



From 07 Apr 2012 to 06 May 2012

04 May 2012

21:38 Feature #153: Shorter simpler names for some bool3 values and functions
Spent about 45 mins discussing with Anna. Differences of opinion remain.
John Abbott
21:36 Feature #153 (Closed): Shorter simpler names for some bool3 values and functions
We need shorter names for *@IsDefinitelyTrue@* and *@IsDefinitelyFalse@*.
Also need a shorter way of expressing th...
John Abbott
21:30 Feature #138: Automatic conversion from bool3 to bool?
I have modified *@operator<<@* for OpenMath streams so that they handle explicitly machine integers (rather than *@Ma... John Abbott
12:36 Support #75: Documentation review by Caleo
Alessandra reports:
* the examples 2,3,4 of *@ex-RingWeyl@* are almost identical -- this cannot be what is intended!
John Abbott
12:13 Feature #152 (Closed): Replace bool3 by tribool
In some quiet moment switch to using BOOST's *@tribool@* (or C++11 equivalent if it exists).
It seems pointless try...
John Abbott

03 May 2012

15:32 Feature #151: Iterated CanonicalHom
There is already some code called *@TmpChainCanonicalHom@* in @CanonicalHom.[HC]@: it looks whether there is a "chain... Anna Maria Bigatti
15:25 Feature #151 (New): Iterated CanonicalHom
Implement *@NaturalMap@* and iterated *@CanonicalHom@*
John Abbott
15:26 Feature #150: RingOf rather than owner? (and than AmbientRing, ...)
*@RingOf@* can be applied to: ideal, RingElem, matrix, HomogList.
John Abbott
15:03 Feature #150 (In Progress): RingOf rather than owner? (and than AmbientRing, ...)
In CoCoA-5 to get the ring to which a RingElem belongs we use the fn *@RingOf@*.
Currently in CoCoALib the analogous...
John Abbott

02 May 2012

19:37 Bug #149 (New): Makefile dependencies
There are problems with dependencies for optional external libraries.
How to make these dependencies visible only ...
John Abbott

01 May 2012

11:44 Feature #147 (In Progress): Buchberger-Moeller: impl via modular reduction
Impl the idea presented in AKR "Zero-dim Schemes" which uses modular reduction to get the form of the answer quickly ... John Abbott
11:39 Feature #146 (New): Buchberger-Moeller: input conversions
Variants of BM which accept more convenient input (e.g. points or 0-dim ideals).
Simply convert inputs to sets of ...
John Abbott
11:37 Feature #145 (New): Buchberger-Moeller: fast modular impl
Impl BM over a small prime finite field. Aim for speed.
Input ideals are represented as multiplication matrices (...
John Abbott
11:35 Feature #144 (Closed): Buchberger-Moeller: generic impl
Implement generic BM algorithm over any field.
Aim is to make impl clean rather than fast.
Each input ideal is re...
John Abbott
10:17 Feature #143 (In Progress): Buchberger-Moeller (parent task)
Robbiano wants to have Buchberger-Moeller in C5. It makes most sense to implement it in CoCoALib and then make it vi... John Abbott

30 Apr 2012

17:58 Feature #142: Improve threadsafety
If ref counting is removed (seems to be highly desirable to avoid it in multithreaded programs) then CoCoALib needs t... John Abbott
17:51 Feature #142 (In Progress): Improve threadsafety
Currently CoCoALib can be made (largely?) threadsafe by compiling with the flag *@-DCoCoA_THREADSAFE_HACK@*. As its ... John Abbott

27 Apr 2012

16:29 Feature #125: Matrix equation solving; linear system solving
Implemented the chosen names.
Created/corrected CoCoALib doc for the new fns.
Added CoCoALib example program *@ex-m...
John Abbott
15:06 Feature #125: Matrix equation solving; linear system solving
A quick count using Google suggests that *@LinSolve@* as about twice as popular as *@MatSolve@*. Anna points out tha... John Abbott
15:00 Feature #50: Polynomial content
Tests and doc are already done for CoCoA-5.
Still missing in CoCoALib
Anna Maria Bigatti
12:49 Support #75: Documentation review by Caleo
Alessandra reports
* finished *@BigInt@*, *@BigRat@* and *@MachineInt@* (doc and examples)
* *@bool3@* doc was poor; ...
John Abbott
12:14 Support #140 (Closed): Doc & example for convert
Alessandra reported (some time ago) that the doc for *@convert@* was rather unclear -- she could not figure out how t... Anna Maria Bigatti
12:10 Feature #138: Automatic conversion from bool3 to bool?
John Abbott wrote:
> The BOOST equivalent of @bool3@ is called @tribool@. It offers automatic conversion to and from...
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:30 Feature #139 (Closed): Usefulness of ring casting fns (remove AsPolyRing, etc.)
Caleo pointed out that it is unclear what *@AsFractionField@* does.
JAA has already noticed that it is a nuisance ha...
John Abbott
10:50 Bug #135: Revise interface to SmallFpImpl & friends
Confirmed need for major redesign.
Current main doubt is how public I should be about the type *@SmallFpImpl::valu...
John Abbott

26 Apr 2012

16:18 Feature #51: polynomial coefficient extraction w.r.t. variable
After talking to AMB, it seems best to "forget" the general function for the time being (until we have a genuine need... John Abbott
16:14 Feature #51: polynomial coefficient extraction w.r.t. variable
John Abbott wrote:
> We need a good name for this fn. The name @CoefficientsWRT@ would be fairly good, but could be ...
Anna Maria Bigatti

24 Apr 2012

17:09 Feature #138 (Closed): Automatic conversion from bool3 to bool?
The BOOST equivalent of @bool3@ is called @tribool@. It offers automatic conversion to and from @bool@.
I have al...
John Abbott
16:08 Feature #107: Recognizing finite fields
Added C5 documentation for @IsFiniteField@, @LogCardinality@, @IsPthPower@ and @PthRoot@.
JAA wonders whether *@Ext...
John Abbott
14:58 Feature #107: Recognizing finite fields
JAA now believes that he has a decent algorithm for testing a polynomial ideal for maximality. As prerequisite it ne... John Abbott
14:52 Feature #51: polynomial coefficient extraction w.r.t. variable
JAA thinks that the most useful form of @CoeffsWRTBasis@ is one where the basis is an ordered set of PPs. Mathematic... John Abbott
11:33 Feature #51: polynomial coefficient extraction w.r.t. variable
Part of this task has already been solved by #90 @CoefficientsWRT@.
JAA now needs a fn which converts a polynomial i...
John Abbott
11:17 Slug #129: Better GCD
I cleaned the code so that it leaks less memory now.
The cleaning was a consequence of some other development.
John Abbott

23 Apr 2012

16:49 Feature #107: Recognizing finite fields
Where should the documentation go?
John Abbott
16:46 Feature #107: Recognizing finite fields
I have made the following fns available in CoCoA-5:
* @IsFiniteField@
* @LogCardinality@
* @IsPthPower@
* @PthRoot@
John Abbott

20 Apr 2012

12:19 Feature #125: Matrix equation solving; linear system solving
While speaking to Renzo about choosing the name, I realised that solving a linear system is slightly different from s... John Abbott
11:56 Feature #107: Recognizing finite fields
I really don't like the name @CardExp@ -- I think it is too cryptic.
The value it returns is log(cardinality)/log(...
John Abbott
11:13 Bug #135 (Closed): Revise interface to SmallFpImpl & friends
After starting work on the reimplementation of @DUPFF@ in C++, I discovered that the interface to @SmallFpImpl@ is ne... John Abbott

19 Apr 2012

23:59 Feature #134 (New): Convenience ring ctors and homs
Here are some ideas for convenient ring ctors which make homs too:
* change PPOrdering (makes new poly ring, and pro...
John Abbott

18 Apr 2012

22:22 Feature #107: Recognizing finite fields
First impls have been made.
The cardinality is represented by a fn called @CardExp@ which gives the exponent of @p...
John Abbott

16 Apr 2012

15:50 Feature #40: Squarefree factorization - Alessio d'Ali`
Alessio did numerous timing experiments to understand whether reordering the variables could lead to a useful gain in... John Abbott
10:50 Feature #125: Matrix equation solving; linear system solving
As mentioned in the previous post, currently I have used several fn names for solving linear systems: a generic fn, a... John Abbott
10:45 Feature #125: Matrix equation solving; linear system solving
What names should we use for the fns which find a solution to a linear system? The name may be related to the name f... John Abbott

15 Apr 2012

22:07 Bug #130 (New): Design problem in ideals
Now that there is a linear system solver I tried to write a general implementation for
John Abbott
21:59 Slug #129: Better GCD
Implemented a first version where some GCD computations are passed to the old CoCoA-4 code. It is a poor implementat... John Abbott
21:38 Slug #129 (New): Better GCD
Currently CoCoALib computes GCDs using GBasis/syzygy computations. This is often terribly slow -- there is faster co... John Abbott

13 Apr 2012

18:29 Feature #125: Matrix equation solving; linear system solving
Added some doc in @MatrixArith.txt@, and a new test @test-matrix3.C@.
No new example program yet.
New fns not yet a...
John Abbott
14:30 Feature #125: Matrix equation solving; linear system solving
JAA has an impl of the generic case (over a field).
JAA has written a test for this first impl.
No example, and no ...
John Abbott

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