



From 22 Mar 2024 to 20 Apr 2024

19 Apr 2024

22:10 CoCoA-5 Bug #1794 (Resolved): Do not use random inside tests!!
@random@ is called harmlessly in @exbugs.cocoa5@.
We should check *@ErrMesg.cocoa5@* and *@test-ApproxSolve.cocoa5@*...
John Abbott
17:10 CoCoA-5 Design #1709 (Closed): Test tut-CoCoLA2
John Abbott

18 Apr 2024

16:38 CoCoALib Feature #937: LinDepMill: Mill for linear dependencies
LinDepMill could also be used by MakeTermOrdMat. Anna Maria Bigatti
16:37 CoCoALib Feature #937 (In Progress): LinDepMill: Mill for linear dependencies
I have implemented the (hidden but present) function ShapeLemma which returns the whole lex-GB when the MinPoly has m... Anna Maria Bigatti

16 Apr 2024

22:46 CoCoALib Slug #1394: Oddly slow GBasis computation (slow final cleanup)
This might be another example where "final clean up" is not instant:... John Abbott
22:40 CoCoALib Support #1666 (In Progress): MachineInt: chase through ULL changes
I have just removed @long long@ from @MachineInt@ (and had to change one call in @BigIntOps.C@)
There are actually *...
John Abbott
22:29 CoCoALib Design #925: MachineInt or long for args which are indices (yet again)
Indices into matrices (and other indexable objects, _e.g._ @ModuleElem@?) must be non-negative.
As already noted ind...
John Abbott

15 Apr 2024

22:27 CoCoALib Design #1804: Use long long (at least sometimes)?
I think we are close to a decision: not to use @(unsigned) long long@ except perhaps internally.
I don't regard it a...
John Abbott
22:22 CoCoALib Design #1804: Use long long (at least sometimes)?
Winfried Bruns sent the following response by email:... John Abbott
10:14 CoCoALib Design #1804: Use long long (at least sometimes)?
My current thoughts are that we should avoid using LL/ULL in any (normal) user interfaces, but we may use them intern... John Abbott
19:05 CoCoALib Support #1814: Ensure tests do not need too much RAM
Anna thinks she has found the cause. She'll do some more tests to confirm; then we hope to fix it.
John Abbott
10:09 CoCoALib Support #1814: Ensure tests do not need too much RAM
*Anna* plans to investigate today John Abbott
10:09 CoCoALib Design #1800 (In Progress): Conversion from SmallPrime to UNSIGNED long?
I am quite tempted just to try changing the automatic conversion, but this should probably also be done with some oth... John Abbott
10:08 CoCoALib Feature #828: MachineInt: function for checking that value is greater than some lower limit (and below MAXLONG)
I think we need a new central issue regard possible redesign of @MachineInt@
John Abbott
10:05 CoCoALib Support #1666: MachineInt: chase through ULL changes
I wonder if this change should be reconsidered in light of the discussion in #1804?
John Abbott

14 Apr 2024

20:44 CoCoALib Design #1804: Use long long (at least sometimes)?
To be honest, I would also rather keep support for 32-bit platforms instead of using e.g., ... Nico Mexis
09:20 CoCoALib Design #1804: Use long long (at least sometimes)?
The more I think about making a "typedef", the less I am convinced. For convenience I shall suppose it is called *@C... John Abbott

13 Apr 2024

22:38 CoCoALib Design #1804: Use long long (at least sometimes)?
> Personally I was hoping to drop support for 32-bit platforms, but long on MinGW is only 32-bits.
Actually, MinGW...
Nico Mexis
22:21 CoCoALib Design #1804 (In Progress): Use long long (at least sometimes)?
Nico sent the following comment by email:... John Abbott
22:18 CoCoALib Design #1801 (In Progress): BuildInfo
Here is a list of CPP symbols beginning with *@COCOA_@*
* @COCOA...
John Abbott

12 Apr 2024

19:08 CoCoA-5 Design #1709: Test tut-CoCoLA2
I have just checked-in the changes. They should be in the next "internal" release. Hope to resolve #1814 before mak... John Abbott

10 Apr 2024

11:47 CoCoALib Support #1814: Ensure tests do not need too much RAM
Ulrich von der Ohe wrote:
> @test-RadicalMembership1.C@ did not change from 0.99824 to 0.99850. Do you think the 20-...
Anna Maria Bigatti

09 Apr 2024

23:31 CoCoALib Support #1814: Ensure tests do not need too much RAM
John Abbott wrote:
> * there was a bug in @IsInRadical@ which meant that it always returned @true@ IIRC
Ulrich von der Ohe
20:55 CoCoALib Support #1814: Ensure tests do not need too much RAM
I'm not sure if I am recalling correctly the time-line...
* there was a bug in @IsInRadical@ which meant that it alw...
John Abbott
14:31 CoCoALib Support #1814: Ensure tests do not need too much RAM
John Abbott wrote:
> I'm not surprised by the change in resources needed for @test-RadicalMembership1.C@ since the t...
Ulrich von der Ohe
21:53 CoCoALib Design #1804: Use long long (at least sometimes)?
I am a bit concerned that *@long long@* may incur unnecessary overhead on some platforms.
We could also have a CoC...
John Abbott
14:21 CoCoALib Bug #1662: txt2tags: problem with filenames containing "_" or "-"
John Abbott wrote:
> Did we use a workaround?
The workaround introduced in #1662#note-4 is indeed in effect in ne...
Ulrich von der Ohe

08 Apr 2024

21:42 CoCoALib Support #1814: Ensure tests do not need too much RAM
My idea did not produce much gain (neither regarding time nor memory requirement).
There's a loop somewhere which is...
John Abbott
20:57 CoCoALib Support #1814: Ensure tests do not need too much RAM
It is not clear to me why @test-SparsePolyRing1-b.C@ should have become slower by a factor of 2.
I'm not surprised b...
John Abbott
16:18 CoCoALib Support #1814: Ensure tests do not need too much RAM
I realize that this issue was intended to be about something else. Feel free to move my posts as you see fit -- sorry... Ulrich von der Ohe
16:05 CoCoALib Support #1814: Ensure tests do not need too much RAM
... Ulrich von der Ohe
12:23 CoCoALib Support #1814: Ensure tests do not need too much RAM
... Ulrich von der Ohe
20:26 CoCoALib Bug #1662 (Resolved): txt2tags: problem with filenames containing "_" or "-"
I have advanced this issue to *resolved* since it seems to be OK now -- thanks Nico for the clarification!
Anna is a...
John Abbott
15:31 CoCoALib Bug #1662: txt2tags: problem with filenames containing "_" or "-"
I am using txt2tags 3.9 and it works fine on my end as well. This issue was only related to txt2tags 2.7-dev (commits... Nico Mexis

07 Apr 2024

23:17 CoCoALib Support #1814: Ensure tests do not need too much RAM
The tests @test-RadicalMembership1@ and @test-SparsePolyRing2@ are the only ones where memory usage considerably wors... Ulrich von der Ohe
22:48 CoCoALib Support #1814: Ensure tests do not need too much RAM
Strictly this is not CoCoALib but CoCoA-5.
I ran the CoCoA-5 tests with about 0.5GiB memory: there was 1 failure, na...
John Abbott
22:18 CoCoALib Support #1814 (In Progress): Ensure tests do not need too much RAM
Assuming that @ulimit -v@ does what I think/hope it does, I confirm that the only test to fail with a limit of @25000... John Abbott
21:57 CoCoALib Support #1814: Ensure tests do not need too much RAM
On my linux box the command *@ulimit -v 1048576@* will limit memory use to 1GiB (which seems a reasonable limit to me... John Abbott
21:55 CoCoALib Support #1814 (In Progress): Ensure tests do not need too much RAM
Ulrich also reported that *@test-SparsePolyRing2@* now needs about 3GiB of RAM at some point. That is rather a lot!
John Abbott
21:53 CoCoALib Slug #1813 (In Progress): Some tests have become slower
I think the slow down may be due to a change in code in radical (of ideals)" I believe we now speculatively try to co... John Abbott
21:49 CoCoALib Slug #1813 (In Progress): Some tests have become slower
Ulrich reports by email that the test *@test-SparsePolyRing2@* has become significantly slower; also perhaps @test-Sp... John Abbott
20:49 CoCoALib Bug #1662: txt2tags: problem with filenames containing "_" or "-"
*AnnA* can you check whether this issue can now be closed?
Ulrich reports that 0.99850 is OK with txt2tags-2.6; I s...
John Abbott
20:42 CoCoA-5 Design #1709 (Resolved): Test tut-CoCoLA2
John Abbott
20:41 CoCoA-5 Design #1709: Test tut-CoCoLA2
Ah, oops!
Since Anna did not object, I have just made the change hinted at in my comment 8 above. This should avoid...
John Abbott

06 Apr 2024

15:55 CoCoA-5 Design #1709: Test tut-CoCoLA2
John Abbott wrote:
> What do you think?
I think it would be preferable to have deterministic output (i.e. literal...
Ulrich von der Ohe
15:34 CoCoALib Bug #1662: txt2tags: problem with filenames containing "_" or "-"
The files released as 0.99850 work for me with txt2tags 2.6 (the latest stable 2.x version) as well as with txt2tags ... Ulrich von der Ohe

31 Mar 2024

20:40 CoCoA-5 Support #1675 (Closed): Version 5.4.0 requires Visual C++ Runtime 2013 on Windows
Only just noticed that my previous comment seems to be cut off for some reason... The feedback was positive: The new ... Nico Mexis
20:35 CoCoALib Bug #1811: Check include guards
Just a small question to throw in the room: Might it be worth considering to migrate to ... Nico Mexis

29 Mar 2024

10:37 CoCoALib Bug #1812 (New): Documentation: indexXX.html should be recompiled if version has changed
There is no dependency on configuration/version in doc/Makefile for index...html.
(on the other hand the pdf manual ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
08:25 CoCoALib Design #1753: Clean up EulerTotient, InvTotient jungle in NumTheory-misc
set to 100% (after being closed) Anna Maria Bigatti
08:22 CoCoALib Support #1687: Release CoCoALib 0.99850

*done* Redmine Roadmap: close or postpone issue
*done* Redmine Release issues: check percentages, check timi...
Anna Maria Bigatti

28 Mar 2024

23:10 CoCoALib Bug #1661 (Closed): Microsoft: cannot compile with signal handling
I think Nico said it is OK now. Closing!
John Abbott
23:04 CoCoALib Bug #1811 (Resolved): Check include guards
Also the interpreter has CPP symbols without the CoCoA prefix. Is that right?
John Abbott
23:00 CoCoALib Bug #1811 (Feedback): Check include guards
Some files have include guards without the @CoCoA_@ prefix... John Abbott
15:12 CoCoALib Support #1810: Release CoCoALib 0.99900
Release issues:
Here is a list of the ma...
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:11 CoCoALib Support #1810 (New): Release CoCoALib 0.99900
Everything related to making a CoCoALib release:
Redmine Roadmap: close or postpone issue
Redmine Release...
Anna Maria Bigatti
10:15 CoCoALib Feature #1206 (Closed): syz, SyzOfGens: which shifts for zero?
Updated documentation submodule.txt (need proper example ex-syz.C)
Updated CoCoA-5 test test-syz, cvs-ed and include...
Anna Maria Bigatti
08:15 CoCoALib Feature #1206: syz, SyzOfGens: which shifts for zero?
restored "final decisions" in description removed by mistake. Anna Maria Bigatti
08:12 CoCoALib Feature #1206: syz, SyzOfGens: which shifts for zero?
added documentation for CoCoA-5 Anna Maria Bigatti
08:45 CoCoALib Feature #1809 (New): Make ex-syz.C
Dealing with syzygies is non-trivial, expecially with shifts.
There is a dedicated function NewFreeModuleForSyz whic...
Anna Maria Bigatti
07:35 CoCoALib Feature #1808: New constructor for PolyRing with elimination ordering
This issue originates #78 (for CoCoA-5).
However, elimination orderings are widely used in CoCoALib (not just for el...
Anna Maria Bigatti
07:31 CoCoALib Feature #1808 (In Progress): New constructor for PolyRing with elimination ordering
New syntax @NewPolyRingElim(....)@ would be handy, and also easily transferred to CoCoA-5.
Design its interface (eg:...
Anna Maria Bigatti
07:16 CoCoA-5 Feature #78: Elim ordering and matrix ordering in CoCoA-5
Anna Maria Bigatti wrote:
> How to make this easier? Here is a possible shortcut:
> P := NewPolyRingElim(QQ, ElimI...
Anna Maria Bigatti

27 Mar 2024

17:47 CoCoALib Feature #1206 (Resolved): syz, SyzOfGens: which shifts for zero?
Still to do: documentations showing how to deal with 0 entries, in CoCoALib and in CoCoA5 Anna Maria Bigatti
17:43 CoCoALib Feature #1206: syz, SyzOfGens: which shifts for zero?
Anna Maria Bigatti wrote:
> Should we make @SyzOfGens@ obsolescent? does it do anything more than calling @syz(gens...
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:31 CoCoALib Feature #598: Syzygy for modules: non-homogeneous module
I moved this issue from CoCoA-5 to CoCoALib Anna Maria Bigatti
17:24 CoCoALib Feature #598 (In Progress): Syzygy for modules: non-homogeneous module
Anna Maria Bigatti

26 Mar 2024

17:19 CoCoALib Feature #1667: GBasis over ZZ: port to CoCoALib
Michele Toriell is asking for this. There was C++ from when i was in Passau: dig it out, and blow the dust off.
John Abbott
17:14 CoCoALib Feature #598: Syzygy for modules: non-homogeneous module
Good idea to make comprehensive tests.... perhaps not easy.
Why "feedback" and 10% complete?
John Abbott
10:02 CoCoALib Feature #598 (Feedback): Syzygy for modules: non-homogeneous module
This issue is old.
I'm making a test file test-sys.cocoa5.
I'll update and write there what we have working for hom...
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:12 CoCoA-5 Feature #1072: syz: apply to ModuleElem?
Agreed that we should reject.
John Abbott
13:35 CoCoA-5 Feature #1072 (Rejected): syz: apply to ModuleElem?
Anna Maria Bigatti
09:59 CoCoA-5 Feature #1072 (Resolved): syz: apply to ModuleElem?
I'm inclined to reject this.
It would be ambiguos: syz of the components, or of the cyclic module it generates?
Anna Maria Bigatti
14:36 CoCoALib Design #582: Error codes: use same code for "not poly ring" and "not elem poly ring"
I think this has been agreed upon a long time ago, as explained in #582-3.
Moreover the recent addition of the conte...
Anna Maria Bigatti
14:22 CoCoALib Design #1807 (In Progress): Error codes: "Not..." for "blah must be ..." -- change prefix
In the general picture of improving the error codes, I suggest a trivial (though extensive) change.
Look at these na...
Anna Maria Bigatti
13:44 CoCoA-5 Feature #1806 (New): New function ModuleElems? (like RingElems(RING, STRING))
The best shortcut to make a submodule is via @SumboduleCols/Rows@.
As pointed out in #1072-#1, even for one genera...
Anna Maria Bigatti
12:16 CoCoA-5 Feature #1805 (New): Add CoCoA-5 syntax: syz(<F,> list of ModuleElem)
Currently we can call SyzOfGens(M), but it should also be possibile to call syz(gens(M)).
This is tedious because ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:50 CoCoALib Feature #1793: Use ErrorContext instead of string FnName
Added also to NewFreeModuleForSyz. Anna Maria Bigatti
10:42 CoCoALib Feature #1206: syz, SyzOfGens: which shifts for zero?
Anna Maria Bigatti wrote:
> This is my suggestion: implement a new function @syz0@ which allows 0s in the input (giv...
Anna Maria Bigatti

25 Mar 2024

19:31 CoCoALib Design #1804: Use long long (at least sometimes)?
Personally I was hoping to drop support for 32-bit platforms, but @long@ on MinGW is only 32-bits. Does MinGW offer ... John Abbott
19:29 CoCoALib Design #1804 (In Progress): Use long long (at least sometimes)?
Winfried Bruns suggested in issue #1661 to consider using *@long long@* wherever we want more than 32-bits.
John Abbott
19:16 CoCoALib Feature #1797: Add a function CleanupGens making some easy cleaning on the generators?
This might be a separate issue: should there also be a similar function which "prepares" the generators for computin... John Abbott
19:06 CoCoALib Feature #1803 (New): Improve trivial operations with ideal whose GBasis is [1]
Sum is clever -- if HasGBasis(I) and is ideal(1).
Do the same for product and for other similar operations....
Anna Maria Bigatti
19:05 CoCoALib Design #1802: Tidying ideal generators (for non-polynomial ideals)
First steps:
* remove 0 generators
* if any generator is 1 (or invertible) then the ideal is 1
* for integer ideal...
John Abbott
19:02 CoCoALib Design #1802 (New): Tidying ideal generators (for non-polynomial ideals)
Generalize the ideas of issue #1647 to other types of ideal (and modules?)
John Abbott
19:02 CoCoALib Design #1647 (Closed): Suppress zero from ideal generators? Detect 1 and simplify generators?
Moving note-33 (product) to another issue, because not related to generators. Anna Maria Bigatti
18:13 CoCoALib Design #1647: Suppress zero from ideal generators? Detect 1 and simplify generators?
Sum is clever -- if HasGBasis(I) and is ideal(1)
Do it also for product....
Anna Maria Bigatti
18:51 CoCoALib Design #1801: BuildInfo
The function for CoCoA-5 is VersionInfo() defined in BuiltingFunctions.C Anna Maria Bigatti
18:49 CoCoALib Design #1801: BuildInfo
We need to consider the behaviour both in CoCoALib and in CoCoA-5.
Anna suggests that it is more helpful to mainta...
John Abbott
18:47 CoCoALib Design #1801 (In Progress): BuildInfo
Three things:
* why do some preprocessor flags have prefix *@COCOA_@* while others have *@CoCoA_@* ?
* for whom are...
John Abbott
18:18 CoCoALib Bug #1661 (Resolved): Microsoft: cannot compile with signal handling
John Abbott
09:32 CoCoALib Bug #1661: Microsoft: cannot compile with signal handling
Anna Maria Bigatti wrote:
> Add the value of this flag to "VersionInfo()" in CoCoA-5 (work for me)
and in BuildI...
Anna Maria Bigatti
09:30 CoCoALib Bug #1661: Microsoft: cannot compile with signal handling
Add the value of this flag to "VersionInfo()" in CoCoA-5 (work for me) Anna Maria Bigatti
18:05 CoCoALib Bug #1726 (Closed): Dangling references to temporaries
I believe I have made all necessary changes. So closing -- it works fine for us... John Abbott
17:55 CoCoALib Design #1720: DivAlg in CoCoALib
to be improved (see Nicolas Jagersma code using GPoly) Anna Maria Bigatti
17:49 CoCoALib Design #1800: Conversion from SmallPrime to UNSIGNED long?
We have long tried to avoid unsigned values because they can cause inconvenient, silent, automatic conversions.
But ...
John Abbott
17:47 CoCoALib Design #1800 (In Progress): Conversion from SmallPrime to UNSIGNED long?
Currently there is an "implicit" conversion from @SmallPrime@ to @signed long@.
Should the conversion instead be to ...
John Abbott
17:49 CoCoALib Design #1649 (Closed): Add file SparsePolyOps-vector.C
Anna Maria Bigatti
09:06 CoCoALib Design #1649: Add file SparsePolyOps-vector.C
Anna Maria Bigatti wrote:
> I suggest having all headers in SparsePolyOps-RingElem.H (well indicated) and the "vecto...
Anna Maria Bigatti
08:22 CoCoALib Design #1649: Add file SparsePolyOps-vector.C
After trying to rearrange the header files I found this problem.
There are functions on vectors of RingElem need hea...
Anna Maria Bigatti
08:12 CoCoALib Design #1649 (Resolved): Add file SparsePolyOps-vector.C
After closing I realized that the "coefficients" functions were missing and that the .H files were not aligned.
Anna Maria Bigatti
07:42 CoCoALib Design #1649 (Closed): Add file SparsePolyOps-vector.C
Anna Maria Bigatti wrote:
> Add syz and syz0 (allowing 0s) for vector of RingElem
*syz* should stay in @submodule...
Anna Maria Bigatti

24 Mar 2024

10:52 CoCoALib Design #1799: Clean out OLD CODE?
Apart from being untidy (& possibly embarassing) the old code does sometimes cost time if we have to maintain it.
John Abbott
10:50 CoCoALib Design #1799 (New): Clean out OLD CODE?
The sources contain some quite old code which is likely no longer used.
We should identify the code and consider rem...
John Abbott

22 Mar 2024

23:20 CoCoALib Bug #1661: Microsoft: cannot compile with signal handling
A macro like ... Nico Mexis
22:04 CoCoALib Bug #1661: Microsoft: cannot compile with signal handling
I have been working through Nico's changes. Still undecided about several of them :-/
The 32-bit vs 64-bit problems...
John Abbott
23:13 CoCoALib Support #302: Compilation on M$Windows: Visual Studio
The problem with ... Nico Mexis
21:01 CoCoALib Support #302: Compilation on M$Windows: Visual Studio
Is any of this still relevant?
John Abbott
18:18 CoCoA-5 Feature #78: Elim ordering and matrix ordering in CoCoA-5
I like Anna's possible shortcut from comment 9.
Shall we impl it?
*NOTE* also for CoCoALib?
John Abbott
18:17 CoCoALib Feature #313 (In Progress): Elim(vector<long>) as PPOrderingCtor
Probably the functions ElimMat-like are good enough for this.
At least we should write some explicit example here (f...
Anna Maria Bigatti
18:12 CoCoALib Slug #777: SLUG: elimination
There are two improvements we can still make:
# tell myFinalizeGBasis interreduce only the polynomials with the want...
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:25 CoCoALib Slug #777: SLUG: elimination
Now it takes 165s (I don't know how long it was before) Anna Maria Bigatti
15:58 CoCoALib Slug #777: SLUG: elimination
Anna Maria Bigatti wrote:
> Apart from the improvements we can do for @elim@ (and are about to do ;-)
I wonder if...
Anna Maria Bigatti
18:01 CoCoALib Slug #1394 (Resolved): Oddly slow GBasis computation (slow final cleanup)
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:56 CoCoALib Slug #1394: Oddly slow GBasis computation (slow final cleanup)
John Abbott wrote:
> Anna points out that the actual cost is the normal form reduction inside the *@isin@* operator....
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:53 CoCoALib Slug #1394 (In Progress): Oddly slow GBasis computation (slow final cleanup)
Anna points out that the actual cost is the normal form reduction inside the *@isin@* operator. The computation of t... John Abbott
16:43 CoCoALib Slug #1394: Oddly slow GBasis computation (slow final cleanup)
Current timings after the LT checking in the final cleaning (just marginally better than before, but most of the time... Anna Maria Bigatti
16:16 CoCoALib Slug #1394: Oddly slow GBasis computation (slow final cleanup)
I changed the verbosity to 130 (to see what goes on in the -Final clean up)
Now it is faster because the polynomials...
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:19 CoCoALib Slug #1796: myFinalizeGBasis ("Final clean up") should be more flexible
Improved (see #777-12).
Still, could be more clever when computing elimination and some reductions are completely us...
Anna Maria Bigatti
14:38 CoCoALib Feature #1094: Revive code for SelfSaturating GBasis
Remember to add tests to test-GB.cocoa5
Anna Maria Bigatti
14:32 CoCoALib Feature #1212 (Closed): New function: GBasisByHomog
Good thing I wrote #1212-19! My first implementation was wrong (embarrassing).
Now all implemented and I added a Co...
Anna Maria Bigatti
10:20 CoCoALib Support #942: Which names to use? Intersection/saturation vs intersect/saturate
I prefer to go through similar situations before changing the current names.
Make a list.
Anna Maria Bigatti
10:18 CoCoALib Slug #967: Improve saturate
Different situations to consider (from #1619-8)
* monomial
* homog
* principal
* univariate
* general
Anna Maria Bigatti
10:14 CoCoALib Feature #1619 (Closed): Make saturate available in CoCoALib
Anna Maria Bigatti
09:38 CoCoALib Design #1649 (Resolved): Add file SparsePolyOps-vector.C
Add syz and syz0 (allowing 0s) for vector of RingElem Anna Maria Bigatti
09:35 CoCoALib Design #1649 (Feedback): Add file SparsePolyOps-vector.C
John Abbott
09:35 CoCoALib Bug #1726 (Feedback): Dangling references to temporaries
John Abbott
09:30 CoCoALib Design #1798: Computing in sub polyring
The test in note-3 would be faster if called in the minimal sub-polyring. Anna Maria Bigatti
09:27 CoCoALib Design #1798: Computing in sub polyring
From #1641-11
It seems it's the "high number of variables" problem, and syz itself is quite fast: this examples take...
Anna Maria Bigatti
09:23 CoCoALib Design #1798 (New): Computing in sub polyring
Investigate whether it is a good idea to adapt certain operations to compute in a sub polyring (without unnecessary i... John Abbott
09:29 CoCoALib Slug #1588: ElimMat is slow
I though we had a class for incremental gaussian reduction. That should be useful in this case!
We can also make ...
John Abbott
09:13 CoCoALib Feature #1780 (Closed): radical for ideals in SparsePolyRing: code in C++
The old CoCoA-5 radical code is currently still available as function @radical_COCOALANGUAGE@ in the radical.cpkg5 pa... Anna Maria Bigatti

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