



From 14 Nov 2017 to 13 Dec 2017

07 Dec 2017

17:42 Feature #587: port to CoCoALib: Homomorphism pkg (ker, IsInjective, IsSurjective..)
After doing some experiments we (Lorenzo Robbiano and I) are now convinced that it is always worth giving weights and... Anna Maria Bigatti

06 Dec 2017

13:43 Slug #1136 (In Progress): IsInRadical: sometimes a bit slow
With the original exponents (4,5) the timings I obtained are:
* @IsInRadical(f1,I)@ took 2.6s
* @IsInRadical(f2,I)...
John Abbott
13:33 Slug #1136 (Closed): IsInRadical: sometimes a bit slow
I noticed that @test-RadicalMembership1.C@ was rather slow, and wanted to make it faster.
It tests for membership ...
John Abbott

05 Dec 2017

16:07 Bug #1135: Compilaton with --debug configuration option gives errors
> Should the target version be 0.99560 or 0.99570?
if it's done, 60!
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:43 Bug #1135 (Resolved): Compilaton with --debug configuration option gives errors
In an earlier version of CoCoALib the preprocessor symbol *@CoCoA_DEBUG@* contained an integer value: 1 gave standard... John Abbott
15:34 Bug #1135 (Closed): Compilaton with --debug configuration option gives errors
Configuring CoCoALib with the option *@--debug@* produces errors when compiling the library, and then later when runn... John Abbott

04 Dec 2017

18:03 Support #1134: Organize better the documentation for CoCoALib
One big disadvantage of the CoCoALib documentation compared to the CoCoA-5 documentation is the lack of "searchabilit... John Abbott
17:58 Support #1134 (New): Organize better the documentation for CoCoALib
So far we have (mostly) followed the guideline of documentation files corresponding 1--1 to source files.
Devise a...
John Abbott

30 Nov 2017

17:32 Feature #587: port to CoCoALib: Homomorphism pkg (ker, IsInjective, IsSurjective..)
Improve the code adding weights and homogenization...
should be trivial...
(I will do it)
Anna Maria Bigatti
10:04 Feature #1132: Canonical homomorphism for (some) polynomial rings?
JAA thinks that *@CanonicalHom@* should be fairly general, and not just a "single-step".
Perhaps the "single-step" v...
John Abbott
09:28 Feature #1132 (New): Canonical homomorphism for (some) polynomial rings?
It would be convenient to have an automatic homomorphism P1 -> P2 (differing only for ordering)
which effectively is...
Anna Maria Bigatti

29 Nov 2017

21:39 Feature #1131 (In Progress): Sturm sequence
I have checked in a first impl. It seems to work on a couple of simple tests.
The main problem is that it produce...
John Abbott
21:35 Feature #1131 (Closed): Sturm sequence
Added fn to compute a Sturm Seq, and to count the number of real roots (between two points?) John Abbott
16:13 Bug #1130 (In Progress): SqFreeFactor: should it work over ZZ?
this gives error (general code is for fields)... Anna Maria Bigatti

27 Nov 2017

09:15 Feature #1094: Revive code for SelfSaturating GBasis
Added interreduction (in CoCoA5 package) Anna Maria Bigatti

25 Nov 2017

10:42 Feature #361 (Closed): implement IsPrime3, IsMaximal3
Anna Maria Bigatti
10:38 Design #924: FlagManager for bool/bool3 flags
Suggested names for the functions modifying this:
@ComputeAndSetIsPrime3@, @ComputeAndSetIsMaximal3@, ...
Better ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
10:30 Design #924: FlagManager for bool/bool3 flags
For ideals John suggested:
Anna Maria Bigatti

24 Nov 2017

17:21 Feature #1094: Revive code for SelfSaturating GBasis
Understood (probably) what the interface was meant to be.
Written test code, seems to work well :-)
Final interre...
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:28 Feature #587: port to CoCoALib: Homomorphism pkg (ker, IsInjective, IsSurjective..)
What is the status of this issue? Isn't it nearly finished?
Related to thi is the use of @PreImage@ in some CoCoA...
John Abbott

20 Nov 2017

16:12 Feature #730 (Closed): Stats in GBMill (GReductor)
Closing this issue.
May be improved, but it is acceptable for the general requirement.
I needed make a more specifi...
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:07 Feature #1053 (Closed): New function: IdealOfGBasis, IdealOfMinGens in CoCoALib
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:49 Feature #1126 (Closed): New function: SubmoduleOfMinGens
As for ideals. Anna Maria Bigatti
14:06 Design #908: Sum of ideals: what are the generators of (x) + (0)?
I have met this problem in a particular context (hyperplane arrangements).
We constructed an ideal and then asked @S...
Anna Maria Bigatti

16 Nov 2017

17:13 Design #1125: Separate install script for CoCoALib?
A crucial aspect is passing to the script all the values it will need (including a path which might contain awkward c... John Abbott
16:38 Design #1125 (New): Separate install script for CoCoALib?
The @install@ target in the top @Makefile@ for CoCoALib is about 70 lines long.
It would probably be better to mak...
John Abbott
16:32 Design #1124: Move examples directory into doc -- or just change makefile?
If we do move @examples/@ into @doc/@ then presumably this should also be the case for an installed version of CoCoAL... John Abbott
15:24 Design #1124 (In Progress): Move examples directory into doc -- or just change makefile?
Anna was concerned that "hiding" @examples/@ inside @doc/@ might make it less visible; but apart from that doubt she ... John Abbott
15:22 Design #1124 (Closed): Move examples directory into doc -- or just change makefile?
After having improved the installation procedure for CoCoALib, it seems better/cleaner/more natural to put the direct... John Abbott
15:20 Feature #1005: Makefile: install target for CoCoALib
Before installing CoCoA you must compile *both* the library *and* the documentation (incl. @examples/index.html@).
John Abbott

15 Nov 2017

16:54 Design #908: Sum of ideals: what are the generators of (x) + (0)?
I have spoken briefly to Renzo about this.
He thinks it is most natural if @gens(ideal(L)) = L@ always.
Ideal s...
John Abbott

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