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Design #311: XelMat, StdDegRevLexMat, ... should be MatrixView
Feature #856: MantissaAndExponent2 for twin-float
Feature #899: IsMaximal, IsPrimary for IDEAL (in cocoalib)
Feature #902: New function: FrobeniusMat
Feature #951: New function: IsSqFree
Feature #955: RandomUnimodularMat - random unimodular matrix (of integers)
Feature #957: New function: HasGBasis
Feature #961: New function: ReducedGBasis
Feature #1008: square function
Feature #1050: ExternalLibs: function for getting info
Feature #116: ordering matrices with rational coefficients
Feature #30: SwapRows, Cols
Feature #156: Brand new symbol(s)
Feature #69: p-th root
Feature #210: Normaliz: "double" cone for speed and safety
Feature #211: NBM: add SparsePolyRing as argument for ordering
Feature #224: Leading form
Feature #241: AreMonomials
Feature #51: polynomial coefficient extraction w.r.t. variable
Feature #3: implement creation of a PPMonoidElement from vector<BigInt>
Feature #50: Polynomial content
Feature #121: Porting "IdealOfPoints"
Feature #236: Add homog (homogenized) for ideal
Feature #283: Rational approximation
Feature #300: Add fault tolerant rational reconstruction to library
Feature #320: PPMonoid pseudo-ctors without symbol names
Bug #335: Equality of (sub)modules
Bug #349: IdealOfPoints: gens are actually a GBasis
Feature #354: New function BinRepr (was BinExp, also known as Macaulay representation)
Feature #390: Store unique copy of QQ[t_1..t_n] (RingQQt) in GlobalManager
Feature #40: Squarefree factorization - Alessio d'Ali`
Feature #41: Squarefree factorization - overhead
Feature #42: Squarefree factorization - generic case
Feature #43: Squarefree factorization - for polynomials
Feature #44: Squarefree factorization - univariate polynomials
Feature #45: Squarefree factorization - univariate polynomials, char 0
Feature #46: Squarefree factorization - univariate polynomials, char p > 0
Feature #48: Squarefree factorization - multivariate polynomials, char 0
Feature #49: Squarefree factorization - multivariate polynomials, char p > 0
Feature #144: Buchberger-Moeller: generic impl
Feature #278: add CoeffVecWRT to cocoalib
Feature #39: Squarefree factorization
Feature #47: Squarefree factorization - multivariate polynomials
Feature #203: Function to get the Hilbert Polynomial ring from GlobalManager
Feature #209: ReadExpr: input polynomials in CoCoALib
Feature #219: myDeriv for RingDenseUPolyClean still missing
Feature #233: AsINT and AsRAT -- ConvertTo<BigInt> and ConvertTo<BigRat>
Feature #248: IsDivisible for RingElem with nice interface
Feature #312: LongRange(a,b) returning vector of long a..b (included)
Feature #366: function (CoCoALib) for minimal generators (like old Minimalize)
Feature #407: RingElem ctor from mpz_t (from Bruns)
Feature #416: New fn: NumPartitions
Feature #496: ideal: minimalize or minimalized?
Feature #5: Coefficient extraction
Feature #17: implement "binomial" (coefficient) for RingElem
Feature #107: Recognizing finite fields
Design #254: How to return a Hilbert Series in CoCoALib
Feature #342: Remove denominators: QQ[x] -> ZZ[x] (and PushBack(coeff, PP))
Feature #356: IsZeroDivisor
Feature #373: add DeleteCol, DeleteRow
Feature #431: NewPolyRing_DMPI has no constructor with a predefined PPM
Feature #526: Fn to test if an integer is a power of 2
Feature #533: Convert BigInt/BigRat to string
Feature #540: Progress reporter
Feature #62: polynomial coefficient extraction w.r.t. single variable -- dense output
Feature #72: MatByRows, MatByCols
Feature #223: Automatic mapping of RingElems
Feature #304: Module ordering and grading (and shifts)
Feature #554: CoCoALib-Normaliz interface: cannot print a cone
Feature #571: CmpAbs for RingElem
Design #584: BaseRing for all rings
Feature #585: (Hilbert-) quasi-polynomials
Feature #520: Compute inverse in quotient ring (i.e. division in algebraic extn)
Feature #623: Inverse of a matrix over ZZ
Feature #625: NumTheory: sieve of Eratosthenes
Feature #714: Interrupt mechanism
Feature #715: RandomSubsetIndices, RandomTupleIndices?
Feature #215: Janet Bases: check and include code in CoCoALib (first prototype)
Design #602: OrdMat: should it be a reference to a MatrixView in all PPOrderings?
Feature #735: Convert a PPMonoidElem to RingElem with coefficient one
Feature #762: ExternalLib-GFan: first prototype
Feature #795: Add new fn InvModNoCheck
Feature #811: Add new fn SimplestBinaryRatBetween
Feature #836: SmallFpImpl: export fns for a fixed convention
Feature #848: Implement MinPoly in CoCoALib
Feature #361: implement IsPrime3, IsMaximal3
Feature #630: Add graeffe function?
Feature #638: Time limit: let user specify time limit for a computation
Feature #796: CoCoALib function for radical (or SqFree) of a polynomial
Feature #979: SmallestNonDivisor -- new fn
Feature #1033: Split poly into homog parts
Feature #1053: New function: IdealOfGBasis, IdealOfMinGens in CoCoALib
Feature #1090: ExternaLib-MathSAT: first prototype
Feature #1102: Implement RootBound
Feature #1108: New fn: IsCoprime (whenever gcd makes sense)
Feature #374: Porting "IdealOfProjectivePoints"
Feature #587: port to CoCoALib: Homomorphism pkg (ker, IsInjective, IsSurjective..)
Feature #900: New function: MinPoly of RingElem in quotient ring
Feature #901: New function: PrimaryDecomposition0 in CoCoALib
Feature #1126: New function: SubmoduleOfMinGens
Feature #1131: Sturm sequence
Feature #1154: SmallFpImpl: new ctor arg to say do-not-check-that-arg-is-prime
Feature #1155: Create a new "prime source" iterator
Feature #1158: New function: MinPolyQuotHeuristic --> MinPolyQuot with VerificationLevel
Feature #1167: New class VerificationLevel
Feature #1169: New function: RandomLinearForm (CoCoALib)
Feature #1178: New function: myPrimaryDecomposition_0dim
Feature #11: Bareiss algorithm
Feature #1209: New function: HasPositiveGrading
Feature #1251: New function: radical for monomial ideal
Feature #1297: New fn: FixedDivisor (formerly IntrinsicContent)
Feature #1301: New function primorial
Feature #1332: New function: vector of RingElem from string -- in CoCoALib
Feature #4: Squarefree GCD-free basis
Feature #91: Return type & name for "indets" of a PP
Feature #259: Squarefree(?) GCD-free basis
Feature #303: Rows and Columns of a matrix
Feature #357: Constructor for vectors? CoCoAVector
Feature #658: Indets actually in a poly (or vector or matrix)
Feature #1277: Gaussian row reduction
Feature #1427: New function: LawrenceMat
Feature #1299: New fn ConstantTerm?
Bug #15: Adjoint of a non-invertible matrix
Feature #122: Porting "LinKer"
Feature #1235: FreeModule: get canonical basis
Feature #1405: New fn: interreduction
Feature #1436: Flatten for a matrix
Feature #1483: IsPowerOf2 for rationals
Feature #1490: New function: MinusOneToPower
Feature #1580: New fn prim for polys
Feature #800: PPMonoidSparse: impl of sparse PPs
Feature #937: LinDepMill: Mill for linear dependencies
Feature #1210: New Fn: make public "coefficients" (of poly wrt a given PP basis)
Feature #1212: New function: GBasisByHomog
Feature #1488: BuiltIn Interreduce-Function
Feature #1619: Make saturate available in CoCoALib
Feature #1684: RandomNBitPrime - new fn
Feature #1694: New expv/exponents function?
Feature #1723: New fn CoprimePart, OddPart: naming question
Feature #1763: implement ideal(R) for zero ideal, with no generators?
Feature #1770: Evaluate polynomial function/class
Feature #1780: radical for ideals in SparsePolyRing: code in C++
Feature #1788: New MatrixView/function "FirstRows/FirstCols"?
Feature #1818: Implement FGLM
Feature #1819: New functions in CoCoALib using GBasisTrunc: MinSubsetOfGens, IsContainedTrunc, ..
Feature #125: Matrix equation solving; linear system solving
Feature #206: Matrix equation solving: LinKer
Feature #313: Elim(vector<long>) as PPOrderingCtor
Feature #664: Impl small non-prime finite fields (using logs)
Feature #801: Test whether a symbol is in a ring
Feature #802: DivMask: extend interface?
Feature #813: Implement "elim" in CoCoALib
Feature #898: New function: cardinality of finite field?
Feature #947: IsRadical for ideal?
Feature #958: New function: multiplicity and dim
Feature #1094: Revive code for SelfSaturating GBasis
Feature #1132: Canonical homomorphism for (some) polynomial rings?
Feature #1176: interval arithmetic
Feature #1197: IsZeroDet: new fn
Feature #1207: New function: SubmoduleOfGBasis
Feature #1254: New function: MinPoly for pseudo-zero-dimensional ideals
Feature #1306: exgcd over integers (ZZ)
Feature #1444: HNF: Hermite Normal Form
Feature #1635: NR for polys with coeffs in PID
Feature #1715: ProductBigInt (also ProductBigRat???)
Feature #1743: Implement Truncated GBases for homogeneous input
Feature #1778: Homogenizer
Feature #1808: New constructor for PolyRing with elimination ordering
Feature #1817: OSCAR/MaRDI JSON interface
Feature #949: New function: IdealWithIncrementalGBasis(I, f)
Feature #1282: subresultant
Feature #1433: HilbertDriven Buchberger Algorithm
Feature #1437: Filling matrix row/col from a vector
Feature #1441: GFan: port CoCoA_5 functions into CoCoALib
Feature #1468: Adjoin indets to a poly ring
Feature #1470: Get indexed indets from a polyring
Feature #1472: Idea for for loops
Feature #1482: Extended rationals: PlusInfinity and MinusInfinity
Feature #1532: Convenient RingHom pseudo-ctors
Feature #1602: Sparse matrix (SparseMat)
Feature #1652: Add LM to cocoalib ?
Feature #1785: Add function IsHomog3(I)?
Feature #1797: Add a function CleanupGens making some easy cleaning on the generators?
Feature #1815: JSON and UUID
Feature #113: Introduce PartialHom
Feature #123: IdealOfPoints with generic coeffs
Feature #127: Convert DUPFF code to C++
Slug #129: Better GCD
Feature #134: Convenience ring ctors and homs
Feature #143: Buchberger-Moeller (parent task)
Feature #145: Buchberger-Moeller: fast modular impl
Feature #147: Buchberger-Moeller: impl via modular reduction
Feature #146: Buchberger-Moeller: input conversions
Feature #151: Iterated CanonicalHom
Feature #174: IsStdGraded: add for PPOrdering, PPMonoid, (Sparse)PolyRing..
Feature #227: HilbertBasis from Normaliz: full-lattice or not?
Feature #229: Generator for random ring elements
Feature #246: Approx QIR
Feature #289: PrimeField -- new fn?
Design #297: Modules design: brainstorming
Feature #337: Module homs
Feature #383: Resolution/morse: integrate Mario Albert's code into CoCoALib
Feature #386: add resolution data type
Feature #387: implement algorithm(s) for resolutions
Feature #399: add myHilbertSeries member field to ideal and (sub)module
Feature #400: add myJBMill member field to ideal
Feature #409: Minimal syzygies (optimized implementation)
Feature #436: Improve UPoly eval at BigRat for binary rational
Feature #440: Port RealRoots to C++
Feature #442: Eigenvectors
Feature #459: LinearSimplify: port to CoCoALib
Design #513: Quick/correct flag for bool3 fns
Feature #515: Fn to "flatten" muliple polynomial extns
Feature #539: Functions to clean up a factorization
Feature #565: FloatApprox for TwinFloat values?
Feature #570: Allow use of RingElem instead of ring in some functions (e.g. PPM, CoeffRing)
Feature #583: New function for printing with extra information
Feature #589: Implement gin (generic initial ideal) in cocoalib
Design #620: Redesign CRTMill
Feature #627: Gaussian integer and rationals ZZi, QQi
Feature #628: Complex twin-floats
Feature #644: Buchberger-Moeller: add option to stop as soon as 1 poly has been found
Feature #651: Optimized algorithms for implicitization (slicing algorithm, elim, subalgebra..)
Feature #661: Laurent polynomials
Feature #665: Integrate Janet/Pommaret basis code
Feature #667: factor: multivariate + finite characteristic
Feature #678: Accumulator (like a geobucket)
Feature #690: Fault tolerant rational reconstruction: implement simultaneous version
Design #703: Add more operations between modules (CoCoALib)
Feature #728: Noncommutative algebra "of solvable type"
Feature #738: Extend homomorphism to polynomial ring
Feature #803: PPOrdering: use it to compute WDeg?
Feature #812: PPMonoid pseudo-ctor without explicit ordering
Feature #817: GenRepr in CoCoALib?
Feature #828: MachineInt: function for checking that value is greater than some lower limit (and below MAXLONG)
Feature #838: Differential algebra
Feature #840: GINV: alex basis
Feature #873: bool3: add some logical operations?
Feature #885: IsIrred3: fast 3-way irred test (returning bool3)
Feature #913: Read input from SymbolicData database
Feature #914: New function: quorem for univariate polynomials?
Feature #923: Fn to read symbol range (SymbolRange)
Feature #992: Poly ring homomorphism to change ordering
Feature #1022: New "LF" function which is based on StdDeg
Feature #1150: New fn: transform ideal with ring hom
Feature #1173: Upper bound for value of poly in an interval
Feature #1198: Non-standard DegRevLex (NonStdDegRevLex, WDegRevLex)
Feature #1227: exgcd; solve Bezout equation
Feature #1278: Port old "clever" code for matrix determinant over ZZ to CoCoALib
Feature #1339: All PPs of given wdeg
Feature #1001: CoCoALib: ideas for student projects
CoCoALib-0.99550 spring 2017 100%
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