



From 28 Nov 2022 to 27 Dec 2022

22 Dec 2022

11:18 CoCoALib Bug #1719 (In Progress): FactorINT has got worse
I now have a simpler case:... John Abbott

21 Dec 2022

18:28 CoCoALib Design #1720 (New): DivAlg in CoCoALib
We have... Anna Maria Bigatti
18:04 CoCoALib Feature #1488: BuiltIn Interreduce-Function
Anna Maria Bigatti wrote:
> Reminder for me: write doc for CoCoALib (and check manual for CoCoA-5)
Create the doc...
Anna Maria Bigatti

18 Dec 2022

22:24 CoCoALib Bug #1719: FactorINT has got worse
With the current impl on 127 factors are found, and they are all small enough to be split easily.
So why weren't the...
John Abbott
22:21 CoCoALib Bug #1719 (Closed): FactorINT has got worse
The following test case now works definitely worse: it does not find all factors even with a time limit of 500s
John Abbott

16 Dec 2022

17:07 CoCoA-5 Feature #1718 (In Progress): FactorINT with time-out
My first thought was to let @FactorINT@ accept an optional second arg: this is more-or-less what the CoCoALib impl do... John Abbott
17:04 CoCoA-5 Feature #1718 (Closed): FactorINT with time-out
I have found it useful to be able to impose a time-out on @FactorINT@ calls.
I already have a first impl which seems...
John Abbott
07:21 CoCoALib Support #1711 (Feedback): Development releases?
The page is ready:
I have a personal script which calls @...
Anna Maria Bigatti

15 Dec 2022

09:15 CoCoALib Bug #1710: IsSqFree, IsIrred bugs in ZZ[x] and QQ[x]
If all else fails, the issue in CoCoA 5 could be fixed in the same manner as ... Nico Mexis

14 Dec 2022

22:35 CoCoALib Support #1711 (Resolved): Development releases?
Anna has made a prototype website. Not yet publicly visible.
We'll ask the "alpha testers" to see how it works...
John Abbott
22:33 CoCoA-5 Design #1697 (Closed): Specifying BOOST in configure
I have made a major revision to @doc/txt/ExternalLibs-BOOST.txt@
I think it is now up-to-date.
John Abbott
21:05 CoCoALib Bug #1710 (Feedback): IsSqFree, IsIrred bugs in ZZ[x] and QQ[x]
I have added a new "exbug" test. I have updated the code in @CoCoALibSupplement.C@.
I have revised the CoCoA-5 manu...
John Abbott
16:44 CoCoA-5 Bug #1714 (Closed): IsDivisible error (in QuotRing)
Added test (to @exbugs.cocoa5@).
John Abbott
16:23 CoCoA-5 Bug #1717 (Closed): CRASH: equality test to a FUNCTION
We are satisfied that this is a good resolution.
John Abbott

01 Dec 2022

12:17 CoCoA-5 Bug #1717 (Resolved): CRASH: equality test to a FUNCTION
Here is what I found.
The decision about which types may be compared with *@=@* is determined by *@opEqualMap@*.
John Abbott
11:51 CoCoA-5 Bug #1717 (In Progress): CRASH: equality test to a FUNCTION
The relevant @assert@ is at @Interpreter.C:1581@
A slightly shorter failing case is:...
John Abbott
11:45 CoCoA-5 Bug #1717: CRASH: equality test to a FUNCTION
Most likely the bug is in *@intrusive_ptr<RightValue> RuntimeEnvironment::binaryOperatorDispatch@*
around line 1520 ...
John Abbott
11:43 CoCoA-5 Bug #1717 (Closed): CRASH: equality test to a FUNCTION
Julian Danner reported the following crash via email:... John Abbott

30 Nov 2022

22:07 CoCoA-5 Support #1393: GUI with Qt5
I have revised the release script, and also @configure@ to handle the case of a source tree without the GUI code.
John Abbott
15:59 CoCoA-5 Support #1393: GUI with Qt5
The easy solution is to continue to distribute as we already do (with GPLv3+, but leaving the Qt stuff with GPLv3).
John Abbott
22:02 CoCoALib Support #613 (Closed): Which ubuntu / debian packages are needed to compile CoCoA
I have revised the file *@doc/txt/INSTALL.txt@* to include the info here (and quite a bit more).
John Abbott
17:25 CoCoALib Support #613 (Feedback): Which ubuntu / debian packages are needed to compile CoCoA
Check that the notes in this issue are aligned with those in the documentation.
Then close this issue -- OK?
John Abbott
19:45 CoCoALib Support #1711: Development releases?
Here is a summary of our discussion:
* Anna will make a new web page (with clearly written that snapshots are just f...
John Abbott
19:21 CoCoALib Bug #1710: IsSqFree, IsIrred bugs in ZZ[x] and QQ[x]
John Abbott wrote:
> Since IsCoprime can behave "unexpectedly" in ZZ[x]...
> Should we limit the applicability of I...
Anna Maria Bigatti
19:12 CoCoA-5 Design #1709: Test tut-CoCoLA2
Reminder for me: check both LinKer and eigenfactors Anna Maria Bigatti
18:36 CoCoALib Feature #1488: BuiltIn Interreduce-Function
Reminder for me: write doc for CoCoALib (and check manual for CoCoA-5) Anna Maria Bigatti
18:31 CoCoALib Support #1481 (Closed): Release CoCoALib 0.99800
Anna Maria Bigatti wrote:
> All is done now, except publishing the documentation (I'm still investigating some techn...
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:13 CoCoALib Design #1716: Qn: factor for BigInt
Should we permit the user to impose a time limit on *@factor/FactorINT@*?
Is this sensible? Doubling the amount of ...
John Abbott
17:08 CoCoALib Design #1716: Qn: factor for BigInt
I have checked the code (& updated it).
It seems that the PollardRho loop can anyway output composite factors, thoug...
John Abbott
15:57 CoCoA-5 Bug #1713 (In Progress): Windows: Qt-Gui does not link correctly
I am not sure who would be able to help with this (Qt-gui on Microsoft)
I have set target version to "sooner or la...
John Abbott

29 Nov 2022

21:14 CoCoALib Design #1716 (In Progress): Qn: factor for BigInt
I had thought about identifying non-prime factors by making them negative.
But a colleague said he found that "not v...
John Abbott
11:23 CoCoALib Design #1716 (Closed): Qn: factor for BigInt
What should *@factor@* for @BigInt@ do if there are large prime factors (too large to be found)?
Currently, it giv...
John Abbott

28 Nov 2022

21:56 CoCoALib Support #1711: Development releases?
JAA thinks making "snapshot" TGZ releases is probably a good idea.
It really helps those volunteers who would like t...
John Abbott
21:53 CoCoA-5 Design #1696: Which BOOST libs are actually needed?
Nico Mexis confirms that *both @filesystem@ and @system@* are needed on *Cygwin* -- because it has boost 1.66
I have...
John Abbott

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