



From 01 Jul 2018 to 30 Jul 2018

30 Jul 2018

18:13 Design #1184: should BeginIter(RingElem) be in SparsePolyIter or in SparsePolyOps-RingElem?
I agree that @BeginIter@ should be with the other iterator fns.
Should the file be called @SparsePolyOps-iter@???
John Abbott
16:15 Design #1184: should BeginIter(RingElem) be in SparsePolyIter or in SparsePolyOps-RingElem?
I think it should be in @SparsePolyIter@ Anna Maria Bigatti

02 Jul 2018

18:42 Feature #1198: Non-standard DegRevLex (NonStdDegRevLex, WDegRevLex)
Here are some thoughts about the design/impl.
If the GradingDim is 1 then we have a vector of positive "weights": ...
John Abbott

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