



From 21 Feb 2021 to 22 Mar 2021

22 Mar 2021

09:55 CoCoALib Bug #1585: CRASH/ABORT: GMP overflow
I have written to the GMP people asking whether there is some way to specify an alternative way to handle overflow.
John Abbott
09:40 CoCoALib Bug #1585: CRASH/ABORT: GMP overflow
I have given this *high priority* because an abort is a nasty failure... everything is lost.
How to handle all pos...
John Abbott
09:37 CoCoALib Bug #1585 (Closed): CRASH/ABORT: GMP overflow
The following causes an abort:... John Abbott

19 Mar 2021

15:47 CoCoA-5 Bug #1406: Poor memory management?
This is what @valgrind@ produced:... John Abbott
14:46 CoCoA-5 Bug #1406: Poor memory management?
Here is a concrete example... a bit faster, but still sufficient to exhibit the problem.... John Abbott
15:43 CoCoALib Support #1584: Benchmarks?
This was hinted at in issue #1375#note-19.
The benchmarks will very platform specific... primarily for developers.
John Abbott
15:40 CoCoALib Support #1584 (New): Benchmarks?
Should we devise a way to produce some benchmarks to let us measure how changes we make affect performance?
If so,...
John Abbott
15:38 CoCoA-5 Support #1287: Better err mesg for easy typo in ring definition
I have just modified the parser to print out a warning:... John Abbott
15:28 CoCoA-5 Support #1507 (Resolved): wordlist without OBSOLETE entries?
I have simply sent the output of @PrintWordList@ through an @fgrep@ filter which skips lines containing @OBSOLE@ (mat... John Abbott
15:17 CoCoA-5 Support #1507: wordlist without OBSOLETE entries?
It should be easy to do this using @fgrep@ in the @Makefile@ rule which builds the file.
John Abbott
15:06 CoCoA-5 Feature #1431: Juxtaposition of string literals
Another possible justification for wanting to re-allow string literal juxtaposition is that we now have a @fold@ func... John Abbott
14:55 CoCoA-5 Slug #1506: Remove XMLFileName from Main.C
The fn has been renamed to *@CoCoAManFileName@*.
Does the original doubt still hold?
It appears to be a hack to s...
John Abbott
13:29 CoCoALib Design #786: MemPool: review min and max loaf sizes
This has been working for some time now... closing.
As mentioned above this is now largely irrelevant given the chan...
John Abbott
13:27 CoCoALib Feature #82: C++11 compatibility questions
Do we have progress to report?
John Abbott
13:13 CoCoALib Design #854: Function MakeTermOrd should be renamed MakeTermOrdMat?
Anna will do this shortly.
John Abbott
13:12 CoCoALib Support #618: Instructions for compiling libnormaliz
Anna will check what happens on her (new) computer.
Hope we can close this soon.
Update website too!
John Abbott
13:06 CoCoA-5 Feature #1583: New fn ElapsedTimeFrom?
Currently @CpuTime@ and @ElapsedTime@ return rational numbers (representing seconds).
There is a risk that if some...
John Abbott
13:04 CoCoA-5 Feature #1583 (New): New fn ElapsedTimeFrom?
Now that we have both @CpuTime@ and @ElapsedTime@, should we also have *@ElapsedTimeFrom@*?
John Abbott
13:06 CoCoA-5 Bug #1553 (Closed): Timing SystemCommand
Anna Maria Bigatti
12:59 CoCoA-5 Bug #1553: Timing SystemCommand
should we also add the Elapsed counterpart of @TimeFrom@?
(new issue #1583)
Anna Maria Bigatti
12:52 CoCoA-5 Bug #1567 (Closed): Radical in non-zero char
Added simple test to @exbugs.cocoa5@.
John Abbott
12:48 CoCoA-5 Feature #346 (Closed): Describe should indicate package name
As reported in comment 10, the original request cannot be fulfilled -- instead use new fn *@PackageOf@*, see issue #1... John Abbott
12:43 CoCoA-5 Bug #724 (Closed): RationalSolve: wrongly complains about non zero-dim even in finite char
Added a test to @exbugs.cocoa5@.
John Abbott
12:43 CoCoA-5 Support #1298 (Closed): How can user find the indent command?
Anna Maria Bigatti
12:39 CoCoA-5 Bug #1577 (Closed): radical: lex order, ERROR: Ring is not standard graded
Anna Maria Bigatti
12:04 CoCoA-5 Feature #1112: New function: IsEmpty
I made a few tests, and the timings appear to be very similar.
It seems that creating a LIST with the [..] syntax is...
Anna Maria Bigatti

17 Mar 2021

11:24 CoCoA-5 Feature #500: Interpreter: is it possible to avoid useless prompts?
There could be a subtle bug to deal with: what happens if the interpreter exits while the prompt thread is still run... John Abbott
11:21 CoCoA-5 Feature #500: Interpreter: is it possible to avoid useless prompts?
I confirm that disappointingly large overhead mentioned in comment 15 above.... John Abbott

16 Mar 2021

12:11 CoCoA-5 Feature #500: Interpreter: is it possible to avoid useless prompts?
The loop version from the previous comment worked OK, but incurred a noticeable run-time overhead.
For the time be...
John Abbott
11:52 CoCoA-5 Feature #500: Interpreter: is it possible to avoid useless prompts?
I finally managed to make the orig impl fail (with system exception @Resource temporarily unavailable@).
There were ...
John Abbott
09:44 CoCoA-5 Feature #500: Interpreter: is it possible to avoid useless prompts?
I have tried to cause problems by giving inputs with many simple lines, but observed no indication of trouble (surely... John Abbott

15 Mar 2021

11:02 CoCoA-5 Feature #368: port SmithNormalForm (CoCoA-4)package to CoCoA-5
The current version of the code needs to be improved:... John Abbott
10:47 CoCoA-5 Feature #500: Interpreter: is it possible to avoid useless prompts?
The current may have a weak spot: if very many simple lines are given as input, presumably the process could create v... John Abbott

13 Mar 2021

21:02 CoCoALib Feature #1580: New fn prim for polys
It might be helpful to generalize the fn so that it works in rings such as @QQ(a,b)[c,d](e,f)[x,y]@.
John Abbott

12 Mar 2021

17:40 CoCoA-5 Feature #500 (Resolved): Interpreter: is it possible to avoid useless prompts?
I now have a prototype which works as expected in various tests :-)
One question: if I start CoCoA inside emacs by...
John Abbott
12:21 CoCoA-5 Feature #500: Interpreter: is it possible to avoid useless prompts?
I have just tried a minor variant of the code excerpt given in the previous comment (11).
It did not work (as expect...
John Abbott
09:36 CoCoA-5 Feature #500: Interpreter: is it possible to avoid useless prompts?
There is a potentially useful code outline on StackOverflow (@ John Abbott
10:37 CoCoALib Feature #1417: RadicalZeroDim with extra parameter for GBasis timeout
If no timeout is specified (_i.e._ the current situation) then some "heuristic" timeout is used.
Currently the heuri...
John Abbott
10:08 CoCoALib Feature #1417: RadicalZeroDim with extra parameter for GBasis timeout
What is the status of this issue?
As I recall @radical@ now works fairly well for 0-dim ideals (see issue #948). Bu...
John Abbott
10:27 CoCoALib Slug #1375 (Resolved): Radical 0-dim: varied timings
I have just tried most of the examples listed in this issue.
The early part about varied timings now seems to be com...
John Abbott
09:57 CoCoALib Slug #777: SLUG: elimination
Has there been any progress on this issue?
In the case of elimination perhaps the "final clean up" could be limite...
John Abbott
09:48 CoCoALib Slug #1337: PrimaryDecomposition: a interesting/pathological example
Since we now have GBasis with timeout, perhaps that could be used to implement a sort of "parallel" approach where th... John Abbott
09:39 CoCoA-5 Feature #133: Qt GUI: Make better distinction between input and output in the output window
This issue is probably not so relevant at the moment, but it may become useful as a test case for some future GUI.
John Abbott

05 Mar 2021

09:37 CoCoALib Feature #1582: Factorization in K(a,b)[x,y]
Presumably the following approach should work:
* map into @K[a,b,x,y]@ after clearing denoms
* discard any factors ...
John Abbott
09:35 CoCoALib Feature #1582 (New): Factorization in K(a,b)[x,y]
Florian would like to have factorization of polynomial over a function field _e.g._ @QQ(a,b)[x,y]@.
This would als...
John Abbott
09:22 CoCoALib Design #894: strict enum types: C++11 extension
Where I have felt that it is useful to inject the names from an enum,
I have used the following technique to reprodu...
John Abbott

04 Mar 2021

17:44 CoCoA-5 Feature #1246: Revive old CoCoA4 package called "cocoa5.cpkg"
Example of the data format can be found in the following file... John Abbott
17:38 CoCoA-5 Feature #1246: Revive old CoCoA4 package called "cocoa5.cpkg"
For Anna: look for some examples, and try to remember how it works
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:27 CoCoA-5 Design #1546 (Closed): Improve 'describe' or 'print' for a function
John Abbott
17:20 CoCoA-5 Support #1298 (Feedback): How can user find the indent command?
John Abbott
17:15 CoCoA-5 Bug #1396 (Closed): Website: download page for CoCoA-4 burns CPU
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:10 CoCoA-5 Design #1554 (Closed): cocoa5-emacs-dir or cocoa5-root-dir?
John Abbott
17:10 CoCoA-5 Design #1554 (Feedback): cocoa5-emacs-dir or cocoa5-root-dir?
John Abbott
17:06 CoCoA-5 Slug #1581: Slow sqfr: rad(f)
Problem arose while computing radical of 1st example in issue #948
The critical line was 151 in @radical.cpkg5@
John Abbott

02 Mar 2021

22:54 CoCoA-5 Feature #500: Interpreter: is it possible to avoid useless prompts?
If it is possible to call @getline@ with a timeout (_e.g._ 0.1s) then we could do the following:
* do not print any ...
John Abbott
15:34 CoCoA-5 Support #911 (Resolved): CoCoA-5 prompt for incomplete input
I have now revised the impl after designing a simple test, and seeing that the behaviour was "sub-optimal"...
The te...
John Abbott
08:54 CoCoALib Design #894: strict enum types: C++11 extension
This is what I got searching for @enum@ in the CoCoALib sources: *(I'll remove lines after having revised the files)*... John Abbott
08:52 CoCoALib Design #894 (In Progress): strict enum types: C++11 extension
This is what I got searching for @enum@ in the CoCoA-5 sources:... John Abbott
08:47 CoCoA-5 Support #1298 (Resolved): How can user find the indent command?
I have removed the example of @indent@ with 2 args; I really this it makes the manual page more readable.
I have cha...
John Abbott
08:35 CoCoA-5 Slug #1581 (New): Slow sqfr: rad(f)
This poly arises in the first computation from issue #948.
CoCoA takes too long to compute its radical:...
John Abbott
08:11 CoCoA-5 Slug #948: radical is slow (compared to singular) on these examples
The examples in comment 13 are now reasonably quick.
The one in comment 2 is still slow -- *cause is* trouble with m...
John Abbott
07:59 CoCoA-5 Bug #1502: SystemCommand in Microsoft version
With luck Andraschko will make some tests this week.
By chance I happened to speak to a friend (Nick) who suggested ...
John Abbott
07:56 CoCoA-5 Design #1554: cocoa5-emacs-dir or cocoa5-root-dir?
What is the status of this issue?
The file @cocoa5.emacs@ defines @cocoa-root-dir@ in terms of @cocoa5-emacs-dir@ ...
John Abbott

01 Mar 2021

21:25 CoCoALib Feature #974 (In Progress): QIR/RealRootRefine: improve behaviour if input interval has "nasty" endpoints
I have revised impl for @SimplestBinaryRatBetween@ so that it can accept open/closed endpoints... but it still protot... John Abbott
21:13 CoCoA-5 Bug #1171: RealRoots: first point is sometimes wrong?
I have added a short comment to the documentation.
I can see that it might be nice to have a version of @RealRoots...
John Abbott
20:26 CoCoALib Feature #1580 (Feedback): New fn prim for polys
I have now integrated *@prim@* into the code (will check in shortly).
Also added documentation (both CoCoALib and Co...
John Abbott
12:26 CoCoALib Feature #1580 (In Progress): New fn prim for polys
I now a have prototype impl which works for "towers" of poly rings (even a mix of sparse multivariate and dense univa... John Abbott
18:04 CoCoA-5 Support #911: CoCoA-5 prompt for incomplete input
I have now removed dot-dot-dot from the prompt prefix.
Also when inside a multi-line comment, the prompt now says *@...
John Abbott

25 Feb 2021

17:52 CoCoALib Feature #1580 (Closed): New fn prim for polys
Implement a new function *@prim@*.
Over @QQ@ is should make the coeffs integer and coprime:...
John Abbott

23 Feb 2021

10:49 CoCoALib Bug #1579: Readexpr/RingElem: unhelpful error message when input is wrong
Currently permitted expressions require that an exponent be an unsigned integer literal or a possible signed integer ... John Abbott
10:44 CoCoALib Bug #1579 (Closed): Readexpr/RingElem: unhelpful error message when input is wrong
I find the following error message unhelpful... John Abbott
10:39 CoCoA-5 Slug #1578: SLUG: RationalSolve slow and stupid
Some ideas:
* if there is a univariate poly, factorize it, and take just the univariate factors; use these to elim a...
John Abbott
10:27 CoCoA-5 Bug #1537 (Resolved): EmacUI: strange colours, sometimes
I have just updated issue #1538. This can probably be considered as an acceptable resolution of the problem reported... John Abbott
10:25 CoCoALib Design #1538: RingElem from string (ReadExpr)
Should we attempt to produce a better error message for the example given in the original description?
Is it worth i...
John Abbott
10:23 CoCoALib Design #1538: RingElem from string (ReadExpr)
I have changed the CoCoA-5 parser so that it produces a warning when given input such as *@2*-1@* or *@3/-1@*. The c... John Abbott

22 Feb 2021

23:03 CoCoA-5 Feature #1536 (Feedback): Implement xel?
I have added doc, but no tests (too lazy/tired).
John Abbott
22:00 CoCoA-5 Feature #1536: Implement xel?
Anna has too much else to do. So I have knocked up a quick impl... brain off, just cut-and-paste... and hope!
John Abbott
20:47 CoCoA-5 Bug #1171: RealRoots: first point is sometimes wrong?
We could try to mimic the hack described in issue #1573, where the values are checked at the approx solutions, and re... John Abbott
20:31 CoCoA-5 Support #911: CoCoA-5 prompt for incomplete input
I am not convinced of the utility of the dot-dot-dot when the supplementary prompt is non-empty.
It is hard to expla...
John Abbott
20:27 CoCoA-5 Support #911: CoCoA-5 prompt for incomplete input
The supplementary part of the prompt comes from *@openBlocks@*.
I have no idea how the value of @openBlocks@ is upda...
John Abbott
20:25 CoCoA-5 Support #911: CoCoA-5 prompt for incomplete input
Here is what my personal CoCoA does currently:... John Abbott
17:31 CoCoA-5 Support #911: CoCoA-5 prompt for incomplete input
I am wondering about enclosing the prompt prefix in square brackets.
I also wonder whether the case of a prefix cont...
John Abbott
17:21 CoCoA-5 Feature #500: Interpreter: is it possible to avoid useless prompts?
I have added a command line option *@--no-prompt@* which forces the function which produces the prompt string to retu... John Abbott
15:22 CoCoA-5 Slug #1578 (New): SLUG: RationalSolve slow and stupid
The following system can easily be solved by hand, but CoCoA is very slow... John Abbott

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