



From 18 Feb 2020 to 18 Mar 2020

14 Mar 2020

21:46 CoCoA-5 Bug #1443: Illegal instruction
OK, I do not know what is going on. This is *really annoying!*
I have compiled CoCoA-5 with the *@generic@* opti...
John Abbott
20:29 CoCoA-5 Bug #1443: Illegal instruction
The illegal instruction seems to be coming from the statically linked GMP library -- that is *@libgmp.a@* (and/or @l... John Abbott
12:08 CoCoA-5 Support #1222: Release CoCoA-5.3.0
There's a new version of GMP!! Released almost 2 months ago, but I didn't notice.... odd!
John Abbott

12 Mar 2020

22:28 CoCoALib Bug #1264 (Closed): Remove unnecessary files before making CoCoALib release TGZ files
John checked Anna Maria Bigatti
22:17 CoCoA-5 Bug #1442 (Closed): CoCoAInterpreter: executable size
I have sent several stripped executables to Matteo; some have worked, some have not.
Anyway, I am now convinced that...
John Abbott
13:36 CoCoA-5 Bug #1442 (Feedback): CoCoAInterpreter: executable size
Last night I made a release version (stripped, with statically linked @libgmpxx.a@, @libgmp.a@, @libreadline.a@, @lib... John Abbott
15:55 CoCoA-5 Bug #1443: Illegal instruction
It could also be that the "illegal instruction" does not come from CoCoA at all, but is in one of the already compile... John Abbott
15:40 CoCoA-5 Bug #1443: Illegal instruction
There is information on the web page:... John Abbott
15:33 CoCoA-5 Bug #1443: Illegal instruction
It seems that *@--march=i686@* is *not correct*. It says that it does not support x86_64 instruction set :-(
John Abbott
14:50 CoCoALib Design #1446: Start using C++14 "move" capability
We need to do this piecemeal as many different classes must be considered. Besided modifying the class, we will prob... John Abbott
14:46 CoCoALib Design #1446 (In Progress): Start using C++14 "move" capability
C++14 (maybe even C++11?) offer an appealing notion of "move ctor" which avoid some deep copies.
We should adapt o...
John Abbott
14:39 CoCoALib Bug #591: Problem with template instantiation and order of include directives
What should we do with this issue? The correct "solution" is for us to learn the foibles of C++.
It does highlig...
John Abbott
14:34 CoCoALib Support #861: Janet basis code: TmpJB files give some problems with C++11 (using CLANG/LLVM)
What is the status this issue? Is it now fully resolved?
Anna succeeded (2020-03-11) in compiling on her Mac, pres...
John Abbott
13:32 CoCoA-5 Support #1445 (New): Automatic way to produce statically linked CoCoAInterpreter
Find a way to automate what has been discovered in issue #755.
Presumably it would be nice if I could just "downlo...
John Abbott

11 Mar 2020

21:34 CoCoA-5 Support #240 (Closed): GUI compilation: GMP is not naturally thread-safe
No one seems to care about this issue; I'm pretty sure it has lost all relevance, so I'm closing it.
John Abbott
21:28 CoCoA-5 Design #1348: cocoa5 script for releases
Regarding comment 7: I spotted the code which checked for 64-bit platform, and complained if not.
Now I'm undecide...
John Abbott
18:18 CoCoA-5 Feature #1439: New function: LinearForm
Added doc for CoCoALib.
Still no test :-/
Close anyway?
John Abbott
18:14 CoCoA-5 Feature #1439: New function: LinearForm
I have implemented @HomogCompt@. Also accessible from CoCoA-5 (with man page).
No tests, no CoCoALib doc (oops... I...
John Abbott
16:20 CoCoA-5 Feature #1439: New function: LinearForm
What should the fn name be? *@HomogForm@* or *@HomogCompt@*?
John Abbott
15:27 CoCoA-5 Feature #1439: New function: LinearForm
John Abbott wrote:
> I now have a prototype of *@HomogForm(f,d)@* in C++.
> It seems to be about 30 times faster th...
Anna Maria Bigatti
13:47 CoCoA-5 Feature #1439: New function: LinearForm
I now have a prototype of *@HomogForm(f,d)@* in C++.
It seems to be about 30 times faster than @LinearForm@ in CoCoA...
John Abbott
17:42 CoCoALib Feature #1395: SHA checksum for released code
adjusted the page and the file to produce the correct files and instructions for publishing. Anna Maria Bigatti
12:26 CoCoALib Feature #1395: SHA checksum for released code
I think I might be slightly confused. What I wrote above in comments 11 and 12 actually refers to the "binary" relea... John Abbott
14:06 CoCoA-5 Support #322: Installation instructions (on website)
Actually this issue was about helping "install" the CoCoA executable on *LINUX*.
Probably we should handle two cas...
John Abbott
13:40 CoCoA-5 Support #322: Installation instructions (on website)
Yes, that is clearer, thanks! As you say, it is also a good idea to test it with some "volunteers" ;-)
It is easi...
John Abbott
12:25 CoCoA-5 Support #322: Installation instructions (on website)
John Abbott wrote:
> The problem was that he had unpacked the zip file in @c:\@, which created a directory with a na...
Anna Maria Bigatti
12:27 CoCoA-5 Bug #1443: Illegal instruction
I'm still waiting for feedback from Matteo.
John Abbott
11:22 CoCoALib Feature #206: Matrix equation solving: LinKer
John Abbott wrote:
> Florian suggests that the name *@LinKerZZ@* is superfluous, and that *@LinKer@* should automati...
Anna Maria Bigatti

10 Mar 2020

16:21 CoCoA-5 Bug #755: Find out how to compile statically on linux
I have just found on StackOverflow that one can use @gcc@ to find where libraries are:... John Abbott
15:56 CoCoA-5 Bug #755: Find out how to compile statically on linux
It seems that I must specify both @libtermcap@ and @libtinfo@ statically (and in that order!). On my Ubuntu box they... John Abbott
15:14 CoCoA-5 Bug #755: Find out how to compile statically on linux
@libreadline@ on my Ubuntu machine depends on the *@tinfo@* library; I have a static version at *@/usr/lib/x86_64-lin... John Abbott
15:47 CoCoALib Feature #1444: HNF: Hermite Normal Form
Florian has already put a prototype impl (CoCoA-5) in issue #1304. This should be ported to C++.
NTL has HNF whic...
John Abbott
15:43 CoCoALib Feature #1444 (New): HNF: Hermite Normal Form
It would be nice to have HNF in CoCoALib.
I can see two cases:
* *(special)* over @ZZ@
* *(general)* over a more...
John Abbott
15:39 CoCoALib Feature #206: Matrix equation solving: LinKer
Florian suggests that the name *@LinKerZZ@* is superfluous, and that *@LinKer@* should automatically call @LinKerZZ@ ... John Abbott
15:12 CoCoA-5 Support #1222 (In Progress): Release CoCoA-5.3.0
John Abbott
15:07 CoCoA-5 Bug #1442: CoCoAInterpreter: executable size
I have changed the script so that it strips @CoCoAInterpreter@ before making the TGZ file.
We c...
John Abbott
12:37 CoCoA-5 Bug #1442: CoCoAInterpreter: executable size
So, should we put a stripped version of the executable in the official release, or leave the symbol table in there?
John Abbott
11:09 CoCoA-5 Bug #1442 (In Progress): CoCoAInterpreter: executable size
After running @strip@ on the executable the size dropped to 15Mbytes. Wow!
Now, why is the Mac version so big? ;...
John Abbott
11:06 CoCoA-5 Bug #1442 (Closed): CoCoAInterpreter: executable size
Why is the last binary release for Linux about 81Mbyte when that for Mac is only 27Mbyte?
The Linux one is surely ...
John Abbott
14:08 CoCoA-5 Bug #1443: Illegal instruction
-Maybe the correct flag is *@-march=i686@*.- *NO! This did not work* (see comment 5)
Presumably this has to be ...
John Abbott
14:02 CoCoA-5 Bug #1443 (In Progress): Illegal instruction
I do not know what the problem can be at the moment.
I would not expect stripping a binary to cause such a problem...
John Abbott
13:59 CoCoA-5 Bug #1443 (Closed): Illegal instruction
I sent a compressed stripped binary to Matteo via email, but he reports a problem with *@Illegal instruction@*.
John Abbott
13:15 CoCoA-5 Support #322: Installation instructions (on website)
A student here had trouble installing CoCoA-5.2.5 on a Microsoft Windows 10 computer.
The problem was that he had ...
John Abbott

09 Mar 2020

16:52 CoCoA-5 Feature #1439: New function: LinearForm
John Abbott wrote:
> Do we have a function which computes a list of homog compts?
no, we explicitely decided not ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:36 CoCoA-5 Feature #1439: New function: LinearForm
Do we have a function which computes a list of homog compts?
John Abbott
16:31 CoCoALib Feature #1395 (Resolved): SHA checksum for released code
I have also added a quick check that there are no writable files in the subtree to be released.
I have modified @r...
John Abbott
15:26 CoCoALib Feature #1395: SHA checksum for released code
So far I have made a small change to
I have added a line after the @MakeTGZ@ line:...
John Abbott
16:01 CoCoALib Bug #1264: Remove unnecessary files before making CoCoALib release TGZ files
I'll check once we have a source TGZ release. When that is clean, I'll close this issue (hopefully today or tomorrow... John Abbott
15:56 CoCoA-5 Design #990: CoCoA-5 distribution: tidying
I have just checked the contents of @cocoa-5.3-mac.tgz@.
There are three files whose names begin with dot-underscore...
John Abbott
13:51 CoCoA-5 Design #990: CoCoA-5 distribution: tidying
Anna Maria Bigatti wrote:
> John Abbott wrote:
> > Maybe the commands in the script can be put into ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:31 CoCoA-5 Design #990: CoCoA-5 distribution: tidying
John Abbott wrote:
> Maybe the commands in the script can be put into a shell function in @release-co...
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:36 CoCoA-5 Support #1027 (Closed): CoCoAManual: add a page with some emacs hints?
John Abbott
15:34 CoCoA-5 Slug #948: radical is slow (compared to singular) on these examples
This is almost resolved: we add some extra time when computing the RGB in the main loop.
This works well, but the qu...
John Abbott
15:28 CoCoA-5 Bug #1438 (Closed): ABORT for unterminated string literal
Closing John Abbott
13:18 CoCoA-5 Support #1258 (Closed): Manual page for CantStop
Anticipated because it is an example of the main new feature of this release: @GetLine@
(the reason why it is 5.3.0)
Anna Maria Bigatti
10:36 CoCoALib Feature #1441 (New): GFan: port CoCoA_5 functions into CoCoALib
Many useful GFan-based functions are implemented in CoCoA-5.
Port them into CoCoALib.
John Abbott
10:26 CoCoA-5 Support #1222: Release CoCoA-5.3.0
updated starting page: Anna Maria Bigatti
10:25 CoCoALib Support #1338: Release CoCoALib-0.99700
updated starting page: Anna Maria Bigatti
07:31 CoCoA-5 Support #1440: Surprising parser error: INT+DOT+IDENTIFIER
vandal ;-) Anna Maria Bigatti

08 Mar 2020

09:24 CoCoA-5 Support #1440: Surprising parser error: INT+DOT+IDENTIFIER
I found this behaviour after deliberately feeding random input to CoCoA-5. It survived :-)
John Abbott
09:23 CoCoA-5 Support #1440 (New): Surprising parser error: INT+DOT+IDENTIFIER
CoCoA correctly gives a parse error given the input *@8.a;@*
The error message is:...
John Abbott

07 Mar 2020

11:20 CoCoA-5 Feature #1439 (Feedback): New function: LinearForm
updated RelNotes
Checked in everything
Anna Maria Bigatti
09:21 CoCoA-5 Feature #1439 (Resolved): New function: LinearForm
documentation done
(but checkin later -- flat battery)
Anna Maria Bigatti
09:17 CoCoA-5 Feature #1439: New function: LinearForm
Done (in NotBuiltin.cpkg5)
Funny cases:
if f = 0 returns 0
if GradingDim<>1 returns error
use weights: es:
Anna Maria Bigatti
09:14 CoCoA-5 Feature #1439 (Closed): New function: LinearForm
Add function which returns the sum of the summends of degree 1.
Anna Maria Bigatti
08:51 CoCoALib Feature #1212: New function: GBasisByHomog
Notes for me. In general: M matrix ordering.
If first row of M all positive
m m m 1
M 0
1 1 1...
Anna Maria Bigatti

06 Mar 2020

19:35 CoCoA-5 Bug #755: Find out how to compile statically on linux
Sometimes I engage brain before writing, sometimes I don't... (sigh)
When I build CoCoA-5 on my current Linux box,...
John Abbott
15:11 CoCoA-5 Bug #755: Find out how to compile statically on linux
I am now fairly convinced that:
* *default Linux version* should be *without @readline@*
* ideally we also make ava...
John Abbott
17:41 CoCoALib Feature #1434 (Closed): GBasisByHomog for DegLex
I had some problems in finding the correct functions to make the matrix.
I'll write some notes about making t...
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:35 CoCoALib Feature #1427: New function: LawrenceMat
John Abbott wrote:
> Any objections to changing the return type to @ConstMatrixView@?
> It seems more "natural/effi...
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:07 CoCoALib Feature #1427 (Closed): New function: LawrenceMat
John Abbott
15:48 CoCoALib Feature #1427: New function: LawrenceMat
Any objections to changing the return type to @ConstMatrixView@?
It seems more "natural/efficient" to me than necess...
John Abbott
15:43 CoCoALib Feature #1427: New function: LawrenceMat
What is the definition of _Lawrence lifting_?
I found a paper on ArXiV: which gives...
John Abbott
16:19 CoCoALib Feature #1395: SHA checksum for released code
If we want to do this, we should delay the release a few days, so we can find out what to do.
John Abbott
15:39 CoCoALib Feature #1210: New Fn: make public "coefficients" (of poly wrt a given PP basis)
I think there is good reason to make the other version of this function available, incl. the one Anna proposed, namel... John Abbott
12:24 CoCoA-5 Feature #1399 (Closed): CoCoA-5 interpreter: idle/busy indicator
John Abbott
12:23 CoCoA-5 Feature #1399: CoCoA-5 interpreter: idle/busy indicator
My testing suggests that this is OK now.
As I wrote in #1438, I now doubt whether it was useful to try to handle "...
John Abbott
12:05 CoCoA-5 Bug #1438 (Feedback): ABORT for unterminated string literal
The fix seems reasonable, and some testing suggests that it is working OK.
Now I wonder whether it was even worth ...
John Abbott
10:15 CoCoA-5 Bug #1438: ABORT for unterminated string literal
Indeed, my suspicion last night was correct.
Now I am considering how best to fix the code. The fix should be ready...
John Abbott

05 Mar 2020

22:56 CoCoA-5 Bug #1438 (In Progress): ABORT for unterminated string literal
The function fo reading a string literal (which I hacked), correctly throws an "unclosed literal" exception when the ... John Abbott
16:42 CoCoA-5 Bug #1438: ABORT for unterminated string literal
May be a consequence of allowing a NUL inside a string?
Surely my fault, anyway :-(
Something to do tonight... sigh!
John Abbott
16:41 CoCoA-5 Bug #1438 (Closed): ABORT for unterminated string literal
Sending just a single *@"@* double quote char will crash CoCoA-5.
I hope to fix later... must dash now.
John Abbott
12:03 CoCoA-5 Bug #1303 (Rejected): Manual looking for "?"
As previously written, this is not harmful; and it is better to direct our limited resources elsewhere.
Rejecting ...
John Abbott
12:00 CoCoA-5 Support #1350: CoCoA manual: entry for operators, shortcuts
We need to review the purpose of this manual entry.
Maybe it should have little content, but simplify refer to oth...
John Abbott

04 Mar 2020

22:32 CoCoA-5 Feature #1399 (Feedback): CoCoA-5 interpreter: idle/busy indicator
John Abbott
22:32 CoCoA-5 Feature #1399: CoCoA-5 interpreter: idle/busy indicator
I have changed the main eval loop so that @EmptyStatements@ are skipped over without being executed (since they do no... John Abbott
17:00 CoCoA-5 Feature #1399: CoCoA-5 interpreter: idle/busy indicator
My proposed solution does not work quite as I would like.
With the input *@if n = factorial(10^7) then println "eq...
John Abbott
22:30 CoCoA-5 Support #1071: LinKerBasis is user-unfriendly
The fn *@LinKerBasis@* is in the manual, but the arg checking is still sloppy. We should fix this!
John Abbott
22:06 CoCoA-5 Bug #660: Emacs UI: endfunc does not indent the line
The important point is that (automatic) indentation works only if the start-keyword is the first text on a line.
John Abbott
21:53 CoCoA-5 Bug #660: Emacs UI: endfunc does not indent the line
I confirm that the bug is still there.
Here is a test case:...
John Abbott
21:48 CoCoA-5 Support #1214: CoCoAManual: ensure that LaTeX compilation is "clean"
I think the only complaint now is that @PlayCantStop@ is a missing reference.
John Abbott
21:45 CoCoA-5 Support #1298 (In Progress): How can user find the indent command?
I have tried to improve the entry by changing the syntax. Previously it was *@indent(X:OBJECT)@*,
but this meant th...
John Abbott
21:33 CoCoA-5 Support #557: CoCoAManual: improve part on input/output
Currently we have *@GetLine@* and *@StandardInput@* and *@OpenIFile@* and *@OpenIString@*.
Is there much more to s...
John Abbott
21:31 CoCoA-5 Feature #1174: package of a function --> of an identifier!
As Anna said in comment 2: the function @starting@ is able to get the information. So we should look there to see ho... John Abbott
21:28 CoCoA-5 Bug #669: NUL char in input terminates CoCoA-5
The relevant source code is mostly likely in @Lexer.C@ around lines 136--137.
Inside @Lexer::getToken@ there is a bi...
John Abbott
21:19 CoCoA-5 Bug #669: NUL char in input terminates CoCoA-5
A couple of days ago I fixed a similar bug in the reading of string literals.
The problem was that the code checked ...
John Abbott
21:13 CoCoA-5 Design #610: Variable It: assign before or after printing
If we make printing interruptible then it would be better to assign to @It@ before printing (o/w the assignment may n... John Abbott
21:02 CoCoALib Feature #1437 (New): Filling matrix row/col from a vector
I noticed in @SparsePolyOps-MinPoly.C@ that there is a function, @CoefficientsInMatCol@, which is very similar to @co... John Abbott
20:59 CoCoALib Feature #1436 (Closed): Flatten for a matrix
I happened to see in @SparsePolyOps-MinPoly.C@ that there is a function for "flattening" a matrix.
Do we want to m...
John Abbott
20:30 CoCoA-5 Bug #1435 (New): Disable readline if input is redirected
I was surprised to discover that @./cocoa5 < file.cocoa5@ echoed the contents of @file.cocoa5@.
It turns out that ...
John Abbott
19:36 CoCoALib Feature #1434 (Closed): GBasisByHomog for DegLex
This should be easy to fix, hopefully... Anna Maria Bigatti
19:31 CoCoA-5 Feature #1367: CoCoA-5.3.0: release linked with more recent version of normaliz
I always have trouble with normaliz, and I prefer to focus on cocoa things for this release (I need it for...
Anna Maria Bigatti
19:29 CoCoA-5 Feature #1373: GFan also for Microsoft?
Postponed. I need to finish the release this week for my course in Genova.
No way I can manage this in time.
Anna Maria Bigatti
19:09 CoCoA-5 Design #997 (Closed): Using protected variable names for "bound variables" (e.g. for, try...endtry)
Anna agrees with the proposal to close this issue.
The problems highlighted here are easy to work around (and you ...
John Abbott
19:01 CoCoA-5 Bug #945 (Closed): Emacs UI: comint buffer silently truncates(?) long lines when sending
John Abbott
16:26 CoCoA-5 Bug #945: Emacs UI: comint buffer silently truncates(?) long lines when sending
This has already been done; see also #672. John Abbott
19:00 CoCoA-5 Support #1404 (Closed): Which commands should "terms" be a keyword for?
Anna accepts. Closing. John Abbott
18:20 CoCoALib Feature #1210: New Fn: make public "coefficients" (of poly wrt a given PP basis)
OK, I have chosen *@CoeffVecWRTSupport@*. Changes already made (but not yet checked in).
*NOTE* I prefer not @Co...
John Abbott
17:15 CoCoALib Feature #1210: New Fn: make public "coefficients" (of poly wrt a given PP basis)
John Abbott wrote:
> Name: *@CoeffVecWRTBasis@* (or @CoeffListWRTBasis@ in CoCoA-5)
I suggest calling it *@Coeff...
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:22 CoCoA-5 Slug #1390 (Closed): CoCoA-5 test: radical too slow
John Abbott
16:15 CoCoA-5 Slug #991 (Closed): make htmldoc always recreates everything (even if no change was made)
John Abbott
16:14 CoCoA-5 Slug #991: make htmldoc always recreates everything (even if no change was made)
I made the directory @aux-files/GUI-extra_files/@ unreadable using @chmod@. Then @make veryclean@ followed by @make@... John Abbott
15:59 CoCoA-5 Slug #991: make htmldoc always recreates everything (even if no change was made)
John Abbott wrote:
> Not sure who uses *@aux-files/GUI-extra-files/*@* as mentioned in comment 2. Anna???
html. ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:49 CoCoA-5 Slug #991: make htmldoc always recreates everything (even if no change was made)
I have just now added dependencies for the generation of the LaTeX version; it now depends also on *@aux-files/TeX.xs... John Abbott
15:41 CoCoA-5 Feature #781 (Closed): Option to "fold" long lines?
The current impl fits the KISS philosophy. Since I expect the main use to be *@fold(sprint(value), width)@*, it is n... John Abbott
15:31 CoCoA-5 Bug #672 (Closed): Emacs UI: strange string literal causes crash
I have now modified the regexp so that TAB does not match (and this is considered a "normal" rather than a "funny" ch... John Abbott
15:20 CoCoA-5 Bug #1412 (Resolved): Emacs UI: font size
I have found one bug/slug... The emacs fn *@process-status@* returns a symbol, not a string; so all the previous te... John Abbott
14:41 CoCoA-5 Bug #1224 (Closed): Lexer: unclosed multi-line comment
Some quick tests pass fine. Not worth investing more time here.
John Abbott
14:20 CoCoALib Bug #1426 (Closed): Main Makefile: does not rebuild dependencies
John Abbott
14:19 CoCoALib Bug #1416 (Closed): IdealOfProjectivePoints and MinGens
IdealOfProjectivePoints computes GB but cannot determin MinGens.
Neccessary to recompute GBasis with Buchbeger algor...
Anna Maria Bigatti
14:17 CoCoALib Feature #1433 (New): HilbertDriven Buchberger Algorithm
just to remember. Anna Maria Bigatti

03 Mar 2020

22:23 CoCoA-5 Bug #1412: Emacs UI: font size
I have made some improvement. Now "send region" should keep the font magnification.
@M-x cocoa5@ definitely forge...
John Abbott
22:20 CoCoA-5 Feature #1372: New function: find ?
If we do add a @find@ function, it may be nice to allow it to take a list and a predicate...... John Abbott
22:14 CoCoA-5 Design #990: CoCoA-5 distribution: tidying
Maybe the commands in the script can be put into a shell function in
John Abbott
22:07 CoCoA-5 Support #1404 (Feedback): Which commands should "terms" be a keyword for?
I think it is OK now. It's just a little odd that *@len@* appears in the list, but this is probably to help those po... John Abbott
22:04 CoCoA-5 Feature #1367 (In Progress): CoCoA-5.3.0: release linked with more recent version of normaliz
Anna, if you need help with this I can try.
The important thing is to note down what worked in the end.
It would ...
John Abbott
21:57 CoCoA-5 Support #1398 (In Progress): Website: hide/delete all the CoCoA-4 stuff?
Right now, my preference is to leave the web pages for CoCoA-4 in existence, but not to publish any link to them.
John Abbott
21:51 CoCoALib Bug #1416: IdealOfProjectivePoints and MinGens
There are also some other functions which create a GB without having to calculate it, right?
@IdealOfPoints@, ...
John Abbott
21:26 CoCoALib Bug #1426 (Feedback): Main Makefile: does not rebuild dependencies
Found it, and fixed it.
I had accidentally introduced a race condition. Now it should be fine.
I'll do a little ...
John Abbott
20:56 CoCoA-5 Bug #672: Emacs UI: strange string literal causes crash
The current impl thinks that a TAB character is a "funny" character; so sending a line containing a TAB will automati... John Abbott
14:48 CoCoA-5 Bug #672 (Feedback): Emacs UI: strange string literal causes crash
I have revised *@cocoa5-send-line@*, and it now seems to work more or less as hoped.
The only remaining problem is...
John Abbott
14:10 CoCoA-5 Bug #672: Emacs UI: strange string literal causes crash
The relevant part of emacs code is probably the function *@cocoa5-send-line@* around line 1400 in file @cocoa5.el@.
John Abbott
13:56 CoCoA-5 Bug #672: Emacs UI: strange string literal causes crash
As far as I can tell the problem lies inside the std c++ function @getline@ and the way it interacts with @cin@ (whic... John Abbott
17:29 CoCoA-5 Feature #1431: Juxtaposition of string literals
The relevant source code is around line 2100 in @Parser.C@, in the function @Parser::parsePrimary@.
John Abbott
15:14 CoCoA-5 Feature #1431: Juxtaposition of string literals
The soln in @thmproving.cpkg5@ was to have a long succession of @PrintLn@ commands:... John Abbott
15:08 CoCoA-5 Feature #1431 (Rejected): Juxtaposition of string literals
We used to allow this, but then disallowed it in issue #576.
I raise it again because Martin Kreuzer wants to have...
John Abbott
16:18 CoCoA-5 Design #1432 (New): Emacs UI: cocoa5-shell-check-process vs. process-status
What is the difference between *@(cocoa5-shell-check-process)@* which uses @get-buffer-process@, and *@(process-statu... John Abbott
11:54 CoCoA-5 Bug #1224 (Resolved): Lexer: unclosed multi-line comment
Surely the unfinished multi-line comment can occur only at the end of the input, so the "end marker" always has to be... John Abbott

02 Mar 2020

22:32 CoCoA-5 Support #692: Local variables hiding out ones at top level
I'm now quite undecided about this.
Every so often I do get a warning about one variable hiding another, but it is...
John Abbott
22:10 CoCoA-5 Support #448: EmacsUI Source/SourceRegion produce warning on Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate
Is this still a problem?
Microsoft Windows 7 is now obsolete...
John Abbott
22:05 CoCoA-5 Feature #781 (Resolved): Option to "fold" long lines?
There is now a *@fold@* function for strings which simply inserts a newline every @N@ characters (it does not (curren... John Abbott
21:55 CoCoA-5 Design #997: Using protected variable names for "bound variables" (e.g. for, try...endtry)
I had forgotten about this "entertaining" issue.
I do not really see anything "dangerous" here; the only slightly ...
John Abbott
21:45 CoCoA-5 Design #597: Interpreter.C: remove calls to WrongTypeException
What is this issue about?
Why is it a good idea to remove *@WrongTypeException@*?
[I'm not saying it is not a goo...
John Abbott
21:42 CoCoA-5 Bug #1303 (In Progress): Manual looking for "?"
So what happens (now) is that the first *@?@* of the search string is discarded.
Presumably *@?<whitespace>?@* is ...
John Abbott
21:24 CoCoA-5 Bug #1224: Lexer: unclosed multi-line comment
Is this still a problem?
I do not observe now the problem about everything staying in "comment colour".
The err...
John Abbott
21:11 CoCoA-5 Bug #727: Emacs UI: send-file (C-c C-f) should check if buffer and file are synchronized
It seems that a useful Emacs keyword is *@revert@*.
There is @auto-revert-mode@ (and a global version).
Another p...
John Abbott
20:46 CoCoA-5 Bug #672: Emacs UI: strange string literal causes crash
The bug/crash still happens.
Note that by default the CoCoA-5 interpreter is started in Emacs with the option *@--...
John Abbott
20:37 CoCoA-5 Bug #669: NUL char in input terminates CoCoA-5
Maybe @parser::tryToRecover@ is where one needs to look?
John Abbott
15:40 CoCoA-5 Bug #458 (Rejected): CoCoA5 GUI; failed build "wrong architecture"
The old Qt4 GUI became a zombie a while ago. I think this issue is now too old be relevant any more.
John Abbott
15:03 CoCoA-5 Slug #991 (Resolved): make htmldoc always recreates everything (even if no change was made)
I think that this has already been done (don't recall when).
In the @Makefile@ in @src/CoCoA-5/CoCoAManual/@ there...
John Abbott
14:08 CoCoA-5 Support #1430 (New): HTML manual: search using keywords?
The CoCoA online manual can be searched using keywords; is it possible (or desirable) to do this also for the HTML ve... John Abbott
14:04 CoCoA-5 Support #1350: CoCoA manual: entry for operators, shortcuts
I suggest breaking the page into subsections (or even splitting it into more than one page?): _e.g._ comparison opera... John Abbott

28 Feb 2020

17:52 CoCoA-5 Feature #1243: New function: Read a string into a list (of RingElem) -- CoCoA-5
documented Anna Maria Bigatti
17:37 CoCoA-5 Feature #1243 (Closed): New function: Read a string into a list (of RingElem) -- CoCoA-5
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:08 CoCoA-5 Design #1120 (Closed): Web site
All other things will be done as they arise, in their own page.
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:44 CoCoA-5 Bug #1429: Stack overflow reading long list (SEGV)
Yes, of course, inputting explicitly the long list of integers is not commonplace.
But it is embarrassing that CoCoA...
John Abbott
16:37 CoCoA-5 Bug #1429 (In Progress): Stack overflow reading long list (SEGV)
On my computer @CoCoAInterpreter@ generates a SEGV if I give as input a long list, namely... John Abbott
10:09 CoCoALib Feature #206: Matrix equation solving: LinKer
I have implemented *@LinKerZZ@* simply by copying the old code from @TmpFactorDir/linalg/Zkernel.c@
The new code pro...
John Abbott
10:06 CoCoALib Feature #1306: exgcd over integers (ZZ)
Currently it returns just the cofacs. I had hoped to avoid an include directive in the header file... not so easy.
John Abbott
09:47 CoCoALib Design #1428 (New): DenseMatrix: use template impl for ctors from vec-vec?
There are 4+4 very similar impls for creating a @DenseMatrix@ from a @vector<vector<STHG>>@.
Consider using a templa...
John Abbott

27 Feb 2020

21:05 CoCoALib Feature #1306 (In Progress): exgcd over integers (ZZ)
I have a first (untested) prototype. Maybe I'll test it tomorrow... too late now.
John Abbott
18:37 CoCoALib Feature #1427 (Feedback): New function: LawrenceMat
Done. Tested, Documented. Checking in. Anna Maria Bigatti
17:30 CoCoALib Feature #1427: New function: LawrenceMat
essentially done
now testing
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:25 CoCoALib Feature #1427 (Closed): New function: LawrenceMat
Bring LawrenceMat into CoCoALib.
Currenly hidden in @toric.cpkg5@
Anna Maria Bigatti
18:36 CoCoA-5 Feature #1243 (Feedback): New function: Read a string into a list (of RingElem) -- CoCoA-5
Anna Maria Bigatti
18:04 CoCoALib Feature #206: Matrix equation solving: LinKer
What is the status of this issue? Surely more than 30% complete?
John Abbott
14:55 CoCoALib Feature #1210 (Resolved): New Fn: make public "coefficients" (of poly wrt a given PP basis)
Name: *@CoeffVecWRTBasis@* (or @CoeffListWRTBasis@ in CoCoA-5)
I have a first (KISS) impl: it takes 2 RingElem, a...
John Abbott
11:50 CoCoALib Feature #1197 (In Progress): IsZeroDet: new fn
I have just made a very simplistic first impl: it simply computes the det, and checks whether it is zero. (also chec... John Abbott

26 Feb 2020

22:47 CoCoALib Bug #1426: Main Makefile: does not rebuild dependencies
It seems to rebuild dependencies only in @src/tests/@.
Too tired to investigate now :-(
John Abbott
22:46 CoCoALib Bug #1426 (Closed): Main Makefile: does not rebuild dependencies
It seemsthat the main @Makefile@ does not rebuild dependencies after a @make veryclean@.
Investigate & fix.
John Abbott
22:22 CoCoA-5 Bug #1412: Emacs UI: font size
I had a quick look online for hints about increased font sizes...
* the emacs function which changes the font size...
John Abbott
21:03 CoCoA-5 Bug #1412: Emacs UI: font size
Clue city!
In @cocoa5.el@ near line 1743 in the fn defn for *@cocoa5-send-region@*,
I commented out the command *...
John Abbott
20:40 CoCoA-5 Bug #1412: Emacs UI: font size
Increased font size was forgotten when:
* had a @*cocoa*@ buffer with no process, and then sent a single line (C-RET...
John Abbott
17:18 CoCoA-5 Support #1333 (Resolved): Typevectors
Mostly done.
Tested by Yong-Su Shin
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:59 CoCoA-5 Support #1027 (Feedback): CoCoAManual: add a page with some emacs hints?
I think the current tutorial is good enough as a first "basic" tutorial; we can add a more advanced one for the next ... John Abbott
16:50 CoCoA-5 Support #890 (Closed): ImportByRef and ImportByValue behave in an unexpected manner (i.e. fail when I think they should succeed)
John Abbott
16:32 CoCoA-5 Feature #1289 (Closed): assert-function for cocoa5
John Abbott
16:31 CoCoA-5 Bug #1420 (Closed): IdealOfProjectivePoints and MinGens: problem with CoCoA_ASSERT
commented out ASSERT.
This may be closed, leaving Design #1422 to do for next release.
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:27 CoCoA-5 Bug #1421 (Closed): SEGV: error("")
John Abbott
16:24 CoCoA-5 Bug #1424 (Closed): 'UNCAUGHT UNKNOWN EXCEPTION' when aborting 'isin' computation
Anna has checked everything on her computer. Works fine.
John Abbott
15:25 CoCoA-5 Bug #1424 (Resolved): 'UNCAUGHT UNKNOWN EXCEPTION' when aborting 'isin' computation
I have checked all uses of @ErrorInfo@ in @Interpreter.C@ (and changed some indentation). It seems OK now.
Added an...
John Abbott
14:35 CoCoA-5 Bug #1424: 'UNCAUGHT UNKNOWN EXCEPTION' when aborting 'isin' computation
I have tidied (incl. indented comprehensibly) the code. I have tested it with the example in comment 5, and all seem... John Abbott
13:28 CoCoA-5 Bug #1424: 'UNCAUGHT UNKNOWN EXCEPTION' when aborting 'isin' computation
The impl in @Interpreter.C@ is not as clear as it could be... The relevant function is in lines 3285--3338
John Abbott
12:12 CoCoA-5 Bug #1424: 'UNCAUGHT UNKNOWN EXCEPTION' when aborting 'isin' computation
Here is a test for both ideals and modules....... John Abbott
12:02 CoCoA-5 Bug #1424: 'UNCAUGHT UNKNOWN EXCEPTION' when aborting 'isin' computation
After looking at the code, I think the same problem exists for modules.
John Abbott
15:51 CoCoA-5 Design #1425 (New): MakeTerm: implement in C++
Currently *@MakeTerm@* is implemented in @cocolib.cpkg5@.
Move it into C++.
John Abbott
11:30 CoCoALib Design #1422 (In Progress): Remove flag IhaveGBasisValue?
*IMPORTANT* When the task is almost finished, we must review the impl of *@SparsePolyRingBase::IdealImpl::myGBasis@*.
John Abbott

25 Feb 2020

22:04 CoCoA-5 Bug #1424: 'UNCAUGHT UNKNOWN EXCEPTION' when aborting 'isin' computation
I have fixed the problem, but want to discuss with Anna before checking in.
The problem was indeed where I said, b...
John Abbott
21:58 CoCoA-5 Bug #1424 (In Progress): 'UNCAUGHT UNKNOWN EXCEPTION' when aborting 'isin' computation
I expect the problem isin @Interpreter.C@ at line 3316 where a @CoCoA::ErrorInfo@ is caught, but @InterruptReceived@ ... John Abbott
21:36 CoCoA-5 Bug #1424: 'UNCAUGHT UNKNOWN EXCEPTION' when aborting 'isin' computation
I confirm the bug in 5.2.9.
John Abbott
17:29 CoCoA-5 Bug #1424 (Closed): 'UNCAUGHT UNKNOWN EXCEPTION' when aborting 'isin' computation
If you call the 'isin' command and want to abort the computation using <ctrl+c>, CoCoA-5 crashes and outputs: ***ERRO... Julian Danner
18:28 CoCoALib Feature #1212: New function: GBasisByHomog
Urgent: DegLex (should be easy) Anna Maria Bigatti
17:50 CoCoALib Design #1422: Remove flag IhaveGBasisValue?
Some notes:
* if the ideal is zero then the GBasis is empty (but correct)
* if our impl assumes that non-empty gbas...
John Abbott
16:15 CoCoALib Design #1422 (In Progress): Remove flag IhaveGBasisValue?
As often happens, storing twice an information may lead to problems.
We have the fields @IhaveGBasisValue@ and @myGB...
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:20 CoCoALib Bug #1423: Radical 0-dim NYI? missing case for GBasisByHomog
I am pretty sure that this is not new, but i could not quickly find the relevant issue... so I have a new issue (2020... John Abbott
17:19 CoCoALib Bug #1423 (Closed): Radical 0-dim NYI? missing case for GBasisByHomog
The following is annoying:... John Abbott
16:24 CoCoA-5 Bug #1420: IdealOfProjectivePoints and MinGens: problem with CoCoA_ASSERT
This problems comes from the fact that @IdealOfProjectivePoints@ computes a GBasis, without determining the minimal g... Anna Maria Bigatti
16:07 CoCoA-5 Bug #1420 (Resolved): IdealOfProjectivePoints and MinGens: problem with CoCoA_ASSERT
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:16 CoCoA-5 Support #1386: IsIndetPosPower: behaviour and manual page
Added a CooA-5 manual page.
John Abbott

24 Feb 2020

16:56 CoCoA-5 Bug #1335 (Closed): ManExamples: some problems
Closing, as I believe the current arrangement is acceptable.
John Abbott

21 Feb 2020

20:23 CoCoALib Slug #1375: Radical 0-dim: varied timings
Here are some test cases I found using a random search (ensuring the gens were x^6+lower, y^6+lower, z^6+lower):
John Abbott
14:50 CoCoA-5 Support #1387 (Closed): John's visit Feb 2020
John Abbott
14:18 CoCoA-5 Feature #1399: CoCoA-5 interpreter: idle/busy indicator
I have given Klaus a (minimal) executable to use for developing on his computer.
A full executable gave a linker err...
John Abbott
14:16 CoCoA-5 Feature #1399: CoCoA-5 interpreter: idle/busy indicator
I have just had a meeting with Klaus:
* KISS: we do not use sockets at the moment, but instead @CoCoAInterpreter@ se...
John Abbott
13:01 CoCoA-5 Feature #1415: thmproving package
I think @thmproving.cpkg5@ is OK, but the documentation needs to be checked and properly integrated.
John Abbott
12:59 CoCoA-5 Bug #1421 (Feedback): SEGV: error("")
Not sure what the compilation problem in comment 3 was; it seems that starting CoCoA-5 from inside emacs, might somet... John Abbott
12:44 CoCoA-5 Bug #1421: SEGV: error("")
While it is hard to imagine how an empty error description could be useful, it is surely wrong that CoCoA-5 crashes.
John Abbott

20 Feb 2020

17:06 CoCoA-5 Bug #1421: SEGV: error("")
... John Abbott
17:03 CoCoA-5 Bug #1421 (In Progress): SEGV: error("")
Not pretty!!... John Abbott
17:02 CoCoA-5 Bug #1421 (Closed): SEGV: error("")
The *@error@* function does not like having an empty string as argument: throws a fatal exception!
Reported vocall...
John Abbott
16:58 CoCoA-5 Support #1404: Which commands should "terms" be a keyword for?
This is what I get at the moment:... John Abbott
16:53 CoCoA-5 Bug #755: Find out how to compile statically on linux
Now I wonder if it may not be better to have the version *without* @readline@ being the default: it is less likely to... John Abbott
16:16 CoCoA-5 Feature #1289 (Feedback): assert-function for cocoa5
I have checked that *@assert@* exists and works, and is documented...
JAA thinks it is reasonable to include it in 5...
John Abbott
10:02 CoCoA-5 Feature #1289: assert-function for cocoa5
Should @assert@ be in 5.3.0 release?
I've changed target to 5.3.0 so that we discuss it!
John Abbott
16:05 CoCoA-5 Support #890 (Feedback): ImportByRef and ImportByValue behave in an unexpected manner (i.e. fail when I think they should succeed)
I have improved the documentation (which is where I believe the problem lay).
The impl seems to be reasonable; but i...
John Abbott
10:04 CoCoA-5 Support #890: ImportByRef and ImportByValue behave in an unexpected manner (i.e. fail when I think they should succeed)
The doc for @ImportByRef@ and @ImportByValue@ starts with a big warning. Is this still necessary?
Check this issu...
John Abbott

19 Feb 2020

11:46 CoCoA-5 Feature #1415: thmproving package
Remove thmproving from RelNotes!
John Abbott
11:43 CoCoA-5 Feature #1236 (Closed): Add "socket" devices
I have just tested, and slightly modified the manual.
John Abbott
11:31 CoCoA-5 Feature #1316 (Closed): Matrix row reduction (rref)
John Abbott
11:29 CoCoA-5 Feature #1399: CoCoA-5 interpreter: idle/busy indicator
Perhaps see also issue #1236 to see how I implemented sockets...
John Abbott
11:27 CoCoA-5 Feature #78: Elim ordering and matrix ordering in CoCoA-5
I think we are quite far from completing this issue. Postponing...
John Abbott

18 Feb 2020

12:35 CoCoALib Design #1346: C++14: use the new for loop syntax where appropriate (like cocoa's foreach)
I have done the following files:... John Abbott
12:20 CoCoA-5 Bug #1420 (In Progress): IdealOfProjectivePoints and MinGens: problem with CoCoA_ASSERT
The problem is in the fn @myGBasis@
The impl has too many assertions that @myGBasis@ is empty; just a single asser...
John Abbott
12:19 CoCoA-5 Bug #1420 (Closed): IdealOfProjectivePoints and MinGens: problem with CoCoA_ASSERT
I compiled CoCoALib (and CoCoA-5) with debugging active. The last test in @exbug.cocoa5@ fails... John Abbott

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