



From 28 Jan 2013 to 26 Feb 2013

26 Feb 2013

18:17 Support #302: Compilation on M$Windows: Visual Studio
Curious! We created @MachineInt@ deliberately to "combine" all the various integral types into just one type which w... John Abbott
17:17 Support #302: Compilation on M$Windows: Visual Studio
So now I tested to compile the CoCoA lib for x64 Windows with the Intel compiler in MSVS2010. I have to say MSVS is a... Christof Soeger
17:54 Design #268 (Feedback): Exponent range (in power products)
JAA has modified @config.H@ so that @SmallExponent_t@ is now @unsigned int@.
Waiting for confirmation from Anna th...
John Abbott
17:40 Feature #320 (In Progress): PPMonoid pseudo-ctors without symbol names
John and Anna do not yet agree on what names should be given to the indets in a PPM created by these fns: John prefer... John Abbott
17:27 Feature #300 (Feedback): Add fault tolerant rational reconstruction to library
Should I really add a test for @RatReconstructWithBounds@?
John Abbott

22 Feb 2013

20:03 Feature #300: Add fault tolerant rational reconstruction to library
Added new fns to CoCoA-5 @RatReconstructByContFrac@ and @RatReconstructByLattice@; added doc.
Modified ctors: they no...
John Abbott

21 Feb 2013

17:58 Bug #89: MachineInt or long as fn arg type for indices
Empty post -- just to "wake up" the issue.
John Abbott
17:53 Feature #320: PPMonoid pseudo-ctors without symbol names
What would we want these pseudo-ctors to do?
# create a PPMonoid using anonymous symbols
# create a PPMonoid using ...
John Abbott
17:50 Feature #320 (Rejected): PPMonoid pseudo-ctors without symbol names
Here are 3 proposals for new PPMonoid pseudo-ctor signatures:... John Abbott
17:42 Support #195: OrdvArith documentation needs rewriting
The doc needs to be rewritten fairly urgently.
John Abbott
17:12 Feature #269 (In Progress): PPMonoids: check for exponent overflow in power function
I have modified the powering mem fns for @PPMonoidEvImpl@ and @PPMonoidEvOvImpl@ (the @Ev@ half).
I have also made a ...
John Abbott
16:50 Design #305: FreeModule: unique copy?
should we allow *submodules* only for *FreeModules*?
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:22 Design #305: FreeModule: unique copy?
Big problem: *operator==*
for *ring* equality is strict (only if pointers are equal)
for *ideal* equality is "mathe...
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:41 Design #268: Exponent range (in power products)
John Abbott wrote:
> Any objections to adopting option *@(C)@* _i.e._ the default type for "small" exponents in power...
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:31 Design #268: Exponent range (in power products)
Any objections to adopting option *@(C)@* _i.e._ the default type for "small" exponents in power products is @unsigne... John Abbott
16:29 Feature #319: BOOST -- how it could help in CoCoALib
(1) Specifying the unsigned integral type for small exponents -- see #268.
(2) Threadsafe counters -- see #157 (rela...
John Abbott
16:24 Feature #319 (Closed): BOOST -- how it could help in CoCoALib
We collect here some ideas on how using BOOST in CoCoALib could help improve the code. For the moment we opt not to ... John Abbott

20 Feb 2013

16:43 Design #316 (In Progress): submodule constructor different from ideal
The way we create a submodule (SubmoduleImpl ctor) is different from how we create ideals (IdealCtor).
I think it wo...
Anna Maria Bigatti

18 Feb 2013

20:19 Feature #283 (Closed): Rational approximation
No problems have surfaced in 2 months. Doc is present; tests are present.
Closing this issue.
John Abbott
20:15 Feature #315 (New): Add doc for ApproxPts2
Add doc for *@NBM@* and *@SOI@*.
Also add examples and tests.
John Abbott
16:48 Feature #211 (Closed): NBM: add SparsePolyRing as argument for ordering
Eva reported no problems.
Code probably still needs to be cleaned.
Documentation (file @ApproxPts2.txt@) is complet...
John Abbott
16:34 Bug #22 (In Progress): Rename PPMonoidEvZZ?
We have agreed to implement the decision in note 6.
John Abbott
16:25 Feature #210 (Closed): Normaliz: "double" cone for speed and safety
It seems to work fine (after 7 months since finishing the code).
No documentation currently -- not sure where it wou...
John Abbott
16:22 Feature #224 (Closed): Leading form
Well, it seems that Anna forgot to close this one...
Implemented, documented; appears to work fine.
So closing now.
John Abbott
13:03 Feature #244 (Closed): Rings: default ctor & assignment
Since no problems have surfaced in the last 4 months, I'm closing this issue. The code and doc appear to be correctl... John Abbott
12:57 Feature #221 (Closed): Better RingElems
No problems have surfaced in 4 months; the doc seems to be correct too.
So I'm closing this issue.
John Abbott
12:50 Feature #261 (Closed): Review the utility of RefRingElem
Since no problems have surfaced in 4 months, I regard this matter as fully resolved, so I am closing it.
John Abbott

15 Feb 2013

19:24 Bug #178: IsHomog: should it throw an error when there is no grading?
ex-PolyRing1 with debugging active fails:... John Abbott
18:58 Feature #300 (In Progress): Add fault tolerant rational reconstruction to library
Added impls of *@RatReconstructByContFrac@* and *@RatReconstructByLattice@*; also added doc, and an example (@ex-NumT... John Abbott
18:54 Feature #312: LongRange(a,b) returning vector of long a..b (included)
It's not very important, but JAA thinks that *@LongRange@* should not be inline:
its impl is not that short, and run...
John Abbott
17:13 Feature #313 (In Progress): Elim(vector<long>) as PPOrderingCtor
Same as lex, StdDegLex, ... also *Elim(vector<long>)* should be implemented as a *PPOrderingCtor*
Anna Maria Bigatti

14 Feb 2013

16:04 Feature #312: LongRange(a,b) returning vector of long a..b (included)
It is a shame to have to include the standard header @<vector>@ in the file @utils.H@.
It may not be relevant, but I...
John Abbott
12:35 Feature #312 (Closed): LongRange(a,b) returning vector of long a..b (included)
I do miss in C++ the convenient cocoa syntax *a..b*.
In fact it is particularly useful for calling *submat*.
So I s...
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:57 Design #311 (Closed): XelMat, StdDegRevLexMat, ... should be MatrixView
Now we have
NewDenseMatXel(long n);
NewDenseMatRevLex(long n);
NewDenseMatStdDegRevLex(long n);
Anna Maria Bigatti

13 Feb 2013

11:57 Feature #310 (Closed): ordering and grading (weights) matrix
We should have a function for accessing the matrix and the grading/weights matrix of a PPOrdering.
Now we have *Ge...
Anna Maria Bigatti

12 Feb 2013

17:39 Bug #178 (Feedback): IsHomog: should it throw an error when there is no grading?
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:33 Design #308: Error: ERR::NotNonZero instead of ERR::ZeroRingElem? [--> ReqNonZero]
Should we call it *ZeroValue* instead of *NotNonZero*?
And *NegativeValue* instead of *NotNonNegative*?
Anna Maria Bigatti
13:04 Design #308: Error: ERR::NotNonZero instead of ERR::ZeroRingElem? [--> ReqNonZero]
All CoCoALib errors which refer to zero are:
*@BadPwrZero, DivByZero, LogZero, MemPoolZero, NotNonZero, ZeroModulus, ...
John Abbott
12:37 Design #308 (In Progress): Error: ERR::NotNonZero instead of ERR::ZeroRingElem? [--> ReqNonZero]
The error *@ZeroRingElem@* is used for:
@StdDeg, LC, Monic, IsIrred, MaxExponent, wdeg (& CmpWDeg & CmpWDegPartial),...
John Abbott
12:13 Design #308 (In Progress): Error: ERR::NotNonZero instead of ERR::ZeroRingElem? [--> ReqNonZero]
I've found the error *ERR::NotNonZero*. Should we remove *ERR::ZeroRingElem*?
(and LogZero, ZeroModulus,..)
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:38 Design #305 (In Progress): FreeModule: unique copy?
While writing this I gave myself the answer "probably NO", this is the reason:
* *general case*: just one constructo...
Anna Maria Bigatti
10:55 Feature #304 (In Progress): Module ordering and grading (and shifts)
Anna Maria Bigatti
10:52 Support #302: Compilation on M$Windows: Visual Studio
That's more worrying that two compilers complain.
Despite comments in the file @Main.C@, as far as I can tell @FreeM...
John Abbott

11 Feb 2013

18:49 Support #302: Compilation on M$Windows: Visual Studio
John Abbott wrote:
> Try separating the definition from the declaration:
Tried, but no success :-(
With the in...
Christof Soeger
15:16 Support #302: Compilation on M$Windows: Visual Studio
Try separating the definition from the declaration:
inside the class definition put just...
John Abbott
14:59 Support #302: Compilation on M$Windows: Visual Studio
Next I tried to build the console application. It does not need qt.
But here I get an error during the compilation...
Christof Soeger
14:54 Support #302: Compilation on M$Windows: Visual Studio
Anna Maria Bigatti wrote:
> Christof Soeger wrote:
> > I'm aware that the RandomXYZ.C files are removed. I only wan...
Christof Soeger
14:14 Support #302: Compilation on M$Windows: Visual Studio
Christof Soeger wrote:
> I'm aware that the RandomXYZ.C files are removed. I only wanted to document that this chang...
Anna Maria Bigatti
14:11 Support #302: Compilation on M$Windows: Visual Studio
I agree that most warnings are not important, I just wanted to give them to you, since they are valid sometimes. And ... Christof Soeger
12:43 Support #302: Compilation on M$Windows: Visual Studio
... John Abbott
12:39 Support #302: Compilation on M$Windows: Visual Studio
... John Abbott
12:38 Support #302: Compilation on M$Windows: Visual Studio
Please disable your compiler's warning about automatic conversion from @int@ to @bool@. Many basic functions "inheri... John Abbott
12:31 Support #302: Compilation on M$Windows: Visual Studio
The source files @RandomXYZ.C@ were removed from CVS some time (months) ago. Please update from the current CVS.
John Abbott
12:28 Support #302: Compilation on M$Windows: Visual Studio
Even Microsoft says that it should work with an @unsigned long@:
John Abbott
12:01 Support #302: Compilation on M$Windows: Visual Studio
On my work laptop I have VS 2010. In addition to the already mentioned points I get an error:... Christof Soeger
11:35 Support #302: Compilation on M$Windows: Visual Studio
I think "ExternalLibs-NormalizTypes.C" is a relict from the time when libnormaliz was not a compiled independently an... Christof Soeger
11:10 Support #302 (In Progress): Compilation on M$Windows: Visual Studio
Bruno wrote:
I tried the new cocoa version and it is different from the version you
sent me. There is at least a ...
Christof Soeger
11:09 Support #302 (In Progress): Compilation on M$Windows: Visual Studio
We should offer all documentation is needed for compiling CoCoALib/CoCoA-5 on MSWindows.
CoCoA-5 has been compiled...
Christof Soeger
18:31 Feature #304: Module ordering and grading (and shifts)
Now the function *NewFreeModule(R, n)* calls *NewGradedFreeModule(R, n)* when *R* is a polynomial ring (more precisel... Anna Maria Bigatti
15:59 Feature #304 (Closed): Module ordering and grading (and shifts)
Set the interface for ordering and grading (and then shifts)
Add tests and examples.
Port to CoCoA5
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:18 Feature #236 (Feedback): Add homog (homogenized) for ideal
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:56 Feature #210 (Resolved): Normaliz: "double" cone for speed and safety
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:53 Feature #303: Rows and Columns of a matrix
I prefer *cols* (always the same abbreviation).
Or should it be *GetCols*?
Which name represents better it is makin...
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:30 Feature #303 (Closed): Rows and Columns of a matrix
Two new fns *@rows(M)@* and *@cols(M)@* -- or should its name be *@columns@*?
These take a matrix and return a lis...
John Abbott
15:35 Feature #298 (Feedback): Valgrind: keep CoCoALib at 0 memory leaks
John Abbott
15:24 Feature #300: Add fault tolerant rational reconstruction to library
The hardest parts will be fixing the UI and choosing the name(s) of the fn(s).
I should also put in my impl of the...
John Abbott

08 Feb 2013

18:18 Feature #125: Matrix equation solving; linear system solving
Check compatibility of fn names with those in CoCoA-5 (see #206).
Need fast lin sys solving over QQ for Buchberger...
John Abbott
18:04 Feature #300 (Closed): Add fault tolerant rational reconstruction to library
Implement the various fault tolerant rational reconstruction algms, and incorporate them into CoCoALib.
John Abbott
18:00 Feature #143 (In Progress): Buchberger-Moeller (parent task)
John Abbott

06 Feb 2013

08:10 Feature #206: Matrix equation solving: LinKer
Both ways make sense, then I think we should follow the usual rule: "do what other systems do" (and then find a good ... Anna Maria Bigatti

05 Feb 2013

11:55 Feature #206: Matrix equation solving: LinKer
Non sono d'accordo. Se si guarda la risposta, non si può proprio capire che le soluzioni sono le colonne.
Infatti que...
Lorenzo Robbiano
09:06 Feature #206: Matrix equation solving: LinKer
I think that solutions (and kernel) *X* should be written so that
*AX = b* and that is what we have chosen for CoCoA...
Anna Maria Bigatti

04 Feb 2013

16:41 Feature #298: Valgrind: keep CoCoALib at 0 memory leaks
Removed leaks from *toric*.
This is now the situation on my Mac (which seems to have the mentioned problem with "thro...
Anna Maria Bigatti
12:51 Feature #206: Matrix equation solving: LinKer
Renzo does not like the current interface where the elements of the kernel appear as *columns* rather than rows. He ... John Abbott

30 Jan 2013

18:01 Design #297: Modules design: brainstorming
I think *GensToCols/GensToRows* would be quite useful functions, but what would be the actual meaning? It should rep... Anna Maria Bigatti
11:51 Design #297: Modules design: brainstorming
It would make lots of sense a syntax for creating a submodule from a matrix.
I suggest the syntax *SubmoduleCols(F,M...
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:43 Design #297: Modules design: brainstorming
I added (in CoCoA-5) the function *ModuleOf* analogue for *RingOf*
Does it make sense? for a ModuleElem yes, for a ...
Anna Maria Bigatti

28 Jan 2013

15:00 Feature #298 (In Progress): Valgrind: keep CoCoALib at 0 memory leaks
JAA has corrected the leak which was detected in @test-RingElem1@.
JAA running @valgrind-3.8.1@ on his computer was ...
John Abbott
08:26 Feature #298: Valgrind: keep CoCoALib at 0 memory leaks
Almost all tests run with @definitely lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks@.
These are the exceptions (I guess many are related)...
Anna Maria Bigatti
08:02 Feature #298 (Closed): Valgrind: keep CoCoALib at 0 memory leaks
We say CoCoALib does not leak memory, and that's mostly true.
Anna Maria Bigatti

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