



From 15 Mar 2014 to 13 Apr 2014

11 Apr 2014

17:50 Feature #71 (Feedback): ZeroMat & FilledMat
Removed @FilledMat@. See *comment-5* for the *conclusion*.
John Abbott
17:43 Design #408 (Feedback): Rename MatrixArith to MatrixOperations
Renamed the files, all includes, all tests, the doc. Verified, checked in.
John Abbott
17:03 Design #511 (Feedback): Rename file TmpFactor to factor
Renamed @TmpFactor@ to @factor@. The source file still contains a lot of crocky code! John Abbott
12:09 Design #535 (Closed): IO: move GlobalInput etc to CoCoA server!
@GlobalInput@ etc should be in the server code, not in CoCoALib!
Move them!
John Abbott

09 Apr 2014

00:39 Feature #533 (In Progress): Convert BigInt/BigRat to string
I have made a quick impl in file @decimal.C@; its currently called @decimals@. I had wanted to use @DecimalStr@ but ... John Abbott
00:37 Feature #533 (Closed): Convert BigInt/BigRat to string
I thought there used to be @ConvertTo<string>(N)@ for @BigInt@ and @BigRat@.
Maybe there used to be, but they were r...
John Abbott
16:14 Support #288 (Feedback): DynamicBitset example using LPP
added *ex-DynamicBiteset2.C* Anna Maria Bigatti

08 Apr 2014

20:10 Bug #510 (Feedback): SyzOfGens (CoCoALib): fix shifts
Testing will mostly be done in CoCoA-5 issue #509, but a test should be added in CoCoALib as well.
Anna Maria Bigatti
18:38 Feature #218: CoCoALib normaliz interface
... and write submission to Seoul and relative paper. Anna Maria Bigatti
18:34 Support #508 (Feedback): Renaming: SqfreeFactor to SqFreeFactor
Done; it builds, the tests pass; checked in!
Status -> feedback
John Abbott
18:23 Support #467: Keep CoCoALib web page up to date! All pages!
Note: this page is just a reminder.
Every release should have its own.
Anna Maria Bigatti
18:20 Support #528 (Closed): Release: CoCoALib-0.99533
Everything related to making the release:
valgrind tests
create snapshot
updated webpage
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:59 Design #377 (Feedback): IsDivisible -- exact semantics?
Implemented the proposal in comment-6; changed several @IsZero@ checks into @IsZeroDivisor@.
Changed state to feed...
John Abbott
16:20 Design #377: IsDivisible -- exact semantics?
Aldo says that "@a@ is divisible by @b@" means that there exists at least one @c@ such that @a = b*c@. He accepted h... John Abbott
14:11 Feature #526 (Feedback): Fn to test if an integer is a power of 2
I have implemented in @IntOperations@ both for @BigInt@ and @MachineInt@.
Also added doc and some tests.
The fn say...
John Abbott
14:10 Feature #526 (Closed): Fn to test if an integer is a power of 2
It would be handy sometimes to have a function which says whether an integer is a power of 2; perhaps if its absolute... John Abbott

07 Apr 2014

18:41 Feature #71: ZeroMat & FilledMat
I made some changes:
*NewMat* is now in BackwardCompatible.cpkg5 and is a straight call to *ZeroMat*
*NewMat* for a m...
Anna Maria Bigatti
18:13 Bug #326 (In Progress): C++ nasty surprises
John Abbott
14:44 Feature #385 (In Progress): Design new errors using inheritance
John Abbott
14:43 Feature #82: C++11 compatibility questions
Probably several "efficient" procedures can be eliminated.
* @add@, @sub@, @mul@, @div@ for @RingElem@
* add "mov...
John Abbott
14:41 Feature #113: Introduce PartialHom
My impl attempt failed; static typing in C++ did not help.
Now considering defining notion of subring (certain lim...
John Abbott
14:33 Feature #138 (Feedback): Automatic conversion from bool3 to bool?
JAA thinks this has been resolved by #153.
Conclusion: *no _automatic_ conversion to @bool@*, just the shorter names...
John Abbott
14:28 Feature #153: Shorter simpler names for some bool3 values and functions
The new fn names are:... John Abbott

05 Apr 2014

22:42 Feature #71: ZeroMat & FilledMat
Unfortunately C5 publishes @NewMat(R,C,entry)@ which calls @FilledMat@; it is used in @primary.cpkg5@
What to do???
John Abbott
22:36 Feature #71 (In Progress): ZeroMat & FilledMat
After 2 years I still think that @FilledMat@ is essentially useless.
Any objections to deleting it?
It is used in @M...
John Abbott

04 Apr 2014

17:24 Bug #428 (Closed): PPMonoidOv is not threadsafe
Osnabruck seem to be happy! Closing!
John Abbott
15:24 Feature #520: Compute inverse in quotient ring (i.e. division in algebraic extn)
Anna suggests that @elim@ may be quicker/simpler/better?
John Abbott
11:23 Bug #517: MaxSquarableInteger gives wrong ans for unsigned long
I have replaced yesterday's impl with a new much simpler and more compact one (but it is a bit slower, and relies on ... John Abbott

03 Apr 2014

00:41 Feature #520: Compute inverse in quotient ring (i.e. division in algebraic extn)
A robust general solution is to use @GenRepr@:
inside R/I
invert element alpha
Check that 1 isin ideal(alpha...
John Abbott
00:37 Feature #520 (Closed): Compute inverse in quotient ring (i.e. division in algebraic extn)
Implement "division" in a quotient ring. John Abbott
00:31 Design #377: IsDivisible -- exact semantics?
@IsDivisible(a,b)@ gives @true@ iff there is a *unique* @c@ in the ring satisfying @a = b*c@ (assuming ...
John Abbott
18:27 Feature #5 (Feedback): Coefficient extraction
This issue has been left forgotten -- the work has been done anyway!
We have: @SparsePolyIter@, @CoefficientsWRT@,...
John Abbott
18:18 Bug #2: Makefile problem in ROOT and/or src/AlgebraicCore
The problem still happens; it's not serious as everything works fine anyway.
I checked on MacOSX 10.5.8.
John Abbott
18:06 Support #66 (Feedback): BigInt - NumTheory
This has effectively already been done: doc for @BigInt@ refers to @IntOperations@ and @NumTheory@ for operations.
John Abbott
17:30 Slug #417: too long & too much memory
With Normaliz 2.11 this will no longer be an issue of memory. But the computation time could still be too big. Winfried Bruns
17:01 Bug #517 (Feedback): MaxSquarableInteger gives wrong ans for unsigned long
Completely reimplemented: decided to follow design pattern used by @std::numeric_limits@. Will need updating if othe... John Abbott
14:00 Bug #517 (In Progress): MaxSquarableInteger gives wrong ans for unsigned long
Here is a failing case:... John Abbott
12:10 Bug #517 (Closed): MaxSquarableInteger gives wrong ans for unsigned long
MaxSquarableInteger gives wrong ans for @unsigned long@ because conversion to @double@ rounds up!
Fix it!
John Abbott
11:52 Feature #366 (Closed): function (CoCoALib) for minimal generators (like old Minimalize)
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:38 Feature #312 (Closed): LongRange(a,b) returning vector of long a..b (included)
No problems in almost a year --> closing.
John Abbott

02 Apr 2014

18:59 Feature #516 (New): Make squarefreefactor work in multiple polynomial extns
This is the continuation of #47 (subissue of #39) to be done once #515 has been done.
John Abbott
18:58 Feature #39 (Closed): Squarefree factorization
John Abbott
18:57 Feature #47 (Closed): Squarefree factorization - multivariate polynomials
For many practical purposes this issue is complete.
True completion now depends on #515, so I shall close this, and ...
John Abbott
18:39 Feature #515: Fn to "flatten" muliple polynomial extns
Once this has been impl'ed (if), we should go back and finish those issues which needed the capability. See the rela... John Abbott
18:30 Feature #515 (New): Fn to "flatten" muliple polynomial extns
In C5 a user can easily create a ring like @QQ[x][y]@ which is obviously isomorphic to @QQ[x,y]@. CoCoA can do many ... John Abbott
18:01 Feature #356: IsZeroDivisor
Anna's global impl is fine as a general case, but it does not offer the possibility for smarter impls when we can (_e... John Abbott
17:43 Feature #61 (Closed): Conversion functions -- documentation
I'm pretty sure this was done ages ago; no idea how much time to log (just guessing).
The current impl and doc are...
John Abbott
09:44 Feature #61 (In Progress): Conversion functions -- documentation
Has this been done and forgotten?
I believe so...
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:33 Design #498 (Feedback): IsIntegralDomain, IamIntegralDomain3
John Abbott
17:18 Design #513 (In Progress): Quick/correct flag for bool3 fns
Idea: all (or most) fns which return @bool3@ values should accept a flag (@bool@?) saying whether to be "quick" or "c... John Abbott
17:00 Design #291 (Closed): NewZZmod and NewRingFp: improve manual, clarify implementation
No problems after more than a year in feedback. Closing.
John Abbott
16:57 Design #511 (Closed): Rename file TmpFactor to factor
The interface to @factor@ & friends is now stable; rename file to @factor@.
John Abbott
16:54 Design #429 (Closed): factorization: public data fields, or mem fns allowing the fields to be updated.
Closing because it works, the code has been released, and we're happy with the new design.
John Abbott
16:52 Design #411 (Closed): design of factorization template class
As Anna says, we've released the code, we're convinced by the new design.
So closing.
John Abbott
13:12 Design #411 (Feedback): design of factorization template class
I'm pretty happy with the revised design; changing state to "feedback".
After speaking to Bruns about the design, ...
John Abbott
16:50 Slug #417 (Closed): too long & too much memory
No problems after 4 months since the update (forgot to update redmine).
So closing!
John Abbott
10:04 Slug #417 (Feedback): too long & too much memory
I think this is now to be closed? Anna Maria Bigatti
16:45 Feature #416 (Closed): New fn: NumPartitions
The impl was finished 4 months ago (but I forgot to update redmine).
No problems have arisen in 4 months --> closing...
John Abbott
16:33 Feature #430 (Closed): Use -fopenmp flag when compiling CoCoALib with libnormaliz
No problems reported in over 2 months. Closing!
John Abbott
16:18 Support #391 (Closed): Check consistency of template class factorization
This has already been subsumed by #411 and/or #429.
John Abbott
16:01 Feature #366 (Feedback): function (CoCoALib) for minimal generators (like old Minimalize)
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:40 Support #507 (Closed): CoCoA website: CoCoALib-0.99532
Anna Maria Bigatti
09:08 Support #507: CoCoA website: CoCoALib-0.99532
Snapshot made on Fri 28th March (sent by email, and tested by S.Campion)
Problems accessing new website server to up...
Anna Maria Bigatti
08:58 Support #507 (Closed): CoCoA website: CoCoALib-0.99532
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:39 Support #29 (Closed): CoCoA website: update web page for CoCoALib-0.9950
There are links to redmine history.
Too much work for such an old relase. :-(
Giving up on this and closing.
Anna Maria Bigatti
09:37 Support #29 (In Progress): CoCoA website: update web page for CoCoALib-0.9950
Anna Maria Bigatti
14:49 Bug #510 (Closed): SyzOfGens (CoCoALib): fix shifts
Example in CoCoA-5... Anna Maria Bigatti
14:26 Support #508 (Closed): Renaming: SqfreeFactor to SqFreeFactor
The name @SqfreeFactor@ is not consistent with @ContentFreeFactor@.
Should it be renamed to @SqFreeFactor@?
John Abbott
13:08 Bug #413 (Closed): OrdvArith: use of a single buffer is NOT THREADSAFE
This has been in feedback for over a month, so closing.
As stated in my previous note, the OpenMP special version ...
John Abbott
09:39 Feature #123: IdealOfPoints with generic coeffs
Is this a duplicate of issue #144? Anna Maria Bigatti
09:34 Bug #114 (In Progress): Ideals of polynomials
I suggest *IdealInPolyRing*, *IdealInField* Anna Maria Bigatti
09:28 Support #252: Documentation for tmp.H (utils on vectors and other containers)
John Abbott wrote:
> My "gut feeling" is that code in @tmp.C@ should not have official documentation.
> However...
Anna Maria Bigatti
09:22 Support #231: Documentation for QBGenerator needs to be improved.
Provide a simple example program (I might have some little code somewhere...) Anna Maria Bigatti
09:02 Support #467: Keep CoCoALib web page up to date! All pages!
This issue will be about general changes.
Particular work for every single release will have its own dedicated issue...
Anna Maria Bigatti
08:23 Support #467: Keep CoCoALib web page up to date! All pages!
Web page now resides on a new server.
Work is them made more difficult by not being able to connect remotely.
Hope ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
08:51 Feature #298: Valgrind: keep CoCoALib at 0 memory leaks
tested 0.99532, just a few (14) microscopic leaks (investigate for 0.99533, probably easy to spot)... Anna Maria Bigatti
08:49 Feature #219 (Closed): myDeriv for RingDenseUPolyClean still missing
Added new issue for documentation. (#505)
Closing this issue.
Anna Maria Bigatti
08:45 Support #505 (New): Documentation: write doc for RingDenseUPolyClean
Anna Maria Bigatti
07:51 Feature #91: Return type & name for "indets" of a PP
we need to change the name Anna Maria Bigatti
07:33 Feature #312: LongRange(a,b) returning vector of long a..b (included)
I added some commented out calls to *LongRange* (to replace the existing for loops).
For paranoia, needs testing (not...
Anna Maria Bigatti

01 Apr 2014

19:37 Support #234 (Closed): Update/Improve geobucket documentation
Anna Maria Bigatti
19:33 Feature #426 (Closed): ConvertTo with optional arg to give more helpful error message
We are all happy about this. Tested and documented. Closing. Anna Maria Bigatti
19:31 Feature #416 (Resolved): New fn: NumPartitions
Anna Maria Bigatti
19:18 Feature #361 (In Progress): implement IsPrime3, IsMaximal3
should we follow the same (new flashy) design as for *IsIntegralDomain3*? Anna Maria Bigatti
19:11 Feature #248 (Closed): IsDivisible for RingElem with nice interface
Anna Maria Bigatti
18:59 Feature #233 (Closed): AsINT and AsRAT -- ConvertTo<BigInt> and ConvertTo<BigRat>
Please note that *ConvertTo<..>(N)*
also allows passing an error message...
Anna Maria Bigatti
18:54 Feature #209 (Closed): ReadExpr: input polynomials in CoCoALib
Anna Maria Bigatti
18:52 Feature #496 (Closed): ideal: minimalize or minimalized?
Anna Maria Bigatti
18:11 Support #467 (In Progress): Keep CoCoALib web page up to date! All pages!
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:44 Design #498 (In Progress): IsIntegralDomain, IamIntegralDomain3
I have removed @IamIntegralDomain@ and modified @IamIntegralDomain3@ so that it expects an arg (@bool QuickMode@). M... John Abbott
15:35 Design #429 (Feedback): factorization: public data fields, or mem fns allowing the fields to be updated.
John and Anna are not convinced by the proposal to allow the factors to reside in different rings (even if CoCoALib w... John Abbott

28 Mar 2014

09:45 Bug #130: Design problem in ideals
Anna has recently encountered some other problems with the current design.
This needs thought!
John Abbott
08:18 Feature #366 (Resolved): function (CoCoALib) for minimal generators (like old Minimalize)
The core function is called *myMinimalize* and is clever (i.e. saves all the precomputed data)
Called simil...
Anna Maria Bigatti
01:08 Design #498: IsIntegralDomain, IamIntegralDomain3
Current design has @IamIntegralDomain@ and @IamIntegralDomain3@ pure virtual in @RingBase@, so every concrete ring ha... John Abbott

27 Mar 2014

00:58 Design #498 (Closed): IsIntegralDomain, IamIntegralDomain3
JAA has just added an impl of @IsIntegralDomain3@
The design is probably wrong. Replace it with a better one!
John Abbott
18:56 Design #429: factorization: public data fields, or mem fns allowing the fields to be updated.
Yes, that works. Thanks a lot! We can work with that solution.
How do you think about allowing ZZ[x] factors toget...
Christof Soeger
18:28 Design #429: factorization: public data fields, or mem fns allowing the fields to be updated.
I have fixed the problem with factorizations over ZZ[x].
[I have implemented @IsIntegralDomain3@]
Checked in to C...
John Abbott
16:37 Design #429: factorization: public data fields, or mem fns allowing the fields to be updated.
The const ref aliases are a good suggestion. @myFactors(i)@ was also not the optimal syntax.
For the size, to me it ...
Christof Soeger
15:06 Design #429: factorization: public data fields, or mem fns allowing the fields to be updated.
I have added a note to the documentation about possibly having a function for changing the multiplicity of a factor.
John Abbott
15:00 Design #429: factorization: public data fields, or mem fns allowing the fields to be updated.
The main reason I do not offer a len/size fn is that its semantics are unclear to me.
*(A)* Should it simply be the ...
John Abbott
14:54 Design #429: factorization: public data fields, or mem fns allowing the fields to be updated.
The reason @myFactor@ and @myMultiplicity@ are commented out is because they offered little gain in readability; it s... John Abbott
11:30 Design #429: factorization: public data fields, or mem fns allowing the fields to be updated.
I updated nmzIntegrate to the changes, while looking at the header to figure out the new interface of the factorizati... Christof Soeger
18:16 Feature #496: ideal: minimalize or minimalized?
done and tested, documented, ported to CoCoA-5
Works only for homogeneous input.
Cleverly stores GBasis and MinGe...
Anna Maria Bigatti
08:22 Feature #496 (In Progress): ideal: minimalize or minimalized?
Decided how and implemented *myMinimalized*.
The current design for ideals actually makes it simple: operations are ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
08:09 Feature #496 (Closed): ideal: minimalize or minimalized?
In CoCoA-4 there were two functions:
- minimalized(I): returning an ideal J=I generated by a minimal set of generato...
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:28 Support #497 (New): Clang: automatic bug finding
On the Clang web-site they offer a static analysis tool
(see @
It would be good(...
John Abbott

26 Mar 2014

18:05 Feature #17 (Feedback): implement "binomial" (coefficient) for RingElem
I've made a simple impl (obviously correct, might not be fast).
In answer to my qn in post 2, we've decided to kee...
John Abbott

25 Mar 2014

18:10 Feature #356 (Resolved): IsZeroDivisor
John Abbott

24 Mar 2014

13:08 Design #411: design of factorization template class
I've checked in everything.
For me all tests pass (even with max debugging). Also OK on my linux box (a netbook, >4...
John Abbott
12:52 Design #411 (Resolved): design of factorization template class
I have revised the interface of @factorization@.
The 3 main fields are now private, so I have implemented (read-on...
John Abbott

21 Mar 2014

15:13 Feature #209: ReadExpr: input polynomials in CoCoALib
Syntax for ReadExpr has changed: now the ring is the first argument (looking like RingElem(P, "x"))
Anna Maria Bigatti
14:35 Feature #203 (Closed): Function to get the Hilbert Polynomial ring from GlobalManager
working fine for 5 months. closing Anna Maria Bigatti
14:18 Design #411 (In Progress): design of factorization template class
Bite the bullet!
I know what needs to be done; I just have to find the courage to do it (I keep hearing "if it ain't...
John Abbott
14:14 Feature #457 (Closed): Zero to the power zero, 0^0
Tidying up; feedback period revealed no problems (in 15 days). Closing.
John Abbott
12:10 Slug #479 (Feedback): make check in examples/ directory is far too slow
Thanks Christof!
I have made the change you suggested, and now it is much faster (5.5s).
John Abbott
11:18 Design #455: Which sets of generators in an ideal?
I think we should have @myMinGens@ in every ideal: a "minimal set of generators" is quite a general concept.
We shou...
Anna Maria Bigatti
10:46 Feature #366: function (CoCoALib) for minimal generators (like old Minimalize)
What should *minimalize(I)* do?
The cocoa-4 function would create a new ideal (submodule) generated by *MinGens(I)*....
Anna Maria Bigatti

20 Mar 2014

09:34 Feature #482: Unique copies of rings -- smart ctor
My guess is that it will be impossible to deal with under multithreading, and, if implemented, we must guarantee the ... Anna Maria Bigatti

19 Mar 2014

21:28 Feature #482: Unique copies of rings -- smart ctor
If a ring pseudo-ctor is to be smart (and return an existing ring if possible) then how smart should it be?
John Abbott
21:22 Feature #482: Unique copies of rings -- smart ctor
Having unique copies of rings implies a centralized global registry, and this might adversely affect multithreaded ex... John Abbott
21:12 Feature #482 (In Progress): Unique copies of rings -- smart ctor
After some experience using CoCoALib, it has been useful that @ZZ@ and @QQ@ are unique (_i.e._ repeated calls to the ... John Abbott
21:24 Slug #479: make check in examples/ directory is far too slow
Right now I have only very limited Internet access, so I'm unsure what the current Version of ex-Normaliz does. We wr... Christof Soeger

17 Mar 2014

21:00 Slug #479: make check in examples/ directory is far too slow
The worst culprit is @ex-Normaliz2@ which takes about 90s on my machine -- that's more than half the total time!
John Abbott
20:35 Slug #479 (Closed): make check in examples/ directory is far too slow
On my machine @make check@ takes about 160s (not counting compilation!).
That is too slow (especially on my poor lit...
John Abbott

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