



From 21 Oct 2019 to 19 Nov 2019

19 Nov 2019

16:49 CoCoALib Support #1276 (Closed): Release 0.99650
Anna Maria Bigatti

18 Nov 2019

10:51 CoCoA-5 Feature #1364: Emacs UI: start cocoa5 with system command enabled
John Abbott wrote:
> Here are two possible ways to implement:
> * *(A)* new emacs commands _e.g._ *@cocoa5-with-sys...
Anna Maria Bigatti

15 Nov 2019

15:40 CoCoA-5 Feature #1364: Emacs UI: start cocoa5 with system command enabled
Ange's situation is that she has the source code in @file.cocoa5@ and wants to send it to CoCoA-5 with @SystemCommand... John Abbott
15:30 CoCoA-5 Feature #1364 (Closed): Emacs UI: start cocoa5 with system command enabled
Ange wants to use @SystemCommand@ inside some of her code, but when she starts CoCoA-5 from inside emacs @SystemComma... John Abbott
15:28 CoCoA-5 Support #677: Credits to CoCoA-5 contributors
* *Manual page* this is probably simplest to implement (and likely to suffice for all or almost all uses)
* *Functi...
John Abbott

14 Nov 2019

19:22 CoCoALib Design #982: Catching interrupts in example progs?
I have modified @ex-empty.C@ so that it creates a @SignalWatcher@ immediately after @GlobalManager@, and also has a h... John Abbott
19:17 CoCoALib Bug #1362: GBasis verbose mode: some output is on cerr/clog
I have mostly fixed this. There are also very many commented out debugging prints to clog. Some I have removed; but... John Abbott
09:49 CoCoALib Bug #1362 (In Progress): GBasis verbose mode: some output is on cerr/clog
In *@TmpGReductor.C@* there are numerous print commands onto *@clog@*; the commands are called only after checking *@... John Abbott
15:28 CoCoALib Feature #1360 (In Progress): configure script: add flags for "only cocoalib" or "both cocoalib and cocoa5" (for boost)
JAA prefers to delay this so there is time to make more checks...
John Abbott

13 Nov 2019

16:56 CoCoA-5 Slug #1363: Emacs UI: slow with long lines
Original location of link was ... John Abbott
16:55 CoCoA-5 Slug #1363 (In Progress): Emacs UI: slow with long lines
I have found mention of *@so-long.el@* for emacs which is supposed to help with long lines.
We should investigate.
John Abbott
14:59 CoCoALib Bug #1362 (Closed): GBasis verbose mode: some output is on cerr/clog
With @VerbosityLevel@ set to 150, some output when computing a gbasis is on stderr instead of stdout: _e.g._... John Abbott

12 Nov 2019

14:48 CoCoALib Bug #1361 (Closed): Compilation fails when compiling with libgsl
If I compile cocoalib 0.99601 with libgsl (version 2.6-1) using:... Florian Walsh

09 Nov 2019

21:45 CoCoA-5 Feature #1358: Emacs UI: should active input line be cleared before sending line from CoCoA-5 file?
Checked into CVS.
I had added a fn for sending a string to the running *cocoa5* buffer; I have not yet altered any f...
John Abbott
09:18 CoCoA-5 Feature #1358: Emacs UI: should active input line be cleared before sending line from CoCoA-5 file?
Tried on two (oldish) version of emacs.
Both work.
Anna Maria Bigatti

07 Nov 2019

20:17 CoCoA-5 Feature #1358: Emacs UI: should active input line be cleared before sending line from CoCoA-5 file?
I noticed quite a lot of "almost duplication" in the *@cocoa5.el@* file. We should try to reduce that: more work for... John Abbott
18:37 CoCoA-5 Feature #1358 (In Progress): Emacs UI: should active input line be cleared before sending line from CoCoA-5 file?
I have a first version which seems to work: after *@(goto (point-max))@* I have inserted *@(move-beginning-of-line ni... John Abbott
17:43 CoCoA-5 Feature #1358: Emacs UI: should active input line be cleared before sending line from CoCoA-5 file?
I think it is probably a good idea to clear the last line (assuming this can be done reasonably easily in emacs).
John Abbott

05 Nov 2019

14:26 CoCoALib Design #982: Catching interrupts in example progs?
On my machine all examples are faster than 5s, but several took more than 2s.
I have made some (local) changes to ma...
John Abbott
11:49 CoCoALib Design #982 (In Progress): Catching interrupts in example progs?
There are two example progs for interrupts (*@ex-interrupt1.C@* and *@ex-interrupt2.C@*).
I am not sure that they ar...
John Abbott

04 Nov 2019

11:01 CoCoALib Feature #1360: configure script: add flags for "only cocoalib" or "both cocoalib and cocoa5" (for boost)
John Abbott wrote:
> Anna suggested *@--only-cocoalib@*
> JAA prefers that the default be "only cocoalib", and ...
Anna Maria Bigatti

01 Nov 2019

10:28 CoCoALib Feature #1360: configure script: add flags for "only cocoalib" or "both cocoalib and cocoa5" (for boost)
Anna suggested *@--only-cocoalib@*
JAA prefers that the default be "only cocoalib", and that an option must be giv...
John Abbott
10:22 CoCoALib Feature #1360 (Closed): configure script: add flags for "only cocoalib" or "both cocoalib and cocoa5" (for boost)
Considering adding configuration option(s) to specify:
* compile just cocoalib
* compile cocoalib and also also CoC...
John Abbott

31 Oct 2019

18:34 CoCoALib Support #1276: Release 0.99650
... Anna Maria Bigatti
16:24 CoCoALib Support #1276: Release 0.99650
Valgrind OK... Anna Maria Bigatti
15:55 CoCoALib Bug #1248 (Closed): MinPolyQuot: guaranteed and ideal without GBasis
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:17 ApCoCoA Feature #1328: New ApCoCoA UI
Next meeting is 2019-11-21 at 11:00.
AIM: *get interactive window and history mechanism working.*
John Abbott

30 Oct 2019

22:44 CoCoA-5 Slug #480: gcd too slow for large degree univariate poly
This slug still exists: on my current machine, top reports that CoCoA-5 is using 13Gbyte of memory. The computation ... John Abbott
22:39 CoCoALib Slug #952 (Closed): GCD very slow
It is no longer very slow; no sure how fast it is (seems to be instant).
John Abbott
22:32 CoCoALib Bug #986: GFan: require version newer than 0.6
*2019-10-30* Update: I now have gfanlib-0.6.2 (released 2018-09-28 according to GFanlib website).
However it sti...
John Abbott
22:23 CoCoALib Slug #1359: gcd: low degree but big coeffs can be slow
If the number of steps in the PRS is very small then a direct method may well be better than the modular method.
John Abbott
22:21 CoCoALib Slug #1359 (New): gcd: low degree but big coeffs can be slow
gcd of low degree polys with big coeffs can be too slow.... John Abbott
22:16 CoCoALib Bug #1113 (Closed): gcd crashes (Floating point exception)
*2019-10-30* I have just tried the example in comment 1, and it no longer crashes. No idea when it was resolved.
John Abbott
22:10 CoCoALib Feature #1218 (In Progress): 32-bit or 64-bit preprocessor macro?
Exactly what wordsize assumptions do we want to make?
* *(A)* 32-bits or not (meaning more than 32?)
* *(B)* 32-...
John Abbott
21:56 CoCoALib Feature #1218: 32-bit or 64-bit preprocessor macro?
*2019-10-30* I have just checked, and CoCoALib and CoCoA-5 both compile, run and all tests pass on my little 32-bit m... John Abbott
21:51 CoCoALib Feature #1219: Frobby version number
There was recent email from Bjarke Roune stating that he will no longer be able to maintain Frobby.
We should contac...
John Abbott
21:47 CoCoALib Feature #1282: subresultant
Note that there is already *@SubresultantSeq@* in @SparsePolyOps-resultant@.
Where did this impl come from? Is it a...
John Abbott
21:44 CoCoALib Slug #1324 (In Progress): Improve RootBound
Here is a family of examples where factorization may not work so well:
let @f@ be a product of @x^k-1@ where the @k@...
John Abbott
16:09 CoCoA-5 Feature #1358 (Closed): Emacs UI: should active input line be cleared before sending line from CoCoA-5 file?
When using the Emacs UI, possibly confusing problems can arise if the user has started to type some input in the exec... John Abbott
11:20 CoCoA-5 Support #1222: Release CoCoA-5.3.0
I have compiled CoCoA-5 (current CVS) on my little 32-bit netbook (with @readline@ but no other extlibs). Compilatio... John Abbott
11:08 CoCoALib Support #1276: Release 0.99650
FWIW I have compiled CoCoALib on my old "netbook" which is 32-bit. All tests passed.
John Abbott
11:06 ApCoCoA Design #1357: How to connect GUI to cocoa5 executable?
I wonder how this was achieved with CoCoA-4.
I do not believe that we implemented any special in CoCoA-4 to enable...
John Abbott
11:02 ApCoCoA Design #1357 (New): How to connect GUI to cocoa5 executable?
The GUI needs to start a separate process for CoCoA-5, and then be able to send inputs to CoCoA-5, and receive output... John Abbott

29 Oct 2019

19:44 CoCoALib Feature #1347 (Closed): New function: ctor of PPVector with vector<RingElem>
Documented (and modernized its doc file) Anna Maria Bigatti
16:21 CoCoALib Feature #1332 (Closed): New function: vector of RingElem from string -- in CoCoALib
documented in @RingElem.txt@ Anna Maria Bigatti
12:37 CoCoALib Feature #658: Indets actually in a poly (or vector or matrix)
Checked in @IndetsIn(vector<RingElem>)@
John Abbott
12:20 CoCoA-5 Bug #1356 (Closed): CoCoA-5 header files: should use a common prefix for CPP variables which enforce read-once
The usual trick to ensure that header files are read only once is to define a CPP variable the first time the header ... John Abbott
12:04 CoCoALib Design #1355 (New): TmpLDP uses srand and time
The code in *@TmpLDP.C@* uses old C functions *@time@* and *@srand@*.
Try to update the code to clean, modern C++.
John Abbott
12:00 CoCoALib Design #1295 (Closed): Never use "using namespace .." in header files
I must have done this some time ago; no doubt shortly after it was reported.
I have just removed some @using names...
John Abbott
11:30 ApCoCoA Feature #1354: ApCoCoA: separate window for manual
Here are some design details which must be sorted out before much can be implemented:
* which XML tags are used in t...
John Abbott
11:25 ApCoCoA Feature #1354 (New): ApCoCoA: separate window for manual
The ApCoCoA UI must offer a means of opening manual pages in a separate window.
The content of this window must be...
John Abbott
10:58 CoCoALib Support #1353: configure script help
I have another suggestion: add the flag *@--only-lib@* that does @--no-boost --no-readline@ and does not compile coc... Anna Maria Bigatti

28 Oct 2019

12:31 CoCoALib Support #1353: configure script help
Ahhh. I see your point.
For CoCoALib the option *@--no-boost@* does nothing (since CoCoALib does not use BOOST, I...
John Abbott
11:48 CoCoALib Support #1353: configure script help
I think that @--no-boost@ should be listed as a CoCoALib option, because it can compile without boost, instead of a C... Anna Maria Bigatti

27 Oct 2019

21:16 CoCoALib Support #1353 (In Progress): configure script help
I have just compiled CoCoALib with the option *@--no-boost@*, and everything worked fine (as I expected/hoped). Of c... John Abbott
21:13 CoCoALib Support #1353 (Closed): configure script help
Bruns recently asked (by email) if configuring CoCoALib with *@--no-boost@* will work OK.
I believe CoCoALib does ...
John Abbott
21:10 CoCoALib Slug #792 (In Progress): configure: search for libgmp too slow
I think this may already be almost done. Let's finish it soon! John Abbott
21:06 CoCoALib Support #976: configure: auxiliary scripts should be consistent about error messages
Let's finish this soon! Boosted priority, and brought target version forward.
I think it is almost done anyway... b...
John Abbott

26 Oct 2019

09:53 CoCoA-5 Bug #1325 (Closed): Emacs UI: emacs does not recognize "until" as marking the end of a "repeat" block
tried. works. closed. Anna Maria Bigatti
09:11 CoCoA-5 Bug #1325 (Feedback): Emacs UI: emacs does not recognize "until" as marking the end of a "repeat" block
I have made the changes which I think are right for having *@until@* recognized as an end-keyword.
I have tried to c...
John Abbott
08:47 CoCoA-5 Feature #673: Error message: I was expecting...
John Abbott wrote:
> Mind you, anyone who types in any of the above is just being a vandal (mmm, me too?)
Now cal...
Anna Maria Bigatti

25 Oct 2019

18:27 CoCoA-5 Design #1352: cocoa5 (launch) script: sleep time
Added sleep to ConfigEmacs mac and linux Anna Maria Bigatti
18:06 CoCoA-5 Design #1352: cocoa5 (launch) script: sleep time
updated accordingly the scripts in @release-files/@ Anna Maria Bigatti
16:17 CoCoA-5 Design #1352: cocoa5 (launch) script: sleep time
Good point! I think we should set the same timings in the installation script (for Mac it's called @ConfigEmacs@) Anna Maria Bigatti
14:07 CoCoA-5 Design #1352: cocoa5 (launch) script: sleep time
One could argue that this is relatively unimportant for normal users (_i.e._ those who download CoCoA-5) since they _... John Abbott
14:01 CoCoA-5 Design #1352 (In Progress): cocoa5 (launch) script: sleep time
A slightly previous version of the script would sleep for 1 sec, print error mesg, sleep for 1 sec, then exit.
An ...
John Abbott
13:39 CoCoA-5 Design #1352 (Closed): cocoa5 (launch) script: sleep time
The usual way to start CoCoA-5 is to run the script *@cocoa5@*.
This script runs some quick basic checks then call...
John Abbott
15:57 CoCoA-5 Bug #1325: Emacs UI: emacs does not recognize "until" as marking the end of a "repeat" block
I now see that in *@cocoa5.el@* there are two very similar constants: *@cocoa5-endkeywords-list@* and *@cocoa5-end-bl... John Abbott
15:39 CoCoA-5 Bug #1325 (Resolved): Emacs UI: emacs does not recognize "until" as marking the end of a "repeat" block
I think I may have solved this (without actually understanding what the emacs-lisp code does).
I have changed the ...
John Abbott
15:27 CoCoA-5 Bug #1325: Emacs UI: emacs does not recognize "until" as marking the end of a "repeat" block
Here is a test case:... John Abbott
15:12 CoCoA-5 Feature #673 (Feedback): Error message: I was expecting...
I have tried some more tests. Mostly it seems OK, but it is possible to confuse the parser:... John Abbott
13:34 CoCoA-5 Bug #1351: Clean up package points.cpkg
I was surprised by the following line in @points.cpkg5@... John Abbott
13:31 CoCoA-5 Bug #1351 (New): Clean up package points.cpkg
I noticed some old code in *@points.cpkg@* which does not work in CoCoA-5.
In any case, most functions in that pac...
John Abbott
13:28 CoCoA-5 Support #1350: CoCoA manual: entry for operators, shortcuts
I have added *@<=@* and *@>@* and *@>=@* to the list at the top of the page.
I also noticed that there appears to ...
John Abbott
13:26 CoCoA-5 Support #1350 (New): CoCoA manual: entry for operators, shortcuts
The first time I use the online manual in CoCoA-5, I always get a warning about the *@operators, shortcuts@* page bei... John Abbott
11:55 CoCoA-5 Feature #504: New operators: += -= *= /=
Here is a command for finding lines which contain commands like *@A := A + blah@* or some other operator -- it does f... John Abbott
11:46 CoCoA-5 Feature #504: New operators: += -= *= /=
One big advantage of rejecting the idea of introducing *@+=@* and friends is that there would be no need to fiddle ar... John Abbott

24 Oct 2019

23:11 CoCoA-5 Feature #673: Error message: I was expecting...
CVS-ed. Also CoCoA-5 tests pass :-)
John Abbott
23:00 CoCoA-5 Feature #673 (Resolved): Error message: I was expecting...
Not really sure how to do this cleanly, so I have "hacked" the class @Token@ in @Lexer.H@ (near line 243) by adding a... John Abbott
23:06 CoCoA-5 Support #530: Interpreter error message: "for" with missing "do"
Oh, that is strange.
I suppose the parser thinks that @10 x@ is more likely a typo for @10*x@, but that @10 3@ is pr...
John Abbott
15:38 CoCoALib Feature #1349: ideal ctor where given gens are a gbasis
Here is the background for my request.
I want to modify @MinPolyQuot@ so that it accepts "relatively zero-dim idea...
John Abbott
15:27 CoCoALib Feature #1349 (In Progress): ideal ctor where given gens are a gbasis
I would like to create a new ideal from a list which I know is a (reduced) GBasis.
How should I do this?
In fact,...
John Abbott
15:00 CoCoALib Feature #658: Indets actually in a poly (or vector or matrix)
I have just added (in @SparsePolyOps-RingElem.C@) an impl for @IndetsIn(const std::vector<RingElem>&)@.
The result i...
John Abbott
08:23 CoCoA-5 Design #1348 (Feedback): cocoa5 script for releases
I recovered the check on 32/64 bits for linux even though we no longer distribute 32-bit.
(but this way the user get...
Anna Maria Bigatti

23 Oct 2019

18:51 CoCoA-5 Design #1348: cocoa5 script for releases
I made a new release for mac and for linux on the webpage.
Anna Maria Bigatti
18:19 CoCoA-5 Design #1348 (Resolved): cocoa5 script for releases
Done, I believe.
Now testing comes.
Anna Maria Bigatti
14:48 CoCoA-5 Design #1348 (In Progress): cocoa5 script for releases
I have updated the release-* scripts for Linux, Mac and Microsoft.
John Abbott
14:43 CoCoA-5 Design #1348: cocoa5 script for releases
I have noticed that @cocoa5-linux@ still includes the trick for choosing between 32-bit and 64-bit executables. Isn'... John Abbott
14:35 CoCoA-5 Design #1348: cocoa5 script for releases
The bug the student had found had been fixed (ages ago?) in our "private" version of @cocoa5@, but the change was nev... John Abbott
14:34 CoCoA-5 Design #1348 (Closed): cocoa5 script for releases
A student today reported a problem with CoCoA-5 on her Mac: we released a "bad" version of the @cocoa5@ start-up scri... John Abbott

22 Oct 2019

11:10 CoCoA-5 Slug #1284 (Closed): CartesianProductList: too slow
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:04 CoCoA-5 Bug #1288 (Closed): len for RINGELEM ?!?
Anna Maria Bigatti

21 Oct 2019

23:00 CoCoA-5 Slug #1270 (In Progress): RationalSolve: use MinPolyQuot instead of elim
Here is an example which shows that @RationalSolve@ can be unreasonably slow:... John Abbott
18:50 CoCoALib Feature #1347 (Feedback): New function: ctor of PPVector with vector<RingElem>
Done, tested, cvs-ed.
To do: documentation.
Anna Maria Bigatti
18:49 CoCoALib Feature #1347 (Closed): New function: ctor of PPVector with vector<RingElem>
While updating the code for monomial ideals using the new range-based for loop I realized how many times I need to in... Anna Maria Bigatti
18:45 CoCoALib Design #1346 (In Progress): C++14: use the new for loop syntax where appropriate (like cocoa's foreach)
Anna Maria Bigatti
18:44 CoCoALib Design #1346: C++14: use the new for loop syntax where appropriate (like cocoa's foreach)
used massively for monomial ideals.
Anna Maria Bigatti
12:27 CoCoALib Design #1346: C++14: use the new for loop syntax where appropriate (like cocoa's foreach)
We should maintain a list of files to change and/or a list of files already changed.
* @SparsePolyOps-ideal-monomial...
John Abbott
12:26 CoCoALib Design #1346 (In Progress): C++14: use the new for loop syntax where appropriate (like cocoa's foreach)
Since C++11 there is a new "range-based" *@for@* loop.
Employ it where appropriate in CoCoALib.
John Abbott
12:29 CoCoALib Design #1242: C++14: Use type auto where appropriate
I have created a new issue (#1346) about using the new *@for@* loop syntax; please put relevant progress reports ther... John Abbott
12:06 CoCoALib Design #1242: C++14: Use type auto where appropriate
John Abbott wrote:
> * use *@auto@* instead of the explicit type for C++ iterators (usu. the explicit type is "unrea...
Anna Maria Bigatti

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