



From 09 Jun 2015 to 08 Jul 2015

06 Jul 2015

07:14 Feature #728: Noncommutative algebra "of solvable type"
If I understood well (I asked Viktor Levandovskyy ;-) the definition in #2 is actually of G-Algebras, and Ore-Algebra... Anna Maria Bigatti

01 Jul 2015

18:40 Feature #520 (Closed): Compute inverse in quotient ring (i.e. division in algebraic extn)
No problems arisen in the last month (perhaps not much real testing either?)
Anyway, closing.
John Abbott
18:38 Support #739 (Closed): Move code in examples into namespace CoCoA
JAA checked, fixed a few oversights. Otherwise seems fine now. Closing.
John Abbott
18:12 Feature #721 (Closed): CheckForInterrupt: string arg to specify where it was called?
After a brief testing period, the mechanism works (but the C5 interpreter needs to be improved so that a helpful mess... John Abbott
18:04 Feature #689 (Closed): Fault tolerant rational reconstruction: make bad factor publicly accessible
John Abbott

30 Jun 2015

16:20 Feature #743 (In Progress): Better errors: give supplementary info about the error
When CoCoALib produces an error which is then caught by CoCoA-5, the only information from the error which is shown t... John Abbott
15:07 Bug #631 (Closed): Ambiguous: rank for matrix (in ex-matrix1.C)
We use the name *@rk@* for the main function, but allow @Rank@ as a component of a compound name (to increase readabi... John Abbott
11:58 Feature #721: CheckForInterrupt: string arg to specify where it was called?
Doesn't seem to be enough to give a suitable error message to cocoa5.
(interrupt code is in @TmpGReductor.C@ and tes...
Anna Maria Bigatti
10:55 Support #618: Instructions for compiling libnormaliz
Normaliz is making a new release and we will refine the configuration in September (in Aarhus) Anna Maria Bigatti
10:53 Support #739 (Feedback): Move code in examples into namespace CoCoA
I believe it is all done: there was a problem using @program()@ instead of @CoCoA::program()@ with John compiler, it... Anna Maria Bigatti

29 Jun 2015

17:23 Feature #658 (In Progress): Indets actually in a poly (or vector or matrix)
Anna suggests the result could be a @DynamicBitset@; these appear to be like @vector<bool>@ but also support bitwise ... John Abbott
16:44 Feature #91: Return type & name for "indets" of a PP
JAA observes that we already have some vaguely similar functions:
* @radical(PP)@ same as @gcd(PP,product(all_indet...
John Abbott
15:42 Slug #742 (In Progress): View PP exponent vector (and order vector?) as an array of long?
On my 32-bit linux virtual machine I observe the following:
* with @int@ and @long@ all loops take about 3.0s (NB @i...
John Abbott
15:36 Feature #689 (Feedback): Fault tolerant rational reconstruction: make bad factor publicly accessible
Implemented. Documented. Not really tested :-(
Status --> feedback.
John Abbott
13:02 Slug #679 (Closed): power for PPs is too slow
Apparently everything was already checked in... So I'm considering that ad hoc in-house testing has already happened... John Abbott

28 Jun 2015

20:43 Slug #742: View PP exponent vector (and order vector?) as an array of long?
I get some strange timings on my computer (MacOSX-10.5.8, old compiler).... John Abbott
20:35 Slug #742: View PP exponent vector (and order vector?) as an array of long?
Here is a simplistic test program I have written. It should let you test whether any speed gain is likely if you vie... John Abbott
20:31 Slug #742: View PP exponent vector (and order vector?) as an array of long?
JAA believes that we are already using this trick for order vectors (managed by @OrdvArith@).
Is it worth doing th...
John Abbott
20:28 Slug #742 (In Progress): View PP exponent vector (and order vector?) as an array of long?
Current implementations for exponent vectors (in PPMonoid elements) treat them as arrays of @SmallExponent_t@.
It ...
John Abbott
19:34 Slug #679: power for PPs is too slow
Apparently I have already done almost everything (but still have to check in).
I was surprised to see that we do not...
John Abbott
16:38 Feature #82: C++11 compatibility questions
It seems that a few things noted in issue #83 should actually be in this issue.
Apparently C++11 has a way of find...
John Abbott

26 Jun 2015

17:10 Feature #385: Design new errors using inheritance
JAA has now implemented a simple superclass @CoCoA::exception@ from which all exceptions which CocoALib could throw m... John Abbott
17:03 Feature #721 (Feedback): CheckForInterrupt: string arg to specify where it was called?
Code has been updated, tested, documented (with simple example). Checked in.
Changing status to @feedback@.
John Abbott
16:58 Design #641 (Closed): Clean test-FreeModule1
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:15 Bug #705 (Closed): DetDirect calls myAddMul with 0 argument -- funny compilation problem??
No problems encountered after 1 month in feedback. Closing.
John Abbott
16:14 Feature #714 (Closed): Interrupt mechanism
Tested on my computer: pending interrupt and caught interrupt, they both work! Closing Anna Maria Bigatti
14:56 Feature #714 (Feedback): Interrupt mechanism
I've been using the current code for a little while (not really proper testing), and no problems have come up. So ch... John Abbott

25 Jun 2015

18:40 Support #739: Move code in examples into namespace CoCoA
JAA has done @ex-[A-D]@
JAA has done @ex-[E-M]@
John Abbott
15:32 Support #739 (Closed): Move code in examples into namespace CoCoA
Following the change made to test files; move all code (except @main@) into @namespace CoCoA@.
This should keep th...
John Abbott
18:12 Design #619 (Closed): Modulus (for CRTMill) ambiguous
Added example and test (actually they are the same).
Checked in. Closing!
John Abbott
17:27 Feature #721: CheckForInterrupt: string arg to specify where it was called?
I have checked in the current version (whose ctor requires a string). Waiting for Anna to check it.
At the moment...
John Abbott
17:23 Feature #738: Extend homomorphism to polynomial ring
Anna, John and Renzo agree that cases (1) and (2) in comment 1 are OK, and that the others are best handled by constr... John Abbott
15:48 Feature #738: Extend homomorphism to polynomial ring
Here is the original situation where the problem arose. I Have some polynomials with complex coeffs (in @QQ[i]@) and... John Abbott
15:28 Feature #738 (In Progress): Extend homomorphism to polynomial ring
I don't like automatic choices: look at these examples... Anna Maria Bigatti
14:48 Feature #738: Extend homomorphism to polynomial ring
What precisely are the semantics? When can the function be called?
Various cases to consider:
# given @phi: R --> R@...
John Abbott
14:41 Feature #738 (In Progress): Extend homomorphism to polynomial ring
It might be nice to have a simple/convenient/compact way of extending "coefficient homomorphisms" to polynomial rings... John Abbott
17:15 Design #642 (Closed): Move code in test file into namespace CoCoA
No problems encountered over the last month -- closing!
John Abbott
16:24 Feature #740: Addition of sparse (multivariate) polynomials
I computed @(1+x+y+z)^99@ using CoCoA and Singular on my machine. CoCoA took about 8s, singular took about 5s :-( John Abbott
16:23 Feature #740 (New): Addition of sparse (multivariate) polynomials
Singular computes the length of the sum of two polynomials as part of the main result. We should do something simila... John Abbott
15:34 Bug #736 (Resolved): QuotientRing: is it correct to prohibit quotient by ideal(1)?
done: added IsOne(IDEAL) Anna Maria Bigatti
14:30 Bug #736 (In Progress): QuotientRing: is it correct to prohibit quotient by ideal(1)?
John Abbott wrote:
> * @if 1 isin I then ....@
> * @if IsOne(I) then ....@
the first already works. The second ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
12:52 Bug #736: QuotientRing: is it correct to prohibit quotient by ideal(1)?
Robbiano confirms that it is best to avoid the null ring (which has surprising properties such as @1 = 0@).
In thi...
John Abbott
15:27 Bug #631: Ambiguous: rank for matrix (in ex-matrix1.C)
JAA notes that now we're planning to move all test/example code into @namespace CoCoA@ the problem of ambiguity (in n... John Abbott
15:16 Bug #666 (Closed): RatReconstructByLattice fails in some simple cases
Modified C5 doc too.
John Abbott

21 Jun 2015

21:09 Bug #736: QuotientRing: is it correct to prohibit quotient by ideal(1)?
The problem arose while doing some computations for Ulrich where it was known/expected that some ideals would be @ide... John Abbott
21:06 Bug #736 (Closed): QuotientRing: is it correct to prohibit quotient by ideal(1)?
The quotient ring @R/I@ where @I=ideal(1)@ gives the trivial ring.
Currently the quotienting operation gives a spe...
John Abbott

16 Jun 2015

08:25 Feature #665: Integrate Janet/Pommaret basis code
At the moment the UIBC uses only the standard algorithm to compute a Janet basis @TQBlockLow@. But it should be possi... Mario Albert

12 Jun 2015

12:03 Feature #664: Impl small non-prime finite fields (using logs)
Now I have a (partly?) working CoCoALib ring which wraps my previous code.
John Abbott

11 Jun 2015

20:06 Feature #728: Noncommutative algebra "of solvable type"
As I am sitting in a delayed train with too much time at hand, some further comments:
1.) The "book" by Levandovsk...
Werner M Seiler
15:27 Feature #728: Noncommutative algebra "of solvable type"
Going to a seminar here about G-bases in PBW algebras :-)
*NOTE* the seminar was OK. The student pointed out that (...
John Abbott
11:43 Feature #728 (In Progress): Noncommutative algebra "of solvable type"
Yes, we should get the old @RingWeyl@ code working again -- my guess is that there is little to do.
We should find...
John Abbott
11:30 Feature #728: Noncommutative algebra "of solvable type"
We have already done most of these considerations for RingWeyl (except for the coefficient rule).
.. and we also had...
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:14 Feature #728: Noncommutative algebra "of solvable type"
Werner pointed out that a simplistic implementation is likely to be terribly slow (though perhaps "obviously correct"... John Abbott
19:00 Feature #735 (Resolved): Convert a PPMonoidElem to RingElem with coefficient one
done, checked in.
So far I modified only the files in AlgebraicCore
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:46 Feature #735: Convert a PPMonoidElem to RingElem with coefficient one
OK, do it! Including @monomial(P,expv)@.
Don't forget documentation, examples and tests!
John Abbott
11:24 Feature #735: Convert a PPMonoidElem to RingElem with coefficient one
My preference (by far) goes to @monomial(P, pp)@
I have already implemented and all tests pass.
Should I also do @m...
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:04 Feature #735: Convert a PPMonoidElem to RingElem with coefficient one
I point out that assignment to @RingElem@ can perform some type changes. Should we allow assignment to a @RingElem@ ... John Abbott
11:00 Feature #735: Convert a PPMonoidElem to RingElem with coefficient one
I do agree that, without familiarity with the function, upon reading @monomial(P,1,pp)@ my first thought would be "Wh... John Abbott
10:46 Feature #735: Convert a PPMonoidElem to RingElem with coefficient one
I didn't know that @monomial(P, 1, pp)@ works as expected.
But I think for the _normal_ user who wants to use a @PP...
Mario Albert
10:41 Feature #735: Convert a PPMonoidElem to RingElem with coefficient one
I am a little uncertain about the proposal. @monomial(P,pp)@ gains little over @monomial(P,1,pp)@.
Is it worth cr...
John Abbott
08:56 Feature #735: Convert a PPMonoidElem to RingElem with coefficient one
Should we do the same for @monomial(P, expv)@?
I cannot see any ambiguity.
*REPLY* (JAA) if we have @monomial(P,PP)@...
Anna Maria Bigatti
08:41 Feature #735 (In Progress): Convert a PPMonoidElem to RingElem with coefficient one
That seems very reasonable: I had a look at the code and, indeed, most of the times @monomial@ is called the coeffici... Anna Maria Bigatti
08:31 Feature #735 (Closed): Convert a PPMonoidElem to RingElem with coefficient one
Let @pp@ be a @PPMonoidElem@ of the @PPMonoid@ @PPM@. Let @P@ be a @SparsePolyRing@ with @PPM@ as @PPMonoid@.
Mario Albert
15:26 Feature #664 (In Progress): Impl small non-prime finite fields (using logs)
JAA has implemented a first prototype (following the model @RingFpImpl@ and @SmallFpImpl@). The computational part u... John Abbott
14:58 Feature #386: add resolution data type
Hans says that singular uses more or less the design we are considering; apparently in some cases they store two reso... John Abbott
11:57 Feature #386: add resolution data type
One possibility might be to have a "module view" much like @MatrixView@, but I'm far from certain whether such a thin... John Abbott
11:43 Feature #386: add resolution data type
> Since the C++ types of the input are different it seems simplest to have different classes for each case. Each cla... Anna Maria Bigatti
08:24 Feature #665: Integrate Janet/Pommaret basis code
In the following I try to explain how I integrated the JBMill/PBMill into @SparsePolyRing::IdealImpl@:
h3. UIBC
Mario Albert

10 Jun 2015

17:12 Feature #728: Noncommutative algebra "of solvable type"
For starters Ore algebra as a simple case of polynomial algebras of solvable type should be enough. Their main advant... Werner M Seiler
12:55 Feature #728: Noncommutative algebra "of solvable type"
I made a slight mistake in the original description. It should have been:
* @x[i]*x[j] = q*x[j]*x[i] + tail@ where @...
John Abbott
14:24 Slug #725: Example database: Slow ideal equality test
John Abbott wrote:
> In the specific example of this issue there are 36 indets (all used), 15 polynomials, and @dim(...
Anna Maria Bigatti
13:41 Feature #386 (In Progress): add resolution data type
Mario and I have discussed some possible designs; neither of us has much experience with resolutions, so it is possib... John Abbott
13:19 Feature #729 (In Progress): Betti numbers, betti diagram
Mario suggested that the internal representation should be @vector< map<degree, long> >@.
The resolution is a list...
John Abbott
11:30 Feature #730: Stats in GBMill (GReductor)
I suppose Mario ought to write about this. He has followed my design suggestion, and seems to be happy with it. If ... John Abbott
11:24 Feature #730: Stats in GBMill (GReductor)
Mario asked about gathering stats for his involutive basis code.
I suggested using a @struct@ to keep all the stats ...
John Abbott
11:18 Feature #730 (Closed): Stats in GBMill (GReductor)
There is already some implementation for gathering stats in G-basis computation.
Review it!
Perhaps separate st...
John Abbott

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