



From 30 Aug 2012 to 28 Sep 2012

28 Sep 2012

18:27 CoCoALib Feature #244: Rings: default ctor & assignment
OK! As I said for #221 Anna Maria Bigatti
17:52 CoCoALib Feature #244 (Closed): Rings: default ctor & assignment
JAA proposes we add:
* default ctor for *@ring@* (value is @RingZZ()@)
* assignment of rings
The second is cert...
John Abbott
17:33 CoCoALib Feature #221: Better RingElems
John Abbott wrote:
> Any objections to allowing assignment of values of type @ring@?
ok for me: in fact I had to ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:08 CoCoALib Feature #221: Better RingElems
To implement assignment of @RingElem@ which can change the ring, I need to allow *@ring@* to be assigned -- currently... John Abbott
14:20 CoCoALib Feature #221: Better RingElems
*Case (A)* We have decided that this code:... John Abbott
17:31 CoCoA-5 Feature #243 (Closed): Normaliz tests for CoCoA5
I will make a little Normaliz test CoCoA5 script.
But we have to find a way how to let it run automatically if and...
Christof Soeger
17:00 CoCoALib Support #26: Redmine Administration
To close a "version":
go to roadmap
select the version
top right corner (usually outside my narrow window..) there...
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:18 CoCoA-5 Support #242 (In Progress): CoCoA-5 Projects for students (e.g. crediti F and tesi)
Here we list all ideas for possible student projects.
Some are already in redmine, so we just add them as "related i...
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:04 CoCoALib Feature #241 (Resolved): AreMonomials
Done: PolyRing
(now I write the documentation. Where? RingElem.txt?)
Anna Maria Bigatti
14:24 CoCoALib Feature #241 (Closed): AreMonomials
For checking the input of some CoCoA5 Normaliz functions I could use an AreMonomials(const std::vector<RingElem>& ) f... Christof Soeger
15:26 CoCoALib Support #75: Documentation review by Caleo
* several guidelines for improving *@DynamicBitset@* (doc and example)
* approved @symbol@, @ideal@, @fac...
John Abbott
12:49 CoCoA-5 Support #240 (In Progress): GUI compilation: GMP is not naturally thread-safe
I confirmed the problem using the GUI on my computer (Mac OS 10.5.8).
I reinstalled GMP (version 5.0.5), selecting a...
John Abbott
12:05 CoCoALib Feature #40 (Resolved): Squarefree factorization - Alessio d'Ali`
Alessio produced a slightly improved impl for computing squares, except that it actually runs slightly more slowly th... John Abbott

27 Sep 2012

18:26 CoCoA-5 Support #240: GUI compilation: GMP is not naturally thread-safe
The first failing computation was (by L.Robbiano)... Anna Maria Bigatti
18:24 CoCoA-5 Support #240 (Closed): GUI compilation: GMP is not naturally thread-safe
Difficult to notice, but it appears that the GUI (rarely) crashes (maybe!) for GMP not being thread-safe (the GUI run... Anna Maria Bigatti
18:16 Bug #238: Cleaner CVS?
Here is why I think the dependency files and the file should not be in there.
1) They are generated automat...
Christof Soeger
18:10 CoCoA-5 Bug #239 (Resolved): Normaliz functions not available in C5 GUI (again!)
The problem turned out to be not passing @-DCoCoA_WITH_NORMALIZ@ flag to the script which builds @C5Makefile@.
John Abbott
18:03 CoCoA-5 Bug #239 (Closed): Normaliz functions not available in C5 GUI (again!)
The builtin normaliz functions are not available in the C5 GUI. John Abbott

26 Sep 2012

17:53 CoCoA-5 Bug #220 (Closed): Trouble on Linux: many CoCoA-5 tests fail (0.9952)
John Abbott
17:52 CoCoA-5 Bug #197: ./C5.bin: fork: Resource temporarily unavailable
In the @src/CoCoA-5/@ directory I found that @make clean; make@ was sufficient on my computer. John Abbott
17:26 Bug #238: Cleaner CVS?
Yes, shell scripts are much more readable than @Makefile@ code. So we arrange for the @make@ target to call your she... John Abbott
16:47 Bug #238: Cleaner CVS?
John Abbott wrote:
> Christof suggests making a cleaner CVS repository:
> (essentially all generated files should n...
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:17 Bug #238 (Closed): Cleaner CVS?
Christof suggests making a cleaner CVS repository:
(essentially all generated files should not be in the repository)...
John Abbott
14:57 CoCoA-5 Feature #237 (Closed): port homog/homogenized for ideal to cocoa-5
Anna Maria Bigatti
14:56 CoCoALib Feature #236 (Closed): Add homog (homogenized) for ideal
We expect the homogenizing indeterminate is in the ring (as in cocoa-4).
Anna Maria Bigatti
13:11 CoCoALib Feature #223: Automatic mapping of RingElems
To make the conversion at least easier a constructor like in #7 note-4 would be helpful: *@RingElem(R, x)@*
If an ...
Christof Soeger
12:31 CoCoALib Feature #221: Better RingElems
John Abbott wrote:
> If we allow "mixed ring" assignment then we should also allow "mixed ring" *@swap@*.
I agree
Anna Maria Bigatti
12:26 CoCoALib Feature #221: Better RingElems
If we allow "mixed ring" assignment then we should also allow "mixed ring" *@swap@*.
JAA would expect *@swap@* to ...
John Abbott
10:57 CoCoA-5 Feature #235 (New): Add LucasTest to cocoa5?
primality test implemented in CoCoALib
Anna Maria Bigatti

25 Sep 2012

16:44 CoCoALib Support #234 (Closed): Update/Improve geobucket documentation
The geobucket doc is very old and needs a major revision.
John Abbott
16:32 CoCoALib Feature #233 (Closed): AsINT and AsRAT -- ConvertTo<BigInt> and ConvertTo<BigRat>
Should we implement functions very like *@AsINT@* and *@AsRAT@* in CoCoALib?
What should their names be? Anna sug...
John Abbott
16:14 CoCoA-5 Feature #7 (In Progress): Automatic mapping between (some) rings
John Abbott
16:00 CoCoALib Feature #221 (In Progress): Better RingElems
John Abbott
15:56 CoCoALib Feature #221: Better RingElems
Anna, Christof and John all agree that:
* the default ctor for @RingElem@ produces 0 in @ZZ@
* the rule/guideline i...
John Abbott

24 Sep 2012

19:06 CoCoALib Bug #232 (New): No test for QBGenerator
Add a test for @QBGenerator@.
PS I made a mistake while updating the @QBGenerator@ code, and all tests passed (so ...
John Abbott
15:45 CoCoALib Feature #221: Better RingElems
This may not be the correct place, but I wanted to note that until we have automatic conversions (if ever), an equali... John Abbott

21 Sep 2012

16:09 CoCoALib Support #75: Documentation review by Caleo
Alessandra helped us
* sort out doc for @ideal@, @ApproxPts@, @BuildInfo@, @error@
* improve examples for @Alexande...
John Abbott
14:44 CoCoALib Support #75: Documentation review by Caleo
Alessandra has decided to do 3 rather than 4 credits.
John Abbott
14:50 CoCoALib Support #231 (New): Documentation for QBGenerator needs to be improved.
Improve maintainer doc for @QBGenerator@.
John Abbott
14:32 CoCoA-5 Slug #31: theValue makes copy
Giovanni Lagorio wrote:
> The solution is to implement a move constructor in BigInt (and every "huge" data structure...
Anna Maria Bigatti
14:22 CoCoA-5 Slug #230 (New): More curiously slow code -- squaring a polynomial
The function @SquaredPoly@ should be of quadratic complexity, so doubling the degree should increase computation by a... John Abbott
14:20 CoCoALib Feature #40: Squarefree factorization - Alessio d'Ali`
> Testing has highlighted some curious (& undesirable) behaviour of the CoCoA interpreter, _e.g._ doubling the degree... Anna Maria Bigatti
12:34 CoCoALib Feature #40: Squarefree factorization - Alessio d'Ali`
Alessio has produced two prototype implementations in CoCoA: one computes the square "in place", the other produces a... John Abbott

19 Sep 2012

14:54 CoCoALib Feature #229 (New): Generator for random ring elements
Robbiano requested a function for randomizing the coeffs of a polynomial (which is just a ring elem).
It would be ...
John Abbott

18 Sep 2012

16:34 CoCoALib Feature #224: Leading form
Here's Bruns's original request:
do you have a function that returns the highest homogeneous component of
a polyno...
John Abbott
16:27 CoCoALib Bug #228 (Closed): libcocoa sometimes built without its index
Winfried Bruns reports the following issue:
... sometimes libcocoa.a is created without an index on my machines. T...
John Abbott

10 Sep 2012

10:57 CoCoALib Feature #227 (New): HilbertBasis from Normaliz: full-lattice or not?
Now CoCoALib offers HilbertBasis on the "holey lattice".
It would be nice to have also the "full-lattice".
Think of...
Anna Maria Bigatti
10:46 CoCoA-5 Bug #226 (Closed): HilbertBasis segv
... Anna Maria Bigatti
10:40 CoCoA-5 Support #225 (Closed): HilbertBasis: cocoa vs normaliz
In CoCoA HilbertBasis(M) is the HilbertBasis of the kernel of M.
In Normaliz is the HilbertBasis of the monoid "gene...
Anna Maria Bigatti

07 Sep 2012

17:24 CoCoALib Bug #135: Revise interface to SmallFpImpl & friends
All tests passed.
Done a Friday afternoon check-in of current "first revised" version of code.
Also revised doc for...
John Abbott
12:02 CoCoALib Bug #135: Revise interface to SmallFpImpl & friends
I have made a first revised impl of @SmallFpImpl@; all tests pass.
Plenty of work still to do:
* update documentati...
John Abbott

04 Sep 2012

12:08 CoCoALib Feature #222: Printing polynomials - spaces between terms
John Abbott wrote:
> The flag could be compile time or run-time. Since great speed is not crucial, there is no real...
Anna Maria Bigatti
10:47 CoCoALib Feature #222: Printing polynomials - spaces between terms
We could introduce a flag to say whether to print spaces between summands in polynomials.
The flag could be compile ...
John Abbott

03 Sep 2012

18:35 CoCoALib Feature #221: Better RingElems
What should the following code excerpts do?
Case (A)...
John Abbott
18:01 CoCoALib Feature #221: Better RingElems
The "safety" in assigning only RingElems in the same ring was (probably) to prevent mixing rings in one algorithm.
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:19 CoCoA-5 Bug #217 (Closed): Makedependencies of CoCoA-5 fails if BOOST is absent
Niko reports that it works for him, so I'm closing this issue.
John Abbott
14:18 CoCoALib Feature #224 (Closed): Leading form
Add a function to produce the leading form of a polynomial.
Gives error if the polynomial is 0.
Gives error if the ...
John Abbott

31 Aug 2012

14:39 CoCoALib Feature #113 (In Progress): Introduce PartialHom
JAA has made a first (incomplete) implementation.
Currently the names chosen are @RingHom@ and @PartialRingHom@. ...
John Abbott
12:58 Feature #214: gmp header location assumption in configure script
Previous change did not work when user specified GMP library.
John Abbott
12:07 Feature #214 (In Progress): gmp header location assumption in configure script
I have modified to handle the cases reported by Christof and Winfried.
The script now finds both the l...
John Abbott

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