



From 04 Mar 2023 to 02 Apr 2023

28 Mar 2023

16:35 CoCoA-5 Feature #1732 (New): EvalPolyAtMat
I have copied my defn of *@EvalPolyAtMat@* into @CoLA.cpkg5@
It needs to be tested and documented (and compared to A...
John Abbott

27 Mar 2023

19:45 CoCoA-5 Feature #1731: Verbosity level in CoCoA5
I made a test in the package @monomial_ideals@.... Anna Maria Bigatti
19:41 CoCoA-5 Feature #1731 (In Progress): Verbosity level in CoCoA5
We should provide a mechanism to mimick verbosity in CoCoA-5, so that it looks similar to that in CoCoALib Anna Maria Bigatti

26 Mar 2023

14:56 CoCoALib Design #1721: Verbose messages: print level?
That looks nice! I have increased to two 2 spaces after the close square bracket.
John Abbott

24 Mar 2023

05:34 CoCoALib Bug #1730 (New): ApplySPRCodomain: relax power/exponent check
Near Line 108 in @SparsePolyOps-RingHom.C@... John Abbott

23 Mar 2023

05:44 CoCoALib Bug #1729: Bug HilbertPoly of zero-dimensional ideals
checked in.
@Anna: Test also similar functions.
Anna Maria Bigatti
05:40 CoCoALib Bug #1729 (Feedback): Bug HilbertPoly of zero-dimensional ideals
silly mistake, as expected. Fixed
Added check for standard grading (otherwise there is no single HilbertPoly)
Anna Maria Bigatti
05:23 CoCoALib Bug #1729: Bug HilbertPoly of zero-dimensional ideals
code is in @SparsePolyOps-hilbert.C@ Anna Maria Bigatti
05:20 CoCoALib Bug #1729 (Closed): Bug HilbertPoly of zero-dimensional ideals
HilbertPoly works fine in general, but not for zero-dimensional ideals (result should be the polynomial 0)... Anna Maria Bigatti

21 Mar 2023

05:27 CoCoALib Bug #1705: ProgressReporter: prepare for new loop?
I am not so happy with the name *@myPrepareForLoop@*.
Is there a better name?
John Abbott
03:33 CoCoA-5 Design #1728 (In Progress): Refine Poset impl & doc
We have used (probably I had pushed this choice]... Anna Maria Bigatti

20 Mar 2023

11:15 CoCoA-5 Design #1728 (In Progress): Refine Poset impl & doc
Review the Poset implementation in light of experience at COCOA 2023.
Refine the manual entries.
Consider porting t...
John Abbott

16 Mar 2023

19:49 CoCoALib Feature #1702: Use C++ attributes
Let me clarify. I think we should try to *avoid warnings by rectifying the code.*
If we are sure the code is correc...
John Abbott

15 Mar 2023

08:40 CoCoALib Feature #1488 (Closed): BuiltIn Interreduce-Function
Anna Maria Bigatti wrote:
> Anna Maria Bigatti wrote:
> > Reminder for me: write doc for CoCoALib (and check manual...
Anna Maria Bigatti
08:06 CoCoALib Design #855 (Closed): Copyright and authorship?
Anna Maria Bigatti
08:03 CoCoALib Design #1721 (Feedback): Verbose messages: print level?
You insipired me: I chose this look because this is how I've always desired the indentation for depth!
Reference: fi...
Anna Maria Bigatti
07:30 CoCoA-5 Design #1698: indent: return a string?
fixed syntax IndentStr (rtn string) and modified example, also for level 2.
Anna Maria Bigatti
06:56 CoCoA-5 Feature #1112 (Feedback): New function: IsEmpty
In conclusion:
there is no advantage in @IsEmpty(L)@ compared to @L = []@.
And there is no advantage in removing @...
Anna Maria Bigatti
06:45 CoCoA-5 Feature #1112: New function: IsEmpty
And also:... Anna Maria Bigatti

14 Mar 2023

23:07 CoCoA-5 Feature #1112: New function: IsEmpty
Just out of curiosity I made yet another test:... John Abbott
23:01 CoCoA-5 Feature #1112: New function: IsEmpty
Mmm, so what is the conclusion here?
Originally I had hoped/expected that a simple built-in function would be faster...
John Abbott
22:51 CoCoALib Design #1721: Verbose messages: print level?
I Tjink I might prefer to info to be inside (square?) brackets:
something like this:...
John Abbott
22:04 CoCoALib Design #1721: Verbose messages: print level?
John Abbott wrote:
What about *D depth - L level* _e.g._ @D3-L40@...
Anna Maria Bigatti
22:29 CoCoA-5 Feature #1718: FactorINT with time-out
Do you prefer *@GBasis_TimeOut@* or *@GBasis_Timeout@*?
(and then analogously for *@FactorINT_TimeOut@*)
John Abbott
21:58 CoCoA-5 Feature #1718: FactorINT with time-out
John Abbott wrote:
> I think I prefer with the underscore... not entirely sure why.
> Should I change *@GBasisTimeo...
Anna Maria Bigatti
21:36 CoCoA-5 Feature #1718: FactorINT with time-out
I think I prefer with the underscore... not entirely sure why.
Should I change *@GBasisTimeout@* to *@GBasis_TimeOut...
John Abbott
22:11 CoCoA-5 Design #1075 (Feedback): LaTeX package: power-product printing
John Abbott
22:10 CoCoA-5 Design #1075: LaTeX package: power-product printing
I think I now agree with Anna's comment 15.
If there are long indet names then the user will almost surely have to r...
John Abbott
22:01 CoCoA-5 Bug #1171 (Closed): RealRoots: first point is sometimes wrong?
I think the revised documentation is helpful here; enough so, that I shall close the issue.
John Abbott
21:57 CoCoA-5 Design #1477 (Closed): Packages: questions from Andraschko
The *@CheckDependencies@* proposal in comment 12 is a tolerable workaround (for the moment).
The issue of document...
John Abbott
21:52 CoCoA-5 Feature #1587 (Closed): Multiline string literals (again)
*@fold@* and *@ConcatStrings@* are a reasonable compromise. We'll revisit the topic if a specific use-case comes up.... John Abbott
21:43 CoCoA-5 Design #1698 (Closed): indent: return a string?
I have just revised the manual entry for *@indent@* and *@IndentStr@*.
I think it makes sense for them to share an e...
John Abbott
21:32 CoCoALib Design #1716 (Closed): Qn: factor for BigInt
The current state is reasonable. Some improvements could be made, but I'm not sure it is worth investing time in thi... John Abbott
21:27 CoCoALib Feature #222: Printing polynomials - spaces between terms
Sorry I typed in the example wrongly: there should have been a quotient (now corrected -- see comment 19) John Abbott
21:22 CoCoALib Feature #222: Printing polynomials - spaces between terms
On my computer I get...
Anna Maria Bigatti
20:08 CoCoALib Feature #222: Printing polynomials - spaces between terms
I am tempted to make the following change (which I hope is not too difficult):
* the coefficient of the PP 1 is prin...
John Abbott
20:00 CoCoALib Feature #222: Printing polynomials - spaces between terms
*SOURCE CODE* has moved: now near *@SparsePolyOps-RingElem.C:480@*
John Abbott
21:23 CoCoALib Design #1346: C++14: use the new for loop syntax where appropriate (like cocoa's foreach)
I have done some more. Anna fixed yesterday's bug.
Need a break from this... anyway it does seem to make the code m...
John Abbott
20:09 CoCoALib Feature #253 (Closed): W.Bruns's wish list
John Abbott
19:52 CoCoALib Support #256 (Closed): Improve doc about ordering/grading for poly rings
John Abbott
19:49 CoCoALib Feature #664: Impl small non-prime finite fields (using logs)
I'd need a few free days to finish this (and to remember where I'd got to).
Maybe something for the summer holiday?
John Abbott
19:45 CoCoALib Bug #1233: factor SEGV -- too large characteristic
I have just tried:... John Abbott
14:59 CoCoA-5 Design #635 (Closed): Automatic mapping of RingElem (in operation with a compound value)
Added ".. promotion mapping .." (3 lines) and checked in.
Anna Maria Bigatti
14:51 CoCoA-5 Design #635: Automatic mapping of RingElem (in operation with a compound value)
I added the manual search key "promotion mapping" to CanonicalHom and to matrix Anna Maria Bigatti
14:46 CoCoA-5 Design #635: Automatic mapping of RingElem (in operation with a compound value)
John Abbott wrote:
> I have changed the err mesg to be more comprehensible: "automatic" instead of "auto".
what a...
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:56 CoCoA-5 Bug #1539 (Closed): Website: installation instructions for Microsoft
Seems mainly reasonable. My students, those who read the instructions, managed to install it. Anna Maria Bigatti
11:53 CoCoA-5 Feature #1724 (Closed): New function: AdjacentMinors
Anna Maria Bigatti

13 Mar 2023

22:03 CoCoALib Design #1716: Qn: factor for BigInt
It is now possible to impose a timeout.
John Abbott
22:02 CoCoALib Design #950 (Closed): factor and SmoothFactor for integers --> FactorINT, FactorINT_TrialDiv, FactorINT_PollardRho
The current impl is good enough for most purposes.
Some factors may be reducible if PollardRho is used.
Too bad.
John Abbott
21:57 CoCoALib Design #1346: C++14: use the new for loop syntax where appropriate (like cocoa's foreach)
This is a mind-numbing task.
Something weird in *@SparsePolyOps-reduce.C@*:
the obvious transformation of the code ...
John Abbott
21:50 CoCoALib Bug #1712 (Closed): Windows: New configuration script
Yes, this can be closed and the Qt-Gui already has its own issue: #1713 Nico Mexis
18:31 CoCoALib Bug #1712: Windows: New configuration script
Can we close this issue?
Maybe make a new issue with details about the Qt GUI problem?
John Abbott
19:01 CoCoALib Design #1727 (New): Cruft in ExtLibs-Normaliz.C
@ExtLibs-Nrmaliz.C@ contains quite a lot of commented out code.
Can it be deleted? Or is it an incomplete extension?
John Abbott
18:41 CoCoA-5 Feature #1724 (Feedback): New function: AdjacentMinors
Documentation done... Anna Maria Bigatti

12 Mar 2023

18:04 CoCoALib Bug #1662: txt2tags: problem with filenames containing "_" or "-"
About a year ago, I created a PR on their repo ( targeting the v2 branc... Nico Mexis

11 Mar 2023

12:29 CoCoALib Design #1628: Unused variables, params, data members
Several functions have an unused parameter @CheckForTimeout@.
It would be nice to activate the time-out for these fn...
John Abbott

10 Mar 2023

19:17 CoCoALib Design #855: Copyright and authorship?
John Abbott wrote:
> I think we can close this.
> The code by Arri is destined to be removed before too long (and n...
Anna Maria Bigatti
18:29 CoCoA-5 Design #1075: LaTeX package: power-product printing
John Abbott wrote:
> I like the suggestion of putting a backslash in front of all long indet names:
> * if the inde...
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:31 CoCoA-5 Design #1075: LaTeX package: power-product printing
I am a little unhappy about @\!\:@ which does look rather ugly.
Maybe it is OK if (at least) one of the indets does...
John Abbott
17:28 CoCoA-5 Design #1075 (Resolved): LaTeX package: power-product printing
I like the suggestion of putting a backslash in front of all long indet names:
* if the indet name is a greek letter...
John Abbott
17:48 CoCoALib Feature #718 (Resolved): Insert calls to CheckForInterrupt
I do this whenever I encounter a case which is not yet covered.
I think most cases are now covered. Hence 90%. But...
John Abbott
17:46 CoCoALib Slug #1557 (Closed): Reading list of rationals is too slow
This is not so important. Yes, it is strange that CoCoA-5 can read the input so fast... but it is not important.
John Abbott
17:08 CoCoA-5 Feature #7 (Resolved): Automatic mapping between (some) rings
What is the status of this issue?
I thought it was almost finished.
John Abbott

09 Mar 2023

23:11 CoCoA-5 Design #635 (Feedback): Automatic mapping of RingElem (in operation with a compound value)
I have changed the err mesg to be more comprehensible: "automatic" instead of "auto".
I think we can close this is...
John Abbott
23:03 CoCoA-5 Slug #948 (Feedback): radical is slow (compared to singular) on these examples
John Abbott
22:57 CoCoA-5 Support #1077: Manual: remove old stuff about "devices"
Shall I just do this?
Any objections?
John Abbott
22:56 CoCoA-5 Design #1477 (Feedback): Packages: questions from Andraschko
Current state (2023-03-09):
*(A)* and *(B)* and *(C)* have effectively been solved.
For *(D)* there is a workaround...
John Abbott
22:45 CoCoA-5 Feature #1246 (Feedback): Revive old CoCoA4 package called "cocoa5.cpkg"
Is there any news from Passau about this issue?
Is there an improved version of *@OperationCommunication.cpkg5@*?
John Abbott
22:42 CoCoA-5 Bug #1695 (Closed):
John Abbott
22:41 CoCoA-5 Design #1696 (Closed): Which BOOST libs are actually needed?
John Abbott
22:39 CoCoA-5 Feature #1718 (Feedback): FactorINT with time-out
No one objected to *@FactorINT_TimeOut@*.
I wonder if *@GBasisTimeout@* should be renamed to *@GBasis_TimeOut@* -- w...
John Abbott
22:37 CoCoALib Bug #1719 (Feedback): FactorINT has got worse
The current code works a lot better.
I suppose I should find time sooner or later to *implement the idea in comment ...
John Abbott
22:25 CoCoALib Feature #1488: BuiltIn Interreduce-Function
John Abbott
22:23 CoCoALib Design #1689 (Closed): Automatic mapping of RHS in += etc
John Abbott
22:15 CoCoALib Feature #800 (Closed): PPMonoidSparse: impl of sparse PPs
It make sense to close this issue, and let issue #842 deal with the disappointing execution speed.
John Abbott
22:11 CoCoALib Support #1265 (Resolved): Unregistered TXT files in doc
The only remaining case is *@SparsePolyOps.txt@* which is almost empty...
*BUT* there are several other files *@Spar...
John Abbott
22:01 CoCoALib Support #26: Redmine Administration
*Anna:* could you produce a short user-guide for redmine.
I think it will be useful for both of us!
Not sure where...
John Abbott
21:58 CoCoALib Bug #536 (Closed): Make RingBase::myCharacteristic a fn rather than a proc
John Abbott
21:57 CoCoALib Feature #253 (Resolved): W.Bruns's wish list
Shall we close this very old issue? Most of its children have been completed.
John Abbott
21:53 CoCoALib Design #855: Copyright and authorship?
I think we can close this.
The code by Arri is destined to be removed before too long (and no one is maintaining it)...
John Abbott
21:50 CoCoALib Bug #1522 (Closed): SEGV: avoid long linked lists of loaves in MemPools
John Abbott
21:48 CoCoALib Feature #1694 (Closed): New expv/exponents function?
I have cleaned up all calls which I think needed cleaning.
*Observation:* I thought it was odd that @exponents(exp...
John Abbott
21:41 CoCoA-5 Support #1675: Version 5.4.0 requires Visual C++ Runtime 2013 on Windows
I have analysed version 5.4.0 and my currently installed CoCoA version (5.4.1k), compiled on 24 Feb 2023 at 09:59:49 ... Nico Mexis
21:07 CoCoALib Bug #1712: Windows: New configuration script
Thanks for the update! Yes, I will be able to compile it whenever you want.
I will also try to remove the limitation...
Nico Mexis
20:55 CoCoALib Bug #1712: Windows: New configuration script
We are hoping to make a new official release in the next few days (probably early next week).
*@Nico:* Will you be a...
John Abbott
20:49 CoCoALib Bug #1725 (Closed): resultant: gives wrong answer when should be 0
I have some doubts about correct @SubresultanSeq@ is... it seemed to contain a 0 for one test input (now forgotten).
John Abbott
20:16 CoCoALib Bug #1726 (In Progress): Dangling references to temporaries
I am still perplexed by these warnings. I'm pretty sure the code is safe: all it is doing is giving a convenient sho... John Abbott
09:43 CoCoALib Bug #1726: Dangling references to temporaries
Thanks for letting us know! We are about to release a new version of CoCoA... hopefully tomorrow or early next week.... John Abbott

08 Mar 2023

21:57 CoCoALib Bug #1726 (Closed): Dangling references to temporaries
The Fedora Linux project has built all packages with GCC 13, which will be released soon. I see warnings of this for... Jerry James
21:37 CoCoALib Bug #1522 (Feedback): SEGV: avoid long linked lists of loaves in MemPools
I'm not convinced the test in comment 12 is really a good test.
Anyway, i have reproduced results which suggest that...
John Abbott
21:13 CoCoALib Slug #1337 (In Progress): PrimaryDecomposition: a interesting/pathological example
2023-03-08 I have just run the example (on my current GNU/Linux box).
The times are: 0.33s and 499s (ouch! slow...
John Abbott
20:52 CoCoALib Design #1689 (In Progress): Automatic mapping of RHS in += etc
The current impl gives an error if the LHS would be promoted.
I am inclined to accept this impl, and close this issu...
John Abbott
20:29 CoCoALib Bug #536 (Feedback): Make RingBase::myCharacteristic a fn rather than a proc
I have made the change. I really cannot see a sane use-case where @characteristic@ needs to be super efficient.
I h...
John Abbott
19:48 CoCoALib Bug #1662: txt2tags: problem with filenames containing "_" or "-"
What is the status of this issue? Is it advanced enough that we can close this week? (I hope so)
John Abbott
19:44 CoCoALib Support #59: List of all functions in CoCoALib
I think the documentation for CoCoALib needs a major overhaul...
Something similar to what we have made for CoCoA-5 ...
John Abbott

07 Mar 2023

21:00 CoCoALib Feature #1360 (Closed): configure script: add flags for "only cocoalib" or "both cocoalib and cocoa5" (for boost)
I'm closing this issue -- I think it has become too long (20 comments).
The current @configure@ script is definitely...
John Abbott
20:55 CoCoALib Bug #1710 (Closed): IsSqFree, IsIrred bugs in ZZ[x] and QQ[x]
John Abbott
20:54 CoCoALib Feature #1694: New expv/exponents function?
Let's discuss this issue. I hope we can close it this week!
John Abbott
20:51 CoCoALib Support #1265: Unregistered TXT files in doc
Let's discuss this issue. I hope we can resolve it this week.
John Abbott
20:49 CoCoALib Support #1263: Tidy CoCoALib test directory
It would be nice to close this issue... I have decided to postpone it, since it likely requires some discussion.
John Abbott
20:38 CoCoALib Design #1572: Use noexcept
Postponing to have more time to discuss & think; also there is not enough time to make the checks implied by the last... John Abbott
20:36 CoCoALib Design #1572: Use noexcept
*Point 1*
As in the previous comment: for fns which use @CoCoA_ASSERT@ we can now write something like...
John Abbott
20:27 CoCoALib Feature #1723 (Closed): New fn CoprimePart, OddPart: naming question
John Abbott
20:23 CoCoA-5 Support #1675: Version 5.4.0 requires Visual C++ Runtime 2013 on Windows
We plan to make a new release quite soon (before the CoCoA School).
I'm hoping Nico Mexis might be willing to make t...
John Abbott

06 Mar 2023

22:41 CoCoALib Bug #1710: IsSqFree, IsIrred bugs in ZZ[x] and QQ[x]
I have now extended *@IsCoprime@* so that it covers integers and ring elems,and a mixture of the two.
Added tests, a...
John Abbott
20:56 CoCoALib Feature #1723: New fn CoprimePart, OddPart: naming question
I have added _b-free part_ as a keyword (or similar).
The fn name I have kept as @CoprimePart@, as it seems a reason...
John Abbott
20:54 CoCoALib Bug #1725: resultant: gives wrong answer when should be 0
Now I think I have really fixed it!
Also added an exbugs test.
Will check in shortly.
John Abbott

05 Mar 2023

20:15 CoCoALib Bug #1725 (Resolved): resultant: gives wrong answer when should be 0
I have now fixed it. Will add a new exbugs test, and check in.
John Abbott
20:14 CoCoALib Bug #1725 (Closed): resultant: gives wrong answer when should be 0
Here is a smaple input (in CoCoA-5):... John Abbott
18:52 CoCoALib Design #1572: Use noexcept
I have just modified @configure@ so that it defines the CPP macro *@CoCoA_DEBUG_MODE@*.
This new macro is either *@t...
John Abbott

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