



From 15 Mar 2017 to 13 Apr 2017

13 Apr 2017

17:29 Feature #92: Error Codes: BadIndex
Anna Maria Bigatti wrote:
> There are some notes about "classes of errors" in the CoCoALib documentation for @error@...
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:17 Feature #92: Error Codes: BadIndex
There are some notes about "classes of errors" in the CoCoALib documentation for @error@, section "=== new improved l... Anna Maria Bigatti
17:20 Feature #743: Better errors: give supplementary info about the error
There are some notes about "classes of errors" in the CoCoALib documentation for error, section "=== new improved lis... Anna Maria Bigatti
14:56 Feature #743: Better errors: give supplementary info about the error
I agree that resolving this issue will take more time than we can invest in the next release.
I think it would be ...
John Abbott
14:31 Feature #743: Better errors: give supplementary info about the error
On the line of what I said earlier, I implemented in Interpreter.C the function @MESSAGE(err)@ to be called instead o... Anna Maria Bigatti
14:01 Feature #743: Better errors: give supplementary info about the error
John Abbott wrote:
> I agree that @BadArg@ is unhelpful. It would be nice to settle this matter, and it would be ni...
Anna Maria Bigatti
13:43 Feature #743: Better errors: give supplementary info about the error
I agree that @BadArg@ is unhelpful. It would be nice to settle this matter, and it would be nice to find some guidel... John Abbott
09:40 Feature #743 (In Progress): Better errors: give supplementary info about the error
I'm getting quite annoyed with getting @The arg(s) given are unsuitable@ in CoCoA-5: looks like being back at the CoC... Anna Maria Bigatti

10 Apr 2017

11:43 Slug #1042: LF curiously slow (breaking a poly into homog pieces)
I think this issue is relatively unimportant, hence the "low" priority.
I have put it on redmine just so that we do ...
John Abbott
11:29 Slug #1042: LF curiously slow (breaking a poly into homog pieces)
Here is a complete example:... John Abbott
11:25 Slug #1042 (Closed): LF curiously slow (breaking a poly into homog pieces)
The following loop is curiously slow:... John Abbott
11:40 Support #1039: Rename iroot?
There is also a fn called *@IsExactIroot(ans, N,r)@*. It returns a @bool@, and puts into @ans@ the truncated integer... John Abbott

06 Apr 2017

18:04 Support #1039: Rename iroot?
"better safe than sorry"
the easiest and safest is to give an error when the input is negative.
Even though "Floor"...
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:20 Support #1039: Rename iroot?
John Abbott wrote:
> Currently @iroot@ computes the *truncated* integer part of the real root.
> For instance @iroo...
Anna Maria Bigatti
14:46 Support #1039 (In Progress): Rename iroot?
Currently @iroot@ computes the *truncated* integer part of the real root.
For instance @iroot(-30,3)@ gives @-3@ as ...
John Abbott
14:42 Support #1039 (Closed): Rename iroot?
Some time ago we renamed @ILog2@ to @FloorLog2@, and some other similar functions.
There is still a function *@iro...
John Abbott
06:01 Support #624: Wikipedia
Here is the "wiki":
M Travis

05 Apr 2017

14:08 Feature #1036: LogStream: stream for log output
There is one aspect of the design which is not wholly satisfactory:
there is no safe way of sending logging output t...
John Abbott

04 Apr 2017

17:04 Feature #1035 (In Progress): Improvement: how to sort QuotientBasis?
First we should decide what the public interface is to be.
* One possibility is to have 2 fns *@QuotientBasis@* and ...
John Abbott

29 Mar 2017

18:25 Feature #931: GBasis verbose mode
Current setting seems satisfactory.
Documented in cocoa-5.... not in CoCoALib.
Can we avoid this duplication of doc...
Anna Maria Bigatti
18:21 Feature #961 (Closed): New function: ReducedGBasis
In conclusion: all done for the commutative case.
To do for non-commutative case (new issue).
Closing this one.
Anna Maria Bigatti
18:13 Support #953 (Closed): new file for old functions: obsolescent.C
Anna Maria Bigatti
18:09 Bug #971 (Closed): CheckForInterrupt does not work in the expected way
John Abbott
12:02 Design #983 (Closed): Which ostream for verbose/obsolescent log mesgs?
Solved by issue #1036 (which is a duplicate of this issue, but I created it because a search for "LogStream" found no... John Abbott
11:49 Feature #1036 (Feedback): LogStream: stream for log output
Already implemented: very simple. Written doc.
The only thing missing is an example.
John Abbott
11:48 Feature #1036 (Closed): LogStream: stream for log output
On which output stream should logging messages from CoCoALib be printed?
* @cout@ mixes logging messages with stan...
John Abbott

28 Mar 2017

22:32 Feature #206: Matrix equation solving: LinKer
Anna Maria Bigatti wrote:
> Add also the syntax @LinKer(L)@ where L is a list of linear polynomials.
Modified cou...
Anna Maria Bigatti
13:57 Feature #206: Matrix equation solving: LinKer
Add also the syntax @LinKer(L)@ where L is a list of linear polynomials. Anna Maria Bigatti
17:11 Feature #313: Elim(vector<long>) as PPOrderingCtor
Should we postpone this issue to the next version? John Abbott
16:56 Slug #1009: coefficients for MinPoly e Frobenius
Postpone to next version? John Abbott
13:43 Feature #1035 (Closed): Improvement: how to sort QuotientBasis?
QuotientBasis returns a list of power-products ordered by increasing lex (independently of the ordering in the ring).... Anna Maria Bigatti

17 Mar 2017

15:48 Feature #1033 (In Progress): Split poly into homog parts
> In some ways the "eat up" version appeals to me more; though it might discourage casual use... (would that matter?)... John Abbott
15:16 Feature #1033: Split poly into homog parts
I'm against this idea, because I think it might be badly misused.
I see you want to apply it to IsInRadical for a ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
13:50 Feature #1033: Split poly into homog parts
If we do choose to introduce such a function, what should its name be? John Abbott
11:17 Feature #1033 (Closed): Split poly into homog parts
Introduce new function to split a poly into its homog parts.
What should the result be?
* @vector<RingElem>@ whe...
John Abbott

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