



From 02 Mar 2018 to 31 Mar 2018

29 Mar 2018

23:03 CoCoALib Design #1168: ideal: does const ourGetPtr really need to be private?
It is very convenient having it public :-) :-)
... but today I used it to set the radical/maximal/... flags at the...
Anna Maria Bigatti
22:59 CoCoALib Design #924: FlagManager for bool/bool3 flags
Anna Maria Bigatti wrote:
> Suggested names for the functions modifying this:
> @ComputeAndSetIsPrime3@, @ComputeAn...
Anna Maria Bigatti

28 Mar 2018

20:25 CoCoALib Slug #1170 (Closed): SmoothFactor: slow when a factor is found
Consider the following:... John Abbott

23 Mar 2018

19:01 CoCoA-5 Slug #948: radical is slow (compared to singular) on these examples
All 0-dimensional ideals (i.e. those in x,y,..), now take less than 1 second.
I have added (as John suggested) a tim...
Anna Maria Bigatti
09:07 CoCoA-5 Slug #948: radical is slow (compared to singular) on these examples
(just to know, when testing)
All these examples in "c" have positive dimension.
All these examples in "x" are 0-dim...
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:59 CoCoA-5 Slug #1114 (Closed): Some other examples for 0-dim radical
Anna Maria Bigatti

20 Mar 2018

12:15 CoCoALib Support #1149 (In Progress): Release: CoCoALib-0.99600 (together with CoCoA-5.2.4)
Anna Maria Bigatti

19 Mar 2018

14:24 CoCoALib Feature #1169: New function: RandomLinearForm (CoCoALib)
John Abbott wrote:
> I am not so convinced of the utility of @RandomLinearForm(P,lo,hi)@, and suggest commenting it ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
13:26 CoCoALib Feature #1169: New function: RandomLinearForm (CoCoALib)
I am not so convinced of the utility of @RandomLinearForm(P,lo,hi)@, and suggest commenting it out until we find a ge... John Abbott
09:52 CoCoALib Feature #1169 (Resolved): New function: RandomLinearForm (CoCoALib)
*RandomLinearForm(P)* -- if coeff ring of P is F_p
*RandomLinearForm(P, n)* -- same as _RandomLinearForm(P, -...
Anna Maria Bigatti
09:49 CoCoALib Feature #1169 (Closed): New function: RandomLinearForm (CoCoALib)
Port @RandomLinearForm@ to CoCoALib Anna Maria Bigatti
10:25 CoCoA-5 Feature #1122 (Feedback): New fn: RandomLinearForm
Implemented in CoCoALib. See Feature #1169 Anna Maria Bigatti

17 Mar 2018

09:16 CoCoALib Slug #1165: MinPoly over QQ: verification may be very slow
Working well, but now this should also be accessible by @IsRadical, IsMaximal,...@
Think well before doing this!!
Anna Maria Bigatti
09:15 CoCoALib Design #1168: ideal: does const ourGetPtr really need to be private?
After discussing with John, I made it public.
Indeed the rest of the code is clenear, i.e. we do not need so many fr...
Anna Maria Bigatti

16 Mar 2018

08:57 CoCoALib Slug #1165: MinPoly over QQ: verification may be very slow
After many many experiments, code is settled as this:
- *MinPolyQuot(f, I, x)* makes the complete verification (over...
Anna Maria Bigatti

15 Mar 2018

14:12 CoCoALib Design #1168 (In Progress): ideal: does const ourGetPtr really need to be private?
If many functions have to be @friend@ that is not a good sign.
I'm too busy to think about it now, so suggest making...
John Abbott
10:10 CoCoALib Design #1168 (In Progress): ideal: does const ourGetPtr really need to be private?
To be able to call this... Anna Maria Bigatti

13 Mar 2018

18:48 CoCoALib Feature #1167 (In Progress): New class VerificationLevel
JAA has checked in a first impl (using KISS philosophy).
Anna will test it shortly.
The idea is that fns which ...
John Abbott
18:43 CoCoALib Feature #1167 (Closed): New class VerificationLevel
To help offer the user the chance to choose between guaranteed algorithms and fast, probably-correct ones,
create a ...
John Abbott

12 Mar 2018

16:45 CoCoALib Feature #1131 (Resolved): Sturm sequence
The implementation seems to be mostly complete (for coeffs in QQ).
The elements of the sequence are scaled so that t...
John Abbott
11:51 CoCoALib Design #1166 (In Progress): C++11: allows large integer literals (in NumTheory-prime.C)
I'd like the code to compile whenever a 64-bit (or wider) integer type is available. This is guaranteed if the C++ s... John Abbott
11:47 CoCoALib Design #1166 (Closed): C++11: allows large integer literals (in NumTheory-prime.C)
I would like to include some "large" (greater than 2^32) integer literals in @NumTheory-prime.C@.
This cannot be d...
John Abbott
08:57 CoCoALib Slug #1165: MinPoly over QQ: verification may be very slow
Tried with TwinFloat: good for the 87 points (10 times faster) bad for example QQ-rand (10 times slower)
Anna Maria Bigatti
08:24 CoCoALib Slug #1165: MinPoly over QQ: verification may be very slow
An impressive example is given by 87 points in QQ^3.
@MinPoly@ takes ~4s and the verification take 44s on my Mac.
Anna Maria Bigatti
08:05 CoCoALib Slug #1165 (Closed): MinPoly over QQ: verification may be very slow
The verification step after the modular algorithm may be very slow.
On the other side it is easy to construct exampl...
Anna Maria Bigatti

09 Mar 2018

18:18 CoCoALib Design #950: factor and SmoothFactor for integers --> FactorINT, FactorINT_TrialDiv, FactorINT_PollardRho
Maybe there could be a fn called *@IsPrime3@* which is guaranteed (reasonably) fast, and returns a @bool3@?
John Abbott
18:14 CoCoALib Design #1145 (In Progress): File names, coding conventions: Fns, Ops, Operations? part 2
JAA has a preference for *@Ops@* rather than *@Operations@*. I think they are equally clear, and see no advantage in... John Abbott
18:08 CoCoALib Feature #1155 (Resolved): Create a new "prime source" iterator
I have added 4 "iterators: *@PrimeSeq@*, *@PrimeSeqForCRT@*, *@FastMostlyPrimeSeq@*, *@NoSmallFactorsSeq@*.
First ...
John Abbott
18:05 CoCoALib Design #1162: Check semantics of NoSmallFactorSeq
Currently the choice of biggest prime which is "filtered" is somewhat arbitrary.
Is it worth doing anything more ref...
John Abbott

08 Mar 2018

18:15 CoCoA-5 Design #1164: Manual: loading manual entries written by users
While doing some cleaning and minor re-designing, I introduced a bunch of silly bugs.
Now all fixed.
cvs-ed and m...
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:00 CoCoA-5 Design #1164 (In Progress): Manual: loading manual entries written by users
Implemented (and also done a little cleaning in OnlineHelp.H and C)
Anna Maria Bigatti
10:10 CoCoA-5 Design #1164: Manual: loading manual entries written by users
[Elisa Palezzato and Michele Torielli are developing new packages (for the school in Japan) and would like to test th... Anna Maria Bigatti
10:00 CoCoA-5 Design #1164 (Closed): Manual: loading manual entries written by users
Design a way to load into the online manual extra entries (say, for new packages by users).
For example append entri...
Anna Maria Bigatti

05 Mar 2018

09:40 CoCoALib Feature #1158: New function: MinPolyQuotHeuristic --> MinPolyQuot with VerificationLevel
Added @error@ if CoeffRing is not QQ. Anna Maria Bigatti
09:14 CoCoALib Feature #1158 (In Progress): New function: MinPolyQuotHeuristic --> MinPolyQuot with VerificationLevel
Anna Maria Bigatti

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