



From 15 Jan 2014 to 13 Feb 2014

13 Feb 2014

12:02 CoCoALib Bug #413: OrdvArith: use of a single buffer is NOT THREADSAFE
Christof could you make some further tests after modifying slightly the OpenMP version of the @OrdvArith@ code I sent... John Abbott

12 Feb 2014

16:30 CoCoALib Feature #342: Remove denominators: QQ[x] -> ZZ[x] (and PushBack(coeff, PP))
My non-authorative solution is... Winfried Bruns
12:07 CoCoA-5 Feature #352: Should SourceRegion echo the "region"?
John Abbott wrote:
> I can see what the students of the upcoming Computer Algebra course say about "send region" not ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:56 CoCoA-5 Feature #352 (In Progress): Should SourceRegion echo the "region"?
I can see what the students of the upcoming Computer Algebra course say about "send region" not copying the region se... John Abbott
12:00 CoCoA-5 Bug #441 (Closed): Emacs UI: C-c C-e does not ignore keywords inside strings
The emacs key sequence @C-c C-e@ should automatically insert the correct @End...@ keyword to close a syntactical cons... John Abbott

11 Feb 2014

20:10 CoCoALib Feature #440: Port RealRoots to C++
Make the code prefer "binary rationals" as much as possible; exploit this fact when evaluating the polynomial. In an... John Abbott
20:04 CoCoALib Feature #440 (New): Port RealRoots to C++
Port the @RealRoots@ code to C++ so that it is accessible to CoCoALib users!
I hope that a well-written port might...
John Abbott

10 Feb 2014

12:04 CoCoA-5 Support #439: CoCoA website: download pages and installing instructions
I wonder if a friendly industrial designer would be able to help. :-)
John Abbott

09 Feb 2014

16:52 CoCoALib Support #438: Polynomial multiplication (product of RingElem)
I am sorry for having raised a non-issue.
Regarding NumTerms: is it a data field of the polynomial or is it compu...
Winfried Bruns
16:08 CoCoALib Support #438: Polynomial multiplication (product of RingElem)
Winfried Bruns wrote:
> I think it is a question that needs careful testing before any changes should be done. As ob...
Anna Maria Bigatti
12:48 CoCoALib Support #438: Polynomial multiplication (product of RingElem)
I think it is a question that needs careful testing before any changes should be done. As observed by John and mentio... Winfried Bruns
09:50 CoCoALib Support #438 (In Progress): Polynomial multiplication (product of RingElem)
In @SparsePolyRing.C -- myMul@ there is this code... Anna Maria Bigatti

08 Feb 2014

20:10 CoCoA-5 Support #439 (Closed): CoCoA website: download pages and installing instructions
[20140208] Tony reported that he found the website quite difficult to navigate, and felt it did not explain clearly p... John Abbott
15:40 CoCoALib Support #438: Polynomial multiplication (product of RingElem)
[from an email sent to Bruns] I do recall that there are complications for inserting the terms in the correct order; ... John Abbott
15:33 CoCoALib Support #438 (In Progress): Polynomial multiplication (product of RingElem)
Bruns asks whether @f*g@ and @g*f@ take the same time or whether one way round is better than the other. He mentions... John Abbott
15:18 CoCoALib Feature #437 (In Progress): MemPool: order free blocks?
Computation speed in C5 often degrades over time; I think this may be due to loss of data locality in the RAM. In an... John Abbott
15:14 CoCoALib Feature #142 (In Progress): Improve threadsafety
John Abbott
10:43 CoCoALib Feature #342: Remove denominators: QQ[x] -> ZZ[x] (and PushBack(coeff, PP))
This function seems to be optimal.
What is the authorative function for the converse transformation ZZ[X] --> QQ[X] ?
Winfried Bruns

07 Feb 2014

00:47 CoCoALib Feature #436 (New): Improve UPoly eval at BigRat for binary rational
It should be possible to make @EvalUPoly@ faster for binary rationals (_i.e._ whose denom is a power of 2)
John Abbott
00:44 CoCoA-5 Slug #435 (New): Assignment to protected variable
The interpreter should check whether LHS is protected *before* trying to evaluate RHS (because evaluation RHS might b... John Abbott
00:41 CoCoA-5 Bug #94: Default reason for protected variables
I'd like to resolve & close this issue in the near future!
John Abbott

06 Feb 2014

14:46 CoCoA-5 Slug #434: Emacs UI: very slow when input file is big (with long lines)
I created a 3Mbyte file with short lines (100 copies of the code in @radical.cpkg@). There was some slow down, but q... John Abbott
14:22 CoCoA-5 Slug #434: Emacs UI: very slow when input file is big (with long lines)
The problems of serious slow down occur only when the cursor is towards the end of the file -- response is normal whe... John Abbott
13:49 CoCoA-5 Slug #434 (New): Emacs UI: very slow when input file is big (with long lines)
Emacs has become very slow as I edit a large (3Mbyte) @file.cocoa5@.
The file contains several quite long lines (u...
John Abbott
10:23 CoCoA-5 Bug #433: EMACS UI: trouble with sending a long line
My idea to use @SourceRegion@ has a (minor?) technical problem: it implies that the buffer be saved to the associated... John Abbott

05 Feb 2014

00:06 CoCoA-5 Bug #433 (Closed): EMACS UI: trouble with sending a long line
Sending a long line to CoCoA-5 inside Emacs does not work: CoCoA gets stuck and simply prints out lots of ^G. I beli... John Abbott
23:55 CoCoA-5 Feature #381: Emacs User Interface: Easier binding for sending a line to cocoa-5
Could you also define some other key sequences? For instance,
The advantage of defining both ...
John Abbott

04 Feb 2014

19:42 CoCoALib Bug #413: OrdvArith: use of a single buffer is NOT THREADSAFE
On our compute server with 20 threads the performance was about 5% better with the OpenMP adaptation for some medium ... Christof Soeger

03 Feb 2014

18:53 CoCoALib Feature #222: Printing polynomials - spaces between terms
I notice in @SparsePolyRing.C:551@ that there is a check via @IsPrintAtom@. The documentation says _true iff arg doe... John Abbott
18:24 CoCoALib Feature #222: Printing polynomials - spaces between terms
In note 6 I unwittingly overlooked some (important?) points: for instance I did not consider compound coefficients in... John Abbott
17:37 CoCoALib Bug #413: OrdvArith: use of a single buffer is NOT THREADSAFE
time nmzIntegrate -E CondEffPlurSymm-100
nmzIntegrate -E CondEffPlurSymm-100 218,09s user 0,69s system 385% cpu...
Christof Soeger
12:43 CoCoALib Bug #413: OrdvArith: use of a single buffer is NOT THREADSAFE
OK, I'll try to rewrite it -- maybe even this afternoon while invigilating!
John Abbott
11:47 CoCoALib Bug #413: OrdvArith: use of a single buffer is NOT THREADSAFE
I did some tests and the timings were exactly the same. So I checked again. I only have a version which still include... Christof Soeger
11:07 CoCoALib Bug #413: OrdvArith: use of a single buffer is NOT THREADSAFE
Yes, I still have it and will give it a try. Christof Soeger
15:27 CoCoALib Design #432: Semantics of IsPrintedWithMinus
Anna rightly asked how should TwinFloats be handled.
Right now, I'm undecided. I'm quite sure that any polynomial...
John Abbott
12:49 CoCoALib Design #432 (In Progress): Semantics of IsPrintedWithMinus
If we follow the suggestion in note 6 of issue #222 then we need to define @IsPrintedWithMinus@ only for numerical ri... John Abbott

01 Feb 2014

10:20 CoCoALib Feature #222: Printing polynomials - spaces between terms
I would prefer a symmetric appearance, either no space around the + sign or a blank on bothsides.
But it is a mat...
Winfried Bruns

31 Jan 2014

20:32 CoCoALib Feature #222: Printing polynomials - spaces between terms
This issue has been sitting idle for a year. We should decide, and then implement!
*Addendum:* JAA thinks that a le...
John Abbott
20:29 CoCoALib Design #432 (In Progress): Semantics of IsPrintedWithMinus
We should clarify what the semantics of @IsPrintedWithMinus@ are.
I suggest that if @IsPrintedWithMinus(x)@ gives ...
John Abbott
20:25 CoCoALib Design #429 (In Progress): factorization: public data fields, or mem fns allowing the fields to be updated.
John and Anna talked about Christof's proposal, and both believe it is a good idea! :-)
John will look at existing...
John Abbott
20:17 CoCoALib Bug #413 (Feedback): OrdvArith: use of a single buffer is NOT THREADSAFE
@Christof, I have unclosed the issue because Anna proposed to redo your long computation using impl *(B)*, just to co... John Abbott
19:47 CoCoALib Feature #431 (Resolved): NewPolyRing_DMPI has no constructor with a predefined PPM
Wow I wrote something that actually works?? :-)
Bonus extra 10% for this issue :-)
Now I'll have to write a test,...
John Abbott
11:16 CoCoALib Feature #431 (In Progress): NewPolyRing_DMPI has no constructor with a predefined PPM
John implemented it. Works for me. Christof Soeger

30 Jan 2014

18:59 CoCoALib Bug #413 (Closed): OrdvArith: use of a single buffer is NOT THREADSAFE
Several test were successful. I consider it as done. Christof Soeger
18:57 Bug #238 (Feedback): Cleaner CVS?
Christof Soeger
11:04 Bug #238: Cleaner CVS?
It looks much cleaner now.
I'm not sure how the .cvsignore works but maybe you want to add the Makefile_dependencies...
Christof Soeger
17:18 CoCoALib Feature #342: Remove denominators: QQ[x] -> ZZ[x] (and PushBack(coeff, PP))
Anna pointed out that is already a fn *@ClearDenom@* which does almost what is wanted: it multiplies the polynomial b... John Abbott
17:02 CoCoALib Feature #209 (Feedback): ReadExpr: input polynomials in CoCoALib
Official part of CoCoALib now.
Even with example in
(still missing: documentation)
Anna Maria Bigatti
14:10 CoCoALib Feature #209 (Resolved): ReadExpr: input polynomials in CoCoALib
Example program is done and working fully:
reads any kind expression with + - * / ^ ()
They key was John Abbott's...
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:36 CoCoALib Feature #431 (Closed): NewPolyRing_DMPI has no constructor with a predefined PPM
We would like to do ... Christof Soeger
16:30 CoCoALib Feature #407: RingElem ctor from mpz_t (from Bruns)
To summarize, there are now the following constructors:... Christof Soeger
14:01 CoCoALib Feature #430: Use -fopenmp flag when compiling CoCoALib with libnormaliz
For me it now works fine. With and without libnormaliz. Christof Soeger
10:38 CoCoALib Feature #430: Use -fopenmp flag when compiling CoCoALib with libnormaliz
without --with-libnormaliz it still tries to check and get
nm: '': No such file
Christof Soeger
09:39 CoCoA-5 Feature #78: Elim ordering and matrix ordering in CoCoA-5
Just an idea... it might be nice if the matrix created contained only non-negative entries (_e.g._ it is easy to have... John Abbott

29 Jan 2014

19:50 CoCoALib Design #254 (Resolved): How to return a Hilbert Series in CoCoALib
Now all essentially set.
One thing to decide: factorization of denom is now arbitrary:
Normaliz uses a compact form...
Anna Maria Bigatti
19:17 CoCoA-5 Feature #270: Distribution for linux
I suggest generalizing this issue to simplifying the _make a distribution_ process on any platform. There should be ... John Abbott
17:51 Bug #238: Cleaner CVS?
JAA has removed all @Makefile_dependencies@ from CVS.
John Abbott
16:41 Bug #238: Cleaner CVS?
In the CoCoA5 dir also @C5Makefile@ is created (together with and depend on
So I suggest to re...
Christof Soeger
17:48 CoCoALib Feature #218 (In Progress): CoCoALib normaliz interface
added HilbertSeries and multiplicity functions Christof Soeger
16:47 CoCoALib Feature #430 (Feedback): Use -fopenmp flag when compiling CoCoALib with libnormaliz
Resolved the outstanding problem -- the flag had to passed correctly to @qmake@.
JAA has fixed the @make-c5makefile....
John Abbott
16:08 CoCoALib Feature #430 (In Progress): Use -fopenmp flag when compiling CoCoALib with libnormaliz
JAA has written a new script, and added a suitable call to @configure@.
Christof confirms that it works for him, exc...
John Abbott
15:38 CoCoALib Feature #430 (Closed): Use -fopenmp flag when compiling CoCoALib with libnormaliz
Right now libnormaliz can be included to CoCoALib only without using OpenMP. We did it this way to have an easier sta... Christof Soeger
14:48 CoCoALib Feature #342: Remove denominators: QQ[x] -> ZZ[x] (and PushBack(coeff, PP))
Regarding the conversion @QQ[x]@ to @ZZ[x]@ clearing denominators, JAA thinks the following is a reasonable approach:... John Abbott
13:55 CoCoALib Feature #407 (Feedback): RingElem ctor from mpz_t (from Bruns)
After discussing with Anna and Christof...
* We *reject the idea of using a "marker"* because it is cumbersome, also...
John Abbott
12:27 CoCoALib Bug #149: Makefile dependencies
JAA believes the correct approach is to have separate dependencies for *internal* dependencies and for *external* dep... John Abbott
11:59 CoCoA-5 Feature #204: NmzComputation: the powerful NormalizComputation function in CoCoA-5
And it also works with gradings:... Christof Soeger

28 Jan 2014

18:18 CoCoALib Design #429 (Closed): factorization: public data fields, or mem fns allowing the fields to be updated.
Christof was surprised to see that the data fields in a @factorization@ are publicly modifiable. He suggested having... John Abbott
18:04 CoCoALib Design #254: How to return a Hilbert Series in CoCoALib
Anna Maria Bigatti wrote:
> Constructors:
> (RingElem num, factorization<RingElem> DenFactors) -- general
> (vecto...
Christof Soeger
18:04 CoCoALib Bug #413 (Feedback): OrdvArith: use of a single buffer is NOT THREADSAFE
Somewhat unexpectedly Christof's tests shows that approach *(C)* is as fast as approach *(B)* but it is also simpler ... John Abbott
18:00 CoCoALib Bug #428 (Feedback): PPMonoidOv is not threadsafe
Christof's tests have all gone well.
The change was simple (but a bit tedious/ugly).
I've even checked-in the code ...
John Abbott
12:12 CoCoALib Bug #428: PPMonoidOv is not threadsafe
JAA has modified the code to use local buffers if @CoCoA_THREADSAFE_HACK@ has a positive value.
*15:00* Christof say...
John Abbott
12:09 CoCoALib Bug #428 (Closed): PPMonoidOv is not threadsafe
@PPMonoidOv@ uses a "global" buffer much as @OrdvArith@ did.
This is not threadsafe -- Christof has observed crashes...
John Abbott
17:55 CoCoALib Support #195 (Feedback): OrdvArith documentation needs rewriting
The doc should now be essentially complete.
Also greatly improved doc for @PPOrdering@.
John Abbott
15:06 CoCoALib Support #195: OrdvArith documentation needs rewriting
A first version of the doc has been written! It even includes comments about thread-safety! John Abbott
17:48 CoCoA-5 Feature #204: NmzComputation: the powerful NormalizComputation function in CoCoA-5
Since the HilbertSeries is now availabe in CoCoALib, I also added it to NmzComputation. Example:... Christof Soeger
14:59 CoCoALib Support #234 (Feedback): Update/Improve geobucket documentation
Anna Maria Bigatti
14:48 CoCoALib Feature #233 (Feedback): AsINT and AsRAT -- ConvertTo<BigInt> and ConvertTo<BigRat>
Final decision is for ConvertTo<BigInt> and ConvertTo<BigRat> Anna Maria Bigatti
14:45 Support #425 (In Progress): Osnabrueck 2014-01
Anna Maria Bigatti
14:40 CoCoA-5 Bug #418 (Feedback): What does interreduce do?
All done Anna Maria Bigatti
13:59 CoCoALib Design #427: Error names and error messages (current design)
Many errors now are called *Not...* (e.g. *NotNonZero*) but that's ambiguous/confusing.
Suggestion: rename them *Need...
Anna Maria Bigatti
10:39 CoCoALib Design #427 (In Progress): Error names and error messages (current design)
As a sub-issue of re-designing errors here we note the suggested names. Anna Maria Bigatti
12:13 CoCoALib Feature #248 (Feedback): IsDivisible for RingElem with nice interface
All done (I think) Anna Maria Bigatti

27 Jan 2014

16:11 CoCoALib Feature #426 (Closed): ConvertTo with optional arg to give more helpful error message
The *@ConvertTo@* fn is used extensively in the interface between the C5 interpreter and the CoCoALin fns which actua... John Abbott
15:26 Support #425: Osnabrueck 2014-01
Bruns mentioned sometime ago (1 year?) that CoCoALib-0.9951 was about 20% faster than a later version.
*20140127:* C...
John Abbott
14:49 Support #425 (Closed): Osnabrueck 2014-01
Here's what we hope to do during the week here. John Abbott
14:36 CoCoA-5 Feature #367: implement LF/DF for an ideal
LF(ideal) done.
(cvs tomorrow)
Anna Maria Bigatti
13:53 CoCoA-5 Feature #367 (In Progress): implement LF/DF for an ideal
code for LF of a polynomial implemented in october 2012
Anna Maria Bigatti
12:13 CoCoALib Feature #209 (In Progress): ReadExpr: input polynomials in CoCoALib
Anna, Christof & John propose the following for an initial impl:
* input polys are terminated by newline
* the whole ...
John Abbott

25 Jan 2014

22:10 CoCoALib Bug #413 (In Progress): OrdvArith: use of a single buffer is NOT THREADSAFE
We should discuss this in Osnabrueck next week.
*(A)* the solution using local buffers in every fn that needs one is...
John Abbott

24 Jan 2014

20:47 CoCoA-5 Feature #78 (In Progress): Elim ordering and matrix ordering in CoCoA-5
In issue #313 I have posted an impl of @ElimOrdMat@ which creates a matrix for elimination orderings. This fn lets o... John Abbott
20:40 CoCoALib Feature #313: Elim(vector<long>) as PPOrderingCtor
Anna told me she has an impl (of exactly what I don't recall).
Let's make it available -- I'd like it to be availabl...
John Abbott
20:30 CoCoA-5 Bug #418 (Resolved): What does interreduce do?
It would be good to get this issue closed ASAP; it is not especially urgent, but I'd like it fixed before the Alg Com... John Abbott
13:54 CoCoA-5 Design #424: Emacs UI: Name of emacs init file
If we were to use *@.emacs.d/@* then we could put *@cocoa.el@* there; this could make installation easier?
I doubt...
John Abbott
12:16 CoCoA-5 Design #424: Emacs UI: Name of emacs init file
Anna is unconvinced by the idea of forcing the user to accept a whole directory. Perhaps we could use the alternativ... John Abbott
11:51 CoCoA-5 Bug #423 (Feedback): Emacs UI: semicolon does not work in emacs-24.3
Using lastest CVS, a quick test passed fine on my machine --> changing state to "feedback".
John Abbott

23 Jan 2014

13:47 CoCoA-5 Bug #423: Emacs UI: semicolon does not work in emacs-24.3
Solved (luckily easier than I feared).
Replaced @last-command-char@ with @last-command-event@
tested on emacs 22,...
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:39 CoCoA-5 Slug #405: ReducedGBasis not memorized in an ideal
Will it be possible to have this fixed by Easter? (_i.e._ before I need it for the Alg Comp course) John Abbott

22 Jan 2014

17:26 CoCoA-5 Design #424 (In Progress): Emacs UI: Name of emacs init file
The current distribution for M$ already includes a *@.emacs.d@* directory, so it is certainly possible to create one,... John Abbott
16:37 CoCoA-5 Design #424: Emacs UI: Name of emacs init file
John Abbott wrote:
> Starting emacs-24.3 with the current (M$) distribution produced a warning about the file name *...
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:29 CoCoA-5 Design #424 (In Progress): Emacs UI: Name of emacs init file
Starting emacs-24.3 with the current (M$) distribution produced a warning about the file name *@_emacs@* being obsole... John Abbott
16:23 CoCoA-5 Bug #423 (Closed): Emacs UI: semicolon does not work in emacs-24.3
The current @cocoa5@ emacs code does not work well in emacs 24.3.
Try creating a new @file.cocoa5@ and type into it:...
John Abbott
16:13 CoCoA-5 Feature #381: Emacs User Interface: Easier binding for sending a line to cocoa-5
I think it works fine (but then I probably don't use @cua-mode@).
It works also with emacs-24.3.
Any chance of clos...
John Abbott
16:09 CoCoA-5 Feature #352: Should SourceRegion echo the "region"?
I have been using @SourceRegion@ for several months now, and definitely appreciate the fact that it does not fill my ... John Abbott

21 Jan 2014

18:11 CoCoA-5 Bug #279: Bug in Radical (actually a RingHom problem)
Here's an old(?) failing case; posting here so that we have a test suite.... John Abbott

16 Jan 2014

16:57 CoCoALib Feature #209: ReadExpr: input polynomials in CoCoALib
Would it make sense to discuss this when we go to Osnabrueck? (in 10 days' time)
*Note: remember this KISS philosophy!*
John Abbott
16:38 CoCoA-5 Support #179: TeX documentation for CoCoA-5
> * I had wanted to write 2^31 in the description of a fn, but this caused LaTeX to fail with an error (about missing... Anna Maria Bigatti
16:31 CoCoA-5 Support #179: TeX documentation for CoCoA-5
I've just built the CoCoA-5 LaTeX-PDF documentation; there are several minor problems.
* JAA thinks the fn names in ...
John Abbott

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