



From 21 Sep 2019 to 20 Oct 2019

19 Oct 2019

20:28 CoCoALib Bug #1345: Problem with linking the library
John Abbott wrote:
> If you were running your tests from a @cocoa5@ session, then you should also check with @ls -l@...
Anna Maria Bigatti
19:43 CoCoALib Bug #1345: Problem with linking the library
Very strange. I think I may have seen a similar phenomenon occasionally, but @make clean; make@ always seemed to fix... John Abbott
17:14 CoCoALib Bug #1345 (Closed): Problem with linking the library
My mistake?
I tried again, and I cannot longe reproduce it.
It is linked correctly.
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:43 CoCoALib Bug #1345 (Closed): Problem with linking the library
I was testing a change made in @SparsePolyOps-ideal-monomial.C@, and, though it did recompile the file, the new code ... Anna Maria Bigatti

18 Oct 2019

17:04 CoCoALib Design #1242 (In Progress): C++14: Use type auto where appropriate
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:23 CoCoALib Design #1242: C++14: Use type auto where appropriate
It may be helpful to keep a list of source files which have been "done" (this may also include that the file was look... John Abbott
11:19 CoCoALib Design #1242: C++14: Use type auto where appropriate
I must re-read the relevant parts of Meyers's book (Eff. Modern C++). Where should we use *@auto@*?
* use *@auto@* ...
John Abbott
16:16 CoCoALib Feature #1332 (Feedback): New function: vector of RingElem from string -- in CoCoALib
done, documented, tested Anna Maria Bigatti

17 Oct 2019

23:27 CoCoALib Support #1263: Tidy CoCoALib test directory
I have merged several tests in the series @test-NumTheory@ and @test-SparsePolyRing@ into fewer files.
I have prefer...
John Abbott
23:23 CoCoALib Feature #1297 (Closed): New fn: FixedDivisor (formerly IntrinsicContent)
I have added a test (and also reorganized several of the existing tests).
John Abbott
17:45 CoCoALib Feature #1332: New function: vector of RingElem from string -- in CoCoALib
OK for the name *@RingElems@* it is a bit like *@symbols@*
(I do not really like it that much, but cannot think of ...
John Abbott
17:43 CoCoA-5 Support #1344 (Rejected): Clean out OBSOLESCENT
Some obsolescent functions have been so for a long time.
Clean out some of the oldest ones (for 5.3.0).
John Abbott
15:24 CoCoA-5 Design #1075: LaTeX package: power-product printing
John Abbott wrote:
> Perhaps the criterion in comment 3 should consider only those indets which actually appear in t...
Anna Maria Bigatti

16 Oct 2019

22:30 CoCoA-5 Bug #946: Function "ideal" evaluates the argument twice
I have just run the test given in comment 2; now only the first one evals its arg twice.
Is this easy to fix?
John Abbott
22:23 CoCoA-5 Design #474: Eliminate package BinRepr
This issue has been lingering for years. Now it is marked as *urgent* (so moving it back to target 5.3.0).
*Anna* n...
John Abbott
22:15 CoCoA-5 Bug #1288 (Feedback): len for RINGELEM ?!?
The CoCoA-5 manual page has already been fixed.
I have just modified @BuiltinFunction-CoCoALib.C@ so that an error...
John Abbott
22:04 CoCoA-5 Design #1075: LaTeX package: power-product printing
I have just tried a quick test: it is a bit surprising that the resulting strings are different... John Abbott
21:56 CoCoA-5 Slug #1284 (Feedback): CartesianProductList: too slow
Apparently I checked this in some time ago -- I suppose not long after the previous comment (5 months ago).
Maybe ...
John Abbott
15:10 ApCoCoA Feature #1343 (New): ApCoCoA projects
ApCoCoA input files are organized into "projects"; a project is just a directory.
There should be a small window f...
John Abbott
15:08 ApCoCoA Feature #1342 (New): Input tabbed windows associated to files
In addition to teh interactive input window, it is possible to have other "tabbed windows" each associated to a (dist... John Abbott
15:02 ApCoCoA Bug #1341 (Closed): Test: redmine problem
The solution appeared to be that Klaus had to log out and log in again. Then all issues were visible to him.
John Abbott
15:00 ApCoCoA Bug #1341 (Closed): Test: redmine problem
Redmine does not show 1340 when Klaus asks for a list of issues inside ApCoCoA project.
John Abbott
14:58 ApCoCoA Feature #1328: New ApCoCoA UI
*2019-10-16 Current state*
Klaus summarises the current state as follows:
* early prototype
* JAA confirms that ...
John Abbott
14:45 ApCoCoA Design #1340: Interactive window and history mechanism
There is a *single* interactive window.
*Q:* Martin can you confirm this?
The user types input into a blank "new ...
John Abbott
14:39 ApCoCoA Design #1340 (New): Interactive window and history mechanism
Issue to summarise design of "interactive window" and its history mechanism.
Also to report progress on implementati...
John Abbott
14:04 CoCoALib Feature #1339: All PPs of given wdeg
There used to be a function like this is CoCoA-4, I think.
What was it called? What was its interface?
John Abbott
14:03 CoCoALib Feature #1339 (New): All PPs of given wdeg
Bernhard Andraschko wants a function which produces a list of all PPs with given wdeg (actually stddeg in his case).
John Abbott

15 Oct 2019

17:52 CoCoALib Feature #1330 (Closed): New syntax for NewQuotientRing
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:48 CoCoALib Feature #1329 (Closed): New syntax for creating homomorphisms (PolyAlgebraHom)
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:33 CoCoALib Design #1336 (Closed): Rename SparsePolyOps-MonomialIdeal into SparsePolyOps-IdealMonomial?
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:33 CoCoALib Feature #1332: New function: vector of RingElem from string -- in CoCoALib
I like the name *@RingElems(R, str)@* because it recalls the constructor @RingElem(R, str)@.
The name I suggested ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:29 CoCoALib Feature #1251 (Closed): New function: radical for monomial ideal
Anna Maria Bigatti
14:09 CoCoALib Design #1257 (Closed): C++14: use nullptr
All tests pass, examples too. Even with debugging active.
Closing. It is not worth devoting any more ...
John Abbott
13:55 CoCoALib Support #1338: Release CoCoALib-0.99700
_Add to this list as we do things (or remember things we have already done)_
List of principal changes made:
Anna Maria Bigatti
13:49 CoCoALib Support #1338 (Closed): Release CoCoALib-0.99700
Everything related to making a CoCoALib release:

* Redmine Roadmap: close or postpone issue
* Redmine Release...
Anna Maria Bigatti
13:47 CoCoALib Support #1276 (In Progress): Release 0.99650
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:49 CoCoA-5 Slug #948: radical is slow (compared to singular) on these examples
John Abbott wrote:
> My simple idea was just to add say 0.1 to the actual measured time: if minpoly is fast,
> this...
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:41 CoCoALib Slug #1337 (In Progress): PrimaryDecomposition: a interesting/pathological example
This example is very very slow because a factor of @MinPolyQuot(t,I,t)@ produces an ideal with a very slow GBasis.
Anna Maria Bigatti

14 Oct 2019

22:37 CoCoALib Design #1336 (In Progress): Rename SparsePolyOps-MonomialIdeal into SparsePolyOps-IdealMonomial?
I agree it would be nice to have them all start the second part of the name with @Ideal@ (or maybe @ideal@?)
John Abbott
22:22 CoCoALib Design #1336 (Closed): Rename SparsePolyOps-MonomialIdeal into SparsePolyOps-IdealMonomial?
We have these files:
so, s...
Anna Maria Bigatti
22:29 CoCoA-5 Slug #948: radical is slow (compared to singular) on these examples
I have just tried modifying the code, but *it does not work as expected.*
In @SparsePolyOps-Ideal0Dim.C@ around l...
John Abbott
22:01 CoCoA-5 Slug #948: radical is slow (compared to singular) on these examples
We have another funny problem: @MinPoly@ is too fast ;-)
The timeout for @GBasis@ depends only on the time spent in ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
19:31 CoCoALib Design #1257: C++14: use nullptr
Ha ha! I did not change "nearly" all 0s into @nullptr@ that need to be changed.
I've just changed many more... it i...
John Abbott
17:32 CoCoA-5 Bug #1230 (In Progress): PrimaryDecomposition with lex ordering
Not quite :-/
there is still something dodgy:...
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:03 CoCoA-5 Support #406: Manual for CoCoAManual/CoCoAHelp.xml
John Abbott wrote:
> Should we postpone this issue to the release after 5.3.0?
I think we should aim at 5.3.0.
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:17 CoCoALib Support #1039 (Closed): Rename iroot?
This has apparently all been done (incl. doc, tests, CVS).
No complaints, so closing.
John Abbott
15:15 CoCoALib Design #1259 (Closed): ThreadsafeCounter is now obsolete?
Well, I am now sync'd with CVS, so presumably this also works fine for Anna.
Apparently I have deleted the source fi...
John Abbott
15:10 CoCoALib Feature #1301 (Closed): New function primorial
I am inclined not to put in any tests since CoCoALib merely delegates all the work to GMP.
Also, as the function is ...
John Abbott
15:01 CoCoALib Bug #1310 (Closed): RealRoots: gives odd number of roots for deg 6 irred poly
John Abbott

11 Oct 2019

22:18 CoCoA-5 Support #1311 (In Progress): THINGS TO DO IN GENOVA September 2019
John Abbott
22:16 CoCoA-5 Support #406: Manual for CoCoAManual/CoCoAHelp.xml
Should we postpone this issue to the release after 5.3.0?
John Abbott
22:14 CoCoA-5 Support #1222: Release CoCoA-5.3.0
I have revised the title since we changed the planned version number ;-) John Abbott
22:12 CoCoA-5 Bug #1335: ManExamples: some problems
Running the example on the man page for @StandardInput@ is definitely a problem. I do not know how to fix this (othe... John Abbott
22:06 CoCoA-5 Feature #1236: Add "socket" devices
It would be good to close this soon.
We should test it on the 3 usual platforms: GNU/Linux seems OK to me, Mac? M...
John Abbott
22:03 CoCoA-5 Bug #1230 (Resolved): PrimaryDecomposition with lex ordering
I think this has already been done. Changed status to "resolved". John Abbott
22:02 CoCoA-5 Bug #1274 (Closed): SortBy and SortedBy sometimes give wrong result
This was actually fixed some time ago; I just forgot to tell redmine.
John Abbott
21:54 CoCoA-5 Design #1334: sylvester or SylvesterMat?
I have renamed @jacobian@ to @JacobianMat@; @jacobian@ is now in obsolescent (both for CoCoA-5 and CoCoALib).
John Abbott
18:01 CoCoA-5 Design #1334: sylvester or SylvesterMat?
John Abbott wrote:
> Not really related: there is a function *@jacobian@* which returns the jacobian matrix. Should...
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:03 CoCoA-5 Design #1334 (Resolved): sylvester or SylvesterMat?
I have changed the CoCoA-5 manual to use the new name. There was no need to change any tests.
Also added @Sylvest...
John Abbott
12:06 CoCoA-5 Design #1334: sylvester or SylvesterMat?
Not really related: there is a function *@jacobian@* which returns the jacobian matrix. Should it be called *@Jacobi... John Abbott
12:01 CoCoA-5 Design #1334: sylvester or SylvesterMat?
What should @SylvesterMat@ do if one of the args is 0?
An error must be signalled, but how?
Currently the error is ...
John Abbott
11:57 CoCoA-5 Design #1334: sylvester or SylvesterMat?
I have now made the impl in C++; more or less a straight copy of the CoCoA-5 code.
It seems to work (on 2 simple e...
John Abbott
15:18 ApCoCoA Feature #1328: New ApCoCoA UI
Here are the main features of the UI which Martin wants to preserve:
* allow cut-and-paste of arbitrarily large text...
John Abbott

10 Oct 2019

19:26 CoCoA-5 Design #1164 (Closed): Manual: loading manual entries written by users
Anna Maria Bigatti
19:20 CoCoALib Slug #1105 (Closed): Primary Decompositon (zero-dim) slow cases
Anna Maria Bigatti
18:41 CoCoALib Feature #1329 (Feedback): New syntax for creating homomorphisms (PolyAlgebraHom)
Anna Maria Bigatti
09:49 CoCoALib Feature #1329 (Resolved): New syntax for creating homomorphisms (PolyAlgebraHom)
Anna Maria Bigatti
18:41 CoCoA-5 Design #1327 (Feedback): Inconvenient PolyRingHom, PolyAlgebraHom
Anna Maria Bigatti
09:42 CoCoA-5 Design #1327 (Resolved): Inconvenient PolyRingHom, PolyAlgebraHom
The power of the new string syntax: can be defined in one line, and the strings are evaluated in the appropriate ring... Anna Maria Bigatti
18:40 CoCoALib Feature #1330 (Feedback): New syntax for NewQuotientRing
Anna Maria Bigatti
09:55 CoCoALib Feature #1330: New syntax for NewQuotientRing
reminder: write doc for cocoalib Anna Maria Bigatti
18:24 CoCoA-5 Support #1024 (Closed): CoCoA Manual: consistent spacing in VarName: TYPE
John Abbott wrote:
> To see an example of inconsistency, just type *@?:@* into CoCoA. This gives the page for infix...
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:37 CoCoA-5 Design #168 (Closed): Type info in CoCoA-5 manual
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:35 CoCoA-5 Bug #1261 (Closed): ASCII function
Still no reaction. Anyway, there is a test in @exbugs.cocoa5@. So we can close.
John Abbott
17:27 CoCoA-5 Feature #1243: New function: Read a string into a list (of RingElem) -- CoCoA-5
One "advantage" of @BlaBlaVector@ and @BlaBlaList@ is that it help reminds the programmer that indices in the first c... John Abbott
14:54 CoCoA-5 Feature #1243 (Resolved): New function: Read a string into a list (of RingElem) -- CoCoA-5
what about @RingElems(ring, string)@?
Similar to @RingElem(ring, string)@... or too similar?
One thing I do not l...
Anna Maria Bigatti
09:57 CoCoA-5 Feature #1243: New function: Read a string into a list (of RingElem) -- CoCoA-5
reminder: choose name and write doc for cocoa-5 Anna Maria Bigatti
08:41 CoCoA-5 Feature #1243: New function: Read a string into a list (of RingElem) -- CoCoA-5
For the moment called (also in CoCoA) @ReadExprVector(ring, string)@.
Example @ReadExprVector(R, "x-1, y^3-2, x*z")@...
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:27 CoCoA-5 Design #1334: sylvester or SylvesterMat?
John Abbott wrote:
> This fn should be in CoCoALib!
> Move it there and change its name; and put @sylvester@ into o...
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:10 CoCoA-5 Design #1334: sylvester or SylvesterMat?
This fn should be in CoCoALib!
Move it there and change its name; and put @sylvester@ into obsolescent. Change the ...
John Abbott
15:53 CoCoA-5 Design #1334 (In Progress): sylvester or SylvesterMat?
I vote for @SylvesterMat@ Anna Maria Bigatti
17:21 CoCoA-5 Support #1333: Typevectors
Here are some questions:
* roughly how long might it take to resurrect it?
* could it be easily translated into C++...
John Abbott
17:12 CoCoA-5 Support #1333: Typevectors
yes, fixed.
I wonder if I should resurrect this package...
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:04 CoCoA-5 Bug #1335: ManExamples: some problems
John Abbott wrote:
> I now see that the errors reported in the examples about hyperplane arrangements are intentiona...
Anna Maria Bigatti
09:57 CoCoALib Feature #1332: New function: vector of RingElem from string -- in CoCoALib
reminder: write doc for cocoalib Anna Maria Bigatti
09:56 CoCoALib Feature #1332: New function: vector of RingElem from string -- in CoCoALib
reminder: write doc for cocoalib Anna Maria Bigatti
09:33 CoCoALib Feature #1332 (Resolved): New function: vector of RingElem from string -- in CoCoALib
Anna Maria Bigatti
08:36 CoCoALib Slug #1238: ReadExpr is too slow on long lists of monomial with many indets: ---> use RingElems instead
Dramatic improvement using the new function @ReadExprVector@ in @ex-MVT-Simplicial.C@. (because the new function cre... Anna Maria Bigatti
08:33 CoCoALib Slug #1238: ReadExpr is too slow on long lists of monomial with many indets: ---> use RingElems instead
John Abbott wrote:
> 2019-09-23 This is still very slow. Here is a specific test case:
> [...]
New function @R...
Anna Maria Bigatti

09 Oct 2019

21:45 CoCoALib Slug #1238: ReadExpr is too slow on long lists of monomial with many indets: ---> use RingElems instead
I have run an example (in a ring with 4999 indets) with the profiler (it was rather slower than I expected).
The t...
John Abbott
20:32 CoCoALib Slug #1238: ReadExpr is too slow on long lists of monomial with many indets: ---> use RingElems instead
I have just tried the example from comment 4, but in a ring with 9999 indets (instead of just 999). The time increas... John Abbott
20:41 CoCoA-5 Bug #1335: ManExamples: some problems
I now see that the errors reported in the examples about hyperplane arrangements are intentional; _i.e._ the example ... John Abbott
14:44 CoCoA-5 Bug #1335 (In Progress): ManExamples: some problems
Here is a quick summary of the problems with MaxExamples@ (after I have already fixed a few)
*NOTE*: I do not have ...
John Abbott
14:38 CoCoA-5 Bug #1335 (Closed): ManExamples: some problems
I have just run @make ManExamples@, and there are some problems.
Fix them.
John Abbott
20:29 CoCoA-5 Support #677: Credits to CoCoA-5 contributors
A simple approach would be to have either a manual page about contributors, or a function which prints out some infor... John Abbott
20:26 CoCoALib Design #1309 (Closed): SmoothFactor: allow limit = 1?
John Abbott
19:36 ApCoCoA Feature #1328: New ApCoCoA UI
Next meeting with Nguetsa: Wed 16th Oct, at 14:00.
Intro to redmine; plan for next 2 weeks. New version of cocoa5....
John Abbott
19:33 ApCoCoA Feature #1328: New ApCoCoA UI
What characteristics of the new UI must be tested?
Here is a list: probably each entry here will correspond to a n...
John Abbott
18:22 CoCoALib Feature #1330 (Resolved): New syntax for NewQuotientRing
Now also for non principal ideals... Anna Maria Bigatti
17:53 CoCoALib Feature #1332: New function: vector of RingElem from string -- in CoCoALib
I think I've done it. ... after lots of tedious little mistakes!
Called @ReadExprVector(ring, string)@ in ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:48 CoCoA-5 Feature #1243: New function: Read a string into a list (of RingElem) -- CoCoA-5
I think I've done it. ... after lots of tedious little mistakes!
Called @ReadExprVector(ring, string)@ in @RingEl...
Anna Maria Bigatti

08 Oct 2019

21:25 CoCoA-5 Design #1334 (Closed): sylvester or SylvesterMat?
CoCoA-5 has a function called *@sylvester@*; should it not be called *@SylvesterMat@*?
John Abbott
21:08 CoCoA-5 Support #1333 (Closed): Typevectors
In the CoCoA-5 manual there is an entry *@Typevectors@* (which says NYI).
Should it be *@TypeVectors@*?
John Abbott
15:55 CoCoALib Feature #1332: New function: vector of RingElem from string -- in CoCoALib
maybe @CoCoAVector(R, string)@?
@CoCoAVector(NewPolyRing(QQ,"x,y,z"), "x^2-3, y^3-1234567");@
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:49 CoCoALib Feature #1332 (Closed): New function: vector of RingElem from string -- in CoCoALib
In many cases in CoCoALib, and often also in CoCoA-5, it would be convenient to make a vector of RingElem from a stri... Anna Maria Bigatti
15:26 CoCoALib Bug #1331 (In Progress): adj: for matrices 7x7 and bigger
Here is a simple failing case:... John Abbott
15:24 CoCoALib Bug #1331 (Closed): adj: for matrices 7x7 and bigger
*@adj@* (previously @adjoint@) gives a misleading and unnecessary error mesg if given a square matrix of dimension at... John Abbott
15:04 CoCoALib Feature #1330: New syntax for NewQuotientRing
documented, cvs-ed. Anna Maria Bigatti
14:41 CoCoALib Feature #1330: New syntax for NewQuotientRing
Implemented in CoCoALib, passed to CoCoA-5
For the moment, only for principal ideal...
Anna Maria Bigatti
12:20 CoCoALib Feature #1330 (Closed): New syntax for NewQuotientRing
Making a quotient ring is often tedious. In CoCoA-5 we need to write (the best we can do):... Anna Maria Bigatti
12:16 CoCoALib Feature #1329 (Closed): New syntax for creating homomorphisms (PolyAlgebraHom)
Making a homomorphism is often tedious. In CoCoA-5 we need to write (the best we can do):... Anna Maria Bigatti
12:03 CoCoA-5 Design #1327: Inconvenient PolyRingHom, PolyAlgebraHom
John Abbott wrote:
> It would be nice if we could produce an easier way to make quotient rings. For example somet...
Anna Maria Bigatti
10:35 CoCoA-5 Design #1327 (In Progress): Inconvenient PolyRingHom, PolyAlgebraHom
If we find it non-trivial to create a good solution then we really should include some example(s) in the documentatio... John Abbott
08:57 CoCoA-5 Design #1327: Inconvenient PolyRingHom, PolyAlgebraHom
Alternative, without @use@:... Anna Maria Bigatti

07 Oct 2019

18:10 ApCoCoA Feature #1328 (New): New ApCoCoA UI
The old ApCoCoA UI (based on Eclipse/Java8) no longer works on more recent versions of GNU/Linux.
Implement a new ...
John Abbott
17:25 CoCoA-5 Design #1327: Inconvenient PolyRingHom, PolyAlgebraHom
Here is the solution I ended up producing, but I found discovering it to be unnatural.... John Abbott
17:13 CoCoA-5 Design #1327 (Closed): Inconvenient PolyRingHom, PolyAlgebraHom
I wanted to do in CoCoA-5 an example/exercise from Martin Kreuzer's lecture course on computer algebra.
It turned ou...
John Abbott

05 Oct 2019

12:25 CoCoA-5 Feature #1290: NewPolyRing: allow symbols with just head and no indices?
Yes, @NewPolyRing(QQ, "alpha")@ is cleaner, simpler, etc.
But if you want to specify several symbols, some of which ...
John Abbott

04 Oct 2019

16:50 CoCoA-5 Design #1164: Manual: loading manual entries written by users
updated manual Anna Maria Bigatti
16:19 CoCoA-5 Feature #1290: NewPolyRing: allow symbols with just head and no indices?
It works now. (both Mac and Linux)
However, @NewPolyRing(QQ, "alpha");@ is better, isn't it? ;-)
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:16 CoCoA-5 Bug #1273: NewPolyRing and SymbolRange together make a crash
Seems to work now, both on Mac and on Linux.
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:05 CoCoALib Feature #813: Implement "elim" in CoCoALib
Choose the syntax first... Anna Maria Bigatti

03 Oct 2019

17:41 CoCoALib Slug #1105 (Feedback): Primary Decompositon (zero-dim) slow cases
I agree: now the timings are no longer that horrible.
Indeed not bad ;-)
We can close this issue.
Have we compar...
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:18 CoCoALib Design #1326 (Closed): Modify function myElim so that it returns ideal? (not quite)
Currently we have... Anna Maria Bigatti
17:08 CoCoALib Bug #935: ElimMat, ElimHomogMat: complain about zero or negative weights
Now I cannot remember WHY they should complain....
postpone to next version
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:43 CoCoALib Bug #1248 (Feedback): MinPolyQuot: guaranteed and ideal without GBasis
I think this is all done now: #1248-6
Also the principal ideal has been dealt with: #1249
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:24 CoCoALib Feature #1251 (Feedback): New function: radical for monomial ideal
@ideal SparsePolyRingBase::IdealImpl::myRadical_MonId() const@
in @SparsePolyOps-MonomialIdeal.C@
does NOT m...
Anna Maria Bigatti
10:43 CoCoALib Feature #1209 (Closed): New function: HasPositiveGrading
Done. Tested from CoCoA-5 (false for #1211, true in @anna.cocoa5@).
Anna Maria Bigatti
10:37 CoCoALib Bug #1211 (Closed): HilbertSeries should check grading
added a test in @CoCoA-5/tests/ErrMesg.cocoa5@
Anna Maria Bigatti

02 Oct 2019

16:27 CoCoA-5 Slug #948 (Resolved): radical is slow (compared to singular) on these examples
I have just tried a few examples, and they seems to be much quicker (but perhaps not as fast as Singular).
Should we...
John Abbott
16:22 CoCoA-5 Bug #1226 (Closed): ExternalLibs return empty list
This has been in feedback for at least 7 months. I cannot quickly and easily check whether the GSL problem still per... John Abbott
16:17 CoCoA-5 Support #169: Font for parameters in manual
We should try to work through the manual systematically. Perhaps there should be 26 sub-issues, one for each initial... John Abbott
16:10 CoCoALib Slug #1105: Primary Decompositon (zero-dim) slow cases
This seems to be related to issue #1230
I have just tried the examples from comment 13, but changing the current r...
John Abbott
12:49 CoCoALib Feature #1251: New function: radical for monomial ideal
Now the official function in CoCoALib is @radical_tmp@ (will be @radical@ when all code is written in CoCoALib)
Anna Maria Bigatti
12:07 CoCoALib Bug #1211: HilbertSeries should check grading
The problem is testing it...
Anna Maria Bigatti
12:07 CoCoALib Bug #1211 (Feedback): HilbertSeries should check grading
fixed using @HasPositiveGrading@, and proper testing. Anna Maria Bigatti

01 Oct 2019

17:42 CoCoA-5 Bug #1325 (Closed): Emacs UI: emacs does not recognize "until" as marking the end of a "repeat" block
When typing in code into a CoCoA-5 buffer, emacs does not recognise that the keyword *@until@* as marking the end of ... John Abbott
17:37 CoCoA-5 Bug #1104: Eigenvectors: inconsistent return type
Even the example in the manual exhibits this... that's embarrassing. We should decide what to do, and then take acti... John Abbott
15:42 CoCoALib Feature #1249 (Closed): principal ideal has a Gbasis
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:57 CoCoALib Feature #1249: principal ideal has a Gbasis
Has this already been done?
I think what Anna showed me in Genova, indicated that it has been done. If so, we can c...
John Abbott
14:53 CoCoA-5 Design #1120 (Resolved): Web site
Can we close this issue now?
John Abbott
14:52 CoCoA-5 Design #168: Type info in CoCoA-5 manual
Can we close this now?
John Abbott
14:49 CoCoA-5 Design #1292: Interpreter: fns which accept INT or RAT
Some cases where it may not be so clear:
* *@den@* and *@num@*
* *@SmoothFactor@*
* *@floor@* and *@ceil@*
John Abbott
14:44 CoCoA-5 Bug #1230 (In Progress): PrimaryDecomposition with lex ordering
The given example seems to work now. Has this been fixed?
If so, close; otherwise postpone to next version.
John Abbott
14:41 CoCoA-5 Support #1220 (Closed): NewRingFp obsolescent; superseded by NewZZmod
John Abbott
14:35 CoCoA-5 Support #1241: GDPR: website, mailing list
We should seek advice about this. John Abbott
14:33 CoCoA-5 Feature #912: Add TUTORIALs to online manual
I have added two tutorials: one about giving *feedback and reporting bugs*, the other about some *basic emacs* comman... John Abbott
14:31 CoCoA-5 Slug #709: Speed of some Normaliz calls (NmzComputation)
We should check what happens with current (2019-10-01) versions of CoCoALib and Normaliz. John Abbott
14:27 CoCoA-5 Design #476: Review utility of package IO
If the package exports only *@format@*, perhaps that package name should be changed to @format@? John Abbott
14:25 CoCoA-5 Support #1240 (Closed): John's visit Feb 2019
Closing this because the visit is over -- this does not imply that we achieved all that we had hoped to. :-( John Abbott
14:21 CoCoA-5 Feature #368: port SmithNormalForm (CoCoA-4)package to CoCoA-5
I think Florian had done some implementing; perhaps we can delegate to him?
John Abbott
14:19 CoCoA-5 Support #1217 (Rejected): CoCoA-5 tests directory: cleaning
This is apparently a duplicate of #1318, so rejecting. John Abbott
14:11 CoCoA-5 Bug #1321 (Closed): RealRoots fails on -x^2
I have added @RealRoots(-x^2)@ to the exbugs test suite.
John Abbott
14:05 CoCoA-5 Design #1164: Manual: loading manual entries written by users
The manual entry for @ReloadMan@ needs to be updated, assuming that the impl is meant to be public.
John Abbott
13:34 CoCoALib Bug #1300 (Closed): CoprimeFactorBasis: mishandles negative args
Added a test (to @test-bug1.C@).
Corrected name in doc in @doc/txt/NumTheory.txt@.
John Abbott
12:22 CoCoALib Slug #866: implicit, ImplicitHypersurface: improve output verification
2019-10-01: I have just tried the example from comment 2, and now it takes about 5.9s on my computer.
John Abbott
12:15 CoCoALib Bug #1248: MinPolyQuot: guaranteed and ideal without GBasis
We should either close this issue (almost immediately), or postpone it (to 0.99700?). John Abbott
12:07 CoCoALib Feature #813: Implement "elim" in CoCoALib
I have increased this to max priority because I believe it is trivial to achieve, and it would be nice to close the i... John Abbott
12:00 CoCoALib Design #707: MatrixOrderingMod32749Impl: test and write documentation!
Can we use a bigger modulus now that we are effectively assuming 64-bit platform? (are we?) John Abbott
11:55 CoCoALib Slug #1105: Primary Decompositon (zero-dim) slow cases
Here is a short file which checks the computation times of the examples given above:... John Abbott
11:37 CoCoALib Feature #259 (Feedback): Squarefree(?) GCD-free basis
I changed the names (not sure when).
A problem with the integer version is that the "squarefree" part is potential...
John Abbott
11:31 CoCoALib Bug #1250 (Closed): SEGV: CoCoALib with Normaliz in multithreading
This has been in "feedback" for 7 months, so I'm closing.
John Abbott

30 Sep 2019

20:00 CoCoA-5 Support #1315 (In Progress): Manual entry about reporting bugs?
I have added a "tutorial" page about giving feedback and reporting bugs.
I was not sure where to put it, but perha...
John Abbott
19:42 CoCoALib Slug #1324: Improve RootBound
*CAREFUL* with the suggestions below: it is likely the @RootBound@ is used internally when factorizing or computing s... John Abbott
19:40 CoCoALib Slug #1324 (In Progress): Improve RootBound
It maybe possible to improve @RootBound@ (in some cases) by using @SqfreeFactor@.
Also the CoCoA-5 prototype @Good...
John Abbott
19:32 CoCoALib Support #1263: Tidy CoCoALib test directory
I have transferred test-bugN into test-bug1 for N=6,7,8,9. So far, so good.
John Abbott
16:14 CoCoALib Feature #1323: Improve RealRoots: compute sqfr decomp
Sqfr decomp should always be reasonably quick; full factorization could be slow if the input is "nasty".
One could...
John Abbott
16:11 CoCoALib Feature #1323: Improve RealRoots: compute sqfr decomp
I have already begun writing a package called @RRList@.
I think this is related, esp. as regards combining the inter...
John Abbott
16:09 CoCoALib Feature #1323 (New): Improve RealRoots: compute sqfr decomp
Consider changing @RealRoots@ so that it computes the sqfr decomp of the input poly, then works on the separate piece... John Abbott

29 Sep 2019

21:57 CoCoA-5 Bug #1321 (Feedback): RealRoots fails on -x^2
Indeed I had "fixed" it, but there was a slight mistake: I forgot to guarantee that the LC of the poly handed to the ... John Abbott

27 Sep 2019

18:21 CoCoA-5 Support #1318: Clean CoCoA-5/tests directory
@test-output.cocoa5@ fails with "wrong output" ???
If run inside emacs using C-c C-f, the test produces no output...
John Abbott
18:12 CoCoA-5 Support #1318: Clean CoCoA-5/tests directory
Some *@TutHokkaido@* tests fail (non-zero exit status in 3 cases).
John Abbott
18:09 CoCoA-5 Support #1318 (Resolved): Clean CoCoA-5/tests directory
Here are the tests which we might want to keep:
* *@packages.cocoa5@*
* *@parameters.cocoa5@*
* *@protection.cocoa...
John Abbott
17:42 CoCoA-5 Bug #1286: Website: trouble with the world map
The result is mostly satisfactory. Now I see a symbol of "broken image" rather than a thumbnail map.
If I click on ...
John Abbott
17:33 CoCoALib Bug #905 (Closed): txt2tags: double quotes wrong in LaTeX
John Abbott
17:27 CoCoALib Bug #1317 (Closed): txt2tags: LaTeX/PDF section numbers over 99 in TOC
Works reasonably well for me. Closing.
John Abbott
17:25 CoCoA-5 Feature #1231 (Closed): system command
Tested on MacOSX.
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:23 CoCoA-5 Support #1314: Emacs UI: open manual pages in a separate frame?
Perhaps we need a separate process to show the manual pages?
A possibility is to run a whole separate CoCoA-5 sess...
John Abbott
17:13 CoCoA-5 Bug #1322: SEGV when debugging is active
Added a CoCoALib test John Abbott
16:58 CoCoA-5 Bug #1322 (Closed): SEGV when debugging is active
Silly problem, when you know it...
There was a debugging call @CoCoA_ASSERT(myMinGens().empty())@ (causing an infini...
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:37 CoCoA-5 Bug #1322 (In Progress): SEGV when debugging is active
... John Abbott
11:02 CoCoA-5 Bug #1322 (Closed): SEGV when debugging is active
Seems to work fine if compiled without *@--debug@*, but several tests fail (SEGV) when @--debug@ is active:... John Abbott

26 Sep 2019

16:46 CoCoA-5 Bug #1321 (In Progress): RealRoots fails on -x^2
I thought I had already fixed this bug. Indeed the code is there inside @RealRoots2@; the code assumed that the arg ... John Abbott

25 Sep 2019

18:15 CoCoA-5 Support #1318: Clean CoCoA-5/tests directory
Here is a list of apparently redundant files:
* @assert.cocoa5@
John Abbott
14:25 CoCoA-5 Support #1318 (Closed): Clean CoCoA-5/tests directory
There are some old files in @CoCoA-5/tests/@ which seems no longer to be used. Perhaps delete them?
John Abbott
18:14 CoCoA-5 Support #1027: CoCoAManual: add a page with some emacs hints?
JAA has written a first draft of a *tutorial for using the Emacs UI*; it will need to be expanded/improved.
John Abbott
17:18 CoCoA-5 Support #1027: CoCoAManual: add a page with some emacs hints?
A possibility is to put the web page(s) referred to in comment 2 into a local file, so that it is always accessible.
John Abbott
17:58 CoCoA-5 Bug #1321 (Closed): RealRoots fails on -x^2
Small failing example:... John Abbott
17:13 CoCoALib Feature #1283 (Closed): Printing for (prime) finite fields
Where should the documentation go? John Abbott
16:04 CoCoALib Feature #1283 (Resolved): Printing for (prime) finite fields
John Abbott
14:33 CoCoALib Feature #1283: Printing for (prime) finite fields
Anna says OK to my "hack".
Now I need to document and check everything in.
John Abbott
15:50 CoCoA-5 Bug #1320: CoCoA-5 manual: incorrect empty line in syntax box (in PDF file)
This seems to be related to commands which return no result, or which have extra "descriptions" inside the syntax par... John Abbott
15:49 CoCoA-5 Bug #1320 (New): CoCoA-5 manual: incorrect empty line in syntax box (in PDF file)
In the PDF version there are "unhappy" empty lines at the end of some boxes around the "syntax" of some commands.
John Abbott
15:29 CoCoALib Bug #1319: Problem rebuilding dependencies when file PREPROCESSOR_DEFNS.H does not exist
The point is that @make veryclean@ also deletes (most of?) the files generated by configuration.
Something is evid...
John Abbott
15:13 CoCoALib Bug #1319: Problem rebuilding dependencies when file PREPROCESSOR_DEFNS.H does not exist
The error mesgs appear when the makefile tries to rebuild the dependencies.
John Abbott
15:11 CoCoALib Bug #1319 (Closed): Problem rebuilding dependencies when file PREPROCESSOR_DEFNS.H does not exist
I did something like the following, and ended with lots of error messages about @PREPROCESSOR_DEFNS.H@ not existing.
John Abbott
14:28 CoCoALib Support #1263: Tidy CoCoALib test directory
Anna approves of merging the exbugs into a single file, and to including @CoCoA/library.H@.
Do this (soon!)
John Abbott
11:58 CoCoA-5 Feature #1231: system command
Currently, any output from the system command is sent to @stdout@ (so might be lost if a GUI is being used).
John Abbott
11:54 CoCoA-5 Feature #1231 (Feedback): system command
There is a manual page now. John Abbott
08:00 CoCoALib Bug #1317 (Feedback): txt2tags: LaTeX/PDF section numbers over 99 in TOC
Fixed. CVSed. Anna Maria Bigatti
07:38 CoCoALib Feature #1209: New function: HasPositiveGrading
We decided (personal discussion) to implement it only for @ring@, because the real utility of this function is for co... Anna Maria Bigatti

24 Sep 2019

18:51 CoCoALib Bug #905 (Feedback): txt2tags: double quotes wrong in LaTeX
John Abbott
15:51 CoCoALib Bug #1317: txt2tags: LaTeX/PDF section numbers over 99 in TOC
we need to play with the arguments in ... Anna Maria Bigatti
15:47 CoCoALib Bug #1317: txt2tags: LaTeX/PDF section numbers over 99 in TOC
Anna thinks this may be easy to resolve.
John Abbott
15:12 CoCoALib Bug #1317 (Closed): txt2tags: LaTeX/PDF section numbers over 99 in TOC
In the index/table-of-contents there is no enough space for section numbers greater than 99.
The section number ov...
John Abbott
15:24 CoCoA-5 Support #1314 (In Progress): Emacs UI: open manual pages in a separate frame?
One possible approach would be to write the manual page to a file (perhaps inside @/tmp@ somewhere), then open the fi... John Abbott
15:03 CoCoA-5 Bug #1286 (Feedback): Website: trouble with the world map
Anna thinks she has found a decent compromise. Anyway the CPU burning has stopped.
John Abbott
14:53 CoCoA-5 Bug #1286: Website: trouble with the world map
Anna has got rid of the CPU burning part. Still trying to find a decent compromise for when the map cannot be shown.
John Abbott
10:50 CoCoALib Feature #1209: New function: HasPositiveGrading
Apparently we decided to remove the function I was going to use (@IsPosiveGrading@ with two args), but in the time be... Anna Maria Bigatti
10:16 CoCoALib Feature #1209 (In Progress): New function: HasPositiveGrading
Now I understand what I meant.
+ There is a function called @IsPositiveGrading@ taking a weight matrix for input. T...
Anna Maria Bigatti

23 Sep 2019

13:00 CoCoALib Feature #1209: New function: HasPositiveGrading
Do you simply mean a @GradingDim@ function which can be applied to a @PPMonoid@ or a @SparsePolyRing@? John Abbott
12:54 CoCoALib Slug #1170: SmoothFactor: slow when a factor is found
An idea (in C++) is to have a sort of @SmoothFactor@ iterator which can be told to continue from where it has reached... John Abbott
12:41 CoCoALib Slug #1238: ReadExpr is too slow on long lists of monomial with many indets: ---> use RingElems instead
I have run the profiler.
A lot of time is spent in *@AreDistinct(vector<symbol>)@*; presumably the call is around @r...
John Abbott
12:20 CoCoALib Slug #1238: ReadExpr is too slow on long lists of monomial with many indets: ---> use RingElems instead
Here is another case where it is surprisingly slow:... John Abbott
12:16 CoCoALib Slug #1238: ReadExpr is too slow on long lists of monomial with many indets: ---> use RingElems instead
2019-09-23 This is still very slow. Here is a specific test case:... John Abbott
11:49 CoCoALib Bug #1211: HilbertSeries should check grading
JAA confirms that this bug still exists in the current build (2019-09-23).
John Abbott

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