



From 14 Mar 2018 to 12 Apr 2018

06 Apr 2018

20:54 Design #1179: Clean up SparsePolyOps-MonomialIdeals
converted code for *@PrimaryDecomposition_MonId@* into a member function.
Anna Maria Bigatti
20:52 Design #1179 (In Progress): Clean up SparsePolyOps-MonomialIdeals
Now that we have made some decisions about the design for ideals of some special sort, clean up *@SparsePolyOps-Monom... Anna Maria Bigatti
20:29 Feature #1178 (In Progress): New function: myPrimaryDecomposition_0dim
Created stucture.
Translated the uppermost function.
Anna Maria Bigatti
20:27 Feature #1178 (Closed): New function: myPrimaryDecomposition_0dim
Translate the code from the CoCoAPackage @PrimaryDecomposition0.cpkg5@ into CoCoALib Anna Maria Bigatti
18:57 Design #1177: File names: use "SparsePolyOps" prefix for pertinent files
Now we have... Anna Maria Bigatti
18:51 Design #1177 (Closed): File names: use "SparsePolyOps" prefix for pertinent files
Use of a prefix is a convenient way to mimick subdirectories. Anna Maria Bigatti

05 Apr 2018

15:11 Feature #1176: interval arithmetic
There is an interval arithmetic sublibrary in the BOOST distribution.
The problem with depending on an external libr...
John Abbott
13:41 Feature #1176 (In Progress): interval arithmetic
Implement interval arithmetic (for intervals with rational end points).
Some software libraries already implement ...
John Abbott

04 Apr 2018

11:52 Feature #1173: Upper bound for value of poly in an interval
A while ago I read an article about this (perhaps "evaluating a polynomial over an interval"?). I no longer recall m... John Abbott
11:49 Feature #1173 (New): Upper bound for value of poly in an interval
Write a function which accepts a (univariate) polynomial *f* (with rational coeffs), and an interval *[a,b]* with rat... John Abbott

03 Apr 2018

12:20 Slug #1170 (In Progress): SmoothFactor: slow when a factor is found
I have found the slug: I had activated the "clever idea" of testing for @IsProbPrim@ after a factor has been bound, *... John Abbott

29 Mar 2018

23:03 Design #1168: ideal: does const ourGetPtr really need to be private?
It is very convenient having it public :-) :-)
... but today I used it to set the radical/maximal/... flags at the...
Anna Maria Bigatti
22:59 Design #924: FlagManager for bool/bool3 flags
Anna Maria Bigatti wrote:
> Suggested names for the functions modifying this:
> @ComputeAndSetIsPrime3@, @ComputeAn...
Anna Maria Bigatti

28 Mar 2018

20:25 Slug #1170 (Closed): SmoothFactor: slow when a factor is found
Consider the following:... John Abbott

20 Mar 2018

12:15 Support #1149 (In Progress): Release: CoCoALib-0.99600 (together with CoCoA-5.2.4)
Anna Maria Bigatti

19 Mar 2018

14:24 Feature #1169: New function: RandomLinearForm (CoCoALib)
John Abbott wrote:
> I am not so convinced of the utility of @RandomLinearForm(P,lo,hi)@, and suggest commenting it ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
13:26 Feature #1169: New function: RandomLinearForm (CoCoALib)
I am not so convinced of the utility of @RandomLinearForm(P,lo,hi)@, and suggest commenting it out until we find a ge... John Abbott
09:52 Feature #1169 (Resolved): New function: RandomLinearForm (CoCoALib)
*RandomLinearForm(P)* -- if coeff ring of P is F_p
*RandomLinearForm(P, n)* -- same as _RandomLinearForm(P, -...
Anna Maria Bigatti
09:49 Feature #1169 (Closed): New function: RandomLinearForm (CoCoALib)
Port @RandomLinearForm@ to CoCoALib Anna Maria Bigatti

17 Mar 2018

09:16 Slug #1165: MinPoly over QQ: verification may be very slow
Working well, but now this should also be accessible by @IsRadical, IsMaximal,...@
Think well before doing this!!
Anna Maria Bigatti
09:15 Design #1168: ideal: does const ourGetPtr really need to be private?
After discussing with John, I made it public.
Indeed the rest of the code is clenear, i.e. we do not need so many fr...
Anna Maria Bigatti

16 Mar 2018

08:57 Slug #1165: MinPoly over QQ: verification may be very slow
After many many experiments, code is settled as this:
- *MinPolyQuot(f, I, x)* makes the complete verification (over...
Anna Maria Bigatti

15 Mar 2018

14:12 Design #1168 (In Progress): ideal: does const ourGetPtr really need to be private?
If many functions have to be @friend@ that is not a good sign.
I'm too busy to think about it now, so suggest making...
John Abbott
10:10 Design #1168 (In Progress): ideal: does const ourGetPtr really need to be private?
To be able to call this... Anna Maria Bigatti

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