



From 22 Apr 2017 to 21 May 2017

19 May 2017

15:55 CoCoALib Slug #1049: GroebnerFan: slow examples
... John Abbott
11:55 CoCoALib Bug #1069: GroebnerFan: ERROR: Matrix must be invertible
I just removed the coefficients to John's last example:... Anna Maria Bigatti
11:48 CoCoALib Bug #1069: GroebnerFan: ERROR: Matrix must be invertible
Just to clarify: this means that one cannot create this ring, hmmmmm....... Anna Maria Bigatti
11:45 CoCoALib Bug #1069: GroebnerFan: ERROR: Matrix must be invertible
Here is another "slightly smaller" matrix whose determinant is zero mod 32749:... John Abbott
11:16 CoCoALib Bug #1069: GroebnerFan: ERROR: Matrix must be invertible
Here is another example which gives trouble:... John Abbott

18 May 2017

22:03 CoCoA-5 Feature #1072: syz: apply to ModuleElem?
Is it right that @syz@ should give error if one of the coords is zero?... John Abbott
21:59 CoCoA-5 Feature #1072: syz: apply to ModuleElem?
The man page still calls th fn @Syz@ with a capital @S@; it should be @syz@, shouldn't it? John Abbott
21:57 CoCoA-5 Feature #1072: syz: apply to ModuleElem?
The current solution is to do the following:... John Abbott
21:55 CoCoA-5 Feature #1072 (Rejected): syz: apply to ModuleElem?
Would it make sense to allow @syz@ to be applied to a @ModuleElem@?... John Abbott
21:50 CoCoA-5 Support #1071: LinKerBasis is user-unfriendly
Should the manual page for @LinKerBasis@ also refer to the page for @syz@?
John Abbott
21:49 CoCoA-5 Support #1071: LinKerBasis is user-unfriendly
I am not sure what is happening here:... John Abbott
21:46 CoCoA-5 Support #1071: LinKerBasis is user-unfriendly
The version that takes a list gives an unhelpful error when one component is zero:... John Abbott
21:40 CoCoA-5 Support #1071 (In Progress): LinKerBasis is user-unfriendly
What is @LinKerBasis@ supposed to do when given a list?... John Abbott
21:31 CoCoA-5 Support #1071: LinKerBasis is user-unfriendly
This is an unfriendly error message:... John Abbott
21:29 CoCoA-5 Support #1071 (In Progress): LinKerBasis is user-unfriendly
The CoCoA-5 function @LinKerBasis@ produces unhelpful error messages, and too many of them!
Part of the problem ma...
John Abbott
21:00 CoCoALib Bug #1069: GroebnerFan: ERROR: Matrix must be invertible
Here are some order matrices with not-too-big entries whose det is a multiple of 32749:... John Abbott
08:16 CoCoA-5 Bug #1062 (Feedback): IsRadical bug?
added tests. CVS-ed Anna Maria Bigatti
07:58 CoCoA-5 Bug #1062: IsRadical bug?
Found it in @TmpGOperations.C@:
Saturation by @ideal(f)@ calls @factor(f)@ and wrongly assumes that the factor list ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
07:40 CoCoA-5 Bug #1062: IsRadical bug?
Bug (radical >0 dim) trapped by Elisa Palezzato... Anna Maria Bigatti

17 May 2017

18:02 CoCoALib Slug #1057: Slug: Polynomial ring contructor slow with (big) matrix ordering
... Anna Maria Bigatti
10:39 CoCoALib Slug #1057 (In Progress): Slug: Polynomial ring contructor slow with (big) matrix ordering
First problem found: @NewOrdvArith(ord)@ ic computed twice.
If @ord@ is defined by M, then many checks are done on M.
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:52 CoCoALib Bug #1069: GroebnerFan: ERROR: Matrix must be invertible
John Abbott wrote:
> Another approach would be to persuade GFan to produce matrices with smaller entries... this is ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:46 CoCoALib Bug #1069: GroebnerFan: ERROR: Matrix must be invertible
Another approach would be to persuade GFan to produce matrices with smaller entries... this is probably not so easy! John Abbott
15:45 CoCoALib Bug #1069 (In Progress): GroebnerFan: ERROR: Matrix must be invertible
The correct solution would be to have a proper implementation of matrix orderings without any "tricks" (too bad if it... John Abbott
15:39 CoCoALib Bug #1069: GroebnerFan: ERROR: Matrix must be invertible
John Abbott wrote:
> Here is a guess as to what the problem is... for matrix orderings there was some "funny trick" ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:18 CoCoALib Bug #1069: GroebnerFan: ERROR: Matrix must be invertible
Here is a guess as to what the problem is... for matrix orderings there was some "funny trick" using a matrix reduced... John Abbott
15:09 CoCoALib Bug #1069: GroebnerFan: ERROR: Matrix must be invertible
Another smaller example (but not as small as Anna's)... John Abbott
14:29 CoCoALib Bug #1069: GroebnerFan: ERROR: Matrix must be invertible
Smaller example, but still too big... Anna Maria Bigatti
11:37 CoCoALib Bug #1069 (In Progress): GroebnerFan: ERROR: Matrix must be invertible
The following causes an error:... John Abbott
13:47 CoCoALib Slug #1070: Slug: MakeTermOrd (rk calls in RemoveRedundantRows)
I just implemented a workaround:
I check det(M) before calling @RemoveRedundantRows@, if not 0 return M.
Anna Maria Bigatti
13:45 CoCoALib Slug #1070 (New): Slug: MakeTermOrd (rk calls in RemoveRedundantRows)
The function @RemoveRedundantRows@ is quite slow because of the repeated calls to @rk@.
I had thought it was not imp...
Anna Maria Bigatti
13:40 CoCoALib Design #854: Function MakeTermOrd should be renamed MakeTermOrdMat?
Now I'm more inclined to keep @MakeTermOrd@ for CoCoA-5.
Possibly make a distinction in CoCoALib (where mat and ord ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:40 CoCoA-5 Slug #1068: PolyRing constructor: NewOrdvArith computed twice
OK, Anna; take a look.
I'm a bit busy with other things right now.
John Abbott
11:33 CoCoA-5 Slug #1068: PolyRing constructor: NewOrdvArith computed twice
Anna Maria Bigatti wrote:
> It would be handy to get the OrdvArith from a PPMonoid (if possible).
If John allows ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:19 CoCoA-5 Slug #1068 (In Progress): PolyRing constructor: NewOrdvArith computed twice
It would be handy to get the OrdvArith from a PPMonoid (if possible).
This could also be used internally by the GBas...
Anna Maria Bigatti
10:35 CoCoA-5 Slug #1068 (In Progress): PolyRing constructor: NewOrdvArith computed twice
We never considered that a slow ring constructor could be a problem, but may be.
In particular this bit of code:
Anna Maria Bigatti
08:30 CoCoA-5 Bug #946: Function "ideal" evaluates the argument twice
I made a test: "bug-EvalTwice.cocoa5" where we can collect all cases we meet, solved or unsolved.
Anna Maria Bigatti

16 May 2017

18:07 CoCoA-5 Bug #946 (Resolved): Function "ideal" evaluates the argument twice
Found it! (and fixed most of them)
The problem is when using the hand functions @EvalArgAsT1OrT2..<..>(ARG(0), whic...
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:22 CoCoA-5 Design #1067: "Randomize" and "Randomized" obsolete?
John Abbott wrote:
> Why do you want to specify @lo@ and @hi@ for @RandomLinearForm@?
> Is it not enough to specify...
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:32 CoCoA-5 Design #1067: "Randomize" and "Randomized" obsolete?
Why do you want to specify @lo@ and @hi@ for @RandomLinearForm@?
Is it not enough to specify a single value N and us...
John Abbott
15:21 CoCoA-5 Design #1067: "Randomize" and "Randomized" obsolete?
John Abbott wrote:
> There is a commented out fn called @RandomLinearForm@ in @experimental.cpkg5@.
That's a kind...
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:06 CoCoA-5 Design #1067: "Randomize" and "Randomized" obsolete?
John Abbott wrote:
> But what about @BackwardCompatible.cpkg5@? How does it differ from @obsolescent.cpkg5@?
Anna Maria Bigatti
13:20 CoCoA-5 Design #1067: "Randomize" and "Randomized" obsolete?
There is a commented out fn called @RandomLinearForm@ in @experimental.cpkg5@.
John Abbott
11:35 CoCoA-5 Design #1067: "Randomize" and "Randomized" obsolete?
There is also an undocumented fn called *@Rand@* in @misc.cpkg5@.
Should it be made obsolete? Or simply eliminated?...
John Abbott
14:49 CoCoA-5 Design #943 (In Progress): Managing credits
The function *@ExternalLibs()@* does not work properly. It must be fixed using the new CoCoALib fn.
John Abbott

15 May 2017

12:31 CoCoA-5 Design #1067: "Randomize" and "Randomized" obsolete?
OK, I'll do it and check in tomorrow -- too busy today. John Abbott
11:46 CoCoA-5 Design #1067: "Randomize" and "Randomized" obsolete?
ok, you convinced me: let's declare Randomize(d) obsolete, and make (in case) explicit functions for random things. Anna Maria Bigatti
11:17 CoCoA-5 Design #1067: "Randomize" and "Randomized" obsolete?
We could create: @RandomLinearForm(P,100)@ or even @RandomLinearForm(P)@ if coeff ring is finite field.
John Abbott
10:59 CoCoA-5 Design #1067: "Randomize" and "Randomized" obsolete?
@L := DensePoly(P,1); randomized(L, -100,100);@ is a nice way to make lots of random linear forms. Anna Maria Bigatti
10:36 CoCoA-5 Design #1067: "Randomize" and "Randomized" obsolete?
I thought @Randomize@ in CoCoA-4 would work only for polynomials (and integers). Did it also work for matrices?
John Abbott
07:48 CoCoA-5 Design #1067: "Randomize" and "Randomized" obsolete?
I sometimes miss old @Randomized@.
I suggest implementing it, but with explicit range: @randomized(f, 100);@ random...
Anna Maria Bigatti
12:28 CoCoALib Slug #1049: GroebnerFan: slow examples
Here are two deg 5 binomial examples:... John Abbott
10:40 CoCoALib Slug #1049: GroebnerFan: slow examples
Here are some binomial examples of deg 4:... John Abbott
12:16 CoCoALib Bug #1064: Bug in MinPolyModular (ugly prime)
Changed the code so that ugly primes are detected cleanly from checking divisibility, instead of using try/catch. Ad... Anna Maria Bigatti
10:25 CoCoA-5 Support #1027 (In Progress): CoCoAManual: add a page with some emacs hints?
I suggest as a first version of the man page just to put in a reference to the website; not ideal, but better than no... John Abbott
09:13 CoCoA-5 Support #1027: CoCoAManual: add a page with some emacs hints?
Currently there is a web page (I've just improved it a bit).
Anna Maria Bigatti

14 May 2017

11:05 CoCoA-5 Feature #1011: Random seed fn
I have implemented @reseed@, and written a manual page.
Not sure about making a test... I suppose I could make an ea...
John Abbott
11:03 CoCoA-5 Design #1067 (In Progress): "Randomize" and "Randomized" obsolete?
The old CoCoA-4 function @Randomize(F)@ is essentially equivalent to:... John Abbott
10:57 CoCoA-5 Design #1067 (Closed): "Randomize" and "Randomized" obsolete?
While looking through the CoCoA-5 on-line manual, I noticed that there are references to @Randomize@ and @Randomized@... John Abbott

12 May 2017

18:20 CoCoALib Support #1066: Documentation: translation table
cleaned up, looks good
We still have to decide...
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:43 CoCoALib Support #1066 (In Progress): Documentation: translation table
testing and sorting Anna Maria Bigatti
09:52 CoCoALib Support #1066: Documentation: translation table
Elisa Palezzato added the missing entries in the table (thanks!) Anna Maria Bigatti
09:50 CoCoALib Support #1066 (In Progress): Documentation: translation table
Originally the translation table was done because there was no cocoa-5 manual, and to show what we had ported from co... Anna Maria Bigatti
17:16 CoCoA-5 Feature #1011 (In Progress): Random seed fn
The CoCoA-5 function *@random@* calls @random_forC5@ defined in @CoCoALibSupplement.C@.
Presumably @reseed@ can be d...
John Abbott

11 May 2017

16:48 CoCoA-5 Feature #1021: CoCoA Manual: search should ignore multiple spaces
Yes, the last example was deliberately strange; I do not think it matters if such a strange input works...
Maybe I...
John Abbott
16:43 CoCoA-5 Feature #1021: CoCoA Manual: search should ignore multiple spaces
John Abbott wrote:
> I think my current preference is not to do anything "clever" with unusual chars: if the user ty...
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:23 CoCoA-5 Feature #1021: CoCoA Manual: search should ignore multiple spaces
Here are the special chars which I have noticed in the manual page headings (obtained by typing just *@?@*):
* comma...
John Abbott
13:15 CoCoALib Design #1063: Catching an (expected) error
I am a bit uneasy about using the following paradigm more than absolutely necessary:... John Abbott
12:54 CoCoALib Bug #1064 (Feedback): Bug in MinPolyModular (ugly prime)
Completed similar checks for implicit as well.
Cleaned up, added tests for implicit.
Anna Maria Bigatti
10:49 CoCoALib Bug #1064: Bug in MinPolyModular (ugly prime)
Added the error @ERR::CannotReconstruct@ and cleaned up the code accordingly (also for similar try/catch code in @Imp... Anna Maria Bigatti
09:21 CoCoALib Bug #1064 (Resolved): Bug in MinPolyModular (ugly prime)
fixed, cvs-ed Anna Maria Bigatti
08:24 CoCoALib Bug #1064: Bug in MinPolyModular (ugly prime)
I have some trouble writing a bit of code because I cannot redefine an ideal in another ring.
Should we allow that, ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
10:57 CoCoALib Design #427: Error names and error messages (current design)
Just a trivial task (but may be annoying).
Currently in @error.H@ we comment an error name with its string: isn't th...
Anna Maria Bigatti
08:48 CoCoALib Design #1065: Design: should we allow an ideal to change ring?
I managed to write my loop changing rings cleanly (modular computation).
While changing characteristic I forcily had...
Anna Maria Bigatti
08:32 CoCoALib Design #1065: Design: should we allow an ideal to change ring?
This would be convenient, but also potentially dangerous:
In the case of @RingElem@ the empty constructor gives 0 ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
08:26 CoCoALib Design #1065 (Closed): Design: should we allow an ideal to change ring?
I have some trouble writing a bit of code because I cannot redefine an ideal in another ring (changing characteristic... Anna Maria Bigatti

10 May 2017

16:59 CoCoALib Bug #1064 (In Progress): Bug in MinPolyModular (ugly prime)
The following fails for me:... John Abbott
15:44 CoCoALib Bug #1064: Bug in MinPolyModular (ugly prime)
and add test!
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:38 CoCoALib Bug #1064: Bug in MinPolyModular (ugly prime)
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:36 CoCoALib Bug #1064 (Closed): Bug in MinPolyModular (ugly prime)
The (rare) error thrown by @apply@ for an ugly prime in MinPolyModular was not caught.
I fixed one, but look around ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
13:16 CoCoA-5 Bug #1062 (In Progress): IsRadical bug?
When this is fixed remember to add some new tests to @exbugs.cocoa5@!
John Abbott

09 May 2017

15:42 CoCoALib Design #1063 (Feedback): Catching an (expected) error
Found it (I had been confused by another unexpected error).
Easy: BTW I changed name to the error...
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:23 CoCoALib Design #1063: Catching an (expected) error
I had some trouble deciding *how* to catch an error:
I was expecting a possible problem in applying a partial hom, a...
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:18 CoCoALib Design #1063 (Closed): Catching an (expected) error
Decide how to catch and expected error, for example a "Cannot reconstruct rational" Anna Maria Bigatti
15:13 CoCoA-5 Bug #1062: IsRadical bug?
The two bugs (0-dim and non-0-dim) are quite distinct.
Debugging the zero-dimensional example in the description o...
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:58 CoCoA-5 Bug #1062: IsRadical bug?
Smaller example... Anna Maria Bigatti
11:54 CoCoA-5 Bug #1062: IsRadical bug?
I'm not that surprised. Radical for non zero-dimensional ideals is not that robust.
I'm investigating
Anna Maria Bigatti
09:49 CoCoA-5 Bug #1062: IsRadical bug?
This example triggers SEGV:... John Abbott
09:47 CoCoA-5 Bug #1062: IsRadical bug?
Aaargh!! Now I have a SEGV :-(... John Abbott
09:44 CoCoA-5 Bug #1062: IsRadical bug?
This example has simpler coeffs:... John Abbott
09:43 CoCoA-5 Bug #1062 (Closed): IsRadical bug?
I have an example where @IsRadical@ produces an error (when applying a RingHom)
*0-dimensional bug: related with Min...
John Abbott

08 May 2017

11:58 CoCoA-5 Support #1061 (Closed): Release: CoCoA-5.2.2
Everything for the release
# Redmine Roadmap: close or postpone issue
# Redmine Release issues: check percentages...
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:57 CoCoA-5 Support #851 (Closed): Release: CoCoA-5.2.0
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:57 CoCoA-5 Support #851: Release: CoCoA-5.2.0
Closing issue, cleaning up redmine Anna Maria Bigatti
11:49 CoCoA-5 Support #851: Release: CoCoA-5.2.0
published manual on ResearchGate Anna Maria Bigatti
11:48 CoCoA-5 Support #851: Release: CoCoA-5.2.0
updated list with undelivered emails
Anna Maria Bigatti
09:48 CoCoA-5 Support #851: Release: CoCoA-5.2.0
Sent email and notice on facebook page Anna Maria Bigatti
11:54 CoCoALib Support #944 (Closed): Release: CoCoALib-0.99550 (together with CoCoA-5.2.0)
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:48 CoCoALib Support #944: Release: CoCoALib-0.99550 (together with CoCoA-5.2.0)
published manual on ResearchGate Anna Maria Bigatti
08:34 CoCoALib Support #944: Release: CoCoALib-0.99550 (together with CoCoA-5.2.0)
updated web page Anna Maria Bigatti
11:53 CoCoALib Design #829: PPOrderingCtor: name of mem fn which actually constructs?
I see now that this was not done for the release.
Postpone to next.
Anna Maria Bigatti

06 May 2017

21:34 CoCoA-5 Support #851: Release: CoCoA-5.2.0
Another failed attempt to test the windows emacs version on my virtual machine...
+ some clarification in windows in...
Anna Maria Bigatti

05 May 2017

19:35 CoCoA-5 Support #851: Release: CoCoA-5.2.0
Trying to test windows release.
From shell it works.
From emacs I don't know: I do not have enough privilegies on t...
Anna Maria Bigatti
18:54 CoCoA-5 Support #851: Release: CoCoA-5.2.0
Compiled on windows, improved script
Uploaded release for windows.
Updated install5 web p...
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:56 CoCoA-5 Support #851: Release: CoCoA-5.2.0
manual pdf and html uploaded Anna Maria Bigatti
16:58 CoCoALib Design #1059: Printing ring for ideals (or just for ideals 0 and 1)
Maybe we could add the ring anyway when we do @indent(I)@
JAA simultaneously wrote the following:
Anna suggested ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:00 CoCoALib Design #1059: Printing ring for ideals (or just for ideals 0 and 1)
I am not (yet?) convinced that this is the right thing to do, partly because I think it could easily make it (even) h... John Abbott
14:31 CoCoALib Design #1059 (New): Printing ring for ideals (or just for ideals 0 and 1)
Printing out an ideal gives no indication of the ring: @ideal(...)@.
For matrices we now write @matrix(/* ring descr...
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:21 CoCoA-5 Bug #1060: describe ring: add final newline
The problem can be exhibited by doing:... John Abbott
16:18 CoCoA-5 Bug #1060 (Closed): describe ring: add final newline
In CoCoA-5, it might be nice if *@describe@* for a ring added a final newline. John Abbott
10:36 CoCoA-5 Feature #708: ExternalLib Normaliz: verbose flag?
Winfried Bruns wrote:
> I have thought about introducing three levels of verbosity: off, the most important steps, e...
Anna Maria Bigatti
10:02 CoCoA-5 Feature #708 (Closed): ExternalLib Normaliz: verbose flag?
John Abbott

04 May 2017

18:46 CoCoALib Support #1058 (Closed): CoCoALib version in Documentation and Examples
pdf documentation has date, but no version number.
html and examples have no sign of either.
Fix it.
Anna Maria Bigatti
18:42 CoCoALib Support #944: Release: CoCoALib-0.99550 (together with CoCoA-5.2.0)
uploaded release, manual and examples Anna Maria Bigatti
18:30 CoCoALib Slug #1057: Slug: Polynomial ring contructor slow with (big) matrix ordering
(The example is cvs-ed in the dir IdealsModp)
I had added a ludicrous number of (unused) indeterminates: the computa...
Anna Maria Bigatti
18:25 CoCoALib Slug #1057 (In Progress): Slug: Polynomial ring contructor slow with (big) matrix ordering
I have an example which shows that creating a SparsePolyRing with matrix ordering is slower than default ordering. Anna Maria Bigatti

03 May 2017

13:44 CoCoA-5 Support #851: Release: CoCoA-5.2.0
released cocoa for linux
(asked testing)
Anna Maria Bigatti

02 May 2017

15:01 CoCoA-5 Support #851: Release: CoCoA-5.2.0
-- release for Mac is done Anna Maria Bigatti
15:00 CoCoA-5 Support #265: Linking problems in CoCoA-5 GUI
To be honest I do not recall encountering this problem in a very long time, but I also do not recall ever resolving i... John Abbott
14:55 CoCoALib Feature #253: W.Bruns's wish list
Task (6): convert a ringelem to an integer or rational should be fairly easy via *@ConvertTo@*:
here is a simplistic...
John Abbott
14:42 CoCoA-5 Design #766: CoCoA version number: copy CoCoALib
Anna Maria Bigatti wrote:
> COCOA5_VER_MINMIN is not in configuration/version.
> Where is it? I'm looking for it.
Anna Maria Bigatti
14:35 CoCoA-5 Design #766: CoCoA version number: copy CoCoALib
COCOA5_VER_MINMIN is not in configuration/version.
Where is it? I'm looking for it.
Anna Maria Bigatti

01 May 2017

21:28 CoCoA-5 Support #851: Release: CoCoA-5.2.0
last minute bug fix: IsPrimary false positive in some cases (found by Sandro Logar) Anna Maria Bigatti
10:43 CoCoA-5 Slug #1047 (Closed): NewPolyRing with user defined ordering is slower than CoCoALib
Anna Maria Bigatti wrote:
> Still missing: make speed tests with GroebnerFan (I had some strange results)
The tim...
Anna Maria Bigatti

29 Apr 2017

08:39 CoCoA-5 Slug #1047: NewPolyRing with user defined ordering is slower than CoCoALib
Still missing: make speed tests with GroebnerFan (I had some strange results) Anna Maria Bigatti
08:36 CoCoALib Feature #931 (Closed): GBasis verbose mode
Anna Maria Bigatti
08:35 CoCoALib Feature #1053 (Resolved): New function: IdealOfGBasis, IdealOfMinGens in CoCoALib
Still missing: copy flags. Anna Maria Bigatti
08:34 CoCoA-5 Feature #996 (Closed): New function: IdealOfGBasis
Anna Maria Bigatti
08:31 CoCoALib Feature #957 (Closed): New function: HasGBasis
Anna Maria Bigatti
08:28 CoCoA-5 Support #187: CoCoA-5 (partial) releases: make the process simpler
Decision: corresponding CoCoALib versions will end with "0"
Still missing: release script for windows.
Anna Maria Bigatti

28 Apr 2017

23:17 CoCoALib Feature #1050 (Closed): ExternalLibs: function for getting info
While it may not be strictly correct to do it this way, I am closing this issue. We can proceed with the current imp... John Abbott
20:22 CoCoA-5 Feature #708 (Feedback): ExternalLib Normaliz: verbose flag?
Anna Maria Bigatti
20:18 CoCoA-5 Feature #708: ExternalLib Normaliz: verbose flag?
Two functions (4 in cocoalib, for default and for cone): @NmzSetVerbosityLevel/NmzVerbosityLevel@, as in cocoa...
Anna Maria Bigatti
20:15 CoCoA-5 Feature #708: ExternalLib Normaliz: verbose flag?
Normaliz has only two levels of verbosity: off or on. Via libnormaliz this can be toggled. I think the CoCoA interfac... Winfried Bruns
19:21 CoCoA-5 Feature #708: ExternalLib Normaliz: verbose flag?
OK for the names @XXXSetVerbosityLevel@ and @XXXVerbosityLevel@ where @XXX@ could be @Nmz@ or some other prefix for a... John Abbott
16:46 CoCoA-5 Feature #708: ExternalLib Normaliz: verbose flag?
John Abbott wrote:
> Currently Normaliz has just two verbosity levels (@true@ and @false@).
> There is not much pro...
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:32 CoCoA-5 Feature #708: ExternalLib Normaliz: verbose flag?
Currently Normaliz has just two verbosity levels (@true@ and @false@).
There is not much problem in saying that nume...
John Abbott
16:02 CoCoA-5 Feature #708: ExternalLib Normaliz: verbose flag?
John Abbott wrote:
> If the behaviour from the point of view of a user is similar to that of CoCoA's own @SetVerbosi...
Anna Maria Bigatti
13:41 CoCoA-5 Feature #708: ExternalLib Normaliz: verbose flag?
If the behaviour from the point of view of a user is similar to that of CoCoA's own @SetVerbosityLevel@ then it would... John Abbott
12:16 CoCoA-5 Feature #708: ExternalLib Normaliz: verbose flag?
should we call it @NmzSetVerbosityLevel@? Anna Maria Bigatti
11:32 CoCoA-5 Feature #708: ExternalLib Normaliz: verbose flag?
JAA prefers that there be independent verbosity settings for CoCoALib and any external libraries.
John Abbott
09:13 CoCoA-5 Feature #708: ExternalLib Normaliz: verbose flag?
Should we pass the VerbosityLevel from CoCoALib? Anna Maria Bigatti
19:21 CoCoA-5 Feature #1045 (Closed): Error message from cocoalib to cocoa-5
Anna Maria Bigatti
09:20 CoCoA-5 Feature #1045: Error message from cocoalib to cocoa-5
function renamed @message_forC5@ and moved in @CoCoALibSupplement@ Anna Maria Bigatti
19:21 CoCoA-5 Feature #1043 (Closed): New function: IsCoprime
Anna Maria Bigatti
19:06 CoCoA-5 Design #1051 (Closed): ReadExpr(P, string) and RingElem(P, string)
I made ReadExpr obsolescent (in CoCoA-5).
Not convinced 100% it is right, but it's not too wrong either.
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:08 CoCoA-5 Support #851: Release: CoCoA-5.2.0
Fixed all bugs in manual (found with make ManExamples) Anna Maria Bigatti
15:49 CoCoA-5 Support #851: Release: CoCoA-5.2.0
Another run of make ManExamples Anna Maria Bigatti
17:02 CoCoALib Support #1056 (Closed): Release: CoCoALib-0.99560 (together with CoCoA-5.2.2)
Everything related to making a CoCoALib release:
# Redmine Roadmap: close or postpone issue
# Redmine Release iss...
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:20 CoCoA-5 Design #1018 (Closed): Interpreter: limit range for ".." operator
I have changed the code (@Interpreter.C:3643@) so that the limit is 10^7 values; also changed the error message and t... John Abbott
15:20 CoCoA-5 Design #1018: Interpreter: limit range for ".." operator
John Abbott wrote:
> I have added a note to the man page about "range operator".
> I wonder whether a limit of ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:10 CoCoA-5 Design #1018: Interpreter: limit range for ".." operator
I have added a note to the man page about "range operator".
I wonder whether a limit of 10^7 would be better than ...
John Abbott
16:14 CoCoALib Bug #228 (Closed): libcocoa sometimes built without its index
Since Winfried does not recall anything about this issue, I think we can regard it as having been resolved at some po... John Abbott
14:54 CoCoALib Bug #228: libcocoa sometimes built without its index
I have completely forgotten what the problem was. I don't think it is relevant anymore. Winfried Bruns
13:49 CoCoALib Bug #228 (In Progress): libcocoa sometimes built without its index
We should ask Winfried if this problem has arisen lately. I have never seen anything like it, and I suspect that Win... John Abbott
11:12 CoCoALib Bug #228: libcocoa sometimes built without its index
This issue was under "CoCoA" instead of "CoCoALib".
I'm recovering these old and forgotten issues, so we reconsider ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:05 CoCoALib Feature #1016 (Closed): ReducedGBasis for RingWeyl (and other non-commutative rings)
Checked: interreduction does not depend on commutativity.
Cleaned up. Closing
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:40 CoCoA-5 Feature #175: Approximate BuchbergerMoeller: port to CoCoA-5
OK, postponed: I did not receive enough information to make a decision. Anna Maria Bigatti
15:12 CoCoA-5 Feature #175 (In Progress): Approximate BuchbergerMoeller: port to CoCoA-5
Is it better to postpone this than try to rush it?
John Abbott
15:17 CoCoALib Design #829: PPOrderingCtor: name of mem fn which actually constructs?
John Abbott wrote:
> @NewLexOrdering(N)@ or @lex(N)@.
> I wonder whether we should simply eliminate the fn @NewLe...
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:16 CoCoALib Design #822 (Closed): Should ElimMat return a ConstMatrix
John Abbott
15:14 CoCoA-5 Support #973 (Closed): GroebnerFanIdeals: verbosity and output style
This seems to work well now.
Sometimes it is slow, but I think that is GFan's fault.
John Abbott
15:03 CoCoALib Feature #253: W.Bruns's wish list
An issue I stumbled on recently is 3) from my wish list. I think it is not yet implemented. Suppose I produce a polyn... Winfried Bruns
11:28 CoCoALib Feature #253: W.Bruns's wish list
This issue was under "CoCoA" instead of "CoCoALib".
I'm recovering these old and forgotten issues, so we reconsider ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
14:49 CoCoA-5 Feature #711: External Libs: print credits?
The Normaliz header of the development version that will soon become 3.3.0 now lists the external packages compiled i... Winfried Bruns
14:34 CoCoA-5 Support #521: Manual: automatically check all examples
it is in the checklist in #851 ;-)
which I copy for every release
Anna Maria Bigatti
14:14 CoCoA-5 Support #521 (Closed): Manual: automatically check all examples
WQe mustremember to do this before each release!Closing
John Abbott
09:16 CoCoA-5 Support #521: Manual: automatically check all examples
John, close this issue, as done in #558? Anna Maria Bigatti
14:31 CoCoA-5 Bug #1055 (Resolved): CoCoAManual: duplication (2 pages for operators)
Anna Maria Bigatti
14:31 CoCoA-5 Bug #1055: CoCoAManual: duplication (2 pages for operators)
operators, shortcuts
is in the list of commands/functios
CoCoA operators
is in the chapter about operators. I...
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:47 CoCoA-5 Bug #1055: CoCoAManual: duplication (2 pages for operators)
I also note that in the page for @operators, shortcuts@ we use @..@ to mean "missing expression" but also to mean the... John Abbott
11:46 CoCoA-5 Bug #1055 (Closed): CoCoAManual: duplication (2 pages for operators)
Why are there the following two manual pages?... John Abbott
13:37 CoCoALib Feature #573 (Closed): Use symbolic links for external libraries
This has been in feedback for ages (more than 2 years). I have tested on various different Linus platforms, and Anna... John Abbott
11:31 CoCoALib Feature #573: Use symbolic links for external libraries
I think this is well tested now.
This issue was under "CoCoA" instead of "CoCoALib".
I'm recovering these old and...
Anna Maria Bigatti
13:35 CoCoALib Feature #575: Investigate using cmake for configuration
We should talk to the Normaliz people again to see what they think of @cmake@ after some time using it. I thought I ... John Abbott
11:30 CoCoALib Feature #575: Investigate using cmake for configuration
If I recall well someone (ICMS Seoul) suggested us to keep our handwritten configure.
This issue was under "CoCoA"...
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:50 CoCoALib Design #933: Separate configure scripts for CoCoALib and CoCoA-5
Oh, I am of the opposite opinion.
Whatever solution we adopt, it should be as easy as possible to configure and bu...
John Abbott
11:27 CoCoALib Design #933: Separate configure scripts for CoCoALib and CoCoA-5
I'd rather not.
First of all, it works as it is.
Secondly, CoCoALib and CoCoA-5 are strictly related: nice to keep ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:42 CoCoA-5 Support #1054: CoCoAManual: improved search, or improved selection of "see also" pages
One possibility is to number the "see also" pages and offer a way to chose by number; for instance... John Abbott
11:37 CoCoA-5 Support #1054 (New): CoCoAManual: improved search, or improved selection of "see also" pages
I wanted to see the manual page for @SetVerbosityLevel@, but also wanted to be lazy, so I typed:... John Abbott
11:27 CoCoALib Support #26: Redmine Administration
This issue was under "CoCoA" instead of "CoCoALib".
I'm recovering these old and forgotten issues, so we reconsider ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:23 CoCoALib Design #752: Investigate using instead of make
This issue was under "CoCoA" instead of "CoCoALib".
I'm recovering these old and forgotten issues, so we reconsider ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:21 CoCoALib Support #574: Tidy CoCoA root directory
This issue was under "CoCoA" instead of "CoCoALib".
I'm recovering these old and forgotten issues, so we reconsider ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:21 CoCoA-5 Support #439: CoCoA website: download pages and installing instructions
This issue was under "CoCoA" instead of "CoCoALib".
I'm recovering these old and forgotten issues, so we reconsider ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:19 CoCoALib Design #360: CoCoAServer: what future, what issues?
This issue was under "CoCoA" instead of "CoCoALib".
I'm recovering these old and forgotten issues, so we reconsider ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:18 CoCoALib Support #262: Play with GIT
This issue was under "CoCoA" instead of "CoCoALib".
I'm recovering these old and forgotten issues, so we reconsider ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:17 CoCoALib Feature #255: Use BOOST lib default location if possible
This issue was under "CoCoA" instead of "CoCoALib".
I'm recovering these old and forgotten issues, so we reconsider ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:11 CoCoALib Feature #37: matrix constructors
This issue was under "CoCoA" instead of "CoCoALib".
I'm recovering these old and forgotten issues, so we reconsider ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:06 CoCoALib Support #676 (In Progress): Credits to CoCoALib contributors
I would like to make a page like this: (contributions to emacs)
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:04 CoCoALib Design #855: Copyright and authorship?
I'm slowly doing it:
we have contacted most contributors and obtained their permission.
Some have also sent the sig...
Anna Maria Bigatti
09:24 CoCoA-5 Design #868 (Closed): Der, Bin: why the capital letter?
Anna Maria Bigatti
09:10 CoCoA-5 Feature #1021: CoCoA Manual: search should ignore multiple spaces
? file io --> ? file io
? factor ; abcdefg --> don't know, maybe ? factor
? factor -- comment
? ...
Anna Maria Bigatti

27 Apr 2017

23:56 CoCoA-5 Feature #1021: CoCoA Manual: search should ignore multiple spaces
I have written a simple implementation of @CleanupKeyword@, but it is rather different from the current version.
John Abbott
15:27 CoCoA-5 Feature #1021 (In Progress): CoCoA Manual: search should ignore multiple spaces
There is a fn called *@CleanupKeyword@* at around @OnlineHelp.C:600@.
This is probably what needs to be changed!
John Abbott
18:29 CoCoA-5 Support #851: Release: CoCoA-5.2.0
make ManExamples
Anna Maria Bigatti
18:21 CoCoALib Feature #1050: ExternalLibs: function for getting info
Anna Maria Bigatti wrote:
> But I think useful (in addition) the actual name of the "lib" file, together with the st...
Anna Maria Bigatti
08:46 CoCoALib Feature #1050: ExternalLibs: function for getting info
I compiled and it works fine.
I don't much like the "lib" names:...
Anna Maria Bigatti
18:14 CoCoA-5 Feature #996 (Feedback): New function: IdealOfGBasis
John Abbott wrote:
> Cosa dovrebbe fare il seguente?
Anna Maria Bigatti
18:05 CoCoA-5 Design #868: Der, Bin: why the capital letter?
done, tested.
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:43 CoCoA-5 Design #868: Der, Bin: why the capital letter?
John Abbott wrote:
> Can we move @Der@ and @Bin@ to @obsolescent.cpkg5@?
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:15 CoCoA-5 Design #868: Der, Bin: why the capital letter?
Can we move @Der@ and @Bin@ to @obsolescent.cpkg5@?
John Abbott
17:37 CoCoA-5 Design #1051: ReadExpr(P, string) and RingElem(P, string)
I also made a small improvement to @RingElem(Ring, RingElem)@ for the (effectively useless) case when there is ring c... Anna Maria Bigatti
16:38 CoCoA-5 Design #1051 (Resolved): ReadExpr(P, string) and RingElem(P, string)
Updated the documentation for @RingElem@.
Now I'm ready to make @ReadExpr@ obsolescent. Should I do it now or postp...
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:35 CoCoALib Feature #1052: ReadExpr(P, string) and RingElem(P, string) in CoCoALib
updated all examples Anna Maria Bigatti
15:54 CoCoALib Feature #1052: ReadExpr(P, string) and RingElem(P, string) in CoCoALib
Done, documented, tested.
RingElem is better than ReadExpr because it highlights it is just for *one* RingElem.
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:19 CoCoA-5 Design #1018: Interpreter: limit range for ".." operator
sounds good to me
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:09 CoCoA-5 Design #1018 (Feedback): Interpreter: limit range for ".." operator
In fact this has already been implemented: there is an arbitrary upper limit of 10^8 elements in the result.
John Abbott
15:38 CoCoA-5 Bug #1046 (Closed): CoCoA-5 no longer lists the external libs present
Now it works well enough.
John Abbott
09:09 CoCoA-5 Bug #1046 (Resolved): CoCoA-5 no longer lists the external libs present
Added to @VersionInfo@ (in @BuiltinFunctions.C@) the field @ExternalLibs@. Anna Maria Bigatti
15:35 CoCoA-5 Slug #405 (Closed): ReducedGBasis not memorized in an ideal
Closing after 5 months in feedback. A quick test shows that the RGB is now correctly memorized: well, the example gi... John Abbott
15:30 CoCoA-5 Slug #709: Speed of some Normaliz calls (NmzComputation)
Postponing as this is likely to take some time to comprehend and resolve. It is also "not critical" in that there is... John Abbott
15:20 CoCoA-5 Support #1040 (Closed): CoCoAManual: entry for SetVerbosityLevel/VerbosityLevel
I have just improved the entries for @VerbosityLevel@ and @SetVerbosityLevel@. Checked in. Closing.
John Abbott
15:09 CoCoA-5 Support #1000 (In Progress): CoCoAManual for "all cocoa commands"
Postponing (because it will take some time), but also increasing priority.
John Abbott
15:03 CoCoA-5 Support #863 (Closed): CoCoA-5 manual: IsInteger and IsRational are missing?
John Abbott
15:01 CoCoALib Feature #1016 (Feedback): ReducedGBasis for RingWeyl (and other non-commutative rings)
I think this is done automatically.
I did not write an example, but I think the problem was about a bug in the inter...
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:01 CoCoA-5 Slug #798: use poly ring with many variables is too slow
I do not like the fact that the last comment expressed doubt... but obviously I was too lazy to give any details. As... John Abbott
14:57 CoCoA-5 Feature #877 (Closed): Easier syntax to make a PRINCIPAL ideal?
Closing after 7 months in feedback.
John Abbott
14:45 CoCoA-5 Bug #748: Emacs UI: return inside a block of output sends several lines (not just the one I'm on)
Great thanks!! I realized only now this was the problem I had!
Teasted: it works on old emacs too.
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:30 CoCoA-5 Bug #748 (Closed): Emacs UI: return inside a block of output sends several lines (not just the one I'm on)
This has been in feedback for 10 months. I've not noticed any "nasty surprises" using Emacs, so it is probably OK no... John Abbott
14:34 CoCoA-5 Bug #878 (Closed): RingElem applied to a symbol (repr as a string)
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:43 CoCoA-5 Feature #909 (Closed): ReadExpr: decimal point
Closing after 7 months in feedback without any problems (but probably not much stress testing either).
John Abbott
11:40 CoCoA-5 Feature #711 (Closed): External Libs: print credits?
I think it is best to skip the fancy idea suggested in comment 7, at least for the time being.
Closing after 7 mon...
John Abbott
11:35 CoCoA-5 Bug #1028 (Closed): Readline: cursor moves wrongly when at start of line with a prompt
Closing after about 1 month effectively in feedback.
I hardly ever use the readline interface myself -- almost alway...
John Abbott
11:31 CoCoA-5 Bug #1002 (Closed): Emacs UI: cocoa5-send-line skips too many chars
Closing after 3 months in feedback, and no problems have come up.
John Abbott

26 Apr 2017

22:35 CoCoALib Feature #1050: ExternalLibs: function for getting info
Found missing include.
Also added mathsat and gsl
Anna Maria Bigatti
18:55 CoCoALib Feature #1050: ExternalLibs: function for getting info
It says:... Anna Maria Bigatti
17:44 CoCoALib Feature #1050 (Feedback): ExternalLibs: function for getting info
I have checked in some documentation.
John Abbott
17:04 CoCoALib Feature #1050 (Resolved): ExternalLibs: function for getting info
I have just checked-in my implementation (after some cleaning).
I have also modified @src/CoCoA-5/Banner.C@ so that ...
John Abbott
14:20 CoCoALib Feature #1050: ExternalLibs: function for getting info
John Abbott wrote:
> We could simply set the field to @UNKNOWN@ or maybe @Unknown but >= v2.3.4@
Anna Maria Bigatti
14:10 CoCoALib Feature #1050: ExternalLibs: function for getting info
I am not yet convinced that having 2 fields is a good idea.
We could simply set the field to @UNKNOWN@ or maybe @U...
John Abbott
09:41 CoCoALib Feature #1050: ExternalLibs: function for getting info
John Abbott wrote:
> I have a first prototype (sent to Anna by email). Currently, it is just a program in @examples...
Anna Maria Bigatti
09:36 CoCoALib Feature #1050: ExternalLibs: function for getting info
John Abbott wrote:
> An alternative file in which to put the function(s) is *@BuildInfo.H/C@*.
> Advantage: no need...
Anna Maria Bigatti
21:56 CoCoALib Feature #1053: New function: IdealOfGBasis, IdealOfMinGens in CoCoALib
John Abbott wrote:
> Is the intention that the gens given are *the reduced GBasis* (wrt ring ordering)?
Good ques...
Anna Maria Bigatti
19:56 CoCoALib Feature #1053: New function: IdealOfGBasis, IdealOfMinGens in CoCoALib
Is the intention that the gens given are *the reduced GBasis* (wrt ring ordering)?
Or do you want to allow any GBasi...
John Abbott
18:02 CoCoALib Feature #1053 (Feedback): New function: IdealOfGBasis, IdealOfMinGens in CoCoALib
Moved from cocoa-5 to cocoalib, updated calling code, and documented. Anna Maria Bigatti
18:00 CoCoALib Feature #1053 (Closed): New function: IdealOfGBasis, IdealOfMinGens in CoCoALib
port these 2 functions in cocoalib. Anna Maria Bigatti
19:04 CoCoA-5 Feature #903 (Closed): New function CallOnGroebnerFanIdeals: call function on GFan ideals
Updated manual (after cleaned up example in GBForEveryone paper).
Anna Maria Bigatti
18:00 CoCoALib Slug #1049: GroebnerFan: slow examples
Here are some examples with binomial ideals:... John Abbott
15:31 CoCoALib Slug #1049 (In Progress): GroebnerFan: slow examples
Here is a strange example:... John Abbott
17:25 CoCoA-5 Feature #883 (Closed): gin: return/print a suitable change of variables
With verbosity we print the changes used. I think this was the actual request by Werner Seiler, so I close this issu... Anna Maria Bigatti
17:20 CoCoA-5 Feature #1038 (Closed): Emacs: sent interrupt to CoCoA
Works for John (new emacs) and for me (old emacs).
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:19 CoCoA-5 Design #998 (Closed): Emacs UI: sending empty input from cocoa5 buffer
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:18 CoCoA-5 Feature #978: CommonDenom: for polys and lists?
* We are going to work on this, better postpone this. Anna Maria Bigatti
16:58 CoCoA-5 Support #977: "universal denominator" (related with GroebnerFanIdeals)
I think we are going to do more work on this topic. Postponing to next release. Anna Maria Bigatti
16:49 CoCoA-5 Design #1020: Rename minimalized(I) into IdealOfMinGens(I)?
Changed my mind :-(
@minimalized@ is also for modules. This needs more thinking.
Postponing to next release.
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:06 CoCoA-5 Design #1020: Rename minimalized(I) into IdealOfMinGens(I)?
I'm about to make @minimalized@ obsolescent (cocoa and cocoalib).
Should I do the same for @minimalize@ (suggesting...
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:00 CoCoA-5 Bug #963 (Closed): Manual: XML problem with html doc
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:56 CoCoA-5 Bug #870 (Closed): GBasis of product of ideals is wrong (Vadim Tropashko) --> I.myReset()
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:01 CoCoALib Feature #931 (Feedback): GBasis verbose mode
Verbosity is also related to printing final statistics (#730).
That might change, but the basic progress information...
Anna Maria Bigatti
14:51 CoCoALib Feature #931: GBasis verbose mode
I cleaned up the code a bit, and settled some values for verbosity.
100 and 101 give some basic informations, for al...
Anna Maria Bigatti
14:57 CoCoALib Feature #730: Stats in GBMill (GReductor)
Current version is OK, probably not final but acceptable for version 99550/5.2.0 Anna Maria Bigatti
14:26 CoCoALib Feature #1052: ReadExpr(P, string) and RingElem(P, string) in CoCoALib
John Abbott wrote:
> If in CoCoA-5 we are happy to have @RingElem(P, str)@ do what @ReadExpr(P, str)@ currently does...
Anna Maria Bigatti
13:52 CoCoALib Feature #1052 (In Progress): ReadExpr(P, string) and RingElem(P, string) in CoCoALib
We should try to keep CoCoALib similar to CoCoA-5 (or make CoCoALib simpler if it is different from CoCoA-5).
If i...
John Abbott
12:23 CoCoALib Feature #1052 (Closed): ReadExpr(P, string) and RingElem(P, string) in CoCoALib
Should we have in CoCoALib (as in CoCoA-5) @RingElem(P, string)@ behaving like @ReadExpr(P, string)@?
Currently ther...
Anna Maria Bigatti
13:51 CoCoA-5 Design #1051: ReadExpr(P, string) and RingElem(P, string)
John Abbott wrote:
> Should we make *@ReadExpr@* obsolescent?
Not before deciding if we want to do the same in Co...
Anna Maria Bigatti
13:31 CoCoA-5 Design #1051 (In Progress): ReadExpr(P, string) and RingElem(P, string)
Should we make *@ReadExpr@* obsolescent?
John Abbott
11:07 CoCoA-5 Design #1051: ReadExpr(P, string) and RingElem(P, string)
Done (cocoa5) and checked in. Anna Maria Bigatti
09:12 CoCoA-5 Design #1051: ReadExpr(P, string) and RingElem(P, string)
OK, I'll implement "3".
Should I modify CoCoALib as well?
Anna Maria Bigatti
13:34 CoCoA-5 Bug #878: RingElem applied to a symbol (repr as a string)
John Abbott wrote:
> Or should we just wait until the function is really needed? The @sprint@ solution can be used ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
13:28 CoCoA-5 Bug #878 (Resolved): RingElem applied to a symbol (repr as a string)
As already indicated in the description, I do not much like the awkward syntax @RingElem(P, ["a",i])@.
I do see th...
John Abbott
10:36 CoCoA-5 Bug #878: RingElem applied to a symbol (repr as a string)
Fixed, now calls @ReadExpr@.
I kept the syntax @RingElem(P, ["a", i])@ because it allows variable indic...
Anna Maria Bigatti

25 Apr 2017

17:57 CoCoA-5 Design #1051: ReadExpr(P, string) and RingElem(P, string)
If we make @RingElem(P, str)@ behave like @ReadExpr(P, str)@ then @ReadExpr@ becomes essentially redundant.
I thin...
John Abbott

24 Apr 2017

18:11 CoCoA-5 Design #1051: ReadExpr(P, string) and RingElem(P, string)
Currently implemented 2, meaningful error message.
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:15 CoCoA-5 Design #1051 (Closed): ReadExpr(P, string) and RingElem(P, string)
In cocoalib we have ReadExpr(P, *string*) and RingElem(P, *symbol*), but in cocoa-5 they both take a string.
I spent...
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:55 CoCoALib Design #1019 (Closed): CPP flags in installed library
I am now sufficiently convinced by the current design that I am closing this issue.
John Abbott
17:37 CoCoALib Feature #1050: ExternalLibs: function for getting info
I have a first prototype (sent to Anna by email). Currently, it is just a program in @examples/@.
The main proble...
John Abbott
14:39 CoCoALib Feature #1050: ExternalLibs: function for getting info
An alternative file in which to put the function(s) is *@BuildInfo.H/C@*.
Advantage: no need to create any new fil...
John Abbott
14:21 CoCoALib Feature #1050 (In Progress): ExternalLibs: function for getting info
I propose putting the new function(s) in a new file called @ExternalLibs.H@ (and @ExternalLibs.C@ of course!).
This ...
John Abbott
14:14 CoCoALib Feature #1050 (Closed): ExternalLibs: function for getting info
I propose a new feature: CoCoALib should offer a function(s) for finding out which "external libraries" have been com... John Abbott

22 Apr 2017

23:23 CoCoALib Design #1019: CPP flags in installed library
Can we close this issue and open a new one about the problem of CoCoA-5 not seeing which external libs are in CoCoALi... John Abbott
23:19 CoCoALib Design #829: PPOrderingCtor: name of mem fn which actually constructs?
Anna, you have not answered my question in comment 6: whether to make obsolescent @NewLexOrdering@ John Abbott
23:09 CoCoALib Design #822 (Feedback): Should ElimMat return a ConstMatrix
The current code works without any apparent problems, so we can just accept it as it is. It may not be the best desi... John Abbott
23:03 CoCoALib Support #944: Release: CoCoALib-0.99550 (together with CoCoA-5.2.0)
I am hoping this can be completed very soon (within a week?).
I have just run @make valgrind@ in @src/tests/@ and ...
John Abbott
22:57 CoCoALib Feature #357: Constructor for vectors? CoCoAVector
Anna, can we postpone this to the next release?
I think that the problem I mentioned in comment 14 means that this...
John Abbott
22:55 CoCoALib Bug #1004 (Closed): In scripts: use portable test for absolute paths
Closing after 2 months in feedback without any problems being reported.
John Abbott
22:52 CoCoALib Feature #1036 (Closed): LogStream: stream for log output
I have redesigned the interface to use a RAII-style approach. Documentation and example has been updated.
So the do...
John Abbott
22:46 CoCoALib Feature #1008 (Closed): square function
The solution is: *we do not define a @square@ function*. Use @power(...,2)@ instead!
John Abbott
22:43 CoCoALib Bug #1048 (Closed): Several tests fail when threadsafe-hack is active
Closing because it has been properly solved. I hope I'll be more careful next time... if there is a next time. John Abbott
22:42 CoCoALib Bug #1015 (Closed): Bruns SEGV: SparsePolyIter/DMPI problem
Regarding this as solved by issue #1019. Closing. John Abbott

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