



From 08 Oct 2019 to 06 Nov 2019

05 Nov 2019

14:26 Design #982: Catching interrupts in example progs?
On my machine all examples are faster than 5s, but several took more than 2s.
I have made some (local) changes to ma...
John Abbott
11:49 Design #982 (In Progress): Catching interrupts in example progs?
There are two example progs for interrupts (*@ex-interrupt1.C@* and *@ex-interrupt2.C@*).
I am not sure that they ar...
John Abbott

04 Nov 2019

11:01 Feature #1360: configure script: add flags for "only cocoalib" or "both cocoalib and cocoa5" (for boost)
John Abbott wrote:
> Anna suggested *@--only-cocoalib@*
> JAA prefers that the default be "only cocoalib", and ...
Anna Maria Bigatti

01 Nov 2019

10:28 Feature #1360: configure script: add flags for "only cocoalib" or "both cocoalib and cocoa5" (for boost)
Anna suggested *@--only-cocoalib@*
JAA prefers that the default be "only cocoalib", and that an option must be giv...
John Abbott
10:22 Feature #1360 (Closed): configure script: add flags for "only cocoalib" or "both cocoalib and cocoa5" (for boost)
Considering adding configuration option(s) to specify:
* compile just cocoalib
* compile cocoalib and also also CoC...
John Abbott

31 Oct 2019

18:34 Support #1276: Release 0.99650
... Anna Maria Bigatti
16:24 Support #1276: Release 0.99650
Valgrind OK... Anna Maria Bigatti
15:55 Bug #1248 (Closed): MinPolyQuot: guaranteed and ideal without GBasis
Anna Maria Bigatti

30 Oct 2019

22:39 Slug #952 (Closed): GCD very slow
It is no longer very slow; no sure how fast it is (seems to be instant).
John Abbott
22:32 Bug #986: GFan: require version newer than 0.6
*2019-10-30* Update: I now have gfanlib-0.6.2 (released 2018-09-28 according to GFanlib website).
However it sti...
John Abbott
22:23 Slug #1359: gcd: low degree but big coeffs can be slow
If the number of steps in the PRS is very small then a direct method may well be better than the modular method.
John Abbott
22:21 Slug #1359 (New): gcd: low degree but big coeffs can be slow
gcd of low degree polys with big coeffs can be too slow.... John Abbott
22:16 Bug #1113 (Closed): gcd crashes (Floating point exception)
*2019-10-30* I have just tried the example in comment 1, and it no longer crashes. No idea when it was resolved.
John Abbott
22:10 Feature #1218 (In Progress): 32-bit or 64-bit preprocessor macro?
Exactly what wordsize assumptions do we want to make?
* *(A)* 32-bits or not (meaning more than 32?)
* *(B)* 32-...
John Abbott
21:56 Feature #1218: 32-bit or 64-bit preprocessor macro?
*2019-10-30* I have just checked, and CoCoALib and CoCoA-5 both compile, run and all tests pass on my little 32-bit m... John Abbott
21:51 Feature #1219: Frobby version number
There was recent email from Bjarke Roune stating that he will no longer be able to maintain Frobby.
We should contac...
John Abbott
21:47 Feature #1282: subresultant
Note that there is already *@SubresultantSeq@* in @SparsePolyOps-resultant@.
Where did this impl come from? Is it a...
John Abbott
21:44 Slug #1324 (In Progress): Improve RootBound
Here is a family of examples where factorization may not work so well:
let @f@ be a product of @x^k-1@ where the @k@...
John Abbott
11:08 Support #1276: Release 0.99650
FWIW I have compiled CoCoALib on my old "netbook" which is 32-bit. All tests passed.
John Abbott

29 Oct 2019

19:44 Feature #1347 (Closed): New function: ctor of PPVector with vector<RingElem>
Documented (and modernized its doc file) Anna Maria Bigatti
16:21 Feature #1332 (Closed): New function: vector of RingElem from string -- in CoCoALib
documented in @RingElem.txt@ Anna Maria Bigatti
12:37 Feature #658: Indets actually in a poly (or vector or matrix)
Checked in @IndetsIn(vector<RingElem>)@
John Abbott
12:04 Design #1355 (New): TmpLDP uses srand and time
The code in *@TmpLDP.C@* uses old C functions *@time@* and *@srand@*.
Try to update the code to clean, modern C++.
John Abbott
12:00 Design #1295 (Closed): Never use "using namespace .." in header files
I must have done this some time ago; no doubt shortly after it was reported.
I have just removed some @using names...
John Abbott
10:58 Support #1353: configure script help
I have another suggestion: add the flag *@--only-lib@* that does @--no-boost --no-readline@ and does not compile coc... Anna Maria Bigatti

28 Oct 2019

12:31 Support #1353: configure script help
Ahhh. I see your point.
For CoCoALib the option *@--no-boost@* does nothing (since CoCoALib does not use BOOST, I...
John Abbott
11:48 Support #1353: configure script help
I think that @--no-boost@ should be listed as a CoCoALib option, because it can compile without boost, instead of a C... Anna Maria Bigatti

27 Oct 2019

21:16 Support #1353 (In Progress): configure script help
I have just compiled CoCoALib with the option *@--no-boost@*, and everything worked fine (as I expected/hoped). Of c... John Abbott
21:13 Support #1353 (Closed): configure script help
Bruns recently asked (by email) if configuring CoCoALib with *@--no-boost@* will work OK.
I believe CoCoALib does ...
John Abbott
21:10 Slug #792 (In Progress): configure: search for libgmp too slow
I think this may already be almost done. Let's finish it soon! John Abbott
21:06 Support #976: configure: auxiliary scripts should be consistent about error messages
Let's finish this soon! Boosted priority, and brought target version forward.
I think it is almost done anyway... b...
John Abbott

24 Oct 2019

15:38 Feature #1349: ideal ctor where given gens are a gbasis
Here is the background for my request.
I want to modify @MinPolyQuot@ so that it accepts "relatively zero-dim idea...
John Abbott
15:27 Feature #1349 (In Progress): ideal ctor where given gens are a gbasis
I would like to create a new ideal from a list which I know is a (reduced) GBasis.
How should I do this?
In fact,...
John Abbott
15:00 Feature #658: Indets actually in a poly (or vector or matrix)
I have just added (in @SparsePolyOps-RingElem.C@) an impl for @IndetsIn(const std::vector<RingElem>&)@.
The result i...
John Abbott

21 Oct 2019

18:50 Feature #1347 (Feedback): New function: ctor of PPVector with vector<RingElem>
Done, tested, cvs-ed.
To do: documentation.
Anna Maria Bigatti
18:49 Feature #1347 (Closed): New function: ctor of PPVector with vector<RingElem>
While updating the code for monomial ideals using the new range-based for loop I realized how many times I need to in... Anna Maria Bigatti
18:45 Design #1346 (In Progress): C++14: use the new for loop syntax where appropriate (like cocoa's foreach)
Anna Maria Bigatti
18:44 Design #1346: C++14: use the new for loop syntax where appropriate (like cocoa's foreach)
used massively for monomial ideals.
Anna Maria Bigatti
12:27 Design #1346: C++14: use the new for loop syntax where appropriate (like cocoa's foreach)
We should maintain a list of files to change and/or a list of files already changed.
* @SparsePolyOps-ideal-monomial...
John Abbott
12:26 Design #1346 (In Progress): C++14: use the new for loop syntax where appropriate (like cocoa's foreach)
Since C++11 there is a new "range-based" *@for@* loop.
Employ it where appropriate in CoCoALib.
John Abbott
12:29 Design #1242: C++14: Use type auto where appropriate
I have created a new issue (#1346) about using the new *@for@* loop syntax; please put relevant progress reports ther... John Abbott
12:06 Design #1242: C++14: Use type auto where appropriate
John Abbott wrote:
> * use *@auto@* instead of the explicit type for C++ iterators (usu. the explicit type is "unrea...
Anna Maria Bigatti

19 Oct 2019

20:28 Bug #1345: Problem with linking the library
John Abbott wrote:
> If you were running your tests from a @cocoa5@ session, then you should also check with @ls -l@...
Anna Maria Bigatti
19:43 Bug #1345: Problem with linking the library
Very strange. I think I may have seen a similar phenomenon occasionally, but @make clean; make@ always seemed to fix... John Abbott
17:14 Bug #1345 (Closed): Problem with linking the library
My mistake?
I tried again, and I cannot longe reproduce it.
It is linked correctly.
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:43 Bug #1345 (Closed): Problem with linking the library
I was testing a change made in @SparsePolyOps-ideal-monomial.C@, and, though it did recompile the file, the new code ... Anna Maria Bigatti

18 Oct 2019

17:04 Design #1242 (In Progress): C++14: Use type auto where appropriate
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:23 Design #1242: C++14: Use type auto where appropriate
It may be helpful to keep a list of source files which have been "done" (this may also include that the file was look... John Abbott
11:19 Design #1242: C++14: Use type auto where appropriate
I must re-read the relevant parts of Meyers's book (Eff. Modern C++). Where should we use *@auto@*?
* use *@auto@* ...
John Abbott
16:16 Feature #1332 (Feedback): New function: vector of RingElem from string -- in CoCoALib
done, documented, tested Anna Maria Bigatti

17 Oct 2019

23:27 Support #1263: Tidy CoCoALib test directory
I have merged several tests in the series @test-NumTheory@ and @test-SparsePolyRing@ into fewer files.
I have prefer...
John Abbott
23:23 Feature #1297 (Closed): New fn: FixedDivisor (formerly IntrinsicContent)
I have added a test (and also reorganized several of the existing tests).
John Abbott
17:45 Feature #1332: New function: vector of RingElem from string -- in CoCoALib
OK for the name *@RingElems@* it is a bit like *@symbols@*
(I do not really like it that much, but cannot think of ...
John Abbott

16 Oct 2019

14:04 Feature #1339: All PPs of given wdeg
There used to be a function like this is CoCoA-4, I think.
What was it called? What was its interface?
John Abbott
14:03 Feature #1339 (New): All PPs of given wdeg
Bernhard Andraschko wants a function which produces a list of all PPs with given wdeg (actually stddeg in his case).
John Abbott

15 Oct 2019

17:52 Feature #1330 (Closed): New syntax for NewQuotientRing
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:48 Feature #1329 (Closed): New syntax for creating homomorphisms (PolyAlgebraHom)
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:33 Design #1336 (Closed): Rename SparsePolyOps-MonomialIdeal into SparsePolyOps-IdealMonomial?
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:33 Feature #1332: New function: vector of RingElem from string -- in CoCoALib
I like the name *@RingElems(R, str)@* because it recalls the constructor @RingElem(R, str)@.
The name I suggested ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:29 Feature #1251 (Closed): New function: radical for monomial ideal
Anna Maria Bigatti
14:09 Design #1257 (Closed): C++14: use nullptr
All tests pass, examples too. Even with debugging active.
Closing. It is not worth devoting any more ...
John Abbott
13:55 Support #1338: Release CoCoALib-0.99700
_Add to this list as we do things (or remember things we have already done)_
List of principal changes made:
Anna Maria Bigatti
13:49 Support #1338 (Closed): Release CoCoALib-0.99700
Everything related to making a CoCoALib release:

* Redmine Roadmap: close or postpone issue
* Redmine Release...
Anna Maria Bigatti
13:47 Support #1276 (In Progress): Release 0.99650
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:41 Slug #1337 (In Progress): PrimaryDecomposition: a interesting/pathological example
This example is very very slow because a factor of @MinPolyQuot(t,I,t)@ produces an ideal with a very slow GBasis.
Anna Maria Bigatti

14 Oct 2019

22:37 Design #1336 (In Progress): Rename SparsePolyOps-MonomialIdeal into SparsePolyOps-IdealMonomial?
I agree it would be nice to have them all start the second part of the name with @Ideal@ (or maybe @ideal@?)
John Abbott
22:22 Design #1336 (Closed): Rename SparsePolyOps-MonomialIdeal into SparsePolyOps-IdealMonomial?
We have these files:
so, s...
Anna Maria Bigatti
19:31 Design #1257: C++14: use nullptr
Ha ha! I did not change "nearly" all 0s into @nullptr@ that need to be changed.
I've just changed many more... it i...
John Abbott
15:17 Support #1039 (Closed): Rename iroot?
This has apparently all been done (incl. doc, tests, CVS).
No complaints, so closing.
John Abbott
15:15 Design #1259 (Closed): ThreadsafeCounter is now obsolete?
Well, I am now sync'd with CVS, so presumably this also works fine for Anna.
Apparently I have deleted the source fi...
John Abbott
15:10 Feature #1301 (Closed): New function primorial
I am inclined not to put in any tests since CoCoALib merely delegates all the work to GMP.
Also, as the function is ...
John Abbott
15:01 Bug #1310 (Closed): RealRoots: gives odd number of roots for deg 6 irred poly
John Abbott

10 Oct 2019

19:20 Slug #1105 (Closed): Primary Decompositon (zero-dim) slow cases
Anna Maria Bigatti
18:41 Feature #1329 (Feedback): New syntax for creating homomorphisms (PolyAlgebraHom)
Anna Maria Bigatti
09:49 Feature #1329 (Resolved): New syntax for creating homomorphisms (PolyAlgebraHom)
Anna Maria Bigatti
18:40 Feature #1330 (Feedback): New syntax for NewQuotientRing
Anna Maria Bigatti
09:55 Feature #1330: New syntax for NewQuotientRing
reminder: write doc for cocoalib Anna Maria Bigatti
09:57 Feature #1332: New function: vector of RingElem from string -- in CoCoALib
reminder: write doc for cocoalib Anna Maria Bigatti
09:56 Feature #1332: New function: vector of RingElem from string -- in CoCoALib
reminder: write doc for cocoalib Anna Maria Bigatti
09:33 Feature #1332 (Resolved): New function: vector of RingElem from string -- in CoCoALib
Anna Maria Bigatti
08:36 Slug #1238: ReadExpr is too slow on long lists of monomial with many indets: ---> use RingElems instead
Dramatic improvement using the new function @ReadExprVector@ in @ex-MVT-Simplicial.C@. (because the new function cre... Anna Maria Bigatti
08:33 Slug #1238: ReadExpr is too slow on long lists of monomial with many indets: ---> use RingElems instead
John Abbott wrote:
> 2019-09-23 This is still very slow. Here is a specific test case:
> [...]
New function @R...
Anna Maria Bigatti

09 Oct 2019

21:45 Slug #1238: ReadExpr is too slow on long lists of monomial with many indets: ---> use RingElems instead
I have run an example (in a ring with 4999 indets) with the profiler (it was rather slower than I expected).
The t...
John Abbott
20:32 Slug #1238: ReadExpr is too slow on long lists of monomial with many indets: ---> use RingElems instead
I have just tried the example from comment 4, but in a ring with 9999 indets (instead of just 999). The time increas... John Abbott
20:26 Design #1309 (Closed): SmoothFactor: allow limit = 1?
John Abbott
18:22 Feature #1330 (Resolved): New syntax for NewQuotientRing
Now also for non principal ideals... Anna Maria Bigatti
17:53 Feature #1332: New function: vector of RingElem from string -- in CoCoALib
I think I've done it. ... after lots of tedious little mistakes!
Called @ReadExprVector(ring, string)@ in ...
Anna Maria Bigatti

08 Oct 2019

15:55 Feature #1332: New function: vector of RingElem from string -- in CoCoALib
maybe @CoCoAVector(R, string)@?
@CoCoAVector(NewPolyRing(QQ,"x,y,z"), "x^2-3, y^3-1234567");@
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:49 Feature #1332 (Closed): New function: vector of RingElem from string -- in CoCoALib
In many cases in CoCoALib, and often also in CoCoA-5, it would be convenient to make a vector of RingElem from a stri... Anna Maria Bigatti
15:26 Bug #1331 (In Progress): adj: for matrices 7x7 and bigger
Here is a simple failing case:... John Abbott
15:24 Bug #1331 (Closed): adj: for matrices 7x7 and bigger
*@adj@* (previously @adjoint@) gives a misleading and unnecessary error mesg if given a square matrix of dimension at... John Abbott
15:04 Feature #1330: New syntax for NewQuotientRing
documented, cvs-ed. Anna Maria Bigatti
14:41 Feature #1330: New syntax for NewQuotientRing
Implemented in CoCoALib, passed to CoCoA-5
For the moment, only for principal ideal...
Anna Maria Bigatti
12:20 Feature #1330 (Closed): New syntax for NewQuotientRing
Making a quotient ring is often tedious. In CoCoA-5 we need to write (the best we can do):... Anna Maria Bigatti
12:16 Feature #1329 (Closed): New syntax for creating homomorphisms (PolyAlgebraHom)
Making a homomorphism is often tedious. In CoCoA-5 we need to write (the best we can do):... Anna Maria Bigatti

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