



From 08 Sep 2020 to 07 Oct 2020

07 Oct 2020

22:11 Slug #722 (Closed): valuation slow for large inputs
The current impl is "good enough" for the moment. If a specific application comes up where more speed is needed then... John Abbott

06 Oct 2020

15:42 Design #855: Copyright and authorship?
We should do this in an orderly manner. Many files have already been done. It would be nice to finish this for 0.99... John Abbott
15:39 Design #1242: C++14: Use type auto where appropriate
I suggest we work through the source file systematically, and note which ones we have updated to use *@auto@* (and wh... John Abbott
15:35 Bug #1473: isystem not working as expected
*Anna?* is this better for you now?
I'm pretty sure I must have checked in the change mentioned here. Do you still...
John Abbott
15:20 Design #1279 (Resolved): Tidy up code for matrix determinant
Main dispatch fn is *@ConstMatrixViewBase::myDet@* around @matrix.C:221@
The code has already been considerably c...
John Abbott
15:16 Design #1460 (Feedback): Name of TensorMat; change to KroneckerProd?
This has already been done.
@TensorMat@ is now in @obsolete.C@
Was this already in 0.99710?
John Abbott
14:57 Design #1221 (In Progress): Reconsider design for accessing headers and libs of external libraries
I wonder exactly what I had in mind when creating this issue.
The current situation is as follows: in @ExternalLib...
John Abbott
14:41 Feature #1485: Simple syntax for making a quotient ring?
As this is not urgent, I'm postponing it.
I also expect it to be trivial to implement should we decide to do so.
John Abbott
12:24 Design #710 (In Progress): Update normaliz interface?
The current version of CoCoALib compiles fine with normaliz-3.8.9.
It is no longer clear me to what exactly this i...
John Abbott
12:21 Bug #1280: Determinant & Inverse of matrix over non integral domain
This question clearly needs more work -- postponing.
John Abbott
12:20 Bug #1280: Determinant & Inverse of matrix over non integral domain
Now @det@ of a matrix over @ZZ/(6)@ work also for larger matrices, but it is horribly slow :-(... John Abbott
12:11 Feature #743: Better errors: give supplementary info about the error
I am postponing even though this is urgent. I need a quiet period to be able to think about the problem, and to find... John Abbott
12:08 Design #1414: Make class RingElemVector?
I am postponing, but also increasing priority.
I think this idea will be quite useful, but we need more time to th...
John Abbott
11:35 Design #1391: RingElems: syntax with [ and ] ?
I have changed *@RingElemList@* (in @NotBuiltin.cpkg5@).
I have added a new test @test-RingElems.cocoa5@ with the te...
John Abbott
10:22 Support #1499: factorization: allow zero as exponent?
The current interface for @FactorMultiplicity@ does not use a @factorization@.
Even if an alternative interface (lik...
John Abbott
09:53 Feature #1490 (Rejected): New function: MinusOneToPower
There is no need for *@MinusOneToPower@*; it can be achieved by *@SmallPower@* (if we want to avoid @Bi...
John Abbott

05 Oct 2020

14:39 Feature #1436 (Feedback): Flatten for a matrix
I have added a test to @test-matrix4.C@
John Abbott
14:32 Design #1500: IsDivisible in a field?
This might be a bit like computing gcd: strictly we can define it for a field, but we opted instead to give an error.... John Abbott
14:29 Design #1500 (Closed): IsDivisible in a field?
What should @IsDivisible(a,b)@ do with arguments in a field?
Currently it returns the same as @not(b = 0)@.
This ...
John Abbott
13:26 Support #1499 (In Progress): factorization: allow zero as exponent?
My current feeling is that I should simply change the error mesg, and leave the rest as is: namely, multiplicities mu... John Abbott
13:23 Support #1499 (Closed): factorization: allow zero as exponent?
A factorization object in CoCoALib contains a list factor-multiplicity pairs.
According to the doc the factors must ...
John Abbott
13:08 Feature #664: Impl small non-prime finite fields (using logs)
I'd like to have the time to finish this, but that seems very unlikely in the immediate future. :-(
Postponing (yet...
John Abbott
13:03 Design #1391: RingElems: syntax with [ and ] ?
I would like to see a minor improvement: allow whitespace before the initial *@[@* and after the final *@]@*.
It wil...
John Abbott
11:58 Design #1463 (Feedback): SmoothFactor: use FactorMultiplicity
Now I think it is better not to make *@DivideOutMaxPower@* public; we can wait until there is actual demand for it.
John Abbott
11:40 Feature #1490: New function: MinusOneToPower
Now I am having doubts about this function...
The normal @power@ function just calls @mpz_power@, and I fully expe...
John Abbott

03 Oct 2020

17:41 Feature #1490 (Resolved): New function: MinusOneToPower
I have implemented *@PowerOfMinusOne@* (for both @MachineInt@ and @BigInt@ exponents).
Currently they are not inline...
John Abbott
17:27 Feature #1488 (Resolved): BuiltIn Interreduce-Function
The function is called *@interreduced@*: it returns an interreduced *copy* of the original list (which is not changed... John Abbott

02 Oct 2020

21:46 Feature #1405 (Closed): New fn: interreduction
Closed because this is a duplicate of #1488 John Abbott
20:56 Feature #1436: Flatten for a matrix
I have checked in the code.
The fn names are *@FlattenByRows@* and *@FlattenByCols@*; it seems unnecessary to have @...
John Abbott
17:03 Feature #1436 (Resolved): Flatten for a matrix
I have written a first impl (in @MatrixOps-flatten.C@).
Added doc.
No tests yet.
John Abbott
20:32 Support #1497 (New): Doc for normaliz fns
We need some doc for the normaliz functions!
John Abbott
20:30 Support #1494 (Resolved): Normaliz 3.8.9
I have refreshed the script and updated @configure@ to use it and check that the version is at ... John Abbott

30 Sep 2020

14:08 Support #1494: Normaliz 3.8.9
Now it compiles for me. But I did not find any doc about which functions CoCoALib/CoCoA-5 make available when Normal... John Abbott
11:57 Support #1494 (In Progress): Normaliz 3.8.9
I have made the change, and CoCoALib now compiles, but I do not know whether it really does what people might expect.... John Abbott
11:14 Support #1494: Normaliz 3.8.9
I have changed the include directives to include only *@libnormaliz/libnormaliz.h@* which includes all Normaliz heade... John Abbott
11:09 Support #1494 (Closed): Normaliz 3.8.9
At the moment CoCoALib is *not compatible* with Normaliz 3.8.9 (recently released, late Sept 2020).
Making it comp...
John Abbott

29 Sep 2020

13:19 Feature #562: Subrings
Which sorts of subring would we like to represent?
* *(A)* in a polyring a subring generated by a subset of the inde...
John Abbott
13:12 Feature #1468 (In Progress): Adjoin indets to a poly ring
What should new indets be called? Should they be "new symbols"? Advantage is that there could be no problems with n... John Abbott

28 Sep 2020

13:51 Feature #1492: submat of a submat
The reason for thinking of this is that the current impl of *@DetByMinors@* is disaapointingly slow on @IdentityMat(Q... John Abbott
13:48 Feature #1492 (New): submat of a submat
It might be worth refining the impl of *@submat@* so that @submat(submat(M,R1,C1),R2,C2)@ is "clever" and returns a s... John Abbott

25 Sep 2020

17:44 Feature #1490 (In Progress): New function: MinusOneToPower
It would be tricky to call the function @power@ because I want the return type to be @long@ (or even @int@) rather th... John Abbott
16:21 Feature #1490: New function: MinusOneToPower
John Abbott wrote:
> There is a very simple inline impl:
> [...]
> If we do accept this fn, in which (header) ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
13:37 Feature #1490: New function: MinusOneToPower
There is a very simple inline impl:... John Abbott
13:35 Feature #1490 (Rejected): New function: MinusOneToPower
I have just seen in the code for matrix adjoint *@power(-1, i+j)@*.
It would be nice to have a simpler function for ...
John Abbott
17:06 Feature #1436: Flatten for a matrix
it is only used in *RingElem MinPoly(ConstMatrixView M, ConstRefRingElem x)*.
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:13 Feature #1436: Flatten for a matrix
Some notes:
* *(A)* there are already the functions @GetRows@ and @GetCols@ which return a @vector<vector<RingElem>>...
John Abbott
16:58 Bug #1423 (Closed): Radical 0-dim NYI? missing case for GBasisByHomog
John Abbott wrote:
> *CHECKED ON 2020-09-25* the example in the description now works.
> Has this been fixed? ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:18 Bug #1423 (In Progress): Radical 0-dim NYI? missing case for GBasisByHomog
*CHECKED ON 2020-09-25* the example in the description now works.
Has this been fixed? By whom? Can we close th...
John Abbott
16:16 Feature #1472: Idea for for loops
just wondering: (I know it's low priority) is this any better than the standard syntax?
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:04 Feature #1472 (In Progress): Idea for for loops
Anna's suggestion of *@range(1,n)@* _etc._ seems simple, clear, flexible.
The intention is that both values are incl...
John Abbott
15:16 Support #1263 (Resolved): Tidy CoCoALib test directory
I have now merged all "exbugs" into a single file called *@test-exbugs.C@* (with corr expected output in @test-exbug... John Abbott
14:58 Bug #1331: adj: for matrices 7x7 and bigger
I have added a test to @test-bug1.C@
John Abbott
14:52 Bug #1331: adj: for matrices 7x7 and bigger
Now I have split @DetDirect@ into two fns: one generic and one for sparsepolyrings (where I can use geobuckets)
John Abbott
14:35 Bug #1331 (Resolved): adj: for matrices 7x7 and bigger
There were two problems:
* *(A)* the dispatch function @ConstMatrixViewBase::myDet@ in @matrix.C@ was rather crude
John Abbott
14:05 Design #1491 (New): Unified Gaussian reduction impl
It would be nice to make a single unified Gaussian reduction impl (if poss).
Anyway, currently there are too many im...
John Abbott
14:02 Support #1196 (Resolved): Split MatrixOps
This is now mostly done.
There are now 7 files: original, adj, arith, det, KroneckerProd, LinKerZZ, norms, rank, r...
John Abbott
11:20 Feature #1405: New fn: interreduction
Is this a duplicate of #1488? John Abbott
10:51 Design #1463 (Resolved): SmoothFactor: use FactorMultiplicity
I have made a reasonable impl more or less following *(B)*.
There is a new non-exported fn which computes multiplici...
John Abbott

16 Sep 2020

16:23 Feature #1488: BuiltIn Interreduce-Function
Might it be useful to sort elements inside the interreduction loop according to a more "sophisticated" ordering: _e.g... John Abbott
15:41 Feature #1488: BuiltIn Interreduce-Function
I have now put my version of the impl in a new file *@SparsePolyOps-interreduce.C@* with corresponding header file.
John Abbott
14:45 Feature #1488 (In Progress): BuiltIn Interreduce-Function
Here is my revised version of the source code. It could surely be made faster, but this version is relatively simple... John Abbott

15 Sep 2020

14:06 Feature #1488 (Closed): BuiltIn Interreduce-Function
The function @interreduce@ is implemented in CoCoA-5, and the implementation (@NotBuiltin.cpkg5@) can be translated i... Julian Danner

14 Sep 2020

18:11 Feature #1485 (New): Simple syntax for making a quotient ring?
The syntax *@R/I@* would be convenient and easy to read.
At the moment I do not see how it could be "dangerous" un...
John Abbott
17:56 Feature #1485 (Resolved): Simple syntax for making a quotient ring?
John Abbott
17:47 Feature #1485 (New): Simple syntax for making a quotient ring?
Should we allow the syntax *@R/I@* to mean the same as *@NewQuotientRing(R,I)@*?
Discuss, and maybe implement.
John Abbott
18:08 Bug #1484 (Resolved): ker bug (quotientinghom for R/ideal())
There are two more suspect creations of ideals: line 325 and 347.
I have changed these too, but am less sure that wh...
John Abbott
18:07 Bug #1484: ker bug (quotientinghom for R/ideal())
I have blindly changed the code in @HomomorphismOps.C@.
The problem was in @MakeRichHom@ (and presumably an analogo...
John Abbott
17:38 Bug #1484 (Closed): ker bug (quotientinghom for R/ideal())
Bernhard Andraschko reports the following bug:... John Abbott
13:10 Feature #1483 (Feedback): IsPowerOf2 for rationals
Added new function *@IsPowrerOf2@* for @BigRat@. Gives @false@ if arg is not strictly positive.
Impl is simple rath...
John Abbott
13:08 Feature #1483 (Closed): IsPowerOf2 for rationals
Add new function *@IsPowerOf2@* for @BigRat@.
It already exists for @BigInt@.
John Abbott

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