



From 29 Apr 2013 to 28 May 2013

28 May 2013

18:57 CoCoALib Design #339 (Closed): DenseUPolyClean uses size_t
In general mem fns will have args f type *@long@* (rather than @MachineInt@) because assume that only "experts" call ... John Abbott
18:41 CoCoALib Feature #340 (Closed): "configure" does not set BOOST if there are multiple copies in "standard" location
Forgot to update status & %done. OK now.
John Abbott
18:31 CoCoALib Feature #340: "configure" does not set BOOST if there are multiple copies in "standard" location
No complaints in the last month (but then again Bruno has left...).
It should all be sorted out now, so I'm closing ...
John Abbott
18:30 CoCoALib Bug #355 (Feedback): Colon of zero ideal fails (zero-divisors)
Anna Maria Bigatti
18:16 CoCoALib Feature #269 (Closed): PPMonoids: check for exponent overflow in power function
This issue has been in feedback for about 2 months; no problems have surfaced, so I'm closing the issue. John Abbott
18:11 CoCoALib Feature #278 (Closed): add CoeffVecWRT to cocoalib
Added doc, an example and a simple test.
Closing this issue.
John Abbott
08:59 CoCoALib Feature #304: Module ordering and grading (and shifts)
fixed bug on shifts
added test
Anna Maria Bigatti

27 May 2013

18:19 CoCoALib Feature #51 (Closed): polynomial coefficient extraction w.r.t. variable
This issue has been in "feedback" for 4 months, and no problems has arisen. So I'm closing it.
John Abbott
18:16 CoCoALib Feature #50 (Closed): Polynomial content
The main issue has been satisfactorily resolved for a year or so.
The question about "normalization" (in post 3) i...
John Abbott
14:46 CoCoALib Design #360 (New): CoCoAServer: what future, what issues?
What do we want to do with the @CoCoAServer@ in the future? It has been "dormant" for a long time!
*We gather her...
John Abbott
14:22 CoCoALib Bug #135 (Closed): Revise interface to SmallFpImpl & friends
Conducted final check ==> some "cosmetic changes".
Added an example program @ex-SmallFp1.C@
Closing this issue.
John Abbott
09:40 CoCoA-5 Feature #359 (Closed): RingOf for list
It is often useful to know whether all elements in a list belong to the same ring.
A function of this kind was *Ring...
Anna Maria Bigatti

25 May 2013

11:51 CoCoALib Bug #89: MachineInt or long as fn arg type for indices
> While @MachineInt@ is a safer option, it is more complicated/cumbersome and does incur a run-time penalty. I think... Anna Maria Bigatti
10:46 CoCoALib Bug #89 (In Progress): MachineInt or long as fn arg type for indices
JAA thinks it is reasonable to handle indices differently from "arithmetic integers".
JAA suggests "keeping it sim...
John Abbott
10:22 CoCoALib Bug #119 (Resolved): CoCoA4io
I have moved the files, and modified the Makefiles.
All appears to be fine.
Not yet checked in (either on Monday,...
John Abbott

24 May 2013

19:02 CoCoALib Feature #357: Constructor for vectors? CoCoAVector
it would be handy even though I don't know how many times we would use it (we had implemented the similar constructor... Anna Maria Bigatti
18:52 CoCoALib Feature #357: Constructor for vectors? CoCoAVector
Yes, I believe C++11 makes it easier to construct @std::vector@ values. I don't recall all the details.
Do we wan...
John Abbott
18:48 CoCoALib Feature #357 (Rejected): Constructor for vectors? CoCoAVector
Writing vectors in C++ is very tedious (is there something in C++11?)
It would be handy to have a vector constructor...
Anna Maria Bigatti
18:58 CoCoALib Feature #312 (Feedback): LongRange(a,b) returning vector of long a..b (included)
Anna Maria Bigatti
18:55 CoCoA-5 Bug #344 (Closed): basic_string::erase error in interpreter
No futher problems found in 3 weeks, so closing this issue. John Abbott
18:01 CoCoALib Bug #355: Colon of zero ideal fails (zero-divisors)
Meanwhile compute...
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:40 CoCoALib Bug #355 (Closed): Colon of zero ideal fails (zero-divisors)
The following excerpt exhibits the problem.... John Abbott
16:57 CoCoALib Feature #356 (Closed): IsZeroDivisor
Add new fn @IsZeroDivisor@ for ringelem John Abbott
14:41 CoCoA-5 Bug #343 (Closed): Interpreter SEGV
I have accepted the "hack" added to @reportLineNumberWhenMeaningful@ (see source line @lexer.C:679@).
While testin...
John Abbott

23 May 2013

18:44 CoCoALib Feature #84 (Closed): Names for random streams
I have made a few final minor improvements to the documentation, otherwise no problems have arisen in the last 5 mont... John Abbott
16:58 CoCoALib Bug #22 (Closed): Rename PPMonoidEvZZ?
Anna and I have checked that everything is present and correct.
So we close this issue.
John Abbott
16:30 CoCoALib Feature #17: implement "binomial" (coefficient) for RingElem
.. and resume/clean up *@BR.PolyBinRepr_xi@* Anna Maria Bigatti
12:32 CoCoALib Feature #354 (Feedback): New function BinRepr (was BinExp, also known as Macaulay representation)
I have implemented *@BinomialRepr@* and *@BinomialReprShift@* in CoCoALib, and made them accessible from CoCoA-5. Th... John Abbott
08:32 CoCoALib Feature #354 (Closed): New function BinRepr (was BinExp, also known as Macaulay representation)
port the binomial representation into CoCoALib, and then to CoCoA-5.
It was called "BinExp" in CoCoA-4, but Exp remi...
Anna Maria Bigatti
08:26 CoCoALib Feature #236 (Closed): Add homog (homogenized) for ideal
Anna Maria Bigatti
08:15 CoCoALib Design #297 (In Progress): Modules design: brainstorming
Anna Maria Bigatti
08:14 CoCoALib Design #305 (In Progress): FreeModule: unique copy?
Anna Maria Bigatti
08:13 CoCoALib Design #316 (In Progress): submodule constructor different from ideal
Anna Maria Bigatti
08:12 CoCoALib Feature #248 (In Progress): IsDivisible for RingElem with nice interface
Anna Maria Bigatti

22 May 2013

16:50 CoCoALib Design #339: DenseUPolyClean uses size_t
Several mem fns have args of type @long@; should the type be changed to @MachineInt@?
How many args does @deriv@ h...
John Abbott
15:34 CoCoALib Design #339 (Feedback): DenseUPolyClean uses size_t
John did this ... Anna Maria Bigatti
16:42 CoCoALib Design #268: Exponent range (in power products)
Anna and John discussed the matter (in the light of Soeger+Bruns's experience).
The current proposal is to leave t...
John Abbott
15:36 CoCoALib Support #353 (In Progress): Missing documentation and tests for myRecvTwinFloat
Anna Maria Bigatti
12:02 CoCoALib Support #353: Missing documentation and tests for myRecvTwinFloat
I wrote the implementation for RingDenseUPolyClean, and added a small test in test-DenseUPolyRing1. Anna Maria Bigatti
09:28 CoCoALib Support #353 (In Progress): Missing documentation and tests for myRecvTwinFloat
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:19 CoCoALib Feature #219 (Feedback): myDeriv for RingDenseUPolyClean still missing
Anna Maria Bigatti

21 May 2013

18:48 CoCoA-5 Feature #352 (Closed): Should SourceRegion echo the "region"?
I think that it might be useful to "echo" the region that has been sent, so that the user has the history of what has... Anna Maria Bigatti
18:38 CoCoA-5 Design #292 (Closed): Rename IndetsCalled to indets
Anna Maria Bigatti
18:00 CoCoA-5 Feature #336 (Closed): Mat(Module) should give error
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:43 CoCoA-5 Feature #336: Mat(Module) should give error
My impromptu tests suggest the impl is fine.
This issue has been in @feedback@ for a month; close it now? Anna?
John Abbott
17:35 CoCoALib Bug #351 (Closed): Problems with DenseMatImpl::myResize
When calling ... Anna Maria Bigatti
17:34 CoCoA-5 Bug #280 (Closed): EmacsUI: indentation is wrong with parentheses
There has been no negative feedback in 3 months, so I'm closing this issue.
John Abbott
17:31 CoCoA-5 Support #314 (In Progress): odd and even numbers for snapshots/official versions?
The rules need to be simple so that we can remember them.
Let's say even numbers mean "stable" and odd ones "interim...
John Abbott
17:24 CoCoA-5 Support #333 (Closed): manual entry for "indent"
The manual entry seems OK to me (I made some minor changes).
John Abbott
17:24 CoCoALib Bug #350 (Closed): problem with "matrix" argument in functions
If a function has argument "matrix M" (instead of @MatrixView@ or @ConstMatrixView@) it is passed as a "pointer", i.e... Anna Maria Bigatti
17:12 CoCoA-5 Feature #8 (Closed): source region
Apart from bug #344, no (design) problems have arisen; so I'm closing this issue. John Abbott
17:03 CoCoA-5 Feature #347: C5 cannot compute derivative of a ratfn
Added (v. simple) test and updated doc.
John Abbott

20 May 2013

11:31 CoCoA-5 Feature #347 (Feedback): C5 cannot compute derivative of a ratfn
Modified at CoCoALib level: @FractionField@ now has a @myDeriv@ mem fn (which expects the base ring to be a @PolyRing... John Abbott
11:25 CoCoA-5 Bug #344 (Feedback): basic_string::erase error in interpreter
No further problems have come to light in the last 2 weeks, so I'm changing the state to @feedback@ (hoping to close ... John Abbott

18 May 2013

11:54 CoCoALib Bug #349 (Closed): IdealOfPoints: gens are actually a GBasis
Currently IdealOfPoints produces an ideal *without* GBasis.
Should be trivial to fix!
John Abbott
11:41 CoCoALib Feature #147 (In Progress): Buchberger-Moeller: impl via modular reduction
JAA has a working impl based on the old C4 code. Wasted quite a lot of time tracking down a subtle bug in the old co... John Abbott

17 May 2013

19:27 CoCoALib Feature #304: Module ordering and grading (and shifts)
compiles and runs: I'll check on Monday if it gives the correct result ;-) Anna Maria Bigatti
18:44 CoCoALib Feature #304: Module ordering and grading (and shifts)
major rewriting in progress Anna Maria Bigatti
11:36 CoCoA-5 Support #348: CoCoA website: CoCoA-5.0.3 pages
redisigned cocoa-5 download page Anna Maria Bigatti
11:33 CoCoA-5 Support #348: CoCoA website: CoCoA-5.0.3 pages
rounded corners in main page "buttons" Anna Maria Bigatti
11:15 CoCoA-5 Support #348 (Closed): CoCoA website: CoCoA-5.0.3 pages
anything related to the CoCoA website Anna Maria Bigatti

15 May 2013

20:01 CoCoA-5 Support #187: CoCoA-5 (partial) releases: make the process simpler
Now that I can compile cocoa on windows, I added some indications in script cocoa5-cvs-snapshot to help making the sn... Anna Maria Bigatti
12:16 Support #266: Compilation on M$Windows: cygwin
I think I managed to compile the *textual* version and prepare a distribution for it!
it is available on the web pag...
Anna Maria Bigatti

07 May 2013

23:33 CoCoA-5 Bug #344: basic_string::erase error in interpreter
An error is reported if the region selected starts after the last character on a line (e.g. starting at an empty line... John Abbott

06 May 2013

14:42 CoCoA-5 Bug #343 (Feedback): Interpreter SEGV
After speaking to Anna we decided to make "minimal" changes.
Instead of refering to _end of file_ messages refer to ...
John Abbott

02 May 2013

16:49 CoCoA-5 Feature #347 (Closed): C5 cannot compute derivative of a ratfn
Add formal derivative of a rat fn -- might also be missing from CoCoALib?
John Abbott

29 Apr 2013

09:16 CoCoA-5 Bug #345: Interpreter interrupt delayed confusingly
Some notes about the source code.
An interpreter object contains a (volatile) data member called @controlC@. This...
John Abbott
09:03 CoCoA-5 Support #208: describe $package
Why is the package called @BinRepr@ but the main exports are called @BinExp@?
AMB: moved to #354
John Abbott
09:00 CoCoA-5 Bug #343: Interpreter SEGV
A suggestion for modifying the error message produced when EOF is found in the middle of a command.
Currently the er...
John Abbott
08:36 CoCoA-5 Feature #346 (Closed): Describe should indicate package name
The *@describe@* command will produce the source code of a package function, but it does not indicate the package the... John Abbott

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