



From 29 Oct 2022 to 27 Nov 2022

26 Nov 2022

14:52 CoCoA-5 Bug #1714 (Feedback): IsDivisible error (in QuotRing)
Problem was in *@SparsePolyRingBase::IdealImpl::myDivMod@* (in file @SparsePolyOps-idea.C@)
We did not check for th...
John Abbott
14:18 CoCoA-5 Bug #1714: IsDivisible error (in QuotRing)
I can also trigger NYI:... John Abbott

24 Nov 2022

15:07 CoCoALib Feature #1715 (New): ProductBigInt (also ProductBigRat???)
Is it worth implementing a geobucket-based *@ProductBigInt@*?
This would enable us to impl efficiently "range" ver...
John Abbott
13:36 CoCoA-5 Bug #1714: IsDivisible error (in QuotRing)
The problem exists also in char 0... John Abbott
12:17 CoCoA-5 Bug #1714: IsDivisible error (in QuotRing)
Simpler failing case:... John Abbott
12:13 CoCoA-5 Bug #1714 (In Progress): IsDivisible error (in QuotRing)
Bug confirmed with current internal version.
Does not depend on char; same bug with other chars.
John Abbott
12:11 CoCoA-5 Bug #1714 (Closed): IsDivisible error (in QuotRing)
Bernhard Andraschko reported by email the folllowing:... John Abbott

23 Nov 2022

18:29 CoCoALib Feature #1360: configure script: add flags for "only cocoalib" or "both cocoalib and cocoa5" (for boost)
For the time being we'll not implement "build as much as possible", but instead give error if CoCoA-5 cannot be built... John Abbott
18:27 CoCoALib Support #1711: Development releases?
Anna says that (1) requires manually copying the file to the server running the website.
She'll probably try doing i...
John Abbott
17:42 CoCoALib Support #1711 (In Progress): Development releases?
(1) how burdensome would it be to make weekly snapshots available on the website?
[ how would we d...
John Abbott
18:25 CoCoALib Bug #1710: IsSqFree, IsIrred bugs in ZZ[x] and QQ[x]
Anna will think about this.
John Abbott
18:17 CoCoA-5 Support #1393: GUI with Qt5
Email bounced. John Abbott
17:53 CoCoA-5 Support #1393: GUI with Qt5
I have just written to @fullmetalcoder@ asking whether we may re-distribute @QcodeEdit@ under GPLv3+ rather than GPLv... John Abbott
17:39 CoCoALib Bug #1600 (In Progress): Detect updated versions of external libs
Here is a copy of #1700#note-5 (which I closed because it duplicates this issue).
I wonder if there is a simple aw...
John Abbott
17:36 CoCoALib Support #1700 (Closed): boost_1_80_0
JAA is closing this issue because it is a *near duplicate of issue #1600.*
I'll copy note-5 over to issue #1600, j...
John Abbott
17:32 CoCoA-5 Bug #1695 (Feedback):
JAA thinks this has probably been resolved by the new configuration system.
So changing to *feedback* status.
John Abbott
17:25 CoCoA-5 Design #1697 (Feedback): Specifying BOOST in configure
Anna: I think this issue no longer exists with the new/revised configuration system (scripts).
Correct? If so, plea...
John Abbott
16:11 CoCoALib Feature #1692 (In Progress): Suggestion: Add "JumpTo" function to prime iterators
What should the mem fn be called?
Current prototype calls it *@JumpTo@*, so that a mem fn call would look like @pseq...
John Abbott
10:57 CoCoA-5 Bug #1713: Windows: Qt-Gui does not link correctly
John Abbott wrote:
> Below is a copy of my notes about building libnormaliz from source -- I have version 3.9.4.
> ...
Nico Mexis
10:09 CoCoA-5 Bug #1713: Windows: Qt-Gui does not link correctly
Below is a copy of my notes about building libnormaliz from source -- I have version 3.9.4.
I use a "personal instal...
John Abbott

22 Nov 2022

23:44 CoCoA-5 Bug #1713 (In Progress): Windows: Qt-Gui does not link correctly
As discussed in #1712, problems with the Qt-Gui should be handled in another issue.
When trying to link the Qt-Gui...
Nico Mexis

21 Nov 2022

20:52 CoCoALib Bug #1712 (Resolved): Windows: New configuration script
I have checked in my revised version.
I hope Anna can make a new interim release soon (see also issue #1711 about ...
John Abbott

20 Nov 2022

22:49 CoCoALib Bug #1712: Windows: New configuration script
I have been provided with a new configuration script and a new ... Nico Mexis
15:03 CoCoA-5 Support #1393: GUI with Qt5
It is still not clear to me what bothers you about the QCodeEdit license. As I said on the phone call you refer to, i... Ulrich von der Ohe

18 Nov 2022

21:54 CoCoA-5 Design #1709: Test tut-CoCoLA2
Ulrich von der Ohe wrote:
> Note: I have observed this bug on OpenBSD only, never on a GNU/Linux system.
The prob...
Ulrich von der Ohe
16:39 CoCoALib Feature #1360: configure script: add flags for "only cocoalib" or "both cocoalib and cocoa5" (for boost)
Ulrich may indeed be correct to be sceptical: the revision I made to the @configure@ script made 2 changes at more-or... John Abbott

17 Nov 2022

16:12 CoCoALib Feature #1360: configure script: add flags for "only cocoalib" or "both cocoalib and cocoa5" (for boost)
John Abbott wrote:
> Earlier we did try to implement a "make as much as possible" strategy, but this led to an
> ex...
Ulrich von der Ohe
06:50 CoCoALib Bug #1710: IsSqFree, IsIrred bugs in ZZ[x] and QQ[x]
Since *@IsCoprime@* can behave "unexpectedly" in @ZZ[x]@...
Should we limit the applicability of *@IsCoprime@*?
John Abbott

16 Nov 2022

21:24 CoCoALib Feature #1360: configure script: add flags for "only cocoalib" or "both cocoalib and cocoa5" (for boost)
I understand Ulrich's viewpoint.
Ideally the configuration & build systems for CoCoALib and CoCoA-5 (with GUI) wou...
John Abbott
20:35 CoCoA-5 Design #1709: Test tut-CoCoLA2
PS: Sorry for the late clarification -- I wasn't aware that this was posted here and only saw it by chance. Ulrich von der Ohe
20:10 CoCoA-5 Design #1709: Test tut-CoCoLA2
John Abbott wrote:
> @tut-CoCoLa2.cocoa5@
> prints out the result of @LinKer@ which may vary from call to call.
> ...
Ulrich von der Ohe
15:42 CoCoA-5 Design #1709: Test tut-CoCoLA2
I think there are 7 places to revise...
Just search for @LinKer@ and see which ones actually are printed.
John Abbott
20:29 CoCoALib Bug #1712 (Closed): Windows: New configuration script
The new configuration script contains a few minor issues for Windows machines:
* ...
Nico Mexis
17:39 CoCoALib Support #1711: Development releases?
JAA can see the advantage: Ulrich had kindly made several patches to the last "official release" from about 6 months... John Abbott
17:33 CoCoALib Support #1711 (Feedback): Development releases?
Ulrich suggested that we make "development releases" frequently available.
Advantages include that others can work...
John Abbott
17:24 CoCoALib Bug #1710 (Resolved): IsSqFree, IsIrred bugs in ZZ[x] and QQ[x]
I have modified the source code (following Nico's suggestions, more or less)
I have added a caution to the doc. I h...
John Abbott
17:00 CoCoALib Bug #1710: IsSqFree, IsIrred bugs in ZZ[x] and QQ[x]
Here is a test case where I am unsure what the correct result should be:... John Abbott
16:56 CoCoALib Bug #1710: IsSqFree, IsIrred bugs in ZZ[x] and QQ[x]
Here are some simple test cases:... John Abbott
16:34 CoCoALib Bug #1710 (In Progress): IsSqFree, IsIrred bugs in ZZ[x] and QQ[x]
In response to note-1:
Without doubt, in @ZZ[x]@ we must have @gcd(10, 10*x) = 10@; conceivably it could also be -...
John Abbott
16:29 CoCoALib Bug #1710: IsSqFree, IsIrred bugs in ZZ[x] and QQ[x]
Nico also send the following by email:... John Abbott
09:33 CoCoALib Bug #1710 (Closed): IsSqFree, IsIrred bugs in ZZ[x] and QQ[x]
Nico Mexis reported by email:... John Abbott

13 Nov 2022

02:30 CoCoALib Feature #1360: configure script: add flags for "only cocoalib" or "both cocoalib and cocoa5" (for boost)
(This concerns an intermediate version of CoCoALib. The issue is not present in the current release 0.99800.)
Ulrich von der Ohe

12 Nov 2022

14:23 CoCoALib Feature #1360: configure script: add flags for "only cocoalib" or "both cocoalib and cocoa5" (for boost)
The BOOST "find" script does not give error if more than 1 installed version is found;
instead is simply picks one (...
John Abbott
14:21 CoCoALib Feature #1360: configure script: add flags for "only cocoalib" or "both cocoalib and cocoa5" (for boost)
I have revised the @configure@ options, and several auxiliary scripts (after feedback/suggestions from Anna & Ulrich... John Abbott
13:58 CoCoALib Feature #1360: configure script: add flags for "only cocoalib" or "both cocoalib and cocoa5" (for boost)
I think I have progress here with helpful testing & feedback from Ulrich.
It is quite a nightmare trying to make p...
John Abbott
13:55 CoCoALib Bug #1600: Detect updated versions of external libs
Is this a duplicate of issue #1700?
John Abbott
13:53 CoCoALib Support #1700: boost_1_80_0
On my MacBook I get over 100000 (one hundred thousand) lines of warnings when compiling.
I think there is some mild ...
John Abbott

11 Nov 2022

22:21 CoCoA-5 Design #1709 (Closed): Test tut-CoCoLA2
prints out the result of @LinKer@ which may vary from call to call.
Change the test so that ...
John Abbott

07 Nov 2022

20:05 CoCoA-5 Support #1393: GUI with Qt5
Ulrich suggests asking the QCodeEdit author if we distribute under GPLv3+
NOte: try website @
John Abbott

04 Nov 2022

16:02 CoCoA-5 Support #1393: GUI with Qt5
Could you check Ulrich's changelog in note-28 above.
He has made some changes regarding BOOST and @no-pie@
John Abbott
11:47 CoCoA-5 Support #1393: GUI with Qt5
Ulrich, maybe it is simpler to send me a tar.gz of your configuration directory...
John Abbott
11:21 CoCoA-5 Support #1393: GUI with Qt5
I am having trouble with the patch file. Many failed.
I'll email you my current sources, and hope you can produce a...
John Abbott
14:31 CoCoALib Feature #1676 (Rejected): txt2tags: include in source distribution?
We should probably distribute source code with precompiled doc so no one actually needs @txt2tags@.
John Abbott
13:45 CoCoALib Bug #1705: ProgressReporter: prepare for new loop?
I have revised the impl -- it now works better.
Much of this code is quite similar to @CpuTimeLimit@.
The commo...
John Abbott

03 Nov 2022

14:31 CoCoALib Bug #1705: ProgressReporter: prepare for new loop?
John Abbott wrote:
> A likely cause is that the frequency of proper time checks is too low (because of the very fast...
Anna Maria Bigatti

02 Nov 2022

10:33 CoCoA-5 Bug #1708: Linux: just 1 executable, should be 2 (with & without readline)
We had already discussed this about 2 years ago (issue #1479)
The script is ready to handle the case of 2 executable...
John Abbott
10:31 CoCoA-5 Bug #1708 (New): Linux: just 1 executable, should be 2 (with & without readline)
We are distributing CoCoA-5 with just a single executable (with readline).
We should be distributing 2 versions: one...
John Abbott

01 Nov 2022

22:02 CoCoA-5 Support #1707: User forum?
Indirectly suggested in email from Michael Wijaya (2022-11-01).
The idea seems good to me. MW indicated that send...
John Abbott
21:59 CoCoA-5 Support #1707 (New): User forum?
Should we make a user forum where CoCoA-5 users can post questions when they have problems?
John Abbott

30 Oct 2022

20:30 CoCoALib Feature #1706 (New): slimgb: Brickenstein, singular
While tidying up I found a report about _Slimgb: Groebner bases with Slim Polynomials_ by Brickenstein.
After a ve...
John Abbott

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