



From 07 Jul 2014 to 05 Aug 2014

01 Aug 2014

16:25 CoCoALib Feature #62 (Closed): polynomial coefficient extraction w.r.t. single variable -- dense output
This has already been done: it is the function *@CoeffVecWRT@*.
John Abbott
10:56 CoCoA-5 Feature #484: Evaluate in other ring (was called :: in CoCoA-4)
the CoCoA-4 operator "::" is now in another specific issue.
For the time being I think that *ReadExpr* may be good e...
Anna Maria Bigatti
10:54 CoCoA-5 Feature #484 (Feedback): Evaluate in other ring (was called :: in CoCoA-4)
Anna Maria Bigatti
10:53 CoCoA-5 Feature #606 (Closed): Evaluate in ring operator (was called :: in CoCoA-4)
CoCoA-4 has the *@::@* operator which evaluated expressions in a given ring:... Anna Maria Bigatti
10:36 CoCoA-5 Support #605 (Closed): Release: CoCoA-5.1.1
Everything for the release
finalize cvs
make doc
make ManExamples
in snapshot dir:
cd src/CoCoA-5/re...
Anna Maria Bigatti
10:08 CoCoALib Support #599: Release: CoCoALib-0.99534
fixed ManExamples (and fixed code for checking ;-) Anna Maria Bigatti
10:00 CoCoALib Support #604 (New): Release: CoCoALib-0.99535
Anna Maria Bigatti
09:59 CoCoALib Support #604 (Closed): Release: CoCoALib-0.99535
Everything related to making a CoCoALib release:
make veryclean; make (full make, with all tests and ex...
Anna Maria Bigatti
09:41 CoCoA-5 Feature #603 (Closed): Resume CheckArgTypes
Done, tested, documented
Different from the cocoa-4 version: more flexible (see manual)
Anna Maria Bigatti
09:39 CoCoA-5 Feature #603 (Closed): Resume CheckArgTypes
Redesign CoCoA-4 function CheckArgTypes (for checking argument types, of course...) Anna Maria Bigatti

31 Jul 2014

18:32 CoCoALib Support #599: Release: CoCoALib-0.99534

finalize: done
tests - make valgrind: OK
create snapshot: not yet (just missing VectorOperations.txt)
updated we...
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:49 CoCoALib Feature #310 (Closed): ordering and grading (weights) matrix
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:43 CoCoALib Feature #310 (Resolved): ordering and grading (weights) matrix
Renaming done: OrdMat, GradingMat (2014-07)
Moving the MatrixView proposal into another issue
Anna Maria Bigatti
13:54 CoCoALib Feature #310: ordering and grading (weights) matrix
Postponing to after Seoul as there are some unresolved aspects.
John Abbott
13:52 CoCoALib Feature #310 (In Progress): ordering and grading (weights) matrix
We have chosen the name *@OrdMat@* (and mem fn called *@myOrdMatCopy@*). Also added this fn for @PPMonoid@ and @Spar... John Abbott
17:47 CoCoALib Design #602 (Closed): OrdMat: should it be a reference to a MatrixView in all PPOrderings?
The function *OrdMat* needs to create a new copy of the ordering matrix because not all @PPOrdering@ objects actually... Anna Maria Bigatti
17:36 CoCoA-5 Support #325: CoCoAManual: display syntax first
Even though I had closed this issue saying:
> Even though CoCoAHelp.xml isn't all written like that (too dangerous t...
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:00 CoCoALib Feature #218 (Closed): CoCoALib normaliz interface
@Christof: you've done a good job, I think this issue can be closed now. Closing!
John Abbott
16:57 CoCoALib Bug #577 (Closed): Hilbert crashes with > 100 indeterminates
John Abbott
16:56 CoCoALib Feature #68 (Closed): cleanup doc for matrix, MatrixViews, *Matrix*,....
John Abbott
16:55 CoCoALib Design #584 (Closed): BaseRing for all rings
Time is tight. Since it is just a name change, no real need to stay in feedback for any length of time. Closing.
John Abbott
16:53 CoCoALib Support #252 (Closed): Documentation for tmp.H (utils on vectors and other containers)
The final (hasty?) decision is the call the file *@VectorOperations.H@* (even though most functions in it apply to ot... John Abbott
15:15 CoCoA-5 Support #324 (Closed): Correct font for variable references in description
Duplicates #169: "Font for parameters in manual".
Design is all set there.
Closing this issue.
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:13 CoCoA-5 Support #169 (In Progress): Font for parameters in manual
As said in another issue:
- parameters should have the same name as in <syntax>
- <syntax> should be moved before <...
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:08 CoCoA-5 Design #294 (Resolved): BuiltInFunctions: General "OneLiner" for arguments of different type
Is the new approach in BuiltInFunctions good enough?
I think so: it is not a one-liner but it's very readable (look f...
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:06 CoCoA-5 Design #493 (Closed): Cleanup Hilbert package hp.cpkg5
Now all functions work. A proper clean-up and re-design is in another issue. Anna Maria Bigatti
15:01 CoCoALib Feature #304 (Closed): Module ordering and grading (and shifts)
I think it is all done (naive resolutions work).
If some wrong aspect arises it'll become a new specific issue.
Anna Maria Bigatti
14:54 CoCoALib Feature #72 (Closed): MatByRows, MatByCols
Christof has a valid point about the mnemonic value of including *@view@* in the name, but Anna points out that none ... John Abbott
14:38 CoCoALib Design #601 (In Progress): LongRange: in which file should it be declared/defined?
Currently @LongRange@ resides in @utils.H@; it is the only function there that requires inclusion of the standard hea... John Abbott
12:38 CoCoALib Feature #227: HilbertBasis from Normaliz: full-lattice or not?
Christof! we should talk about this in Seoul. Anna Maria Bigatti
12:31 CoCoALib Support #452 (Closed): Documentation for adding functions to CoCoA-5 (BuiltInFunctions and BuiltInOneLiners)
Anna Maria Bigatti
12:28 CoCoALib Feature #580 (Closed): Example for PPVector: ex-PPVector
Anna Maria Bigatti
12:20 CoCoALib Support #256 (In Progress): Improve doc about ordering/grading for poly rings
Most of the information is already in the documentation for @PPOrdering@.
So it is mainly a matter of redesigning it...
Anna Maria Bigatti

30 Jul 2014

17:29 CoCoA-5 Feature #600: efficient subalgebras
We are also working an efficient algorithm for implicitization.
Keep that in mind for this issue, or make a new issue.
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:23 CoCoA-5 Feature #600 (New): efficient subalgebras
There are many tools to deal with subalgebras (see @toric@ and @normaliz@), so it would make sense to design a nice i... Anna Maria Bigatti
17:22 CoCoA-5 Feature #590 (Feedback): package for subalgebras
Resumed package (slight design change, documented)
It will be imrpoved, but that's beyond this task scope.
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:20 CoCoA-5 Feature #359: RingOf for list
The function in CoCoA-5 is already done and called @RingSet@ (see manual) but I'm not happy with the name: should I c... Anna Maria Bigatti
16:56 CoCoALib Feature #150: RingOf rather than owner? (and than AmbientRing, ...)
I note that I have just(20140730) checked in an update which introduces @RingOf@ for matrices, modules and ideals. John Abbott
16:54 CoCoALib Design #584 (Feedback): BaseRing for all rings
Checked in. Updated documentation. Everything works --> feedback.
John Abbott
13:40 CoCoALib Design #584: BaseRing for all rings
I have now changed the name @BaseRing@ into @RingOf@ for matrices and modules.
I have changed @AmbientRing@ into @Ri...
John Abbott
10:57 CoCoALib Support #599 (Closed): Release: CoCoALib-0.99534
Everything related to making a CoCoALib release:
make veryclean; make (full make, with all tests and ex...
Anna Maria Bigatti
10:56 CoCoALib Support #528 (Closed): Release: CoCoALib-0.99533
Anna Maria Bigatti

29 Jul 2014

16:26 CoCoA-5 Design #403: Misuse of dot-dot operator
the error message was indeed a bit puzzling in some cases now it is:... Anna Maria Bigatti
12:31 CoCoA-5 Design #403: Misuse of dot-dot operator
Giulia's problem could be neatly resolved by allowing the following syntax *@L[2..4]@* to mean @[L[k] | k in 2..4]@. ... John Abbott
12:04 CoCoA-5 Design #403 (Rejected): Misuse of dot-dot operator
My main concern is the (possibly) unexpected behaviour illustrated in example *@(B)@* in comment 1. However, for a l... John Abbott
11:54 CoCoA-5 Design #403: Misuse of dot-dot operator
The main action taken was to clarify the manual entry for ".."; it is now quite clear, and even mentions Giulia's inc... John Abbott
07:28 CoCoA-5 Design #403: Misuse of dot-dot operator
I suggest to reject this issue.
@A..B@ works for A and B integers or indeterminates in the order of their definition...
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:18 CoCoALib Feature #585 (Closed): (Hilbert-) quasi-polynomials
Christof has reported no problems, so closing.
John Abbott
09:34 CoCoALib Bug #190 (Feedback): Subtle ref count bug for poly rings (via CoeffEmbeddingHom)
tested also... Anna Maria Bigatti
09:31 CoCoA-5 Feature #273 (Closed): Package for Polynomial Algebra Homomorphisms
Anna Maria Bigatti
09:29 CoCoA-5 Feature #484 (In Progress): Evaluate in other ring (was called :: in CoCoA-4)
Anna Maria Bigatti

28 Jul 2014

21:50 CoCoA-5 Bug #382 (Closed): Subtle bug with CoeffEmbeddingHom
This is no longer a problem (after resolving issue #190). Closing.
PS I have added the example to @exbugs.cocoa5@.
John Abbott
21:46 CoCoALib Bug #190: Subtle ref count bug for poly rings (via CoeffEmbeddingHom)
Anna confirmed that it works fine on her machine, so I have checked in (incl 2 new tests)
Still need to update the...
John Abbott
21:43 CoCoALib Feature #554 (Closed): CoCoALib-Normaliz interface: cannot print a cone
John Abbott
17:45 CoCoALib Feature #554: CoCoALib-Normaliz interface: cannot print a cone
Yes. Christof Soeger
16:51 CoCoALib Feature #554: CoCoALib-Normaliz interface: cannot print a cone
*@Christof:* can we close this issue now? John Abbott
21:42 CoCoALib Bug #2 (In Progress): Makefile problem in ROOT and/or src/AlgebraicCore
Almost certainly part of the problem is that @ar ru@ on Mac OS X updates the mtime of the archive even when the archi... John Abbott
17:48 CoCoA-5 Feature #173 (Rejected): Anonymous symbols: should they be available in CoCoA-5?
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:44 CoCoA-5 Feature #20 (Closed): How to get the compilation flags of CoCoA-5?
Compilations flags are given by @VersionInfo()@ Anna Maria Bigatti
17:41 CoCoA-5 Design #412: intersection (all lower case)
The clean solution would be to have @intersect@ doing what @Intersection@ used to do.
Problem is @intersect@ for IDE...
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:12 CoCoA-5 Slug #99 (Feedback): Function "insert": obsolescent
Documented as obsolescent Anna Maria Bigatti
17:01 CoCoA-5 Feature #25: Function "Call"
It is now officially documented as OBSOLETE, so I close this issue. Anna Maria Bigatti
16:44 CoCoA-5 Feature #485: Initialization for CoCoA-5: file init.cocoa5
the general @init@ file now works well.
I don't think there is a particular need for a user init file.
I regard thi...
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:35 CoCoA-5 Feature #330 (Closed): Syzygy for modules: homogeneous module
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:34 CoCoALib Feature #598 (New): Syzygy for modules: non-homogeneous module
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:31 CoCoALib Feature #598 (In Progress): Syzygy for modules: non-homogeneous module
Syz for modules with non-homogeneous input.
Maybe the CoCoALib code works, but....
needs proper testing....
John Abbott
16:28 CoCoA-5 Design #476: Review utility of package IO
I don't think we should eliminate it.
In time, we can see what can be useful and advertized (low priority)
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:20 CoCoA-5 Feature #512: Resurrect MakeCheck()
Undecided, needs more thinking. Not urgent Anna Maria Bigatti
11:48 CoCoA-5 Design #597 (New): Interpreter.C: remove calls to WrongTypeException
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:48 CoCoA-5 Bug #524 (Closed): BuiltInFunctions: remove calls to WrongTypeException
There are a few more @WrongTypeException@ left in @Interpreter.C@.
Those are of a slightly different nature and shou...
Anna Maria Bigatti
10:55 CoCoA-5 Design #595: rename BigIntValue, IdealValue --> INTValue, IDEALValue? or even INT, IDEAL?
Changed also also PtrCast into RefTo<..>
Anna Maria Bigatti

27 Jul 2014

12:57 CoCoALib Feature #586: BigInt ctor from a machine integer
No complaints from anyone after checking in, so I regard the idea as safe and sound.
Postponing to "after Seoul" b...
John Abbott
12:34 CoCoALib Bug #190 (Resolved): Subtle ref count bug for poly rings (via CoeffEmbeddingHom)
I have implemented the changes suggested in my previous comment (_i.e._ rings no longer store cached copies of their ... John Abbott

25 Jul 2014

19:50 CoCoA-5 Design #595: rename BigIntValue, IdealValue --> INTValue, IDEALValue? or even INT, IDEAL?
added templates for @RefTo<..>@. Anna Maria Bigatti
16:16 CoCoA-5 Design #595: rename BigIntValue, IdealValue --> INTValue, IDEALValue? or even INT, IDEAL?
Now all @switch@ following @EvalArgAsT1or...@ have a default case giving and error.
This is good for maintenance: if...
Anna Maria Bigatti
12:53 CoCoA-5 Design #595: rename BigIntValue, IdealValue --> INTValue, IDEALValue? or even INT, IDEAL?
Another possible name is *@UnwrapBigInt@*. I think it conveys the idea that the @BigInt@ is hidden inside the object... John Abbott
09:11 CoCoA-5 Design #595: rename BigIntValue, IdealValue --> INTValue, IDEALValue? or even INT, IDEAL?
First pass is mostly done (BigIntValue --> INT, and similar).
I'm a bit undecided about a few other types like @OSTR...
Anna Maria Bigatti
08:51 CoCoA-5 Design #595: rename BigIntValue, IdealValue --> INTValue, IDEALValue? or even INT, IDEAL?
John Abbott wrote:
> I'm not entirely convinced by the names @PtrCastIDEAL@ etc.
> It is true that the arg is a "po...
Anna Maria Bigatti
08:47 CoCoA-5 Design #595: rename BigIntValue, IdealValue --> INTValue, IDEALValue? or even INT, IDEAL?
I started the change: there is no name clash problem with the class @INT@ :-)
... at least with gcc :-/
Anyway: in ca...
Anna Maria Bigatti
13:00 CoCoALib Bug #190: Subtle ref count bug for poly rings (via CoeffEmbeddingHom)
I think the real problem is that some rings store certain @RingHom@ values inside themselves (thus creating an indire... John Abbott
08:19 CoCoA-5 Support #488: CoCoAManual: Help page for porting old C4 code to C5
John Abbott wrote:
> I'd like a name which more clearly expresses that it is for converting "old" C4 code to C5.
Anna Maria Bigatti

24 Jul 2014

21:19 CoCoA-5 Design #595 (In Progress): rename BigIntValue, IdealValue --> INTValue, IDEALValue? or even INT, IDEAL?
Certainly the excerpt from @BuiltinOneLiners@ is very clear.
We have already spoken about the use of @default@ in ...
John Abbott
18:56 CoCoA-5 Support #488: CoCoAManual: Help page for porting old C4 code to C5
I'd like a name which more clearly expresses that it is for converting "old" C4 code to C5. We may even need some hi... John Abbott
18:19 CoCoA-5 Support #488: CoCoAManual: Help page for porting old C4 code to C5
I went through the translation table and I updated it (almost complete now :-)
.... I was just wondering: should w...
Anna Maria Bigatti
18:00 CoCoA-5 Bug #378 (In Progress): Ungraceful behaviour: Source inside For loop
I found where (I looked for @TT_FOR@, in @Parse.C@) to give a proper error (if we decide to disable it) or to enable ... Anna Maria Bigatti
10:38 CoCoA-5 Bug #378: Ungraceful behaviour: Source inside For loop
From Alexandru Costantinescu (who used @source@ in loops in cocoa-4)
> I am using a data base of Hilbert functions, ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
10:34 CoCoA-5 Bug #378: Ungraceful behaviour: Source inside For loop
A few more details: I ran this line... Anna Maria Bigatti
17:52 CoCoA-5 Feature #579: Prototype package for Linear Commutative Algebra
First functions 2014-07-23
(MinMult, AlgMult, GeoMult, ...)
Anna Maria Bigatti
09:56 CoCoA-5 Feature #596 (Closed): function "packages"
all done Anna Maria Bigatti
09:55 CoCoA-5 Feature #596 (Closed): function "packages"
implement function "packages" for list of loaded packages.
Anna Maria Bigatti

23 Jul 2014

12:38 CoCoA-5 Design #595: rename BigIntValue, IdealValue --> INTValue, IDEALValue? or even INT, IDEAL?
This is how some lines in @BuiltinOneLiners@ would look... Anna Maria Bigatti
12:30 CoCoA-5 Design #595 (Closed): rename BigIntValue, IdealValue --> INTValue, IDEALValue? or even INT, IDEAL?
In the interpreter (@AST.H@) we have the definition of the classes @BlahValue@, for example
@BigIntValue@, @IdealVal...
Anna Maria Bigatti

22 Jul 2014

15:59 CoCoA-5 Bug #594 (Feedback): CharPoly(MAT) and MinPoly(MAT) work in different settings: unify behaviaour
all done (also documented) Anna Maria Bigatti
12:46 CoCoA-5 Bug #594 (Closed): CharPoly(MAT) and MinPoly(MAT) work in different settings: unify behaviaour
They should both work both with M in K or in Kx (but not dependent on x)... Anna Maria Bigatti
12:44 CoCoA-5 Feature #173: Anonymous symbols: should they be available in CoCoA-5?
Now I'm incline to say "no" and reject the issue: too much hassle for very little use.
@NewSymbol()/NewSymbols(n)@ a...
Anna Maria Bigatti
12:38 CoCoA-5 Feature #492: New C5 fn for adjusting the warning level
John Abbott wrote:
> This should be easy (but you never know!).
> Moving to after Easter as it is unimportant.
Anna Maria Bigatti
09:42 CoCoA-5 Design #491: Cleaning: Cruft in CoCoA-5 packages
This task will never be closed (when would we ever be able to say that? ;-)
So, let's say that we start deleting obs...
Anna Maria Bigatti
09:40 CoCoA-5 Feature #512: Resurrect MakeCheck()
It should be easy enough to implement if we can get the path of the tests.
This works for me (as an example)...
Anna Maria Bigatti
09:32 CoCoA-5 Feature #487: ScalarProduct accepts MatrixRow?
I think it is possible, but tedious work. Is it worth the effort?
Anna Maria Bigatti
09:19 CoCoA-5 Bug #132: BringIn should allow reduction modulo p
now works in some cases, e.g. the one in the description ;-)
More precisely it works if the coefficient ring (of the...
Anna Maria Bigatti
08:47 CoCoA-5 Design #476: Review utility of package IO
At the moment it is only exporting @format@ (which I find quite useful).
I updated @Format/format@ and checked the m...
Anna Maria Bigatti
08:27 CoCoA-5 Design #546: ideal wants LIST of RINGELEM
It was easy to fix it for @ideal([x,0,y]);@.
I re-designed the function for @ideal@ a bit.
I renamed @evalArgAsRing...
Anna Maria Bigatti
07:44 CoCoA-5 Feature #518 (Feedback): incr/decr functions: to be used in packages
All done (I think).
If/when we make += it'll be easy to search for incr/decr
Anna Maria Bigatti

21 Jul 2014

18:39 CoCoA-5 Bug #279 (Feedback): Bug in Radical (actually a RingHom problem)
found the bug: usual ref-count bug on RINGHOM.
Found a few more little bugs in the way ;-)
Anna Maria Bigatti

20 Jul 2014

17:23 CoCoALib Bug #593 (Closed): Temporary directories used during configuration
Improvements needed for the TMP_DIRs used during configuration:
* perhaps use std prefix so that they can all be rem...
John Abbott

18 Jul 2014

16:08 CoCoA-5 Feature #518: incr/decr functions: to be used in packages
John Abbott wrote:
> "incr" is most used in @list.cpkg5@ for @QuickSort1@ and @QuickSortBy1@.
I updated the code ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
14:57 CoCoALib Feature #437: MemPool: order free blocks?
John Abbott wrote:
> Or maybe a @MemPool@ could count how many new/deletes, and reorder every 65536 calls...
I ha...
Anna Maria Bigatti
12:55 CoCoA-5 Bug #543 (Feedback): Interpreter: problem when calling the manual with trailing spaces and comments
done Anna Maria Bigatti
10:15 CoCoA-5 Support #522 (Feedback): Manual: duplication in "see also" and "All other matches"
Seems ok on @round@ and @indets@.
(code in @OnlineHelp@ is pretty horrible, but it works)
Anna Maria Bigatti
09:06 CoCoA-5 Bug #524 (Feedback): BuiltInFunctions: remove calls to WrongTypeException
All done (@ascii@, @apply@, @ContentWRT@, @CoefficientWRT@).
Changed priority to high because I'm presenting this in...
Anna Maria Bigatti

17 Jul 2014

17:58 CoCoALib Design #592 (Closed): Review design of ConstMatrixView
After having trouble trying to implement @MatXel@ as a @ConstMatrixView@, I think the design of @ConstMatrixView@ nee... John Abbott
17:56 CoCoALib Design #311 (In Progress): XelMat, StdDegRevLexMat, ... should be MatrixView
I have cobbled together a quick impl (practically copied from @IdentityMatImpl@).
It compiles, but I have commented ...
John Abbott
16:39 CoCoALib Feature #72: MatByRows, MatByCols
The impl for @MatByCols@ was missing; it is there now (quick cut-and-paste job).
Also added an example.
Not closi...
John Abbott
14:39 CoCoALib Bug #73 (Closed): Repeated rows/cols in submat
The code already checks that the indices are distinct -- no idea when this was impl'd (must have been ages ago).
John Abbott
14:29 CoCoALib Design #415 (Closed): Remove AsPolyRing etc?
No problems after 1 week, so closing.
John Abbott
14:26 CoCoALib Feature #571 (Closed): CmpAbs for RingElem
No problems have appeared. Closing.
John Abbott
14:24 CoCoALib Feature #437 (In Progress): MemPool: order free blocks?
Christof made some interesting suggestions:
# copy the free list (or first part of it) into a @vector@, sort the vec...
John Abbott
14:18 CoCoALib Feature #437: MemPool: order free blocks?
Moving this to after Seoul -- it's too risky to try implementing it in a rush (and then pass sleepless nights trying ... John Abbott

16 Jul 2014

19:01 CoCoA-5 Bug #524: BuiltInFunctions: remove calls to WrongTypeException
Done BaseRing. I'll do the rest tomorrow
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:18 CoCoALib Feature #72: MatByRows, MatByCols
Not yet entirely convinced about renaming @MakeMatByRows@. It is very similar to @MatByRows@ *but* there is an impor... John Abbott
16:01 CoCoALib Feature #72: MatByRows, MatByCols
should we rename the CoCoA-5 functions -Make-@MatByRows@?
(and move the "Make.." into obsolescent?)
Anna Maria Bigatti
14:57 CoCoALib Feature #72 (Feedback): MatByRows, MatByCols
The code is already there (and has been for how long?) Fns are @MatByRows@ and @MatByCols@.
I added some documentat...
John Abbott
15:51 CoCoA-5 Bug #34: CoCoAManual: obsolete entries in the manual
Yes, obsolescent functions should give some warning that they are going to disappear (and presumably what to do inste... John Abbott
15:40 CoCoA-5 Bug #34: CoCoAManual: obsolete entries in the manual
Remember that obsolescent functions should be moved to the package @obsolescent.cpkg5@.
Now they all works silently....
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:37 CoCoA-5 Bug #34 (Feedback): CoCoAManual: obsolete entries in the manual
Done. Rule for maintaining it.
(1) Add [OBSOLETE] or [OBSOLESCENT] in the title of obsolete/obsolescent functions, ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:18 CoCoA-5 Support #488 (Resolved): CoCoAManual: Help page for porting old C4 code to C5
I set a manual chapter for these kind of information.
It is called <title>Migrating from CoCoA-4 and keeping up-to...
Anna Maria Bigatti
13:43 CoCoA-5 Support #488: CoCoAManual: Help page for porting old C4 code to C5
John Abbott
12:44 CoCoA-5 Support #488: CoCoAManual: Help page for porting old C4 code to C5
John Abbott wrote:
> I have added a manual page entitled *@updating CoCoA-4 code@*; and another entitled *@CoCoA-4 m...
Anna Maria Bigatti
14:42 CoCoALib Bug #264: Compilation problem with "degree.H" (inline fn defns)
This seems to be *very similar* to the issue #591; I believe they are occurrences of the same phenomenon. Added #591... John Abbott
14:38 CoCoALib Feature #564: Temporary file for experimentation
Now that I have added checks for new files in @include/CoCoA/@ and in @src/AlgebraicCore/@, it may be less important ... John Abbott
14:14 CoCoALib Bug #591: Problem with template instantiation and order of include directives
Clang 3.0 on my computer gives no error.
John Abbott
14:07 CoCoALib Bug #591: Problem with template instantiation and order of include directives
JAA failed to find anything helpful on the internet.
I'm just hoping that the solution of moving the @#include@ wi...
John Abbott
14:05 CoCoALib Bug #591 (In Progress): Problem with template instantiation and order of include directives
Some versions of g++ (v4.3.2, v4.4.7, v4.6.3) and intel C++ compiler gave errors when compiling @ex-UtilsVector1.C@ i... John Abbott
12:32 CoCoA-5 Bug #566 (Closed): Online help: problem with "<>"
Anna Maria Bigatti
12:27 CoCoA-5 Feature #590 (Closed): package for subalgebras
In cocoa-4 there was a package to compute with subalgebras.
Restore it.
Anna Maria Bigatti

15 Jul 2014

18:17 CoCoALib Feature #589 (New): Implement gin (generic initial ideal) in cocoalib
available now for cocoa-5 in package.
Implement it in cocoalib
Anna Maria Bigatti
18:14 CoCoA-5 Feature #588 (Feedback): Resume code for "gin" (generic initial ideal)
Done in package.
Implemented only using twin-floats with range [-10^6, 10^6].
No point in offering more flexibility...
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:42 CoCoA-5 Feature #588 (Closed): Resume code for "gin" (generic initial ideal)
Resurrect code for "gin", and implement it in cocoalib Anna Maria Bigatti
15:12 CoCoALib Support #252: Documentation for tmp.H (utils on vectors and other containers)
John Abbott wrote:
> Christof does not like the name @UtilsTemplates.H@; he suggested @UtilsContainers.H@ or @UtilsVe...
Anna Maria Bigatti
14:47 CoCoALib Support #252: Documentation for tmp.H (utils on vectors and other containers)
Christof does not like the name @UtilsTemplates.H@; he suggested @UtilsContainers.H@ or @UtilsVector.H@ saying that i... John Abbott
15:08 CoCoALib Design #582: Error codes: use same code for "not poly ring" and "not elem poly ring"
Just not to lose it in a mountain of archived emails, here is the decisive message:... John Abbott
14:38 CoCoA-5 Bug #34: CoCoAManual: obsolete entries in the manual
John Abbott wrote:
> I propose adding @OBSOLETE@ (in capitals) as the first word of the title;
I made it all capi...
Anna Maria Bigatti
13:48 CoCoA-5 Bug #34: CoCoAManual: obsolete entries in the manual
I think your suggestion is a good one.
I propose adding @OBSOLETE@ (in capitals) as the first word of the title; t...
John Abbott
12:37 CoCoA-5 Bug #34: CoCoAManual: obsolete entries in the manual
Anna Maria Bigatti wrote:
> I added the key "obsolete".
> now
> [...]
> gives the list of obsolete commands (whi...
Anna Maria Bigatti
13:40 CoCoALib Feature #586: BigInt ctor from a machine integer
There were no objections (in the last 24 hours), so I'll check in. If any problems arise, it's trivial to revert the... John Abbott
12:27 CoCoA-5 Design #525 (Feedback): BuiltInFunctions: evalArgAsT1OrT2, evalArgAsT1OrT2OrT3, ... last argument
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:02 CoCoA-5 Design #525 (Resolved): BuiltInFunctions: evalArgAsT1OrT2, evalArgAsT1OrT2OrT3, ... last argument
We agreed that it would be handy to have the same interface for
*evalArgAsT1orT2* and *evalArgAsT1orT2orT3*.
The la...
Anna Maria Bigatti

14 Jul 2014

18:22 CoCoALib Feature #304: Module ordering and grading (and shifts)
I made some tests (and checked with Hilbert series) and it seems that shifts are done and OK. Added some documentation. Anna Maria Bigatti
18:17 CoCoA-5 Support #559 (Closed): Release: CoCoA-5.1.0
I did this work a long time ago, but never got to deal with the GUI for windows.
No longer makes sense now: going fo...
Anna Maria Bigatti
18:13 CoCoALib Design #432: Semantics of IsPrintedWithMinus
If we use the definition I gave in comment 1 then some twin-float numbers will be recognized as rationals and should ... John Abbott
18:09 CoCoA-5 Design #493 (Feedback): Cleanup Hilbert package hp.cpkg5
resurrected and documented functions *HilbertSeriesShifts* and *HilbertSeriesMultiDeg*
they are just shortcuts to av...
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:53 CoCoALib Support #252: Documentation for tmp.H (utils on vectors and other containers)
@HasUniqueOwner@ should now work with any container. Checked in.
[I haven't actually made any specific tests, but t...
John Abbott
17:49 CoCoALib Support #252: Documentation for tmp.H (utils on vectors and other containers)
I suppose it makes sense to move them... perhaps I'll think about it overnight before acting.
John Abbott
17:32 CoCoALib Support #252: Documentation for tmp.H (utils on vectors and other containers)
Should also << for vector/list be here?
(now it is in io.H)
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:23 CoCoALib Support #252 (Feedback): Documentation for tmp.H (utils on vectors and other containers)
Renamed file to *@UtilsTemplate.H@*.
Moved @LexCmp3@ into the file (from @utils.H@).
Added doc (& moved doc for @Le...
John Abbott
15:07 CoCoALib Design #415: Remove AsPolyRing etc?
nice! :-)
some builtin functions are now oneliners
Anna Maria Bigatti
14:39 CoCoALib Feature #565 (In Progress): FloatApprox for TwinFloat values?
After further thought it seemed to make more sense to output the twin-float value as a @MantExp2@ structure, which be... John Abbott
14:34 CoCoALib Support #452: Documentation for adding functions to CoCoA-5 (BuiltInFunctions and BuiltInOneLiners)
not final, but much improved (cvs-ed) Anna Maria Bigatti
14:25 CoCoALib Feature #586: BigInt ctor from a machine integer
I suggest that I check in the version of @BigInt.H@ that I have (with the ctor from @MachineInt@ being implicit). Th... John Abbott
14:03 CoCoALib Feature #585 (Feedback): (Hilbert-) quasi-polynomials
Implemented; tested; documented; checked in. So status-->FEEDBACK!
John Abbott
13:34 CoCoALib Feature #580: Example for PPVector: ex-PPVector
I have done a little tidying in @ex-PPVector1.C@.
John Abbott
11:09 CoCoALib Feature #580 (Feedback): Example for PPVector: ex-PPVector
Anna Maria Bigatti
10:39 CoCoALib Feature #587 (Closed): port to CoCoALib: Homomorphism pkg (ker, IsInjective, IsSurjective..)
Translate the package @HomomorphismFns.cpkg5@ into CoCoALib.
The related "utility representation" of a homomorphism ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
10:32 CoCoA-5 Feature #273 (Feedback): Package for Polynomial Algebra Homomorphisms
checked in documentation.
Next step (new issue): port it into cocoalib.
Anna Maria Bigatti
09:26 CoCoA-5 Feature #484: Evaluate in other ring (was called :: in CoCoA-4)
*ReadExpr* documented, cvs-ed
(updated entry for RingElem)
Anna Maria Bigatti
08:22 CoCoA-5 Feature #484: Evaluate in other ring (was called :: in CoCoA-4)
In CoCoALib we can read expressions from strings with *ReadExpr(RING, STRING)*.
I'm going to add it to cocoa-5 so you...
Anna Maria Bigatti

11 Jul 2014

15:42 CoCoALib Feature #586 (In Progress): BigInt ctor from a machine integer
* in @IntOperations@ and @NumTheory@ we can reduce the number of signatures to some functions (_e.g._ @Is...
John Abbott
15:26 CoCoALib Feature #586: BigInt ctor from a machine integer
I've just removed the @explicit@ keyword from the @BigInt@ ctor. CoCoALib compiled fine (no problems with ambiguity)... John Abbott
15:23 CoCoALib Feature #586 (Rejected): BigInt ctor from a machine integer
Christof asks why the ctor for a @BigInt@ from a machine integer is @explicit@ rather than implicit.
He also suggest...
John Abbott
14:35 CoCoA-5 Feature #273: Package for Polynomial Algebra Homomorphisms
- cleaned up into a package
- tests included in Makefile
- documentation still missing (should be just a minor fix ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
14:26 CoCoALib Bug #190: Subtle ref count bug for poly rings (via CoeffEmbeddingHom)
Last night I had this idea, does it work?
The problem is:
*RingHom* 's are refcounted objects, many actually "live" i...
Anna Maria Bigatti
12:05 CoCoALib Feature #165 (Closed): FractionField -- only of TrueGCDDomain?
Here's the conclusion:
* currently FrF only of true GCD domain allowed
* the fn *@IsFractionFieldOfGCDDomain@* has ...
John Abbott

10 Jul 2014

17:03 CoCoALib Design #308: Error: ERR::NotNonZero instead of ERR::ZeroRingElem? [--> ReqNonZero]
John Abbott wrote:
> Of those two I have a preference for *@WantNonZero@* -- I can "say" it more easily in my mind t...
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:01 CoCoALib Design #308: Error: ERR::NotNonZero instead of ERR::ZeroRingElem? [--> ReqNonZero]
Of those two I have a preference for *@WantNonZero@* -- I can "say" it more easily in my mind than @ExpectNonZero@.
John Abbott
16:52 CoCoALib Design #584 (Resolved): BaseRing for all rings
I have just noticed that the function which says over which a ring a matrix lies is called *@BaseRing@*. I'm not so ... John Abbott
16:15 CoCoALib Feature #554 (In Progress): CoCoALib-Normaliz interface: cannot print a cone
Christof Soeger
16:14 CoCoALib Feature #554: CoCoALib-Normaliz interface: cannot print a cone
Implemented some printing. A newly created cone now is printed like:... Christof Soeger
15:32 CoCoALib Design #415 (Feedback): Remove AsPolyRing etc?
I've updated the documentation (removed references to @AsPolyRing@ etc.)
tests: I can't really test a function I'v...
John Abbott
14:26 CoCoALib Feature #568 (Closed): Valid symbol heads
No problems have come up, so closing.
John Abbott
13:45 CoCoALib Feature #125 (In Progress): Matrix equation solving; linear system solving
John Abbott
13:41 CoCoALib Feature #585 (Closed): (Hilbert-) quasi-polynomials
For objects (cones, algebras,..) which are not generated in degree 1 the Hilbert function is not a polynomial anymore... Christof Soeger
13:38 CoCoALib Feature #223 (Closed): Automatic mapping of RingElems
Closing this issue, but leaving #7 open. This is fine as far as it goes.
John Abbott
13:35 Support #425 (Closed): Osnabrueck 2014-01
Essentially everything listed has been done --> closing.
John Abbott
13:33 Bug #238 (Closed): Cleaner CVS?
John Abbott
13:32 Bug #238: Cleaner CVS?
John Abbott

09 Jul 2014

18:37 CoCoALib Design #308: Error: ERR::NotNonZero instead of ERR::ZeroRingElem? [--> ReqNonZero]
*WantNonZero* or
Anna Maria Bigatti
18:30 CoCoALib Design #308: Error: ERR::NotNonZero instead of ERR::ZeroRingElem? [--> ReqNonZero]
Here are some other candidate names:
John Abbott
18:25 CoCoALib Design #308: Error: ERR::NotNonZero instead of ERR::ZeroRingElem? [--> ReqNonZero]
Well, this is actually a sub-task.
I think we can make a quick decision about the names (we have already talked abou...
Anna Maria Bigatti
18:14 CoCoALib Design #308: Error: ERR::NotNonZero instead of ERR::ZeroRingElem? [--> ReqNonZero]
This task is really already covered by the proposed radical restructuring and renaming of the error codes #427. As a... John Abbott
18:19 CoCoALib Feature #165: FractionField -- only of TrueGCDDomain?
I think we'd better be conservative, i.e. only for true GCDRings.
If someone ever asks for the general case then we ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
18:11 CoCoALib Feature #165: FractionField -- only of TrueGCDDomain?
Can this be closed in the near future? (i.e. before Seoul)
John Abbott
18:15 CoCoALib Bug #264 (Closed): Compilation problem with "degree.H" (inline fn defns)
No problem has ever occurred to anyone in the last year.
Have we fixed it? can't remember.
Has the compiler changed...
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:59 CoCoALib Bug #264: Compilation problem with "degree.H" (inline fn defns)
*@Anna* Is this still a problem? I hope not; then we can just terminate the issue.
John Abbott
17:54 CoCoALib Feature #554: CoCoALib-Normaliz interface: cannot print a cone
Maybe we can resolve this issue while I'm in Osnabrueck? John Abbott
17:50 CoCoALib Design #415: Remove AsPolyRing etc?
I have removed @AsDenseUPolyRing@, @AsFreeModule@ and @AsFGModule@.
The code compiles and all tests pass, so I have ...
John Abbott

08 Jul 2014

17:49 CoCoALib Design #415: Remove AsPolyRing etc?
I've now removed @AsQuotientRing@, and revised the imple of @BaseRing@ (see #584)
John Abbott
11:17 CoCoALib Design #415: Remove AsPolyRing etc?
I've removed @AsPolyRing@, @AsSparsePolyRing@ and @AsFractionField@.
So far so good. Some bits of code have becom...
John Abbott
17:48 CoCoALib Design #584: BaseRing for all rings
I've implemented it, and it seems to work. Currently the impl does *(B)*, but it'd be easy to change to *(A)*.
John Abbott
11:43 CoCoALib Design #584: BaseRing for all rings
Not sure what @BaseRing(ZZ)@ should produce:
*(A)* either @ZZ@ itself
*(B)* an error
My current preference (afte...
John Abbott
11:41 CoCoALib Design #584: BaseRing for all rings
One problem with this approach is that we would exclude product rings, since a product ring could have several "paren... John Abbott
11:38 CoCoALib Design #584 (Closed): BaseRing for all rings
I'm considering implementing @BaseRing@ for all rings (except perhaps @ZZ@).
With our current design every ring ha...
John Abbott

07 Jul 2014

11:48 CoCoALib Feature #583 (New): New function for printing with extra information
In CoCoA-5 we have the command *@Describe@* for printing a detailed description of an object.
It would be useful to ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
09:36 CoCoALib Design #582: Error codes: use same code for "not poly ring" and "not elem poly ring"
John Abbott wrote:
> (A) @Expected (element of) PolyRing@
this one!
Anna Maria Bigatti
09:29 CoCoALib Design #582: Error codes: use same code for "not poly ring" and "not elem poly ring"
See also emails exchanged on 20140704 with subject "Opinion".
We need suitable wording for the combined error: how...
John Abbott
09:25 CoCoALib Design #582 (New): Error codes: use same code for "not poly ring" and "not elem poly ring"
Proposal: merge the two error codes @NotPolyRing@ and @NotElemPolyRing@.
(1) the distinction is really q...
John Abbott

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