



From 21 Aug 2014 to 19 Sep 2014

17 Sep 2014

17:27 CoCoA-5 Bug #612: The C5 gui does not exit properly when using the exit menu entry
This is a known bug. We had looked for it ages ago (obviously without success).
The bug appears to be "minor" in ...
John Abbott
13:11 CoCoA-5 Feature #626 (New): Output Betti numbers
Taken from an email of 20140709:... John Abbott

16 Sep 2014

13:44 CoCoALib Design #620: Redesign CRTMill
Maybe the @vector@ version needs a little more thought.
In a deterministic algorithm, where we lift to an _a prior...
John Abbott
13:26 CoCoALib Feature #625: NumTheory: sieve of Eratosthenes
I have now checked in the code.
John Abbott

15 Sep 2014

23:59 CoCoALib Feature #625: NumTheory: sieve of Eratosthenes
Added maintainer doc, test (seems its was needed), and example (a bit difficult).
John Abbott
23:20 CoCoALib Feature #625 (Feedback): NumTheory: sieve of Eratosthenes
Implemented, and added some doc.
Still need to do: maintainer doc, test, example.
John Abbott
23:19 CoCoALib Feature #625 (Closed): NumTheory: sieve of Eratosthenes
In an example I needed a table like the Sieve of Eratosthenes. So I've implemented it, and added it to CoCoALib.
John Abbott
18:06 CoCoA-5 Support #605 (Closed): Release: CoCoA-5.1.1
Anna Maria Bigatti
18:06 CoCoA-5 Support #605: Release: CoCoA-5.1.1
Compilation of GUI for windows by Jan Limbeck (thanks!)
tested, worked, published!
all done now
Anna Maria Bigatti
18:03 Support #266 (Closed): Compilation on M$Windows: cygwin
Anna Maria Bigatti
18:02 Support #266: Compilation on M$Windows: cygwin
what was done, was done (now closing) Anna Maria Bigatti
12:04 CoCoALib Feature #400: add myJBMill member field to ideal
John Abbott wrote:
> I found this is an email message (from me) of 20140613:
> (1) you cannot have a data member of...
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:21 CoCoALib Feature #400: add myJBMill member field to ideal
I found this is an email message (from me) of 20140613:... John Abbott

13 Sep 2014

23:47 CoCoALib Design #620: Redesign CRTMill
It could be interesting to have a @vector@ version of @CRTMill@ which accepts vectors of residues along with a single... John Abbott

12 Sep 2014

17:29 CoCoA-5 Support #605 (Resolved): Release: CoCoA-5.1.1
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:55 CoCoALib Design #620: Redesign CRTMill
I have had a quick look at documentation for NTL and FLINT.
NTL has a very simple interface (like the existing one f...
John Abbott
16:53 CoCoALib Support #624 (New): Wikipedia
Improve the Wikipedia entry about CoCoA. John Abbott
11:14 CoCoALib Feature #623 (Closed): Inverse of a matrix over ZZ
Inverse of a matrix over QQ works fine.
Fix code so that it works for invertible matrices over ZZ.
(I have a big ex...
Anna Maria Bigatti
10:43 CoCoA-5 Feature #622: New function: RandomSubset
done. still missing: documentation, tests.
Would it be useful in CoCoALib? maybe just a random subset of 1..n?
Anna Maria Bigatti
10:38 CoCoA-5 Feature #622 (Closed): New function: RandomSubset
Sometimes "all subsets" are far too many (compute how many! ;-) to fit into memory.
So checking a property on a suit...
Anna Maria Bigatti

11 Sep 2014

17:51 CoCoA-5 Bug #519: GUI: fix DEFINES in makefile
Anna has asked Limbeck to attempt compilation -- waiting for his feedback.
John Abbott
17:49 CoCoA-5 Support #605: Release: CoCoA-5.1.1
Missing C5 GUI for linux (will probably not happen -- too many problems with QT).
Missing C5 GUI for Microsoft (hopi...
John Abbott
17:43 CoCoA-5 Feature #484 (Closed): Evaluate in other ring (was called :: in CoCoA-4)
John Abbott
17:42 CoCoA-5 Feature #270 (Closed): Distribution for linux
John Abbott
17:40 CoCoA-5 Support #541 (Closed): Unify releases for Linux 32 and Linux 64
John Abbott
17:40 CoCoA-5 Feature #245 (Closed): Meaningful error for functions defined in "missing" external library
John Abbott
17:39 CoCoA-5 Feature #204 (Closed): NmzComputation: the powerful NormalizComputation function in CoCoA-5
John Abbott
17:38 CoCoA-5 Bug #104 (Closed): Misprints suggestions: Z --> ZZ
John Abbott
17:20 CoCoALib Bug #190 (Closed): Subtle ref count bug for poly rings (via CoeffEmbeddingHom)
John Abbott
16:53 CoCoALib Support #604 (In Progress): Release: CoCoALib-0.99535
John Abbott
16:52 CoCoALib Support #621 (New): Release: CoCoALib-0.99536
John Abbott
16:41 CoCoALib Support #621 (Closed): Release: CoCoALib-0.99536
Everything related to making a CoCoALib release:
make veryclean; make (full make, with all tests and ex...
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:37 CoCoALib Support #599 (Closed): Release: CoCoALib-0.99534
John Abbott
15:59 CoCoALib Design #620: Redesign CRTMill
I expect the main case of adding residue-modulus pairs is when both are machine @long@ values, and we could reasonabl... John Abbott
15:40 CoCoALib Design #620 (In Progress): Redesign CRTMill
I envisage two types of use of a @CRTMill@:
# keep adding residue-modulus pairs until the combined modulus exceeds an...
John Abbott
12:47 CoCoALib Design #620 (In Progress): Redesign CRTMill
I have some ideas for alternative implementations of @CRTMill@, but they do not fit well with the current user interf... John Abbott
12:37 CoCoALib Design #619: Modulus (for CRTMill) ambiguous
An obvious "solution" is to put @using CoCoA::modulus@ somewhere inside the function which calls it. Just about acce... John Abbott

09 Sep 2014

16:20 CoCoALib Support #618 (In Progress): Instructions for compiling libnormaliz
Anna Maria Bigatti
12:08 CoCoALib Support #618: Instructions for compiling libnormaliz
This is what I did (on Mac)
- create a build dir, cd into it, run cmake.
This is what I did...
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:34 CoCoALib Support #618 (Closed): Instructions for compiling libnormaliz
Collection of instructions for compiling normaliz.
(keep up-to-date)
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:25 CoCoALib Design #619: Modulus (for CRTMill) ambiguous
I do not understand why the compiler thinks that @modulus(crt)@ is ambiguous.
There is an STL template fn @modulus@,...
John Abbott
15:22 CoCoALib Design #619 (Closed): Modulus (for CRTMill) ambiguous
The type @CRTMill@ has an associated function @modulus(const CRTMill&)@; however calling the function the obvious way... John Abbott
12:21 CoCoALib Feature #617: configure: check all libraries for compatibility
The advantage of a single test is that it is easier to manage and maintain.
The advantage of a separate test for eac...
John Abbott

08 Sep 2014

17:41 CoCoALib Bug #593: Temporary directories used during configuration
I'll probably also need a script to tidy up temp dirs left by the current scripts... :-(
John Abbott
17:11 CoCoALib Feature #617 (New): configure: check all libraries for compatibility
Currently the configuration scripts check that the BOOST libraries are compatible with @libgmp@, but there are no oth... John Abbott
12:46 CoCoA-5 Support #605: Release: CoCoA-5.1.1
Done for macos > 10.6 and for linux 64bit Anna Maria Bigatti

05 Sep 2014

16:54 CoCoA-5 Support #616 (Closed): Release: CoCoA-5.1.2
Everything for the release
<check version number for CoCoALib release>
<cvs checkout in snapshot dir>
cd <snap...
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:14 CoCoA-5 Bug #104 (Feedback): Misprints suggestions: Z --> ZZ
After a last look at the code I agreed with John's choice (2) in mesg 1: just to add the very special cases for "Z" a... Anna Maria Bigatti
11:51 CoCoA-5 Design #294 (Closed): BuiltInFunctions: General "OneLiner" for arguments of different type
Documented in
and in ICMS slides
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:43 CoCoA-5 Design #307 (Closed): Value::from makes BigIntValue::fromInt obsolete?
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:38 CoCoA-5 Support #456 (Closed): CoCoAManual: New structure for manual?
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:20 CoCoA-5 Feature #615 (Closed): Resume MayerVietorisTreeN1
Done Anna Maria Bigatti
11:19 CoCoA-5 Feature #615 (Closed): Resume MayerVietorisTreeN1
Add MayerVietorisTreeN1 to CoCoA-5 Anna Maria Bigatti

04 Sep 2014

18:31 CoCoA-5 Support #556 (Closed): CoCoAManual: improve part on tagging
Checked how it works (I didn't know myself...), moved chapter in "types" (instead of "input/output").
Not perfect, b...
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:55 CoCoALib Support #613: Which ubuntu / debian packages are needed to compile CoCoA
I just tested it with a fresh live usbdrive system and it works with exactly the packages I listed with the cvs versi... Christof Soeger
14:46 CoCoALib Support #613: Which ubuntu / debian packages are needed to compile CoCoA
I have just tried on a fresh Ubuntu 14.04 installation, and the @libboost@ packages were apparently not enough (my sc... John Abbott
12:01 CoCoALib Support #613 (In Progress): Which ubuntu / debian packages are needed to compile CoCoA
[found this on @askubuntu@]
You could use the output of dpkg -s <packagename> or dpkg-query -l <packagename>
in y...
John Abbott
14:05 CoCoA-5 Feature #614 (In Progress): Add functions based on MayerVietorisTree
Anna Maria Bigatti
14:04 CoCoA-5 Feature #614: Add functions based on MayerVietorisTree
Added ... Anna Maria Bigatti
14:03 CoCoA-5 Feature #614 (In Progress): Add functions based on MayerVietorisTree
CoCoA-4 had quite a few functions based on MayerVietorisTree (via CoCoAServer).
Port them properly in CoCoA-5.
Anna Maria Bigatti
12:54 CoCoA-5 Bug #321 (Closed): interpreter proposes no near misses for "bin"
After some testing Anna and John approve the idea in comment 8 (already implemented).
We have also increased the m...
John Abbott
12:39 CoCoA-5 Support #338 (Closed): MacOS version with static gcc libraries
Since Mac OS X 10.5 is now more than 5 years old, we have decided to stop worrying about it (for the binary releases).
John Abbott
12:32 CoCoA-5 Design #595 (Closed): rename BigIntValue, IdealValue --> INTValue, IDEALValue? or even INT, IDEAL?
John Abbott
12:29 CoCoA-5 Support #488 (Closed): CoCoAManual: Help page for porting old C4 code to C5
John Abbott
12:22 CoCoA-5 Support #286 (Closed): How to test (automatically) a user defined CoCoA function
John Abbott
12:18 CoCoA-5 Bug #552 (Closed): C5 BuiltinFunctions.c fn RingElem
Anna explains that the ugly interface was devised to allow a C5 user to create another poly ring whose indets have th... John Abbott
12:05 CoCoA-5 Bug #132 (Closed): BringIn should allow reduction modulo p
Closing even though it only partly resolves the problems with @BringIn@. I'll create a new, more precise issue. John Abbott

03 Sep 2014

18:25 CoCoA-5 Bug #279 (Closed): Bug in Radical (actually a RingHom problem)
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:04 CoCoA-5 Support #541 (Resolved): Unify releases for Linux 32 and Linux 64
I think we've practically resolved this. If Oscar updates his system in the next few days, we'll confirm that everyt... John Abbott
12:41 CoCoA-5 Support #541: Unify releases for Linux 32 and Linux 64
Wouldn't compiling with static versions of the libraries solve the problem?
Or perhaps we could distribute with cop...
John Abbott
16:00 CoCoA-5 Design #549 (Closed): Automatic conversion from RINGELEM to INT or RAT
Since the current code has been running without problems for 4+ months, I'm closing. If further closely related issu... John Abbott
15:20 CoCoA-5 Design #549: Automatic conversion from RINGELEM to INT or RAT
Here are what I think are the potentially doubtful cases for @INT@:
* @binomial@, @BinomialRepr@, @BinomialReprShift...
John Abbott
15:03 CoCoA-5 Design #549: Automatic conversion from RINGELEM to INT or RAT
Here are the fns which can be applied to @RAT@ according to the C5 online help system:... John Abbott
15:04 CoCoA-5 Feature #204: NmzComputation: the powerful NormalizComputation function in CoCoA-5
I implemented a NmzEvaluateHilbertQuasiPolynomial method. It is very close to the implementation for QuasiPoly in coc... Christof Soeger
11:34 CoCoA-5 Feature #204: NmzComputation: the powerful NormalizComputation function in CoCoA-5
I'm unsure. I think in any case we also need an evaluate function like in the library. We have to rewrite it anyway, ... Christof Soeger
10:32 CoCoA-5 Feature #204: NmzComputation: the powerful NormalizComputation function in CoCoA-5
I think this is different because the mathematical structure is indexed by elements of @ZZ/(n)@ rather than indices 1... John Abbott
07:55 CoCoA-5 Feature #204: NmzComputation: the powerful NormalizComputation function in CoCoA-5
John Abbott wrote:
> The "shifting" of the indices by 1 could be awkward. I can think of two ways to resolve the ma...
Anna Maria Bigatti
13:43 CoCoA-5 Feature #608 (Closed): Emacs UI: C-return for send-line and send-region
Anna's happy, so closing. I hope it is documented somewhere.
John Abbott
13:40 CoCoA-5 Feature #464 (Closed): Emacs UI: split horizontally instead of vertically?
John Abbott
13:39 CoCoA-5 Support #609 (Closed): Package "empty.cpkg5"
The package is there; let's see how it works (_i.e._ users find it a helpful adjunct to the documentation).
John Abbott
13:35 CoCoA-5 Support #548: Printing rings with ID
I think the current implementation is adequate (rather than fully satisfactory); but I'd like time to think more abou... John Abbott
12:36 CoCoA-5 Feature #553 (Closed): Port function MantissaAndExponent2
John Abbott
12:19 CoCoA-5 Bug #321: interpreter proposes no near misses for "bin"
I now have a first impl.
* changed the use of @std::set@ into @set::vector@
* implemented the idea of printing the ...
John Abbott
07:47 CoCoA-5 Bug #321: interpreter proposes no near misses for "bin"
John Abbott wrote:
> I propose the following variation on current behaviour:
> * the suggested names should be in o...
Anna Maria Bigatti
12:04 CoCoALib Support #613 (Closed): Which ubuntu / debian packages are needed to compile CoCoA
I it can be useful to collect which packages have to be installed to make it easy to compile CoCoALib, the interprete... Christof Soeger
11:40 CoCoA-5 Bug #612 (Closed): The C5 gui does not exit properly when using the exit menu entry
When I close the C5 gui via the menu or the "x" button I get ... Christof Soeger

02 Sep 2014

23:46 CoCoA-5 Bug #321: interpreter proposes no near misses for "bin"
I propose the following variation on current behaviour:
* the suggested names should be in order of increasing _leven...
John Abbott
14:06 CoCoA-5 Bug #321: interpreter proposes no near misses for "bin"
The place to intervene appears to be @Interpreter.C:2775@ in the function @collectSimilarlyNamedIdentifiers@. The pr... John Abbott
23:34 CoCoA-5 Feature #204: NmzComputation: the powerful NormalizComputation function in CoCoA-5
The "shifting" of the indices by 1 could be awkward. I can think of two ways to resolve the matter:
* put the *firs...
John Abbott
18:37 CoCoA-5 Feature #204: NmzComputation: the powerful NormalizComputation function in CoCoA-5
added Value::from(QuasiPoly).
... keep in mind that indices in the LIST representing a QuasiPoly start from 1 in CoC...
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:55 CoCoA-5 Feature #204: NmzComputation: the powerful NormalizComputation function in CoCoA-5
Almost, I just checked it and the HilbertQuasiPolynomial is not returned at the moment. What is missing is a Value::f... Christof Soeger
11:23 CoCoA-5 Feature #204: NmzComputation: the powerful NormalizComputation function in CoCoA-5
@Christof: is this issue resolved/complete/closable???
John Abbott
17:46 CoCoA-5 Feature #245 (Resolved): Meaningful error for functions defined in "missing" external library
I applied John's suggestion.
I'd rather find an "automatic" solution (so that we don't risk forgetting or misspellin...
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:01 CoCoA-5 Bug #275: Unhelpful error messages when SmallExponent_t is unsigned char.
I have just (20140902) checked using @typedef unsigned short SmallExponent_t;@ and everything worked fine.
John Abbott
14:59 CoCoA-5 Bug #275 (In Progress): Unhelpful error messages when SmallExponent_t is unsigned char.
I have just retried the experiment. Several CoCoALib tests fail:... John Abbott
15:37 CoCoA-5 Bug #611 (New): GUI: qutting provokes Imminent Disaster
Found in an old email (20101119).
After starting the C5GUI from the command line, when quitting by selecting the a...
John Abbott
15:33 CoCoA-5 Design #610 (Closed): Variable It: assign before or after printing
I found this is an old email (20101119).
Currently given a freestanding top-level expr C5 evaluates it,
prints th...
John Abbott
14:11 CoCoA-5 Support #240: GUI compilation: GMP is not naturally thread-safe
JAA has confirmed (20140902) that the problem persists (with GMP 6.0.0 built without the @--disable-alloca@ flag).
John Abbott
12:51 CoCoA-5 Bug #104: Misprints suggestions: Z --> ZZ
I have just tried increasing to 1 the max distance for length 1 identifiers. Not sure whether I like the result. He... John Abbott
11:30 CoCoA-5 Bug #34 (Closed): CoCoAManual: obsolete entries in the manual
John Abbott
11:21 CoCoA-5 Feature #561 (Closed): Emacs UI: unrecognized keywords (ImportByValue...)
John Abbott
11:10 CoCoA-5 Bug #433 (Closed): EMACS UI: trouble with sending a long line
Accept my solution (already checked in):
* lines longer than 999 chars are sent using @SourceRegion@
* do not worry...
John Abbott
11:08 CoCoA-5 Design #546 (Closed): ideal wants LIST of RINGELEM
After discussing with Anna we have decided to accept the current solution: i.e. that @ideal([x,0,y])@ works as desire... John Abbott
11:03 CoCoA-5 Bug #594 (Closed): CharPoly(MAT) and MinPoly(MAT) work in different settings: unify behaviaour
John Abbott
11:02 CoCoA-5 Design #607 (Closed): Emacs UI; remove send-buffer?
Done, checked in, tested... seems fine... closing
John Abbott
10:53 CoCoA-5 Support #290 (In Progress): Which functions are defined in CoCoALibSupplement?
Anna Maria Bigatti
08:40 CoCoA-5 Design #307 (Feedback): Value::from makes BigIntValue::fromInt obsolete?
I seems it is all done now.
The only call of @fromBool@ is in @Value::from@.
Anna Maria Bigatti
08:28 CoCoA-5 Feature #588: Resume code for "gin" (generic initial ideal)
John Abbott wrote:
> I notice that the current definition will sometimes (almost never?) print out a message about t...
Anna Maria Bigatti

01 Sep 2014

18:30 CoCoA-5 Design #563 (Closed): Remove ZMOD type from CoCoAInterpreter
Checked everything by eye with Anna; checked in. Closing.
John Abbott
14:31 CoCoA-5 Design #563 (Resolved): Remove ZMOD type from CoCoAInterpreter
I've removed (commented out) the relevant lines in @Interpreter.C@ and @AST.H@.
I also had to change two packages (@...
John Abbott
15:47 CoCoA-5 Feature #25 (Closed): Function "Call"
Apparently this has already been done (but Anna forgot to "close" properly).
John Abbott
15:02 CoCoA-5 Feature #561 (Resolved): Emacs UI: unrecognized keywords (ImportByValue...)
Everything seems OK to me (after a perfunctory test).
I suggest closing this issue -- if an omission comes to light,...
John Abbott
14:50 CoCoA-5 Design #491 (In Progress): Cleaning: Cruft in CoCoA-5 packages
Perhaps this task is best achieved by Anna and me together; we should meet occasionally and remove "dead" code from s... John Abbott

29 Aug 2014

12:44 CoCoA-5 Support #609 (Resolved): Package "empty.cpkg5"
When I make a new package I copy an old one and empty it, and that's what I suggest to do to people (Elisa ;-) who ne... Anna Maria Bigatti
12:33 CoCoA-5 Support #609: Package "empty.cpkg5"
Why do you think it would be useful?
What do you think it should contain?
To be useful I suppose it ought to export...
John Abbott
12:30 CoCoA-5 Support #609 (Closed): Package "empty.cpkg5"
I think a package "packages/empty.cpkg5" would be useful. Anna Maria Bigatti
12:30 CoCoA-5 Feature #500: Interpreter: is it possible to avoid useless prompts?
I have checked in the code for automatic prompt suppression (in @Main.C:153@ and @LineProviders.C:85@; but the code i... John Abbott
12:05 CoCoA-5 Feature #500 (In Progress): Interpreter: is it possible to avoid useless prompts?
Since C++ is rather less than helpful in this matter, I think a better solution would be to add a command(s?) to the ... John Abbott
11:58 CoCoA-5 Feature #500: Interpreter: is it possible to avoid useless prompts?
This appears to be impossible in C++ (version 2003), at least in a fully portable way.
I have found a post which exp...
John Abbott
11:55 CoCoA-5 Feature #608: Emacs UI: C-return for send-line and send-region
Well done John! it works!
(almost: I had to make a tiny change to make it work also on emacs 22)
Now I have no exc...
Anna Maria Bigatti

28 Aug 2014

17:42 CoCoA-5 Feature #608 (Resolved): Emacs UI: C-return for send-line and send-region
I have added @cocoa5-send-line-or-region@ as well as bindings to @C-RET@ and @M-RET@.
Try it; see what you think (I ...
John Abbott
16:41 CoCoA-5 Feature #608: Emacs UI: C-return for send-line and send-region
John Abbott wrote:
> Not sure I understand what you mean.
> You want @C-return@ to send the region if a region is s...
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:14 CoCoA-5 Feature #608: Emacs UI: C-return for send-line and send-region
Not sure I understand what you mean.
You want @C-return@ to send the region if a region is selected, and otherwise t...
John Abbott
16:01 CoCoA-5 Feature #608 (Closed): Emacs UI: C-return for send-line and send-region
@C-return@ (or ALT/META/..-return) now calls cocoa5-send-line (in addition to the old C-c C-l)
and cocoa5-source-reg...
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:57 CoCoA-5 Bug #433: EMACS UI: trouble with sending a long line
I now have a cleaned solution -- our Emacs code is very "evolutionary" (rather than "intelligent design").
I'll ch...
John Abbott
15:37 CoCoA-5 Bug #433: EMACS UI: trouble with sending a long line
I have an ugly solution that appears to work fine in Emacs 23.2 and 24.1.
Now I'll try to make it neater.
John Abbott
14:45 CoCoA-5 Bug #433: EMACS UI: trouble with sending a long line
I suggest adopting the @SourceRegion@ solution; it seems fairly unlikely that saving the file could really be a probl... John Abbott
16:44 CoCoA-5 Feature #352: Should SourceRegion echo the "region"?
This issue has been idle for 5 months. I think we can close it.
Anna's solution is "ugly" (because it causes many...
John Abbott
15:56 CoCoA-5 Design #607: Emacs UI; remove send-buffer?
OK for removing it (I removed it some time ago from the "CoCoA-5 menu").
Maybe you should redefine the C-c C-b bindi...
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:43 CoCoA-5 Design #607 (Closed): Emacs UI; remove send-buffer?
There is an emacs UI function called @cocoa5-send-buffer@. Its effect is practically identical to that of @cocoa5-so... John Abbott
14:19 CoCoA-5 Feature #588: Resume code for "gin" (generic initial ideal)
I notice that the current definition will sometimes (almost never?) print out a message about trying again. This is ... John Abbott
12:54 CoCoA-5 Bug #321: interpreter proposes no near misses for "bin"
Now we get slightly different output:... John Abbott
12:43 CoCoA-5 Bug #104: Misprints suggestions: Z --> ZZ
Another important function is @maximumDistanceForSimilarIdentifiers@ (@Interpreter.C:921@) which says how many "chang... John Abbott
11:00 CoCoA-5 Bug #104: Misprints suggestions: Z --> ZZ
some more tests (just to understand what the algorithm is doing).... Anna Maria Bigatti

27 Aug 2014

18:40 CoCoA-5 Bug #104 (In Progress): Misprints suggestions: Z --> ZZ
Anna Maria Bigatti
18:32 CoCoA-5 Bug #104: Misprints suggestions: Z --> ZZ
Some tests:
@ZZ@ is suggested when giving @ZZZ@, or @zz@, so it is indeed in the list.
Maybe the problem is just th...
Anna Maria Bigatti
18:19 CoCoA-5 Bug #543 (Closed): Interpreter: problem when calling the manual with trailing spaces and comments
fixed Anna Maria Bigatti
18:17 CoCoA-5 Slug #99 (Closed): Function "insert": obsolescent
Anna Maria Bigatti
18:12 CoCoA-5 Feature #588 (Closed): Resume code for "gin" (generic initial ideal)
Anna Maria Bigatti
18:11 CoCoA-5 Feature #518 (Closed): incr/decr functions: to be used in packages
Anna Maria Bigatti
18:09 CoCoA-5 Design #525 (Closed): BuiltInFunctions: evalArgAsT1OrT2, evalArgAsT1OrT2OrT3, ... last argument
Anna Maria Bigatti
18:06 CoCoA-5 Bug #378 (Closed): Ungraceful behaviour: Source inside For loop
Anna Maria Bigatti

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