



From 17 Mar 2017 to 15 Apr 2017

14 Apr 2017

14:56 Feature #730: Stats in GBMill (GReductor)
This issue is about "Stats", i.e. gathering info about number of pairs, timings, etc.
This is strictly related with ...
Anna Maria Bigatti

13 Apr 2017

17:29 Feature #92: Error Codes: BadIndex
Anna Maria Bigatti wrote:
> There are some notes about "classes of errors" in the CoCoALib documentation for @error@...
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:17 Feature #92: Error Codes: BadIndex
There are some notes about "classes of errors" in the CoCoALib documentation for @error@, section "=== new improved l... Anna Maria Bigatti
17:20 Feature #743: Better errors: give supplementary info about the error
There are some notes about "classes of errors" in the CoCoALib documentation for error, section "=== new improved lis... Anna Maria Bigatti
14:56 Feature #743: Better errors: give supplementary info about the error
I agree that resolving this issue will take more time than we can invest in the next release.
I think it would be ...
John Abbott
14:31 Feature #743: Better errors: give supplementary info about the error
On the line of what I said earlier, I implemented in Interpreter.C the function @MESSAGE(err)@ to be called instead o... Anna Maria Bigatti
14:01 Feature #743: Better errors: give supplementary info about the error
John Abbott wrote:
> I agree that @BadArg@ is unhelpful. It would be nice to settle this matter, and it would be ni...
Anna Maria Bigatti
13:43 Feature #743: Better errors: give supplementary info about the error
I agree that @BadArg@ is unhelpful. It would be nice to settle this matter, and it would be nice to find some guidel... John Abbott
09:40 Feature #743 (In Progress): Better errors: give supplementary info about the error
I'm getting quite annoyed with getting @The arg(s) given are unsuitable@ in CoCoA-5: looks like being back at the CoC... Anna Maria Bigatti

10 Apr 2017

11:43 Slug #1042: LF curiously slow (breaking a poly into homog pieces)
I think this issue is relatively unimportant, hence the "low" priority.
I have put it on redmine just so that we do ...
John Abbott
11:29 Slug #1042: LF curiously slow (breaking a poly into homog pieces)
Here is a complete example:... John Abbott
11:25 Slug #1042 (Closed): LF curiously slow (breaking a poly into homog pieces)
The following loop is curiously slow:... John Abbott
11:40 Support #1039: Rename iroot?
There is also a fn called *@IsExactIroot(ans, N,r)@*. It returns a @bool@, and puts into @ans@ the truncated integer... John Abbott

06 Apr 2017

18:04 Support #1039: Rename iroot?
"better safe than sorry"
the easiest and safest is to give an error when the input is negative.
Even though "Floor"...
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:20 Support #1039: Rename iroot?
John Abbott wrote:
> Currently @iroot@ computes the *truncated* integer part of the real root.
> For instance @iroo...
Anna Maria Bigatti
14:46 Support #1039 (In Progress): Rename iroot?
Currently @iroot@ computes the *truncated* integer part of the real root.
For instance @iroot(-30,3)@ gives @-3@ as ...
John Abbott
14:42 Support #1039 (Closed): Rename iroot?
Some time ago we renamed @ILog2@ to @FloorLog2@, and some other similar functions.
There is still a function *@iro...
John Abbott
06:01 Support #624: Wikipedia
Here is the "wiki":
M Travis

05 Apr 2017

14:08 Feature #1036: LogStream: stream for log output
There is one aspect of the design which is not wholly satisfactory:
there is no safe way of sending logging output t...
John Abbott

04 Apr 2017

17:04 Feature #1035 (In Progress): Improvement: how to sort QuotientBasis?
First we should decide what the public interface is to be.
* One possibility is to have 2 fns *@QuotientBasis@* and ...
John Abbott

29 Mar 2017

18:25 Feature #931: GBasis verbose mode
Current setting seems satisfactory.
Documented in cocoa-5.... not in CoCoALib.
Can we avoid this duplication of doc...
Anna Maria Bigatti
18:21 Feature #961 (Closed): New function: ReducedGBasis
In conclusion: all done for the commutative case.
To do for non-commutative case (new issue).
Closing this one.
Anna Maria Bigatti
18:13 Support #953 (Closed): new file for old functions: obsolescent.C
Anna Maria Bigatti
18:09 Bug #971 (Closed): CheckForInterrupt does not work in the expected way
John Abbott
12:02 Design #983 (Closed): Which ostream for verbose/obsolescent log mesgs?
Solved by issue #1036 (which is a duplicate of this issue, but I created it because a search for "LogStream" found no... John Abbott
11:49 Feature #1036 (Feedback): LogStream: stream for log output
Already implemented: very simple. Written doc.
The only thing missing is an example.
John Abbott
11:48 Feature #1036 (Closed): LogStream: stream for log output
On which output stream should logging messages from CoCoALib be printed?
* @cout@ mixes logging messages with stan...
John Abbott

28 Mar 2017

22:32 Feature #206: Matrix equation solving: LinKer
Anna Maria Bigatti wrote:
> Add also the syntax @LinKer(L)@ where L is a list of linear polynomials.
Modified cou...
Anna Maria Bigatti
13:57 Feature #206: Matrix equation solving: LinKer
Add also the syntax @LinKer(L)@ where L is a list of linear polynomials. Anna Maria Bigatti
17:11 Feature #313: Elim(vector<long>) as PPOrderingCtor
Should we postpone this issue to the next version? John Abbott
16:56 Slug #1009: coefficients for MinPoly e Frobenius
Postpone to next version? John Abbott
13:43 Feature #1035 (Closed): Improvement: how to sort QuotientBasis?
QuotientBasis returns a list of power-products ordered by increasing lex (independently of the ordering in the ring).... Anna Maria Bigatti

17 Mar 2017

15:48 Feature #1033 (In Progress): Split poly into homog parts
> In some ways the "eat up" version appeals to me more; though it might discourage casual use... (would that matter?)... John Abbott
15:16 Feature #1033: Split poly into homog parts
I'm against this idea, because I think it might be badly misused.
I see you want to apply it to IsInRadical for a ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
13:50 Feature #1033: Split poly into homog parts
If we do choose to introduce such a function, what should its name be? John Abbott
11:17 Feature #1033 (Closed): Split poly into homog parts
Introduce new function to split a poly into its homog parts.
What should the result be?
* @vector<RingElem>@ whe...
John Abbott

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