



From 13 Jan 2020 to 11 Feb 2020

11 Feb 2020

18:33 CoCoALib Bug #1402 (Closed): gfan: installation problem: configure reports cdd.h present but cannot be compiled
The warning seems to be harmless: it worked on my Linux box, and it works on Anna's Mac despite the warnings.
We d...
John Abbott
18:31 CoCoALib Design #1346: C++14: use the new for loop syntax where appropriate (like cocoa's foreach)
worked on TmpGReductor: much more readable!!! Anna Maria Bigatti
18:28 CoCoALib Bug #1308 (Closed): test-GFan1 fails
Annd and I spent quite a long time getting the latest versions of CDD and GFAN to compile, and work with CoCoALib.
John Abbott
18:09 CoCoALib Bug #1362 (Feedback): GBasis verbose mode: some output is on cerr/clog
Anna has changed all prints in @TmpGReductors@ to use the stream produced by @VerboseLog@.
Compiles & all tests pa...
John Abbott
18:07 CoCoALib Slug #969 (Closed): Output to bad stream (operator<< and myOutput): just return immediately
I have decided also to put "short-cuts" for bad ostreams inside the mem fns which produce output.
This is not really...
John Abbott
13:13 CoCoALib Design #1413 (Closed): configure script: MODE option obsolete?
After discussing with Anna, I have removed the obsolete option *@--mode@*.
John Abbott
12:41 CoCoALib Design #1413 (Closed): configure script: MODE option obsolete?
The help for @configure@ says there is a *@--mode@* option, but looking at the code in the @configure@ script, it see... John Abbott
12:22 CoCoALib Bug #1319 (Closed): Problem rebuilding dependencies when file PREPROCESSOR_DEFNS.H does not exist
John Abbott
12:09 CoCoALib Design #1377 (Closed): CpuTimeLimit: limit "intervals" between full checks
Improved doc with Anna's help. Closing.
John Abbott

07 Feb 2020

12:19 CoCoALib Slug #1394: Oddly slow GBasis computation (slow final cleanup)
Here is another example (with *@DegRevLex@*). The "Final clean up" consumes 99% of the time!... John Abbott

06 Feb 2020

18:45 CoCoA-5 Bug #1412: Emacs UI: font size
same here!
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:14 CoCoA-5 Bug #1412 (In Progress): Emacs UI: font size
An important clarification:
* if I send a line to CoCoA-5 then the magnification remains unaffected
* if I do *@Sou...
John Abbott

05 Feb 2020

22:48 CoCoA-5 Bug #1412: Emacs UI: font size
On my computer it keeps the big fonts.
Both on emacs-24 and emacs-26.
Anna Maria Bigatti
22:02 CoCoA-5 Bug #1412 (Closed): Emacs UI: font size
With my emacs (ver. 25) I can increase the size of the font using @C-x C-+@.
This also works for a @*cocoa5*@ comint...
John Abbott
14:12 CoCoA-5 Feature #1236: Add "socket" devices
I have made the manual entry better (I hope!)
John Abbott
13:35 CoCoALib Design #1409: myTestIsPrimary & Co. : fix design
I like the suggestion to change the fn to *@void@*. Still we should discuss it when I'm there.
Also we should look ...
John Abbott

04 Feb 2020

13:48 CoCoALib Feature #1395: SHA checksum for released code
Florian has reported a problem with our being "naughty" about making a new release without changing the version numbe... John Abbott
13:38 CoCoALib Design #1409: myTestIsPrimary & Co. : fix design
The corrected code should be in 0.99700.
We should discuss the design when I'm in Genoa. Maybe we can finish this f...
John Abbott
13:35 CoCoA-5 Feature #1399: CoCoA-5 interpreter: idle/busy indicator
I have just spoken to Klaus.
JAA will try to modify the interpreter so that it send the "status messages" to a speci...
John Abbott

03 Feb 2020

17:47 CoCoA-5 Bug #1408 (Feedback): CoCoAManual - tex: error if syntax is missing
done. checked-in. Anna Maria Bigatti
15:08 CoCoA-5 Bug #1408 (In Progress): CoCoAManual - tex: error if syntax is missing
Yes, I think this is reasonable. Presumably the entries for the obsolescent commands should simply say which functio... John Abbott
11:32 CoCoA-5 Bug #1408 (Closed): CoCoAManual - tex: error if syntax is missing
I realized that tex fails if the syntax field of a command is missing, and the error message is not helpful (problem ... Anna Maria Bigatti
16:03 CoCoA-5 Feature #1410: IsDivisible also for INT
Yes. I think there are probably just two (main) cases:
* @INT@ and @INT@
* not so sur...
John Abbott
15:48 CoCoA-5 Feature #1410: IsDivisible also for INT
John Abbott wrote:
> I have been caught out by this myself on several occasions. I know one can use @mod@ instead, ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
13:42 CoCoA-5 Feature #1410 (In Progress): IsDivisible also for INT
I have been caught out by this myself on several occasions. I know one can use @mod@ instead, but it is more express... John Abbott
13:40 CoCoA-5 Feature #1410 (Closed): IsDivisible also for INT
In CoCoALib @IsDivisible@ works for various types of value, including integers.
In CoCoA-5, it expects just a @RINGE...
John Abbott
15:42 CoCoALib Bug #1411 (Closed): IsPrimary sometimes wrong
This was a duplicate of #1409; server problems in Genoa meant I didn't know/notice that Anna had already resolved thi... John Abbott
14:43 CoCoALib Bug #1411 (Resolved): IsPrimary sometimes wrong
I think it is OK now.
The problem was in @SparsePolyOps-ideal-ZeroDim.C@ around line 295. The result was computed...
John Abbott
13:45 CoCoALib Bug #1411 (Closed): IsPrimary sometimes wrong
The @IsPrimary@ sometimes gives a wrong result.
Here is an instance:...
John Abbott
15:39 CoCoALib Design #1409 (In Progress): myTestIsPrimary & Co. : fix design
I fixed this as well. Anyway, we can merge when I'm in Italy (hopefully).
I agree that the use of @myAssignPrimar...
John Abbott
13:21 CoCoALib Design #1409: myTestIsPrimary & Co. : fix design
I added the test to @exbugs.cocoa5@ Anna Maria Bigatti
13:20 CoCoALib Design #1409: myTestIsPrimary & Co. : fix design
This was the error, found by Ashkan Nikseresht (nice feedback! thanks!)... Anna Maria Bigatti
12:58 CoCoALib Design #1409 (Closed): myTestIsPrimary & Co. : fix design
I spent a few hours fixing a bug in... Anna Maria Bigatti

31 Jan 2020

13:57 CoCoA-5 Design #1407: Tagged values (Hilbert Series)
The solution I implemented is this. (a bit like public/private functions in C++)
The package $hp, responsibl...
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:25 CoCoA-5 Design #1407: Tagged values (Hilbert Series)
Yes, i just want to create a "new" Hilbert series without knowing a generating system of the ring corresponding to it... Bernhard Andraschko
10:46 CoCoA-5 Design #1407: Tagged values (Hilbert Series)
Fate wants that I'm facing exactly the same problem!!
And I have a neat idea in mind!
Bernhard: which tags do you...
Anna Maria Bigatti
10:29 CoCoALib Feature #1395: SHA checksum for released code
I suppose the GPG signatures give a better guarantee of correctness.
Probably we should try both ways, and see how...
John Abbott

30 Jan 2020

14:14 CoCoA-5 Design #1407 (Closed): Tagged values (Hilbert Series)
Bernhard Andraschko has a new program which calculates Hilbert series.
He would like to make it produce a result com...
John Abbott

29 Jan 2020

22:24 CoCoALib Bug #986 (In Progress): GFan: require version newer than 0.6
*2020-01-28* I have written to Anders. He is willing to put a @GFANLIB_VERSION@ CPP macro in future versions (starti... John Abbott
12:07 CoCoALib Feature #1395: SHA checksum for released code
I have just stumbled across "GPG" signatures for software. There is a description at @ John Abbott

28 Jan 2020

15:56 CoCoA-5 Bug #1406 (New): Poor memory management?
I tried something like the following:... John Abbott
15:46 CoCoALib Feature #1405: New fn: interreduction
Julian already has an impl which works for him/
We should decide exact semantics and API.
*After* Vietnam!
John Abbott
15:45 CoCoALib Feature #1405 (Closed): New fn: interreduction
Add a new function to perform interreduction of a list of polys.
Julian already has an impl.
John Abbott
15:20 CoCoA-5 Support #1404: Which commands should "terms" be a keyword for?
hmmm, you are right.
"terms" should be in the keys for support, monomials, coefficients, at least.
Anna Maria Bigatti
14:41 CoCoA-5 Support #1404 (In Progress): Which commands should "terms" be a keyword for?
One possibility is that @?terms@ produces the page for @NumTerms@, but that then in the "see also" section there are ... John Abbott
14:26 CoCoA-5 Support #1404 (Closed): Which commands should "terms" be a keyword for?
What do you expect the CoCoA-5 manual to respond to the query:... John Abbott
11:57 CoCoA-5 Design #476: Review utility of package IO
I have implemented a *@fold@* function in CoCoALib, and exported it to CoCoA-5.
I have not implemented a "smart" f...
John Abbott
10:54 CoCoA-5 Bug #713 (Feedback): External libs: interrupting not easy
Since this issue was created we have also added @SignalWatcher@ to CoCoALib; so this issue is just as relevant to CoC... John Abbott
10:29 CoCoA-5 Feature #1358: Emacs UI: should active input line be cleared before sending line from CoCoA-5 file?
I think the function that I added is the following...
@(defun cocoa5-send-string (cocoa5-input-line)...)@
I prefe...
John Abbott
10:15 CoCoA-5 Bug #1384 (Feedback): NewPolyRing and SymbolRange
John Abbott

27 Jan 2020

18:03 CoCoALib Support #613: Which ubuntu / debian packages are needed to compile CoCoA
We should check the situation, and add appropriate advice in the release notes! John Abbott
17:58 CoCoALib Feature #4 (Rejected): Squarefree GCD-free basis
I am rejecting this issue.
The "squarefree" part is too risky/costly for large integer args.
It could be done for p...
John Abbott
17:55 CoCoALib Bug #2 (Resolved): Makefile problem in ROOT and/or src/AlgebraicCore
It still happens -- in a sense.
It is not really harmful; just a bit annoying.
If I do @make lib@ then it compi...
John Abbott
17:48 CoCoALib Design #854 (In Progress): Function MakeTermOrd should be renamed MakeTermOrdMat?
Currently we have @MakeTermOrd@ both in CoCoALib and CoCoA-5.
Acceptable? Close?
Last comment was 2 years ago.
John Abbott
17:43 CoCoALib Bug #736 (Closed): QuotientRing: is it correct to prohibit quotient by ideal(1)?
This was presumably done about 4 years ago, but we forgot to close the issue...
Closing now.
John Abbott
17:35 CoCoALib Slug #722: valuation slow for large inputs
The timings on my current machine (Fujitsu) are:
@FactorMultiplicity(2, N)@ about 16s
@FactorMultiplicity(5, N)@ ...
John Abbott
17:30 CoCoALib Support #256: Improve doc about ordering/grading for poly rings
It would be nice to finish this issue... possible for 0.99700?
[not really urgent, but its has been lingering for a ...
John Abbott
15:40 CoCoALib Support #618: Instructions for compiling libnormaliz
Here is what I did:... John Abbott
15:32 CoCoALib Design #769: CoCoALib cone
What is the status of this issue? Can we close it?
John Abbott
15:25 CoCoALib Design #932 (Closed): CoCoALib configuration: BOOST dependency
Since we moved to C++11/C++14 we can use an atomic C++ counter instead of the threadsafe code; so I have already dele... John Abbott

26 Jan 2020

15:50 CoCoALib Support #1161 (Feedback): Split NumTheory.C into several smaller files
Now I think this is done:... John Abbott
09:53 CoCoALib Support #26: Redmine Administration
Should we close this issue? Is it quite old, and I think we have learned to use redmine reasonably well.
John Abbott
09:44 CoCoALib Slug #969 (Feedback): Output to bad stream (operator<< and myOutput): just return immediately
Here is a simple program I have used for testing (just printing of @BigInt@):... John Abbott

25 Jan 2020

15:35 CoCoALib Design #849: Cleanup MinPoly code
Better to postpone this?
John Abbott
15:29 CoCoALib Design #855: Copyright and authorship?
Any progress here?
I have noticed many files still do not have Abbott and Bigatti as copyright holders; I usually ...
John Abbott
15:26 CoCoALib Feature #658 (Resolved): Indets actually in a poly (or vector or matrix)
Comment 18 about says that I have checked the code in (seems to be true!)
*Still no doc; and probably no examples.*
John Abbott
15:20 CoCoALib Design #1391: RingElems: syntax with [ and ] ?
The issue about allowing @[...]@ or not is similar (in my mind) to the issue about a semicolon at the end *@ReadExprS... John Abbott

24 Jan 2020

22:34 CoCoALib Bug #1308 (Feedback): test-GFan1 fails
I blindly followed the advice in the error mesg, and now it seems to work.
Checking in :-)
John Abbott
17:23 CoCoALib Bug #1308: test-GFan1 fails
I was lucky 5 month ago... now I cannot even compile gfanlib. @configure@ fails :-(
John Abbott
22:10 CoCoALib Bug #1402 (Resolved): gfan: installation problem: configure reports cdd.h present but cannot be compiled
Now CoCoALib compiles with GFan, but @test-GFan1@ give the same problem as mentioned in #1308.
John Abbott
22:03 CoCoALib Bug #1402 (In Progress): gfan: installation problem: configure reports cdd.h present but cannot be compiled
It seems that @configure@ was giving just a warning (which is probably not a good sign). Anyway, it also created the... John Abbott
17:26 CoCoALib Bug #1402 (Closed): gfan: installation problem: configure reports cdd.h present but cannot be compiled
I have installed @cddlib-094j@, or so I believe -- a header file reports 0.94i as the version.
I then tried:
John Abbott
21:32 CoCoA-5 Feature #1401: Parolacce e basi border
L'idea che il codice di Kaspar (BB in C++) muoia dispiace a Martin.
Ma non vedo proprio perche' io devo pagare il ...
John Abbott
15:00 CoCoA-5 Feature #1401: Parolacce e basi border
Maybe Long can do this. I certainly do not want to.
Why the F*** does Martin get his students to produce so much ...
John Abbott
14:59 CoCoA-5 Feature #1401 (Closed): Parolacce e basi border
Martin vuole che il vecchio pacchetto per le basi border sia tradotto in CoCoA-5.
Sono 1400 righe scritte da scimpan...
John Abbott
21:20 CoCoA-5 Bug #1403 (In Progress): RingID: remove this function?
Long insisted that if this function exists then there *must* also be a function which given the index would return th... John Abbott
17:54 CoCoA-5 Bug #1403: RingID: remove this function?
Maybe we should change the doc to say that people should not normally us this function?
John Abbott
17:52 CoCoA-5 Bug #1403 (In Progress): RingID: remove this function?
Long completely fails to understand why this function should not be used.
Delete it?
John Abbott
15:53 CoCoA-5 Feature #1399: CoCoA-5 interpreter: idle/busy indicator
Here is what I get currently:... John Abbott
11:41 CoCoA-5 Feature #1399: CoCoA-5 interpreter: idle/busy indicator
I have just modified @Interpreter.C@ so that it prints out @[WAITING FOR INPUT]@ and @[RUNNING]@.
A few quick tests ...
John Abbott
11:32 CoCoA-5 Feature #1399: CoCoA-5 interpreter: idle/busy indicator
I have just spoken to Kreuzer, and he showed me that the old ApCoCoA GUI would indicate either "Calculation in progre... John Abbott

23 Jan 2020

17:32 CoCoA-5 Feature #1399: CoCoA-5 interpreter: idle/busy indicator
Perhaps the relevant function is @Interpreter::readAndExecute@, not sure though... (too busy with other stuff curren... John Abbott
15:05 CoCoA-5 Feature #1399: CoCoA-5 interpreter: idle/busy indicator
I looked through the CoCoA-4 code (which used a Qt interface).
The situation is different from Klaus's problem becau...
John Abbott

22 Jan 2020

15:01 CoCoA-5 Feature #1399: CoCoA-5 interpreter: idle/busy indicator
A problem with watching for the prompt is that a user program might print out a copy of the prompt inside some string... John Abbott
09:58 CoCoA-5 Feature #1399: CoCoA-5 interpreter: idle/busy indicator
For cocoa5 it's easy: if there is no prompt, then it is busy.
That was not the case for cocoa-4, which had no prompt...
Anna Maria Bigatti
13:53 CoCoA-5 Support #1400 (In Progress): Title of manual entry: tutorial on operations on polynomials
I wanted to show my students how they could use the CoCoA on-line manual to find the function *@monomials@* knowing o... John Abbott
13:49 CoCoA-5 Support #1400 (Closed): Title of manual entry: tutorial on operations on polynomials
I have just added a new tutorial about operations on polynomials.
I think its title could be better. Suggestions?
John Abbott
10:46 CoCoA-5 Bug #1397 (In Progress): Crashes if CoCoAHelp.xml is missing
The problem is in the constructor (I think)... Anna Maria Bigatti
10:07 CoCoA-5 Bug #1397: Crashes if CoCoAHelp.xml is missing
I see that this give error with no crash (loading extra manuals). This was what worried me most.... Anna Maria Bigatti
10:03 CoCoA-5 Bug #1397: Crashes if CoCoAHelp.xml is missing
it should never happen, really.
But it is *bad*. I'll fixi it.
Anna Maria Bigatti

21 Jan 2020

20:36 CoCoA-5 Feature #1399 (In Progress): CoCoA-5 interpreter: idle/busy indicator
I still have the C4 source code, but also have very little desire to delve into it to find out what was done for the ... John Abbott
20:24 CoCoA-5 Feature #1399 (Closed): CoCoA-5 interpreter: idle/busy indicator
Klaus Nguetsa is building a new GUI for ApCoCoA+CoCoA-5.
He would like to emulate the feature on the old C4 GUI wh...
John Abbott
20:22 CoCoA-5 Support #1398: Website: hide/delete all the CoCoA-4 stuff?
I have put 5.3.0 as the target, since it would be good to do the cleaning before releasing 5.3.0, but it is not neces... John Abbott
20:21 CoCoA-5 Support #1398 (Closed): Website: hide/delete all the CoCoA-4 stuff?
Proposal: hide or remove all pages about CoCoA-4 (and its manual).
We could perhaps add a sentence that anyone who...
John Abbott
15:33 CoCoA-5 Bug #1397 (Closed): Crashes if CoCoAHelp.xml is missing
If I make a manual query when the file @CoCoAHelp.xml@ is not found where expected, an @UNCAUGHT CoCoA ERROR@ happens... John Abbott

19 Jan 2020

10:56 CoCoA-5 Support #1315: Manual entry about reporting bugs?
BTW what was the original problem? Was it ever resolved? I suppose it was reported via email (?); when?
Why is the...
John Abbott
10:52 CoCoA-5 Feature #175: Approximate BuchbergerMoeller: port to CoCoA-5
I believe this is not urgent, and it would also require some time and effort to achieve, so postponing.
Not sure why...
John Abbott
10:47 CoCoA-5 Slug #1390 (Feedback): CoCoA-5 test: radical too slow
I have removed @ulimit@ from
All tests pass, even with debugging active.
Now all CoCoA-5 tests tog...
John Abbott

18 Jan 2020

20:40 CoCoA-5 Bug #1335: ManExamples: some problems
I have commented out the example for @StandardInput@. Hopefully the user will understand...
John Abbott
20:18 CoCoA-5 Support #1344: Clean out OBSOLESCENT
Check the manual. Perhaps genuinely remove the fns which are only commented out?
John Abbott
20:05 CoCoALib Feature #202: MatrixView/function for viewing a single row or column (RowMat, ColMat)
Should the "get-row" or "get-col" function make a copy or just refer to the original matrix?
Making a copy could b...
John Abbott
19:59 CoCoALib Feature #202: MatrixView/function for viewing a single row or column (RowMat, ColMat)
We could even use the names *@row@* and *@col@*, so sample uses would be ... John Abbott
19:47 CoCoALib Bug #1264 (In Progress): Remove unnecessary files before making CoCoALib release TGZ files
We should make a few tests to see what actually happens with the current scripts.
While it should be harmless to a...
John Abbott
19:24 CoCoA-5 Bug #1396: Website: download page for CoCoA-4 burns CPU
I'll think about it and investigate
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:00 CoCoA-5 Bug #1396: Website: download page for CoCoA-4 burns CPU
I am inclined to remove the web pages about downloading CoCoA-4.
If we really want to continue to make it availabl...
John Abbott
14:59 CoCoA-5 Bug #1396 (Closed): Website: download page for CoCoA-4 burns CPU
By chance I landed on the download page for CoCoA-4 -- apparently we still have such a page!
It caused Firefox on ...
John Abbott

17 Jan 2020

22:20 CoCoALib Design #1377 (Feedback): CpuTimeLimit: limit "intervals" between full checks
I think the current impl is acceptable; so moving to _feedback_. Doc seems OK too.
John Abbott
15:43 CoCoALib Feature #1395: SHA checksum for released code
To release source code we should do the following:
# generate TARGZ file (maybe also TAR.XZ which is usually smalle...
John Abbott
15:32 CoCoALib Feature #1395 (In Progress): SHA checksum for released code
Original request came from Winfried Bruns (via email on 2020-01-17).
The purpose of the SHA-256 checksum is to pro...
John Abbott
15:24 CoCoALib Feature #1395 (Closed): SHA checksum for released code
Winfried Bruns requests that we make available also an SHA-256 checksum for code that we distribute.
This seems to...
John Abbott

16 Jan 2020

16:31 CoCoA-5 Slug #1392 (In Progress): ApproxSolve: another slow example
We (Robbiano and I) found a way to solve it quickly: compute the radical first!... Anna Maria Bigatti
14:10 CoCoA-5 Design #1334: sylvester or SylvesterMat?
Added test to @test-MatrixSpecial1.C@
John Abbott
12:28 CoCoA-5 Design #1334 (Closed): sylvester or SylvesterMat?
There is no test, but otherwise the code looks fine. Closing. John Abbott
12:19 CoCoA-5 Support #1350: CoCoA manual: entry for operators, shortcuts
The standard arithmetic operators were not listed (plus, minus, times, divide, power). Maybe others too? We should ... John Abbott
12:17 CoCoA-5 Feature #1372: New function: find ?
This is probably a very useful issue, but I prefer to add new functions after the next release (unless this fn is nee... John Abbott
12:15 CoCoA-5 Bug #1230: PrimaryDecomposition with lex ordering
This seems to work for me now.
We must add a test to @exbugs.cocoa5@; we can simply copy the failing case from the...
John Abbott

15 Jan 2020

22:51 CoCoALib Slug #1394 (Resolved): Oddly slow GBasis computation (slow final cleanup)
The following computation seems to spend more time in "clean up" than elsewhere; is this reasonable?... John Abbott
22:15 CoCoALib Bug #1319 (Feedback): Problem rebuilding dependencies when file PREPROCESSOR_DEFNS.H does not exist
It is probably best to regard this as resolved, and just test it as is.
Perhaps it is not perfect, but I think the c...
John Abbott

14 Jan 2020

21:52 CoCoALib Bug #1319: Problem rebuilding dependencies when file PREPROCESSOR_DEFNS.H does not exist
I have just repeated the steps described in comment 4, and this time it worked as hoped.
I have a *doubt*: in the ...
John Abbott

13 Jan 2020

21:35 CoCoA-5 Support #1393 (Feedback): GUI with Qt5
Ulrich von der Ohe has written saying that he appears to have a working GUI with Qt5 (on his Linux box).
He has se...
John Abbott
20:52 CoCoA-5 Slug #1392: ApproxSolve: another slow example
It took about 3mins on my computer: anyway not more than 220s.
John Abbott
20:48 CoCoA-5 Slug #1392 (Closed): ApproxSolve: another slow example
Here is another seemingly simple system where @ApproxSolve@ is unexpectedly slow... John Abbott
20:49 CoCoALib Feature #357: Constructor for vectors? CoCoAVector
John Abbott wrote:
> Recalling part of my comment 13:
> One aspect we could implement, which C++ does not, is the n...
Anna Maria Bigatti
20:13 CoCoALib Feature #357: Constructor for vectors? CoCoAVector
Recalling part of my comment 13:
One aspect we could implement, which C++ does not, is the notion of "list of elems ...
John Abbott
18:38 CoCoALib Feature #357: Constructor for vectors? CoCoAVector
Re-reading the comments I think it's not worth it.
I went through all the code and removed all calls to @CoCoAVect...
Anna Maria Bigatti
18:34 CoCoALib Feature #966 (Resolved): New function or explain: first and last for a vector?
OK, I think we should not make a function in lib.
I added an example in ex-c++.C.
Now I realized that there is a ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
18:23 CoCoALib Feature #1212: New function: GBasisByHomog
This works fine now, but only for few orderings.
The general case will not be done for this release. Postponing.
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:34 CoCoALib Feature #1094: Revive code for SelfSaturating GBasis
No hope to make this in time for 0.99720 (requires too much planning)
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:20 CoCoALib Design #1346: C++14: use the new for loop syntax where appropriate (like cocoa's foreach)
Example: so I know where to find one ;-)... Anna Maria Bigatti
16:42 CoCoALib Slug #1238 (Resolved): ReadExpr is too slow on long lists of monomial with many indets: ---> use RingElems instead
The real solution is using @RingElems@, this new function is actually quite useful for other things too, and also in ... Anna Maria Bigatti
16:35 CoCoA-5 Feature #1243: New function: Read a string into a list (of RingElem) -- CoCoA-5
As discussed in #1931, there are now two functions:
(A) @RingElems(RING, STRING)@ example @RingElems(P, "x*y,z")@
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:00 CoCoALib Design #1391: RingElems: syntax with [ and ] ?
We could have a @RingElemList@ in CoCoA-5.
I have defined a function in @NotBuiltin.cpkg5@. About to check it in.
Anna Maria Bigatti
12:11 CoCoALib Design #1391 (In Progress): RingElems: syntax with [ and ] ?
Could it make sense to have a "variant" fn which accepts @[@ and @]@?
Maybe @RingElemVec@ or @RingElemList@?
John Abbott
11:24 CoCoALib Design #1391: RingElems: syntax with [ and ] ?
It is compatible with @NewPolyRing(QQ, "x,y,z")@.
I prefer not to add the brackets because then we have to make th...
Anna Maria Bigatti
12:16 CoCoA-5 Slug #1390 (Resolved): CoCoA-5 test: radical too slow
I separated the file into two files
@radical0dim.cocoa5@ and @radical.cocoa5@.
Even though the function is the same...
Anna Maria Bigatti
09:36 CoCoALib Design #1389: myZeroPtr and myOnePtr
Thanks for the explanation. Now I will remember why.
Anna Maria Bigatti

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