


Feature #504

New operators: += -= *= /=

Added by John Abbott over 10 years ago. Updated over 4 years ago.

In Progress
CoCoA-5 function: new
Target version:
Start date:
02 Apr 2014
Due date:
% Done:


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Now that I've implemented new fns incr and decr, I wonder whether it wouldn't have been more sensible to implement instead new operators +=, -=, *= and /= with the same semantics as in C++. They'd certainly be more useful than incr and decr (e.g. creating a new polynomial by summing to it one term at a time, though it'd be better to use a "geobucket" for that).

For someone who knows neither, would it be harder to learn incr(ref counter); or counter += 1;? There is a slight difference: incr expects counter to contain an integer, but += should not impose any such limitation.

Would it make sense to add these operators? Or perhaps just some of them?
[since they're new operators, we'd have to change the parser/interpreter, but JAA does not think that would be too hard]

Related issues

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Related to CoCoA-5 - Feature #518: incr/decr functions: to be used in packagesClosed2014-04-03


#1 Updated by Anna Maria Bigatti over 10 years ago

  • Target version set to CoCoA-5.1.0 Easter14
  • % Done changed from 0 to 10

I think += is a big step over incr. After all how often we have for loops with step different from one?
I agree it would be nice, but just for a small elite.

#2 Updated by Christof Soeger over 10 years ago

I like the += syntax very much, so I would vote for it.
For the incr, why not also ++?

#3 Updated by John Abbott over 10 years ago

  • Status changed from New to In Progress

We could also have the ++ operator but cannot have -- because that is used to mark end-of-line comments. In my opinion/experience, incrementing is a far more common operation than decrementing. However, a C++ programmer who wants to use CoCoA would probably be surprised if ++ works but -- does not.

Here are four potential code samples:

*(A)* ++counter;
*(B)* counter += 1;
*(C)* incr counter;
*(D)* incr(ref counter);
*(E)* counter := counter+1;

We can already do (D) and (E); I almost prefer (E) to (D) -- oops!
After any years of C/C++ programming I find (A) clear and concise, but could imagine someone without C/C++ experience could find it too terse/opaque. I do feel that (B) is a reasonable compromise.

#4 Updated by John Abbott over 10 years ago

Would we really want all 4 operators +=, -=, *= and /=?

Probably /= would be used only rarely, but if we have the other 3 then for symmetry we should also have /=.

I have deliberately omitted %=. CoCoA-4 did have a % operator, but it is not defined in CoCoA-5 (as it is not needed) -- the interpreter recognises it but says that it is not (yet) defined. If ever % is defined, we can then consider adding %=.

#5 Updated by Christof Soeger over 10 years ago

From the existing alternatives I also prefer (E) since it is clearly understandable. If you cannot have -- you should also not have ++, it is just to confusing and inconsistent. Having i += 1; is good enough.

I think you should have all 4 operators.

#6 Updated by Anna Maria Bigatti over 10 years ago

Christof Soeger wrote:

If you cannot have -- you should also not have ++, it is just to confusing and inconsistent.

I agree with that: no (A)

I'm against (C) as well: I do not like commands, I prefer functions/procedures, so I quite like (D).

I'm mildly against (B) += in CoCoA-5 (while I like it a lot in C++)

#7 Updated by John Abbott about 10 years ago

  • Target version changed from CoCoA-5.1.0 Easter14 to CoCoA-5.1.1 Seoul14

#8 Updated by Anna Maria Bigatti almost 10 years ago

  • Target version changed from CoCoA-5.1.1 Seoul14 to CoCoA-5.?.?

#9 Updated by John Abbott over 4 years ago

  • Assignee set to John Abbott
  • % Done changed from 10 to 20

One big advantage of rejecting the idea of introducing += and friends is that there would be no need to fiddle around inside the interpreter... to my mind the code is not as self-documenting at the original author believes :-/

Earlier comments have effectively voted against (A) and (C); we already have (D) and (E). So the only point to resolve is (B). Christof was in favour (comment 2), Anna was against (comment 6).

The advantage of += and friends is that they are well-appreciated by C/C++ programmers.

A disadvantage is that people who do not know C/C++ might find them cryptic. Another point is that in CoCoA-5 they would probably not be especially efficient -- somehow in C++ they "feel like" they ought to be particularly efficient. Anyway, the aim of CoCoA-5 is not to be especially efficient (but also not to be needlessly inefficient).

It seems reasonable to assume that A += B; would mean exactly the same as A := A+B (with the exception that A is evaluated only once). This could lead to some mildly surprising uses: let R be a ring and I and ideal in R, then R /= I would mean R := R/I. Of course, no one is compelled to write such a command.

NOTE in the CoCoA-5 packages incr is used in about 35 places (currently). Not sure if I can find out how often we use something like A := A + B;

#10 Updated by John Abbott over 4 years ago

Here is a command for finding lines which contain commands like A := A + blah or some other operator -- it does find some other stuff as well (and does not find things like L[k] := L[k] + sthg)

egrep "(\<\w*\>) *:= *\<\1\>" *.cpkg5

With the current (2019-10-25) versions of the packages there are about 160 instances.
There are about 10 cases of the form A := A+1 which could be replaced immediately by incr(ref A).

I noted about 35 cases where I might be tempted to op= instead of A := A op B

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