



From 16 Jan 2013 to 14 Feb 2013

14 Feb 2013

16:04 CoCoALib Feature #312: LongRange(a,b) returning vector of long a..b (included)
It is a shame to have to include the standard header @<vector>@ in the file @utils.H@.
It may not be relevant, but I...
John Abbott
12:35 CoCoALib Feature #312 (Closed): LongRange(a,b) returning vector of long a..b (included)
I do miss in C++ the convenient cocoa syntax *a..b*.
In fact it is particularly useful for calling *submat*.
So I s...
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:48 CoCoA-5 Feature #309: (Multi)BlockMatrix
How about renaming the current @BlockMat@ to *@BlockMat2x2@*,
and the new fn @MultiBlockMat@ to just plain *@BlockMa...
John Abbott
11:10 CoCoA-5 Feature #309 (Feedback): (Multi)BlockMatrix
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:57 CoCoALib Design #311 (Closed): XelMat, StdDegRevLexMat, ... should be MatrixView
Now we have
NewDenseMatXel(long n);
NewDenseMatRevLex(long n);
NewDenseMatStdDegRevLex(long n);
Anna Maria Bigatti

13 Feb 2013

18:11 CoCoA-5 Feature #309: (Multi)BlockMatrix
added JAA's definition of MultiBlockMat into manual entry of BlockMat
(and also search keys)...
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:04 CoCoA-5 Feature #309: (Multi)BlockMatrix
John Abbott wrote:
> JAA wonders whether it might be appropriate to have a fairly general function for building matri...
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:37 CoCoA-5 Feature #309: (Multi)BlockMatrix
JAA wonders whether it might be appropriate to have a fairly general function for building matrices by blocks:... John Abbott
16:28 CoCoA-5 Feature #309: (Multi)BlockMatrix
added ConcatHorList, ConcatVerList and manual
Anna Maria Bigatti
14:31 CoCoA-5 Feature #309: (Multi)BlockMatrix
I thought about the code for the multi block matrix.
The input checking (size compatibility) would be *really tedious...
Anna Maria Bigatti
09:17 CoCoA-5 Feature #309: (Multi)BlockMatrix
We have this constructor for matrices:... Anna Maria Bigatti
08:57 CoCoA-5 Feature #309 (Closed): (Multi)BlockMatrix
It would be VERY HELPFUL to have a function, say MultiBlockMat, which takes several matrices in input and returns a m... Lorenzo Robbiano
11:57 CoCoALib Feature #310 (Closed): ordering and grading (weights) matrix
We should have a function for accessing the matrix and the grading/weights matrix of a PPOrdering.
Now we have *Ge...
Anna Maria Bigatti
10:13 CoCoA-5 Feature #200: add modules and module operations
added *FirstNonZeroPosn*, *homog(ModuleElem)* (for GradingDim=1) Anna Maria Bigatti
10:00 CoCoA-5 Feature #306: Function for accessing the pointed value
Implemented: seems to work fine. Example (in BuiltinFunctions.H)... Anna Maria Bigatti
08:52 CoCoA-5 Feature #306 (In Progress): Function for accessing the pointed value
Too many new functions for modules: I think I'd better start experimenting with this "shortcut" ;-)
I'll try the nam...
Anna Maria Bigatti

12 Feb 2013

17:39 CoCoALib Bug #178 (Feedback): IsHomog: should it throw an error when there is no grading?
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:33 CoCoALib Design #308: Error: ERR::NotNonZero instead of ERR::ZeroRingElem? [--> ReqNonZero]
Should we call it *ZeroValue* instead of *NotNonZero*?
And *NegativeValue* instead of *NotNonNegative*?
Anna Maria Bigatti
13:04 CoCoALib Design #308: Error: ERR::NotNonZero instead of ERR::ZeroRingElem? [--> ReqNonZero]
All CoCoALib errors which refer to zero are:
*@BadPwrZero, DivByZero, LogZero, MemPoolZero, NotNonZero, ZeroModulus, ...
John Abbott
12:37 CoCoALib Design #308 (In Progress): Error: ERR::NotNonZero instead of ERR::ZeroRingElem? [--> ReqNonZero]
The error *@ZeroRingElem@* is used for:
@StdDeg, LC, Monic, IsIrred, MaxExponent, wdeg (& CmpWDeg & CmpWDegPartial),...
John Abbott
12:13 CoCoALib Design #308 (In Progress): Error: ERR::NotNonZero instead of ERR::ZeroRingElem? [--> ReqNonZero]
I've found the error *ERR::NotNonZero*. Should we remove *ERR::ZeroRingElem*?
(and LogZero, ZeroModulus,..)
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:15 CoCoA-5 Feature #273: Package for Polynomial Algebra Homomorphisms
What names should we use? Why does @ker@ have such a long name & the others not?...
John Abbott
15:04 CoCoA-5 Design #292 (Feedback): Rename IndetsCalled to indets
Document order of entries in the list produced by @indets(R,"y")@.
Note also that @y[2]..y[3]@ gives all indets if...
John Abbott
14:29 CoCoA-5 Feature #306: Function for accessing the pointed value
JAA likes the proposal; cannot see any obvious objection (I wonder if the compiler will).
Other possible names: @G...
John Abbott
11:54 CoCoA-5 Feature #306 (Closed): Function for accessing the pointed value
We have many arguments like... Anna Maria Bigatti
12:06 CoCoA-5 Design #307 (Closed): Value::from makes BigIntValue::fromInt obsolete?
In BuiltinFunctions there are some calls like *BigIntValue::fromInt*, *BoolValue::fromBool* (others?).
But in othe...
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:57 CoCoA-5 Design #294: BuiltInFunctions: General "OneLiner" for arguments of different type
added also *evalArgAsT1orT2orT3orT4* and *evalArgAsT1orT2orT3orT4orT5*
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:38 CoCoALib Design #305 (In Progress): FreeModule: unique copy?
While writing this I gave myself the answer "probably NO", this is the reason:
* *general case*: just one constructo...
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:03 CoCoA-5 Feature #200: add modules and module operations
added *LPP*, *LPosn*, *LT*, *wdeg* Anna Maria Bigatti
10:55 CoCoALib Feature #304 (In Progress): Module ordering and grading (and shifts)
Anna Maria Bigatti
10:52 CoCoALib Support #302: Compilation on M$Windows: Visual Studio
That's more worrying that two compilers complain.
Despite comments in the file @Main.C@, as far as I can tell @FreeM...
John Abbott

11 Feb 2013

18:49 CoCoALib Support #302: Compilation on M$Windows: Visual Studio
John Abbott wrote:
> Try separating the definition from the declaration:
Tried, but no success :-(
With the in...
Christof Soeger
15:16 CoCoALib Support #302: Compilation on M$Windows: Visual Studio
Try separating the definition from the declaration:
inside the class definition put just...
John Abbott
14:59 CoCoALib Support #302: Compilation on M$Windows: Visual Studio
Next I tried to build the console application. It does not need qt.
But here I get an error during the compilation...
Christof Soeger
14:54 CoCoALib Support #302: Compilation on M$Windows: Visual Studio
Anna Maria Bigatti wrote:
> Christof Soeger wrote:
> > I'm aware that the RandomXYZ.C files are removed. I only wan...
Christof Soeger
14:14 CoCoALib Support #302: Compilation on M$Windows: Visual Studio
Christof Soeger wrote:
> I'm aware that the RandomXYZ.C files are removed. I only wanted to document that this chang...
Anna Maria Bigatti
14:11 CoCoALib Support #302: Compilation on M$Windows: Visual Studio
I agree that most warnings are not important, I just wanted to give them to you, since they are valid sometimes. And ... Christof Soeger
12:43 CoCoALib Support #302: Compilation on M$Windows: Visual Studio
... John Abbott
12:39 CoCoALib Support #302: Compilation on M$Windows: Visual Studio
... John Abbott
12:38 CoCoALib Support #302: Compilation on M$Windows: Visual Studio
Please disable your compiler's warning about automatic conversion from @int@ to @bool@. Many basic functions "inheri... John Abbott
12:31 CoCoALib Support #302: Compilation on M$Windows: Visual Studio
The source files @RandomXYZ.C@ were removed from CVS some time (months) ago. Please update from the current CVS.
John Abbott
12:28 CoCoALib Support #302: Compilation on M$Windows: Visual Studio
Even Microsoft says that it should work with an @unsigned long@:
John Abbott
12:01 CoCoALib Support #302: Compilation on M$Windows: Visual Studio
On my work laptop I have VS 2010. In addition to the already mentioned points I get an error:... Christof Soeger
11:35 CoCoALib Support #302: Compilation on M$Windows: Visual Studio
I think "ExternalLibs-NormalizTypes.C" is a relict from the time when libnormaliz was not a compiled independently an... Christof Soeger
11:10 CoCoALib Support #302 (In Progress): Compilation on M$Windows: Visual Studio
Bruno wrote:
I tried the new cocoa version and it is different from the version you
sent me. There is at least a ...
Christof Soeger
11:09 CoCoALib Support #302 (In Progress): Compilation on M$Windows: Visual Studio
We should offer all documentation is needed for compiling CoCoALib/CoCoA-5 on MSWindows.
CoCoA-5 has been compiled...
Christof Soeger
18:31 CoCoALib Feature #304: Module ordering and grading (and shifts)
Now the function *NewFreeModule(R, n)* calls *NewGradedFreeModule(R, n)* when *R* is a polynomial ring (more precisel... Anna Maria Bigatti
15:59 CoCoALib Feature #304 (Closed): Module ordering and grading (and shifts)
Set the interface for ordering and grading (and then shifts)
Add tests and examples.
Port to CoCoA5
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:18 CoCoALib Feature #236 (Feedback): Add homog (homogenized) for ideal
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:16 CoCoA-5 Support #290: Which functions are defined in CoCoALibSupplement?
When add a new function it is good practice to have:
* in *BuiltinOneLiner.C* only functions using the "one-line" de...
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:56 CoCoALib Feature #210 (Resolved): Normaliz: "double" cone for speed and safety
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:53 CoCoALib Feature #303: Rows and Columns of a matrix
I prefer *cols* (always the same abbreviation).
Or should it be *GetCols*?
Which name represents better it is makin...
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:30 CoCoALib Feature #303 (Closed): Rows and Columns of a matrix
Two new fns *@rows(M)@* and *@cols(M)@* -- or should its name be *@columns@*?
These take a matrix and return a lis...
John Abbott
15:35 CoCoALib Feature #298 (Feedback): Valgrind: keep CoCoALib at 0 memory leaks
John Abbott
15:35 CoCoA-5 Feature #237 (Feedback): port homog/homogenized for ideal to cocoa-5
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:24 CoCoALib Feature #300: Add fault tolerant rational reconstruction to library
The hardest parts will be fixing the UI and choosing the name(s) of the fn(s).
I should also put in my impl of the...
John Abbott
11:54 CoCoA-5 Support #293 (Closed): Add CpuTime to C5 manual
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:49 CoCoA-5 Bug #226 (Closed): HilbertBasis segv
Anna Maria Bigatti

08 Feb 2013

18:18 CoCoALib Feature #125: Matrix equation solving; linear system solving
Check compatibility of fn names with those in CoCoA-5 (see #206).
Need fast lin sys solving over QQ for Buchberger...
John Abbott
18:12 CoCoA-5 Design #301 (Closed): How to obtain an integer from a finite field element? AsINT?
Let @X@ be a ring elem belonging to a finite field.
How can I get an integer value from @X@?
At the moment *@AsINT(...
John Abbott
18:04 CoCoALib Feature #300 (Closed): Add fault tolerant rational reconstruction to library
Implement the various fault tolerant rational reconstruction algms, and incorporate them into CoCoALib.
John Abbott
18:00 CoCoALib Feature #143 (In Progress): Buchberger-Moeller (parent task)
John Abbott

06 Feb 2013

16:29 Support #266: Compilation on M$Windows: cygwin
After a fresh install I can confirm it still works as before. :-)
The INSTALL-cygwin file is indeed helpful. It sa...
Christof Soeger
08:10 CoCoALib Feature #206: Matrix equation solving: LinKer
Both ways make sense, then I think we should follow the usual rule: "do what other systems do" (and then find a good ... Anna Maria Bigatti

05 Feb 2013

11:55 CoCoALib Feature #206: Matrix equation solving: LinKer
Non sono d'accordo. Se si guarda la risposta, non si può proprio capire che le soluzioni sono le colonne.
Infatti que...
Lorenzo Robbiano
09:06 CoCoALib Feature #206: Matrix equation solving: LinKer
I think that solutions (and kernel) *X* should be written so that
*AX = b* and that is what we have chosen for CoCoA...
Anna Maria Bigatti

04 Feb 2013

16:41 CoCoALib Feature #298: Valgrind: keep CoCoALib at 0 memory leaks
Removed leaks from *toric*.
This is now the situation on my Mac (which seems to have the mentioned problem with "thro...
Anna Maria Bigatti
12:51 CoCoALib Feature #206: Matrix equation solving: LinKer
Renzo does not like the current interface where the elements of the kernel appear as *columns* rather than rows. He ... John Abbott

30 Jan 2013

18:06 CoCoA-5 Feature #299 (New): GUI: message "running.." (close to output window?)
The message saying that cocoa is running should be close to the output window (instead of at the bottom)
Anna Maria Bigatti
18:01 CoCoALib Design #297: Modules design: brainstorming
I think *GensToCols/GensToRows* would be quite useful functions, but what would be the actual meaning? It should rep... Anna Maria Bigatti
11:51 CoCoALib Design #297: Modules design: brainstorming
It would make lots of sense a syntax for creating a submodule from a matrix.
I suggest the syntax *SubmoduleCols(F,M...
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:43 CoCoALib Design #297: Modules design: brainstorming
I added (in CoCoA-5) the function *ModuleOf* analogue for *RingOf*
Does it make sense? for a ModuleElem yes, for a ...
Anna Maria Bigatti

28 Jan 2013

15:00 CoCoALib Feature #298 (In Progress): Valgrind: keep CoCoALib at 0 memory leaks
JAA has corrected the leak which was detected in @test-RingElem1@.
JAA running @valgrind-3.8.1@ on his computer was ...
John Abbott
08:26 CoCoALib Feature #298: Valgrind: keep CoCoALib at 0 memory leaks
Almost all tests run with @definitely lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks@.
These are the exceptions (I guess many are related)...
Anna Maria Bigatti
08:02 CoCoALib Feature #298 (Closed): Valgrind: keep CoCoALib at 0 memory leaks
We say CoCoALib does not leak memory, and that's mostly true.
Anna Maria Bigatti

25 Jan 2013

17:40 CoCoA-5 Bug #226: HilbertBasis segv
Definitely *@valgrind@* time!
I suppose the bug never revealed itself before because @malloc@ may well reserve sli...
John Abbott
15:40 CoCoA-5 Bug #226: HilbertBasis segv
Still some error (I guess of the same nature): this time triggered by... Anna Maria Bigatti
14:47 CoCoA-5 Bug #226 (Resolved): HilbertBasis segv
This was (one of) the bug(s?)... Anna Maria Bigatti
11:41 CoCoALib Design #297 (In Progress): Modules design: brainstorming
Currently (25th Jan 2013) we have this inheritance:... Anna Maria Bigatti

24 Jan 2013

16:28 CoCoA-5 Bug #226: HilbertBasis segv
I further reduced the error:... Anna Maria Bigatti
16:01 CoCoA-5 Bug #226 (In Progress): HilbertBasis segv
Here is some "simpler" CoCoA-5 code which triggers the problem:... John Abbott
14:23 CoCoA-5 Bug #102 (Feedback): Packages: should exported functions be automatically "Protect"ed?
JAA notes that _system protected_ variables cannot be unprotected (_e.g._ the variable *@QQ@*).
Internally the inter...
John Abbott
12:11 CoCoA-5 Support #296: Documentation for Parser/Interpreter
I have already assigned it to myself as I'm the one most using it Anna Maria Bigatti
11:42 CoCoA-5 Support #296: Documentation for Parser/Interpreter
I thought the most difficult question would be _who is going to do it?_
John Abbott
08:37 CoCoA-5 Support #296 (In Progress): Documentation for Parser/Interpreter
Even though the code is written quite well it would be handy to have some documentation ;-)
The most difficult quest...
Anna Maria Bigatti
08:28 CoCoA-5 Design #294: BuiltInFunctions: General "OneLiner" for arguments of different type
Not quite the dream solution, but I found this function making life easier:
Anna Maria Bigatti

23 Jan 2013

17:42 CoCoA-5 Bug #102 (In Progress): Packages: should exported functions be automatically "Protect"ed?
After considering typical use patterns, it makes most sense for *@Export@* to protect the exported names, and for *@D... John Abbott
15:40 CoCoA-5 Support #293 (Feedback): Add CpuTime to C5 manual
Anna Maria Bigatti
14:50 CoCoA-5 Bug #226: HilbertBasis segv
If you run the two offending lines in a fresh CoCoA-5 then C5 reports an error that @CurrentRing@ has no value! This... John Abbott
14:43 CoCoA-5 Bug #100: BringIn should map only the indets in its arg
We need a sort of _partial_ canonical hom which maps symbols which are not in the codomain to zero. Before applying ... John Abbott
12:51 CoCoA-5 Design #294 (Closed): BuiltInFunctions: General "OneLiner" for arguments of different type
one liner functions work like a dream (thanks Giovanni! ;-)
Is it possible to simplify writing the code for _overloa...
Anna Maria Bigatti
12:44 CoCoA-5 Feature #193: BuiltinFunctions.C getting too long (2000 lines)
Splitting the code seems to work very well.
Now I wonder whether I should also split BuiltinFunctions separating the...
Anna Maria Bigatti

22 Jan 2013

18:17 CoCoA-5 Feature #200: add modules and module operations
added zero(module), BaseRing(module), RingOf(module), RingOf(ModuleElem)
added stub documentation
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:17 CoCoA-5 Feature #200 (In Progress): add modules and module operations
added types MODULE and MODULEELEM.
added functions: NewFreeModule, arithmetics for type MODULEELEM.
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:19 CoCoA-5 Support #293 (In Progress): Add CpuTime to C5 manual
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:51 CoCoA-5 Support #293 (Closed): Add CpuTime to C5 manual
Add @CpuTime@ to CoCoA-5 manual.
Suggested keywords: time, cpu, timing, timer
John Abbott
16:37 CoCoALib Feature #229: Generator for random ring elements
Is this true? do we really need it?
I suggest we remove this issue.
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:21 Bug #238: Cleaner CVS?
Another little argument for my point:
@make veryclean; cvs up@
gives warnings like
@cvs update: warning: `includ...
Christof Soeger

21 Jan 2013

18:27 CoCoALib Feature #278 (In Progress): add CoeffVecWRT to cocoalib
The function *@CoeffVecWRT@* has been implemented (and documented).
Needs testing.
John Abbott
16:36 CoCoALib Design #291 (Feedback): NewZZmod and NewRingFp: improve manual, clarify implementation
Added comment to doc files. John Abbott
15:30 CoCoALib Feature #144 (Feedback): Buchberger-Moeller: generic impl
Improved impl to handle case where NumPts differs from NumIndets.
Added *@IdealOfPoints@* to CoCoA-5.
Added a test ...
John Abbott
15:21 CoCoALib Feature #123: IdealOfPoints with generic coeffs
A reasonable outline of algorithm is:
# Choose a suitable homomorphism (to a prime (finite?) field?).
# Compute bas...
John Abbott

18 Jan 2013

19:18 CoCoALib Feature #51: polynomial coefficient extraction w.r.t. variable
After verbal discussion with Anna, we decided that we prefer that the "terms" in the result be in *decreasing order o... John Abbott

17 Jan 2013

18:15 CoCoA-5 Design #292 (Closed): Rename IndetsCalled to indets
Rename *@IndetsCalled@* to *@indets@*.
Non-trivial because there is already a fn called *@indets@*
John Abbott
15:24 CoCoA-5 Feature #273: Package for Polynomial Algebra Homomorphisms
Giulia has produced a first version of the code for phi: R/I --> S/J.
For next time she will:
* change the ring name ...
John Abbott

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