



From 12 Apr 2014 to 11 May 2014

09 May 2014

22:27 CoCoALib Design #551: Reconsider overloaded virtual mem fns
Just a hint to find easily those bits of code which need to be reviewed: look for @using@ (without @std@) inside the ... John Abbott
17:09 CoCoALib Design #551 (New): Reconsider overloaded virtual mem fns
The warning flag about @-Woverloaded-virtual@ suggests that it may be better to avoid overloading virtual fns, _i.e._... John Abbott
21:41 CoCoA-5 Bug #552: C5 BuiltinFunctions.c fn RingElem
I've tested and checked in my revised impl.
Perhaps I was too paranoid after finding an ugly bug in @IsHomog@ (also ...
John Abbott
21:30 CoCoA-5 Bug #552: C5 BuiltinFunctions.c fn RingElem
Wouldn't it be more natural to specify indexed symbols using this syntax: @RingElem(R, "x", [2,3])@?
John Abbott
21:27 CoCoA-5 Bug #552 (In Progress): C5 BuiltinFunctions.c fn RingElem
OK, I think I have figured out what the code is supposed to do. I've added some documentation (and improved variable... John Abbott
21:13 CoCoA-5 Bug #552 (Closed): C5 BuiltinFunctions.c fn RingElem
What is going on in the impl of builtin fn @RingElem@; source is in @BuiltinFunctions.C:949-977@???
Something *BAD*!
John Abbott
14:57 CoCoA-5 Bug #545: Compiler g++ 4.2.1 (clang-503.0.40) on MacOSX 10.9: warnings and errors
We could avoid the problem by *using different names for the various mem fns*; this idea should be considered (& then... John Abbott
13:46 CoCoA-5 Bug #545: Compiler g++ 4.2.1 (clang-503.0.40) on MacOSX 10.9: warnings and errors
Here is an argument against blindly applying the @using@ "trick".
The class @RingBase@ defines a mem fn @myNew(con...
John Abbott
13:39 CoCoA-5 Bug #545: Compiler g++ 4.2.1 (clang-503.0.40) on MacOSX 10.9: warnings and errors
We should employ the @using@ "trick" only if it the correct design! I believe it is a bad idea to use it just to mak... John Abbott
11:53 CoCoA-5 Bug #545: Compiler g++ 4.2.1 (clang-503.0.40) on MacOSX 10.9: warnings and errors
problem (2): done for Sugar too.
Now to be done for all concrete rings: myNew, myAssign, myIndets.
I think that sho...
Anna Maria Bigatti
09:39 CoCoA-5 Bug #545: Compiler g++ 4.2.1 (clang-503.0.40) on MacOSX 10.9: warnings and errors
Anna Maria Bigatti wrote:
> So it is probably useful to keep the compilation flag and to add those "using".
> I expec...
Anna Maria Bigatti
09:26 CoCoA-5 Bug #545: Compiler g++ 4.2.1 (clang-503.0.40) on MacOSX 10.9: warnings and errors
John Abbott wrote:
> Similar @overload-virtual@ warnings are produced even when compiling CoCoALib. I believe I unde...
Anna Maria Bigatti
13:28 CoCoA-5 Feature #514 (Closed): submodule: minimalize, minimalized
added small test.
Anna Maria Bigatti
13:20 CoCoA-5 Support #494 (Closed): Emacs UI: installation on Mac OS 10.8.5
This is the best we can get.
Moreover new installation is easier (does not require set names or folder positioning)
Anna Maria Bigatti
13:02 CoCoALib Design #550 (New): add myResolution member field to ideal and (sub)module
Anna Maria Bigatti
13:00 CoCoALib Design #455: Which sets of generators in an ideal?
A similar problem is storing HilbertFunction and resolution in the ideal/module Anna Maria Bigatti
12:58 CoCoALib Feature #409: Minimal syzygies (optimized implementation)
There is a naive implementation (compute MinGens, then syz, then minimalize).
Here we are talking of the optimized i...
Anna Maria Bigatti
12:56 CoCoA-5 Feature #529 (Closed): Naive version of resolution and Betti numbers
It works, but should be cleaned up.
Mainly we should store the resolutions in the ideal (together with Hilbert, Jane...
Anna Maria Bigatti
12:50 CoCoA-5 Feature #367 (Closed): implement LF/DF for an ideal
done and documented (I can't remember when).
Anna Maria Bigatti

08 May 2014

17:53 CoCoA-5 Support #187: CoCoA-5 (partial) releases: make the process simpler
works on mac and linux.
On linux also deals automatically with 32/64 bit binaries
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:51 CoCoA-5 Support #187: CoCoA-5 (partial) releases: make the process simpler
I've been cleaning up my scripts and insterted them in CVS.
... as usual it is difficult to make things easy!
I hav...
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:42 CoCoA-5 Support #542: CoCoAManual: improve part on data-types
I have checked/updated essentially all fn signatures in @CoCoAHelp.xml@.
I have done nothing about @TAGGED@.
John Abbott
12:58 CoCoA-5 Design #549 (In Progress): Automatic conversion from RINGELEM to INT or RAT
I now think that it is appropriate for @FloatStr@, @DecimalStr@ and @ScientificStr@ to accept @RINGELEM@ and auto con... John Abbott
12:30 CoCoALib Feature #218: CoCoALib normaliz interface
I implemented additional return functions (step 1 in my update on issue #204).
The myComputation functions should be...
Christof Soeger

07 May 2014

21:28 CoCoA-5 Bug #545: Compiler g++ 4.2.1 (clang-503.0.40) on MacOSX 10.9: warnings and errors
Similar @overload-virtual@ warnings are produced even when compiling CoCoALib. I believe I understand the problem, an... John Abbott
21:20 CoCoA-5 Design #549: Automatic conversion from RINGELEM to INT or RAT
I note that @FloatStr@ used to be implemented in @approx.cpkg5@ and would accept a @RINGELEM@ argument (which was pre... John Abbott
21:14 CoCoA-5 Design #549: Automatic conversion from RINGELEM to INT or RAT
I'm not sure how widespread this should be.
Perhaps the best approach would be to implement separately for a few fun...
John Abbott
21:11 CoCoA-5 Design #549 (Closed): Automatic conversion from RINGELEM to INT or RAT
It could be helpful sometimes to allow "automatic" conversion from @RINGELEM@ to @INT@ or @RAT@. I discovered this w... John Abbott
18:17 CoCoA-5 Support #187: CoCoA-5 (partial) releases: make the process simpler
I've been cleaning up my scripts and insterted them in CVS.
... as usual it is difficult to make things easy!
I have ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
14:10 CoCoA-5 Feature #18 (Closed): Printing matrices: I/O unified style for CoCoA-5?
Satisfactory; may have to be reconsidered if/when the printing of rings is reimplemented (see #548) John Abbott
14:07 CoCoA-5 Support #369 (Closed): write documentation for TgCone and other function from the "primary" package
John Abbott
14:05 CoCoA-5 Feature #523 (Closed): EmacsUI: lower case keywords
Works OK; the only remaining question is whether the default should be to capitalize or not. Currently (and for 5.1 ... John Abbott
14:01 CoCoA-5 Feature #384 (Closed): IsZero for matrix
Implemented, documented, tested.
John Abbott
13:57 CoCoA-5 Feature #381 (Closed): Emacs User Interface: Easier binding for sending a line to cocoa-5
Oscar reports that it works for him.
John Abbott
13:56 CoCoA-5 Support #489 (Closed): CoCoAManual: Doc for strings
Anna is happy too; look OK in LaTeX/PDF.
John Abbott
13:39 CoCoA-5 Bug #544 (Closed): sorted gives wrong answer sometimes
Added more tests (on shorter random lists, since the code handles long and short lists separately).
Regarding the ...
John Abbott

06 May 2014

18:14 CoCoA-5 Support #208 (Closed): describe $package
It seems OK now (Anna's happy too), so closing.
John Abbott
15:54 CoCoA-5 Design #473 (Closed): Multiline string literals - useful or obsolescent?
I have implemented option *(1)* _i.e._ eliminated all code to do with reading multiline string literals.
John Abbott
15:01 CoCoA-5 Support #548: Printing rings with ID
John Abbott wrote:
> Here is an idea: simple to implement, but perhaps not so nice to use?
> * a ring prints out si...
Anna Maria Bigatti
14:39 CoCoA-5 Support #548: Printing rings with ID
Here is an idea: simple to implement, but perhaps not so nice to use?
* a ring prints out simply as @ring(1)@, @ring...
John Abbott
14:32 CoCoA-5 Support #548: Printing rings with ID
Should this topic be in CoCoALib rather than CoCoA-5?
From the point of a user it would be very handy if the C5 ex...
John Abbott
14:19 CoCoA-5 Support #548: Printing rings with ID
And in CoCoA-5 would look like this:... Anna Maria Bigatti
14:08 CoCoA-5 Support #548 (In Progress): Printing rings with ID
I tried to see how it looks (just in RingFp.C).
This would be the output for test-RingHom1 .... not bad, I think
Anna Maria Bigatti
12:28 CoCoA-5 Support #548: Printing rings with ID
Each ring in CoCoA has an ID number (they start at 1 and are assigned incrementally). It'd be better to print those ... John Abbott
12:09 CoCoA-5 Support #548 (Closed): Printing rings with ID
for some rings there is a unique implementation: *RingQQ()*, *RingZZ()*, *RingQQt(n)*.
For all the others the constr...
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:47 CoCoALib Support #302: Compilation on M$Windows: Visual Studio
Ahhh! OK I have fixed @mpz_log@ now; sorry, I had overlooked a @M_LN2@.
John Abbott
11:37 CoCoALib Bug #547: elim using RingTwinFloat triggers error "SERIOUS"
simpler example: both NewFractionField and NewRingTwinFloat seems necessary to trigger the error... Anna Maria Bigatti

05 May 2014

20:17 CoCoALib Support #302: Compilation on M$Windows: Visual Studio
Made the changes requested in previous comment.
No idea why you are not seeing the updated @mpz_log.c@...?
John Abbott
15:53 CoCoALib Support #302: Compilation on M$Windows: Visual Studio
One addition that I forgot to mention: I had to include... Christof Soeger
19:46 CoCoALib Bug #547: elim using RingTwinFloat triggers error "SERIOUS"
I tried the same input with lower precisions and got @InsuffPrec@ errors; but when I quit CoCoA-5 there were quite a ... John Abbott
19:44 CoCoALib Bug #547 (New): elim using RingTwinFloat triggers error "SERIOUS"
The following (C5 input) provokes a @SERIOUS@ error... John Abbott
15:07 CoCoA-5 Design #546 (Closed): ideal wants LIST of RINGELEM
It is inconvenient (perhaps even embarassing) that you cannot do this:... John Abbott
12:37 CoCoA-5 Support #208: describe $package
I suggest moving @Functions@ (currently built-in!?!) to the package @obsolete.cpkg5@
*20140508* OK done this (after ...
John Abbott
12:14 CoCoA-5 Support #251: How to add a test for CoCoA-5 (CoCoAInterpreter)
I have recently added a new C5 test (@exbugs.cocoa5@) and was surprised to find that it produces output. What happen... John Abbott
12:10 CoCoA-5 Feature #188: CoCoAManual: entries for operators
Could we condense the syntax and description so that the pages occupies less vertical space?
John Abbott
12:08 CoCoA-5 Feature #188 (Closed): CoCoAManual: entries for operators
The man page is much improved, and easier to find. Good enough for now; maybe experience will help improve it in the... John Abbott

02 May 2014

17:49 CoCoA-5 Bug #471 (Closed): Nested multiline comments
Current solution is satisfactory, so closing!
John Abbott
17:47 CoCoA-5 Design #481 (Closed): Multiline comments -- obsolescent?
Current approach is satisfactory (& even fairly backward compatible if you don't nest @/*...*/@ style comments)
John Abbott
17:44 CoCoA-5 Support #495 (Closed): CoCoAManual: add page about creating lists
The current doc is satisfactory (& certainly much improved); maybe future experience with students will help make it ... John Abbott
17:39 CoCoA-5 Bug #544: sorted gives wrong answer sometimes
I have added a new C5 test file @exbugs.cocoa5@ which contains a simple verification that @sorted@ works on some rand... John Abbott
17:21 CoCoA-5 Bug #441 (Closed): Emacs UI: C-c C-e does not ignore keywords inside strings
After the mindboggling refresher course in regexps, I'm closing this because it all (magically?) works.
John Abbott
17:18 CoCoA-5 Bug #462 (Closed): Emacs UI: semicolon problems
It works fine both for me and for Anna -- after >2 weeks' testing. Closing!
John Abbott
17:05 CoCoA-5 Feature #414: New fn to increase max recursion depth
Adding note about original requester: @andrei_zarojanu@ (at
I'll email him about our partial solution -...
John Abbott
16:53 CoCoA-5 Feature #414 (Closed): New fn to increase max recursion depth
A proper solution will be very costly and highly invasive (and Giovanni's not keen to help). Furthermore, it is prob... John Abbott
16:49 CoCoA-5 Feature #502 (Closed): New fn/object type: timer
@TimeFrom@ is a satisfactory KISS solution. Still happy after 3 weeks, so closing.
John Abbott
16:35 CoCoA-5 Support #489 (Feedback): CoCoAManual: Doc for strings
I like the current doc. Changing to feedback.
John Abbott
16:12 CoCoALib Bug #538 (Resolved): Compilation problem in TmpMorsePaths.C
I have modified th fn signature to teh following:... John Abbott
14:48 CoCoALib Support #302: Compilation on M$Windows: Visual Studio
OK I have modified @mpz_log.c@; should be fine now.
Also I have CVSed everything.
@Christof: could you confirm th...
John Abbott
11:21 CoCoALib Support #302: Compilation on M$Windows: Visual Studio
Thanks, that should make the compilation a lot easier! I can test it next week, is it CVSed?
Note that there is also ...
Christof Soeger

30 Apr 2014

18:38 CoCoALib Support #302: Compilation on M$Windows: Visual Studio
I have removed most uses of @size_t@ in CoCoALib.
The template fn @len@ now does an automatic cast to @long@ from @s...
John Abbott
14:39 CoCoALib Support #302: Compilation on M$Windows: Visual Studio
I believe I have fixed the overloading problem, and replaced @M_PI@ with @4*atan(1.0)@.
Right now I don't have a g...
John Abbott
14:56 CoCoA-5 Bug #545: Compiler g++ 4.2.1 (clang-503.0.40) on MacOSX 10.9: warnings and errors
Problem (2) -- continued
compilation with @-Woverloaded-virtual@...
Anna Maria Bigatti
09:32 CoCoA-5 Bug #545: Compiler g++ 4.2.1 (clang-503.0.40) on MacOSX 10.9: warnings and errors
Anna Maria Bigatti wrote:
> Next to investigate
> Problem (2)
> [...]
@-Woverloaded-virtual@ is accepted by my compil...
Anna Maria Bigatti
09:27 CoCoA-5 Bug #545: Compiler g++ 4.2.1 (clang-503.0.40) on MacOSX 10.9: warnings and errors
problem (4)... Anna Maria Bigatti
09:25 CoCoA-5 Bug #545: Compiler g++ 4.2.1 (clang-503.0.40) on MacOSX 10.9: warnings and errors
problem (3)... Anna Maria Bigatti
09:21 CoCoA-5 Bug #545: Compiler g++ 4.2.1 (clang-503.0.40) on MacOSX 10.9: warnings and errors
Next to investigate
Problem (2)...
Anna Maria Bigatti
09:19 CoCoA-5 Bug #545: Compiler g++ 4.2.1 (clang-503.0.40) on MacOSX 10.9: warnings and errors
Problem (1) [solved]... Anna Maria Bigatti
09:11 CoCoA-5 Bug #545 (Closed): Compiler g++ 4.2.1 (clang-503.0.40) on MacOSX 10.9: warnings and errors
Bruno Simoes found some warnings and a error in a cocoa-5 test.
*problem (1) struct/class* fixed
*problem (2) ove...
Anna Maria Bigatti

29 Apr 2014

17:32 CoCoALib Support #302: Compilation on M$Windows: Visual Studio
For the new normaliz version I did again a compilation on Windows. Here are my findings for CoCoALib 0.99533:
The ...
Christof Soeger

28 Apr 2014

15:52 CoCoA-5 Bug #544 (Feedback): sorted gives wrong answer sometimes
The problem was that after this step... Anna Maria Bigatti
12:55 CoCoA-5 Bug #544: sorted gives wrong answer sometimes
Easier to debug (working on it)
[6, 28, 39, 1, 40, 41, 46, 7, 2, 20, 21, 3, 0, 5, 22, 23, 24, 38, 44, 37, 4, 30, 36,...
Anna Maria Bigatti
12:09 CoCoA-5 Bug #544: sorted gives wrong answer sometimes
As I suspected the problem seems to depend only on the relative sizes of
the list elements; here is the same example...
John Abbott
11:56 CoCoA-5 Bug #544: sorted gives wrong answer sometimes
The source code is in package @list.cpkg5@.
I found no examples of short lists; the source code uses @InsertionSort@...
John Abbott
11:54 CoCoA-5 Bug #544 (Closed): sorted gives wrong answer sometimes
... John Abbott

24 Apr 2014

20:26 CoCoA-5 Support #463 (Closed): Make man page for "It" easier to read
The mange page is easy to find, and easy to read/comprehend now.
John Abbott
20:23 CoCoA-5 Support #334 (Closed): CoCoAManual: entry for "and", "or", "not" operators
The new pages are fine now. Closing.
John Abbott
20:16 CoCoA-5 Design #301 (Closed): How to obtain an integer from a finite field element? AsINT?
Closing because it's all been working fine for ages; no point in leaving it in feedback. John Abbott
19:57 CoCoA-5 Design #475 (Closed): Eliminate package approx
Old fn is @FloatApprox@ obsolete -- there was no sense in making it decimal (not now that @FloatStr@ exists).
New ...
John Abbott
19:53 CoCoA-5 Feature #419 (Closed): FloatStr
Completed doc & testing. Anna's happy too. Closing.
John Abbott
19:09 CoCoA-5 Design #534 (Closed): Remove float.cpkg5
I have now removed @float.cpkg5@.
Everything seems to work just fine.
Checked/updated doc too.
John Abbott
16:34 CoCoA-5 Bug #543 (Closed): Interpreter: problem when calling the manual with trailing spaces and comments
This does not work... Anna Maria Bigatti
16:30 CoCoA-5 Support #542: CoCoAManual: improve part on data-types
While doing this massive change removing all now useless *types* I'm also doing some cleaning in the documentation.
Anna Maria Bigatti
09:51 CoCoA-5 Support #542: CoCoAManual: improve part on data-types
Now that I started this work I see that it *has to be finished* urgently.
As it was, the documentation wasn't just o...
Anna Maria Bigatti
13:16 CoCoA-5 Bug #94 (Closed): Default reason for protected variables
Closing after interactive testing with Anna. Made some minor variations on the suggestions in comment-2.
Test cas...
John Abbott

23 Apr 2014

17:22 CoCoA-5 Support #542 (In Progress): CoCoAManual: improve part on data-types
More updates done in "commands" *syntax*.
Now I think that each *chapter* should be essentially empty and just give s...
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:14 CoCoA-5 Support #542: CoCoAManual: improve part on data-types
Now in CoCoAHelp.xml we should tag the types as *type* or *rtn* in the syntax like this:... Anna Maria Bigatti
15:08 CoCoA-5 Support #542 (Closed): CoCoAManual: improve part on data-types
The old manual had a part about data-types.
Recover it and improve it.
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:29 CoCoA-5 Support #541 (In Progress): Unify releases for Linux 32 and Linux 64
I have produced a new starting script for CoCoA-5 which autodetermines the directory containing the script (and thus ... John Abbott
11:23 CoCoA-5 Support #541 (Closed): Unify releases for Linux 32 and Linux 64
Make it easier for a Linux user to get the right version of CoCoA-5.
One solution would be to unify the 32-bit and 6...
John Abbott
10:34 CoCoA-5 Feature #270: Distribution for linux
Oscar, could you tell me if this works for you (and tell me what @uname -a@ gives?)
Anna Maria Bigatti

22 Apr 2014

16:58 CoCoALib Feature #540 (Feedback): Progress reporter
I have implemented @ProgressReporter@.
Checked in with doc and example!
State -> feedback!
John Abbott
16:57 CoCoALib Feature #540 (Closed): Progress reporter
It would be handy to have utility that prints out occasional "progress reports" when conducting long iterative comput... John Abbott
13:50 CoCoA-5 Feature #414 (Resolved): New fn to increase max recursion depth
Here is the very simple test case I used:... John Abbott
13:41 CoCoA-5 Bug #441 (Feedback): Emacs UI: C-c C-e does not ignore keywords inside strings
I have just tried the @NotWorks@ example from comment-5; it works correctly with the current Emacs UI code. Changing... John Abbott
11:51 CoCoA-5 Support #489: CoCoAManual: Doc for strings
Nobody thought anything for three days :-(
Anyway, I have revised the doc so it now has the structure proposed in ...
John Abbott

19 Apr 2014

16:35 CoCoA-5 Support #489: CoCoAManual: Doc for strings
I'm undecided how best to organize the manual page(s) for strings.
Currently they're in a "funny" section of the manu...
John Abbott
11:55 CoCoA-5 Feature #273: Package for Polynomial Algebra Homomorphisms
I've sent the files -- they ought to be translated into english...
John Abbott

17 Apr 2014

20:18 CoCoA-5 Feature #414: New fn to increase max recursion depth
Works OK up to stack size of about 5400; at 5500 I get a SEGV. Why????
Also get SEGV without @--stacksize@ option; ...
John Abbott
20:10 CoCoA-5 Feature #414: New fn to increase max recursion depth
I've implemented a "quick fix":
* ctor @RuntimeEnvironment@ now has extra arg for specifying @MaxStackSize@
* ctor fo...
John Abbott
19:07 CoCoA-5 Support #208: describe $package
*Anna* will check the manual!
John Abbott
19:02 CoCoA-5 Design #481 (Feedback): Multiline comments -- obsolescent?
*The solution chosen is (c)* John Abbott
18:57 CoCoA-5 Feature #384 (Feedback): IsZero for matrix
John Abbott
18:43 CoCoA-5 Feature #359: RingOf for list
Want to discuss precise specifications of the fn.
John Abbott
18:42 CoCoA-5 Design #412: intersection (all lower case)
We will discuss the design/names @IntersectList@ @intersection@ etc??
John Abbott
18:39 CoCoALib Feature #431 (Closed): NewPolyRing_DMPI has no constructor with a predefined PPM
John Abbott
15:17 CoCoALib Feature #431 (Feedback): NewPolyRing_DMPI has no constructor with a predefined PPM
Anna Maria Bigatti
10:30 CoCoALib Feature #431: NewPolyRing_DMPI has no constructor with a predefined PPM
> JAA noticed that ex-PolyRing1.C is too long & complicated; split it into two (one about ctors, the other about doin... Anna Maria Bigatti
18:38 CoCoALib Bug #67 (Closed): Rename MatrixViews
Renamed source files (&Makefile) & doc; changed references in doc. John Abbott
16:38 CoCoALib Support #528: Release: CoCoALib-0.99533
first prelease on web-page Anna Maria Bigatti
08:51 CoCoALib Support #528: Release: CoCoALib-0.99533
*make ValgrindTests* DONE (only the "throw-16b-leaks")
Anna Maria Bigatti
08:41 CoCoALib Support #528 (In Progress): Release: CoCoALib-0.99533
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:23 CoCoALib Support #288 (Closed): DynamicBitset example using LPP
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:22 CoCoALib Feature #539 (New): Functions to clean up a factorization
A factorization is arbitrary.
Choose and implement functions to clean it up (e.g. grouping all equal factors in one ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:19 CoCoALib Design #254 (Closed): How to return a Hilbert Series in CoCoALib
(for now) we have decided that factorization of denom is arbitrary.
There will be functions to clean up a factorizat...
Anna Maria Bigatti
09:55 CoCoALib Bug #510 (Closed): SyzOfGens (CoCoALib): fix shifts
Anna Maria Bigatti
09:25 CoCoALib Feature #373 (Closed): add DeleteCol, DeleteRow
Anna Maria Bigatti
08:37 CoCoALib Feature #298 (Closed): Valgrind: keep CoCoALib at 0 memory leaks
I checked and confirm that the tests listed (those "leaking" *16 bytes*) are those which test errors (at least once).... Anna Maria Bigatti
08:24 CoCoALib Bug #351 (Closed): Problems with DenseMatImpl::myResize
tested, added test-matrix4 (which indeed gave IMMINENT DISASTER before recompiling ;-) Anna Maria Bigatti

16 Apr 2014

01:03 CoCoA-5 Feature #414: New fn to increase max recursion depth
*Do the "quick fix"!* Not satisfactory, but a proper soln is going to be costly :-( John Abbott
01:01 CoCoA-5 Feature #273: Package for Polynomial Algebra Homomorphisms
JAA must give Anna Giulia's code!
John Abbott
00:59 CoCoA-5 Support #489: CoCoAManual: Doc for strings
JAA suggests:
* one page about string literals, concat and indexing
* one page about "escape sequences" inside string...
John Abbott
00:52 CoCoALib Feature #431: NewPolyRing_DMPI has no constructor with a predefined PPM
JAA noticed that @ex-PolyRing1.C@ is too long & complicated; split it into two (one about ctors, the other about doin... John Abbott
00:50 CoCoALib Design #254: How to return a Hilbert Series in CoCoALib
I'm not an expert in the field, and in my ignorance find the "compact" form more satisfactory. I could even envisage... John Abbott
00:40 CoCoALib Bug #351: Problems with DenseMatImpl::myResize
I guess you could use @raw(zero(myR))@ instead of @raw(useless)@; though perhaps the latter is clearer?
John Abbott
18:59 CoCoALib Feature #298: Valgrind: keep CoCoALib at 0 memory leaks
JAA suggested to try ... Anna Maria Bigatti
16:46 CoCoALib Feature #298: Valgrind: keep CoCoALib at 0 memory leaks
I confirm the previous leaks (probably due to test for *throwing/catching errors*)
This "16-byte leak" is independent...
Anna Maria Bigatti
07:54 CoCoALib Feature #298: Valgrind: keep CoCoALib at 0 memory leaks
... Anna Maria Bigatti
17:21 CoCoA-5 Support #338: MacOS version with static gcc libraries
I tried @cocoa-5.0.9-text-mac10.6.tgz@ (28 Mar 2014) on my machine; it did not start... John Abbott
14:11 CoCoA-5 Feature #204: NmzComputation: the powerful NormalizComputation function in CoCoA-5
Some explanation on NmzIntegrate:
The possible input is basically the same as for Normaliz. This means the cone re...
Christof Soeger
11:25 CoCoA-5 Feature #204: NmzComputation: the powerful NormalizComputation function in CoCoA-5
Which example do you mean? For me all the newer ones (from update 10 on) are working. The older should work too if yo... Christof Soeger
08:29 CoCoA-5 Feature #204: NmzComputation: the powerful NormalizComputation function in CoCoA-5
The example in the description does not work.
Postponing this issue to Seoul version (with full manual to be publish...
Anna Maria Bigatti
12:39 CoCoA-5 Feature #419 (Feedback): FloatStr
Implementation is in @ToString.H/C@
@DecimalStr@ now defaults to 3 digits after decimal point.
John Abbott
08:44 CoCoA-5 Feature #419: FloatStr
I tested the new *DecimalStr*: I'd prefer 3 digits after "." by default (instead of 4).
I find it more natural to gro...
Anna Maria Bigatti
12:37 CoCoALib Bug #538: Compilation problem in TmpMorsePaths.C
Added copyright blurb to @TmpMorse..@ files.
John Abbott
12:08 CoCoALib Bug #538: Compilation problem in TmpMorsePaths.C
JAA has tried the proposed modification, and can report that it compiles and all tests pass.
*HOWEVER*, the relevant...
John Abbott
12:06 CoCoALib Bug #538 (Closed): Compilation problem in TmpMorsePaths.C
[reported by Roberto Pagaria <roberto-dot-pagaria-chiocciola-sns-dot-it>]
Ieri ho tentato di installare CoCoALib su ...
John Abbott
12:34 CoCoA-5 Design #534: Remove float.cpkg5
[I've already written this in #419]
I tested the new *DecimalStr*: I'd prefer 3 digits after "." by default (instead...
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:50 CoCoALib Slug #537: FloatStr uses too much memory
Just for the record: I did the experiment from within C-5.1, and the time taken (for just @FloatStr@) was 32.3s
John Abbott
11:49 CoCoALib Slug #537 (New): FloatStr uses too much memory
Using CoCoAlib-0.99533 @FloatStr@ uses about 1.5Gbytes extra memory when applied to
John Abbott
11:17 CoCoA-5 Bug #462 (Feedback): Emacs UI: semicolon problems
It seems to work OK for me too.
I do vaguely recall discovering what the problem was and then fixing it (but evident...
John Abbott
08:38 CoCoA-5 Bug #462: Emacs UI: semicolon problems
Works fine for me, no problems in strings or comments. Has this been fixed already?
Anna Maria Bigatti
08:34 CoCoA-5 Bug #460 (Feedback): Emacs UI: updating abbrev-table
Anna Maria Bigatti
07:49 CoCoA-5 Feature #381 (Feedback): Emacs User Interface: Easier binding for sending a line to cocoa-5
Final testing (thanks Oscar Fernández Ramos!)
There are problems when loading CUA-mode (for copying and pasting wi...
Anna Maria Bigatti

15 Apr 2014

16:20 CoCoALib Design #498: IsIntegralDomain, IamIntegralDomain3
The final design is:... John Abbott
16:09 CoCoALib Design #498 (Closed): IsIntegralDomain, IamIntegralDomain3
John Abbott
16:16 CoCoA-5 Feature #502 (Feedback): New fn/object type: timer
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:13 CoCoALib Feature #71 (Closed): ZeroMat & FilledMat
John Abbott
15:50 CoCoALib Design #377 (Closed): IsDivisible -- exact semantics?
John Abbott
15:47 CoCoALib Design #513 (In Progress): Quick/correct flag for bool3 fns
We should start by looking at the various current uses of @bool3@, and possibly any obvious future candidates. John Abbott
15:39 CoCoALib Feature #342 (Closed): Remove denominators: QQ[x] -> ZZ[x] (and PushBack(coeff, PP))
A new *@ClearDenom@* function has been added to @SparsePolyRing@; it follows very closely the code @ClearDenom2@ I wr... John Abbott
15:20 CoCoA-5 Bug #470 (Closed): Emacs UI: cocoa5-close-block should beep when there is no block to close
It works. Closing. Anna Maria Bigatti
15:09 CoCoALib Design #415 (In Progress): Remove AsPolyRing etc?
Reopening because it was auto-closed when I closed #139 which this duplicates.
John Abbott
15:07 CoCoALib Design #415 (Closed): Remove AsPolyRing etc?
Closing because it is duplicated John Abbott
15:07 CoCoALib Feature #139 (Closed): Usefulness of ring casting fns (remove AsPolyRing, etc.)
Closing because it is duplicated John Abbott
14:26 CoCoALib Design #408 (Closed): Rename MatrixArith to MatrixOperations
John Abbott
14:25 CoCoALib Support #285 (Closed): Notes for adding/removing files from documentation
This is info is in the file @doc/README@ -- it's been there for some time now! John Abbott
14:23 CoCoALib Feature #356 (Closed): IsZeroDivisor
The current impl is simple, compact and works fine in the cases we have tried. Let's KISS until someone points out t... John Abbott
13:53 CoCoALib Design #511 (Closed): Rename file TmpFactor to factor
John Abbott
13:26 CoCoA-5 Feature #523 (Feedback): EmacsUI: lower case keywords
Now it should recognize all properly written keywords (*PriNT* is accepted but not properly written)
Now there is an ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
13:26 CoCoALib Support #508 (Closed): Renaming: SqfreeFactor to SqFreeFactor
John Abbott
13:23 CoCoALib Feature #17 (Closed): implement "binomial" (coefficient) for RingElem
John Abbott
13:15 CoCoALib Feature #5 (Closed): Coefficient extraction
John Abbott
13:03 CoCoALib Slug #479 (Closed): make check in examples/ directory is far too slow
Now it takes 60s on my machine which is quite acceptable.
John Abbott
12:54 CoCoALib Feature #138 (Closed): Automatic conversion from bool3 to bool?
John Abbott
12:46 CoCoALib Bug #517 (Closed): MaxSquarableInteger gives wrong ans for unsigned long
John Abbott
12:43 CoCoALib Feature #526 (Closed): Fn to test if an integer is a power of 2
John Abbott
12:39 CoCoALib Support #66 (Closed): BigInt - NumTheory
The doc is now much improved; no doubt it will be tweaked occasionally in the future, but this issue can now be close... John Abbott
12:31 CoCoALib Feature #107 (Closed): Recognizing finite fields
No problems have arisen in 2 years. In ptic the fns *@IsPthPower2@* and *@PthRoot2@* have not made their absence fel... John Abbott
12:27 CoCoALib Bug #536 (Closed): Make RingBase::myCharacteristic a fn rather than a proc
The mem fn @RingBase::myCharacteristic@ returns @void@ (supposedly for "efficiency", but who's going to calculate mil... John Abbott

14 Apr 2014

16:32 CoCoA-5 Feature #384: IsZero for matrix
> JAA suggests putting it in *MatrixOperations*
(after talking about it on the phone) moved all *Is..* functions f...
Anna Maria Bigatti
10:56 CoCoA-5 Feature #384: IsZero for matrix
John Abbott wrote:
> JAA suggests putting it in *@MatrixOperations@*
OK. Should we also move *IsZeroRow/Col*?
Anna Maria Bigatti
10:39 CoCoA-5 Feature #384: IsZero for matrix
JAA suggests putting it in *@MatrixOperations@* John Abbott
08:59 CoCoA-5 Feature #384: IsZero for matrix
Added to cocoa-5
I had to add *evalArgAsT1orT2orT3orT4orT5orT6orT7* in *Interpreter.H*.
Anna Maria Bigatti
08:42 CoCoA-5 Feature #384: IsZero for matrix
Implemented as described above.
Seems to work (added test @IsZero(ZeroMat(R, 12345,67890))@ and is fast).
But where...
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:02 CoCoA-5 Support #251: How to add a test for CoCoA-5 (CoCoAInterpreter)
JAA suggests as a general rule: try to avoid designing tests that produce much output (unless the test specifically c... John Abbott
09:24 CoCoA-5 Support #338: MacOS version with static gcc libraries
I noticed that CoCoAInterpreter for 10.5 works on my 10.6.
... so John fixed it?
What about viceversa?
John: could...
Anna Maria Bigatti
09:20 CoCoA-5 Support #286 (In Progress): How to test (automatically) a user defined CoCoA function
Anna Maria Bigatti
09:12 CoCoA-5 Feature #359 (In Progress): RingOf for list
Should this function work only for list of RINGELEM?
If so we can directly use *HasUniqueOwner*, otherwise is is ver...
Anna Maria Bigatti
09:07 CoCoA-5 Support #176 (Feedback): CoCoAManual: Doc for new commands
I think that now the manual is more diligently updated than the *Translation table*.
Close this issue?
Anna Maria Bigatti
09:06 CoCoA-5 Support #179 (Feedback): TeX documentation for CoCoA-5
Now the make target is done and works well. Moreover generating the TeX documentation is actually useful for checkin... Anna Maria Bigatti

13 Apr 2014

21:05 CoCoA-5 Feature #384 (In Progress): IsZero for matrix
I tried implementing it in a clever way but got stuck.
(clever = ZeroImpl gives true, IdentityImpl gives false, ...)...
Anna Maria Bigatti

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