



From 26 Feb 2017 to 27 Mar 2017

17 Mar 2017

15:48 Feature #1033 (In Progress): Split poly into homog parts
> In some ways the "eat up" version appeals to me more; though it might discourage casual use... (would that matter?)... John Abbott
15:16 Feature #1033: Split poly into homog parts
I'm against this idea, because I think it might be badly misused.
I see you want to apply it to IsInRadical for a ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
13:50 Feature #1033: Split poly into homog parts
If we do choose to introduce such a function, what should its name be? John Abbott
11:17 Feature #1033 (Closed): Split poly into homog parts
Introduce new function to split a poly into its homog parts.
What should the result be?
* @vector<RingElem>@ whe...
John Abbott

14 Mar 2017

14:18 Feature #1030: IsInRadical: case of homog ideal
John Abbott wrote:
> I think that if the ideal @I@ is homog then @IsInRadical(f,I)@ is the same as the logical-and o...
Anna Maria Bigatti
14:00 Feature #1030 (In Progress): IsInRadical: case of homog ideal
I think that if the ideal @I@ is homog then @IsInRadical(f,I)@ is the same as the logical-and of @IsInRadical(f_d,I)@... John Abbott
13:54 Feature #1030 (Closed): IsInRadical: case of homog ideal
Currently @IsInRadical@ is defined in a CPKG5, but may soon be translated to CoCoALib.
The case of a homog poly in...
John Abbott

10 Mar 2017

19:18 Design #1019: CPP flags in installed library
The tests are producing strange results: it seems that there is some mysterious problem with the threadsafe counter :... John Abbott
19:17 Design #1019: CPP flags in installed library
I now have a first impl of the "preprocessor definitions" header file.
One question which has just arisen is the f...
John Abbott

08 Mar 2017

18:35 Design #1019: CPP flags in installed library
After some consideration I think it is best to put all the CPP "flags" into a single header file, then any files whic... John Abbott
15:26 Bug #1026: JanetBasis gives error indet index out of range
There is a certain irony in finding this problem just 5 minutes after Mario left for good...
Is the implementation...
John Abbott
15:24 Bug #1026 (New): JanetBasis gives error indet index out of range
The following input gives an error:... John Abbott

06 Mar 2017

19:37 Feature #1022: New "LF" function which is based on StdDeg
Winfried Bruns wrote:
> Why not have a function for decomposing a polynomial into its homogeneous components? There ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
19:14 Feature #1022: New "LF" function which is based on StdDeg
Here is the function.
I'm still uncertain whether this should be part of cocoalib or not.
Anyway it may be copied...
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:50 Feature #1022: New "LF" function which is based on StdDeg
Why not have a function for decomposing a polynomial into its homogeneous components? There is one in NmzIntegrate. Winfried Bruns
16:50 Feature #1022: New "LF" function which is based on StdDeg
CoCoALib currently offers @deg@ (or equiv. @StdDeg@) and @wdeg@. These functions throw an exception if the ring has ... John Abbott
16:44 Feature #1022 (New): New "LF" function which is based on StdDeg
[2017-03-06] Bruns requested by email to have a function like *@LF@* which works with respect to the standard grading... John Abbott
13:30 Design #1019: CPP flags in installed library
*NOTE* I have just learned that if you press return while typing in the comment "subject" line, redmine then "finishe... John Abbott
11:45 Design #1019: CPP flags in installed library
Here is a list of the CoCoA CPP flags:
* *@CoCoA_DEBUG@*
* *@C...
John Abbott

05 Mar 2017

21:20 Design #1019: CPP flags in installed library
To me it seems that approach *(A)* is less convenient and more risky/annoying (since any problem is reported only aft... John Abbott
21:13 Design #1019 (In Progress): CPP flags in installed library
Recently Bruns reported a compilation problem (see #1015) which turned out to be a problem of missing CPP flags. A s... John Abbott
21:01 Design #1019 (Closed): CPP flags in installed library
What is the best way to ensure that any important CPP flags are correctly set when using CoCoALib?
One approach is...
John Abbott

03 Mar 2017

15:12 Bug #1015 (Feedback): Bruns SEGV: SparsePolyIter/DMPI problem
I have now added a similar check for ULONG2LONG. It's all a nasty hack, but seems to work.
Checked-in too. Now I...
John Abbott

02 Mar 2017

15:51 Bug #1015: Bruns SEGV: SparsePolyIter/DMPI problem
JAA should also check the value of ULONG2LONG... perhaps need a template approach?
John Abbott
15:22 Feature #202 (In Progress): MatrixView/function for viewing a single row or column (RowMat, ColMat)
Implemented (using @submat@).
Still have to write tests and doc.
John Abbott
14:50 Design #934: MachineInt: change semantics?
After personal discussion in Kassel: I agree. Anna Maria Bigatti
13:51 Feature #958: New function: multiplicity and dim
Still to do: non-homogenous input Anna Maria Bigatti
13:34 Feature #958: New function: multiplicity and dim
John Abbott wrote:
> What exactly does multiplicity do?
> I made the mistake of trying to compute @multiplicity...
Anna Maria Bigatti
13:46 Feature #931: GBasis verbose mode
Set 100 for first GBasis printouts Anna Maria Bigatti
13:39 Feature #931: GBasis verbose mode
John Abbott wrote:
> In the meantime, Anna plans to add the appropriate verbosity lines to @myDoGBasisElimFirst@.
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:08 Feature #931: GBasis verbose mode
Answer to previous question is that internally Anna uses a hack: she calls @myDoGBasisElimFirst@ rather than the gene... John Abbott
13:46 Feature #961: New function: ReducedGBasis
John Abbott wrote:
> I prefer to have two distinct functions *@GBasis@* and *@ReducedGBasis@* because:
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:24 Feature #961: New function: ReducedGBasis
I prefer to have two distinct functions *@GBasis@* and *@ReducedGBasis@* because:
* the name *@ReducedGBasis@* gives...
John Abbott
13:44 Feature #902 (Closed): New function: FrobeniusMat
Anna Maria Bigatti
13:44 Feature #962: General verbose mode?
Changed interface (after personal discussion in Kassel):... Anna Maria Bigatti
13:31 Feature #357: Constructor for vectors? CoCoAVector
It seems to me that this will be covered by the "braced constructor" for C++ vectors that appeared in C++11.
What ...
John Abbott
13:31 Feature #957 (Feedback): New function: HasGBasis
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:16 Feature #1016 (Closed): ReducedGBasis for RingWeyl (and other non-commutative rings)
Implement @ReducedGBasis@ for @RingWeyl@ and other potential future non-commutative rings. John Abbott

01 Mar 2017

18:04 Bug #1015: Bruns SEGV: SparsePolyIter/DMPI problem
I have now added an automatic check for @CoCoA_THREADSAFE_HACK@.
If you compile the library with one setting and try...
John Abbott
14:43 Bug #1015 (Resolved): Bruns SEGV: SparsePolyIter/DMPI problem
The problem goes away if the flag *@-DCoCoA_THREADSAFE_HACK@* is added to the compilation line.
At the moment I do...
John Abbott
14:16 Bug #1015: Bruns SEGV: SparsePolyIter/DMPI problem
The problem continues to arise with the following simplified compilation command:... John Abbott
14:06 Bug #1015: Bruns SEGV: SparsePolyIter/DMPI problem
Here we have a minimal failing example:... John Abbott
13:40 Bug #1015 (In Progress): Bruns SEGV: SparsePolyIter/DMPI problem
The problem arises under the following conditions:
* CoCoALib is configured with @--threadsafe-hack@ and @--no-boost...
John Abbott
13:37 Bug #1015 (Closed): Bruns SEGV: SparsePolyIter/DMPI problem
Winfried Bruns reported a SEGV problem by email.
The following code will exhibit it: @F@ is a poly with a single t...
John Abbott

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