function: MinPoly of RingElem in quotient ring
Feature #901: New function: PrimaryDecomposition0 in CoCoALib
Feature #1005: Makefile: install target for CoCoALib
Feature #1126: New function: SubmoduleOfMinGens
Feature #1131: Sturm sequence
Feature #1154: SmallFpImpl: new ctor arg to say do-not-check-that-arg-is-prime
Feature #1155: Create a new "prime source" iterator
Feature #1158: New function: MinPolyQuotHeuristic --> MinPolyQuot with VerificationLevel
Feature #1167: New class VerificationLevel
Feature #1169: New function: RandomLinearForm (CoCoALib)
Feature #1178: New function: myPrimaryDecomposition_0dim
Feature #1203: factor over algebraic extensions
Feature #11: Bareiss algorithm
Feature #1209: New function: HasPositiveGrading
Feature #1249: principal ideal has a Gbasis
Feature #1251: New function: radical for monomial ideal
Feature #1283: Printing for (prime) finite fields
Feature #1297: New fn: FixedDivisor (formerly IntrinsicContent)
Feature #1301: New function primorial
Feature #1329: New syntax for creating homomorphisms (PolyAlgebraHom)
Feature #1330: New syntax for NewQuotientRing
Feature #1332: New function: vector of RingElem from string -- in CoCoALib
Feature #1347: New function: ctor of PPVector with vector<RingElem>
Feature #4: Squarefree GCD-free basis
Feature #91: Return type & name for "indets" of a PP
Feature #259: Squarefree(?) GCD-free basis
Feature #303: Rows and Columns of a matrix
Feature #357: Constructor for vectors? CoCoAVector
Feature #658: Indets actually in a poly (or vector or matrix)
Feature #966: New function or explain: first and last for a vector?
Feature #1277: Gaussian row reduction
Feature #1427: New function: LawrenceMat
Feature #1434: GBasisByHomog for DegLex
Feature #1299: New fn ConstantTerm?
Feature #24: object files collected in one directory
Feature #122: Porting "LinKer"
Feature #152: Replace bool3 by tribool
Feature #1235: FreeModule: get canonical basis
Feature #1395: SHA checksum for released code
Feature #1405: New fn: interreduction
Feature #1436: Flatten for a matrix
Feature #1457: Make SmoothFactor interruptible
Feature #1483: IsPowerOf2 for rationals
Feature #1490: New function: MinusOneToPower
Feature #1580: New fn prim for polys
Feature #1589: IdealOfPoints: allow matrix of points to be defined over "wrong" ring
Feature #1598: RingHom: implement phi(X) as apply(phi, X) also for X vector and matrix
Feature #1633: Make polynomial multiplication interruptible?
Feature #82: C++11 compatibility questions
Feature #202: MatrixView/function for viewing a single row or column (RowMat, ColMat)
Feature #253: W.Bruns's wish list
Feature #379: Iter for subsets/tuples
Feature #645: Automatic mapping of RingElem: user selectable at run-time (GlobalManager?)
Feature #800: PPMonoidSparse: impl of sparse PPs
Feature #937: LinDepMill: Mill for linear dependencies
Feature #1206: syz, SyzOfGens: which shifts for zero?
Feature #1210: New Fn: make public "coefficients" (of poly wrt a given PP basis)
Feature #1212: New function: GBasisByHomog
Feature #1360: configure script: add flags for "only cocoalib" or "both cocoalib and cocoa5" (for boost)
Feature #1466: Ops += *= etc for Matrices?
Feature #1488: BuiltIn Interreduce-Function
Feature #1619: Make saturate available in CoCoALib
Feature #1676: txt2tags: include in source distribution?
Feature #1684: RandomNBitPrime - new fn
Feature #1694: New expv/exponents function?
Feature #1723: New fn CoprimePart, OddPart: naming question
Feature #1755: CheckForInterrupt: give more info?
Feature #1763: implement ideal(R) for zero ideal, with no generators?
Feature #1770: Evaluate polynomial function/class
Feature #1780: radical for ideals in SparsePolyRing: code in C++
Feature #1788: New MatrixView/function "FirstRows/FirstCols"?
Feature #718: Insert calls to CheckForInterrupt
Feature #1218: 32-bit or 64-bit preprocessor macro?
CoCoA-5 -CoCoA-5.2.0 spring 2017 100%
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