



From 04 Apr 2014 to 03 May 2014

02 May 2014

16:12 Bug #538 (Resolved): Compilation problem in TmpMorsePaths.C
I have modified th fn signature to teh following:... John Abbott
14:48 Support #302: Compilation on M$Windows: Visual Studio
OK I have modified @mpz_log.c@; should be fine now.
Also I have CVSed everything.
@Christof: could you confirm th...
John Abbott
11:21 Support #302: Compilation on M$Windows: Visual Studio
Thanks, that should make the compilation a lot easier! I can test it next week, is it CVSed?
Note that there is also ...
Christof Soeger

30 Apr 2014

18:38 Support #302: Compilation on M$Windows: Visual Studio
I have removed most uses of @size_t@ in CoCoALib.
The template fn @len@ now does an automatic cast to @long@ from @s...
John Abbott
14:39 Support #302: Compilation on M$Windows: Visual Studio
I believe I have fixed the overloading problem, and replaced @M_PI@ with @4*atan(1.0)@.
Right now I don't have a g...
John Abbott

29 Apr 2014

17:32 Support #302: Compilation on M$Windows: Visual Studio
For the new normaliz version I did again a compilation on Windows. Here are my findings for CoCoALib 0.99533:
The ...
Christof Soeger

22 Apr 2014

16:58 Feature #540 (Feedback): Progress reporter
I have implemented @ProgressReporter@.
Checked in with doc and example!
State -> feedback!
John Abbott
16:57 Feature #540 (Closed): Progress reporter
It would be handy to have utility that prints out occasional "progress reports" when conducting long iterative comput... John Abbott

17 Apr 2014

18:39 Feature #431 (Closed): NewPolyRing_DMPI has no constructor with a predefined PPM
John Abbott
15:17 Feature #431 (Feedback): NewPolyRing_DMPI has no constructor with a predefined PPM
Anna Maria Bigatti
10:30 Feature #431: NewPolyRing_DMPI has no constructor with a predefined PPM
> JAA noticed that ex-PolyRing1.C is too long & complicated; split it into two (one about ctors, the other about doin... Anna Maria Bigatti
18:38 Bug #67 (Closed): Rename MatrixViews
Renamed source files (&Makefile) & doc; changed references in doc. John Abbott
16:38 Support #528: Release: CoCoALib-0.99533
first prelease on web-page Anna Maria Bigatti
08:51 Support #528: Release: CoCoALib-0.99533
*make ValgrindTests* DONE (only the "throw-16b-leaks")
Anna Maria Bigatti
08:41 Support #528 (In Progress): Release: CoCoALib-0.99533
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:23 Support #288 (Closed): DynamicBitset example using LPP
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:22 Feature #539 (New): Functions to clean up a factorization
A factorization is arbitrary.
Choose and implement functions to clean it up (e.g. grouping all equal factors in one ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:19 Design #254 (Closed): How to return a Hilbert Series in CoCoALib
(for now) we have decided that factorization of denom is arbitrary.
There will be functions to clean up a factorizat...
Anna Maria Bigatti
09:55 Bug #510 (Closed): SyzOfGens (CoCoALib): fix shifts
Anna Maria Bigatti
09:25 Feature #373 (Closed): add DeleteCol, DeleteRow
Anna Maria Bigatti
08:37 Feature #298 (Closed): Valgrind: keep CoCoALib at 0 memory leaks
I checked and confirm that the tests listed (those "leaking" *16 bytes*) are those which test errors (at least once).... Anna Maria Bigatti
08:24 Bug #351 (Closed): Problems with DenseMatImpl::myResize
tested, added test-matrix4 (which indeed gave IMMINENT DISASTER before recompiling ;-) Anna Maria Bigatti

16 Apr 2014

00:52 Feature #431: NewPolyRing_DMPI has no constructor with a predefined PPM
JAA noticed that @ex-PolyRing1.C@ is too long & complicated; split it into two (one about ctors, the other about doin... John Abbott
00:50 Design #254: How to return a Hilbert Series in CoCoALib
I'm not an expert in the field, and in my ignorance find the "compact" form more satisfactory. I could even envisage... John Abbott
00:40 Bug #351: Problems with DenseMatImpl::myResize
I guess you could use @raw(zero(myR))@ instead of @raw(useless)@; though perhaps the latter is clearer?
John Abbott
18:59 Feature #298: Valgrind: keep CoCoALib at 0 memory leaks
JAA suggested to try ... Anna Maria Bigatti
16:46 Feature #298: Valgrind: keep CoCoALib at 0 memory leaks
I confirm the previous leaks (probably due to test for *throwing/catching errors*)
This "16-byte leak" is independent...
Anna Maria Bigatti
07:54 Feature #298: Valgrind: keep CoCoALib at 0 memory leaks
... Anna Maria Bigatti
12:37 Bug #538: Compilation problem in TmpMorsePaths.C
Added copyright blurb to @TmpMorse..@ files.
John Abbott
12:08 Bug #538: Compilation problem in TmpMorsePaths.C
JAA has tried the proposed modification, and can report that it compiles and all tests pass.
*HOWEVER*, the relevant...
John Abbott
12:06 Bug #538 (Closed): Compilation problem in TmpMorsePaths.C
[reported by Roberto Pagaria <roberto-dot-pagaria-chiocciola-sns-dot-it>]
Ieri ho tentato di installare CoCoALib su ...
John Abbott
11:50 Slug #537: FloatStr uses too much memory
Just for the record: I did the experiment from within C-5.1, and the time taken (for just @FloatStr@) was 32.3s
John Abbott
11:49 Slug #537 (New): FloatStr uses too much memory
Using CoCoAlib-0.99533 @FloatStr@ uses about 1.5Gbytes extra memory when applied to
John Abbott

15 Apr 2014

16:20 Design #498: IsIntegralDomain, IamIntegralDomain3
The final design is:... John Abbott
16:09 Design #498 (Closed): IsIntegralDomain, IamIntegralDomain3
John Abbott
16:13 Feature #71 (Closed): ZeroMat & FilledMat
John Abbott
15:50 Design #377 (Closed): IsDivisible -- exact semantics?
John Abbott
15:47 Design #513 (In Progress): Quick/correct flag for bool3 fns
We should start by looking at the various current uses of @bool3@, and possibly any obvious future candidates. John Abbott
15:39 Feature #342 (Closed): Remove denominators: QQ[x] -> ZZ[x] (and PushBack(coeff, PP))
A new *@ClearDenom@* function has been added to @SparsePolyRing@; it follows very closely the code @ClearDenom2@ I wr... John Abbott
15:09 Design #415 (In Progress): Remove AsPolyRing etc?
Reopening because it was auto-closed when I closed #139 which this duplicates.
John Abbott
15:07 Design #415 (Closed): Remove AsPolyRing etc?
Closing because it is duplicated John Abbott
15:07 Feature #139 (Closed): Usefulness of ring casting fns (remove AsPolyRing, etc.)
Closing because it is duplicated John Abbott
14:26 Design #408 (Closed): Rename MatrixArith to MatrixOperations
John Abbott
14:25 Support #285 (Closed): Notes for adding/removing files from documentation
This is info is in the file @doc/README@ -- it's been there for some time now! John Abbott
14:23 Feature #356 (Closed): IsZeroDivisor
The current impl is simple, compact and works fine in the cases we have tried. Let's KISS until someone points out t... John Abbott
13:53 Design #511 (Closed): Rename file TmpFactor to factor
John Abbott
13:26 Support #508 (Closed): Renaming: SqfreeFactor to SqFreeFactor
John Abbott
13:23 Feature #17 (Closed): implement "binomial" (coefficient) for RingElem
John Abbott
13:15 Feature #5 (Closed): Coefficient extraction
John Abbott
13:03 Slug #479 (Closed): make check in examples/ directory is far too slow
Now it takes 60s on my machine which is quite acceptable.
John Abbott
12:54 Feature #138 (Closed): Automatic conversion from bool3 to bool?
John Abbott
12:46 Bug #517 (Closed): MaxSquarableInteger gives wrong ans for unsigned long
John Abbott
12:43 Feature #526 (Closed): Fn to test if an integer is a power of 2
John Abbott
12:39 Support #66 (Closed): BigInt - NumTheory
The doc is now much improved; no doubt it will be tweaked occasionally in the future, but this issue can now be close... John Abbott
12:31 Feature #107 (Closed): Recognizing finite fields
No problems have arisen in 2 years. In ptic the fns *@IsPthPower2@* and *@PthRoot2@* have not made their absence fel... John Abbott
12:27 Bug #536 (Closed): Make RingBase::myCharacteristic a fn rather than a proc
The mem fn @RingBase::myCharacteristic@ returns @void@ (supposedly for "efficiency", but who's going to calculate mil... John Abbott

11 Apr 2014

17:50 Feature #71 (Feedback): ZeroMat & FilledMat
Removed @FilledMat@. See *comment-5* for the *conclusion*.
John Abbott
17:43 Design #408 (Feedback): Rename MatrixArith to MatrixOperations
Renamed the files, all includes, all tests, the doc. Verified, checked in.
John Abbott
17:03 Design #511 (Feedback): Rename file TmpFactor to factor
Renamed @TmpFactor@ to @factor@. The source file still contains a lot of crocky code! John Abbott
12:09 Design #535 (Closed): IO: move GlobalInput etc to CoCoA server!
@GlobalInput@ etc should be in the server code, not in CoCoALib!
Move them!
John Abbott

09 Apr 2014

00:39 Feature #533 (In Progress): Convert BigInt/BigRat to string
I have made a quick impl in file @decimal.C@; its currently called @decimals@. I had wanted to use @DecimalStr@ but ... John Abbott
00:37 Feature #533 (Closed): Convert BigInt/BigRat to string
I thought there used to be @ConvertTo<string>(N)@ for @BigInt@ and @BigRat@.
Maybe there used to be, but they were r...
John Abbott
16:14 Support #288 (Feedback): DynamicBitset example using LPP
added *ex-DynamicBiteset2.C* Anna Maria Bigatti

08 Apr 2014

20:10 Bug #510 (Feedback): SyzOfGens (CoCoALib): fix shifts
Testing will mostly be done in CoCoA-5 issue #509, but a test should be added in CoCoALib as well.
Anna Maria Bigatti
18:38 Feature #218: CoCoALib normaliz interface
... and write submission to Seoul and relative paper. Anna Maria Bigatti
18:34 Support #508 (Feedback): Renaming: SqfreeFactor to SqFreeFactor
Done; it builds, the tests pass; checked in!
Status -> feedback
John Abbott
18:23 Support #467: Keep CoCoALib web page up to date! All pages!
Note: this page is just a reminder.
Every release should have its own.
Anna Maria Bigatti
18:20 Support #528 (Closed): Release: CoCoALib-0.99533
Everything related to making the release:
valgrind tests
create snapshot
updated webpage
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:59 Design #377 (Feedback): IsDivisible -- exact semantics?
Implemented the proposal in comment-6; changed several @IsZero@ checks into @IsZeroDivisor@.
Changed state to feed...
John Abbott
16:20 Design #377: IsDivisible -- exact semantics?
Aldo says that "@a@ is divisible by @b@" means that there exists at least one @c@ such that @a = b*c@. He accepted h... John Abbott
14:11 Feature #526 (Feedback): Fn to test if an integer is a power of 2
I have implemented in @IntOperations@ both for @BigInt@ and @MachineInt@.
Also added doc and some tests.
The fn say...
John Abbott
14:10 Feature #526 (Closed): Fn to test if an integer is a power of 2
It would be handy sometimes to have a function which says whether an integer is a power of 2; perhaps if its absolute... John Abbott

07 Apr 2014

18:41 Feature #71: ZeroMat & FilledMat
I made some changes:
*NewMat* is now in BackwardCompatible.cpkg5 and is a straight call to *ZeroMat*
*NewMat* for a m...
Anna Maria Bigatti
18:13 Bug #326 (In Progress): C++ nasty surprises
John Abbott
14:44 Feature #385 (In Progress): Design new errors using inheritance
John Abbott
14:43 Feature #82: C++11 compatibility questions
Probably several "efficient" procedures can be eliminated.
* @add@, @sub@, @mul@, @div@ for @RingElem@
* add "mov...
John Abbott
14:41 Feature #113: Introduce PartialHom
My impl attempt failed; static typing in C++ did not help.
Now considering defining notion of subring (certain lim...
John Abbott
14:33 Feature #138 (Feedback): Automatic conversion from bool3 to bool?
JAA thinks this has been resolved by #153.
Conclusion: *no _automatic_ conversion to @bool@*, just the shorter names...
John Abbott
14:28 Feature #153: Shorter simpler names for some bool3 values and functions
The new fn names are:... John Abbott

05 Apr 2014

22:42 Feature #71: ZeroMat & FilledMat
Unfortunately C5 publishes @NewMat(R,C,entry)@ which calls @FilledMat@; it is used in @primary.cpkg5@
What to do???
John Abbott
22:36 Feature #71 (In Progress): ZeroMat & FilledMat
After 2 years I still think that @FilledMat@ is essentially useless.
Any objections to deleting it?
It is used in @M...
John Abbott

04 Apr 2014

17:24 Bug #428 (Closed): PPMonoidOv is not threadsafe
Osnabruck seem to be happy! Closing!
John Abbott
15:24 Feature #520: Compute inverse in quotient ring (i.e. division in algebraic extn)
Anna suggests that @elim@ may be quicker/simpler/better?
John Abbott
11:23 Bug #517: MaxSquarableInteger gives wrong ans for unsigned long
I have replaced yesterday's impl with a new much simpler and more compact one (but it is a bit slower, and relies on ... John Abbott

03 Apr 2014

00:41 Feature #520: Compute inverse in quotient ring (i.e. division in algebraic extn)
A robust general solution is to use @GenRepr@:
inside R/I
invert element alpha
Check that 1 isin ideal(alpha...
John Abbott
00:37 Feature #520 (Closed): Compute inverse in quotient ring (i.e. division in algebraic extn)
Implement "division" in a quotient ring. John Abbott
00:31 Design #377: IsDivisible -- exact semantics?
@IsDivisible(a,b)@ gives @true@ iff there is a *unique* @c@ in the ring satisfying @a = b*c@ (assuming ...
John Abbott

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